Why does getting tickets take a few hours?



  • DiRtyFranK38DiRtyFranK38 Posts: 3,131
    to call them relentlessly to tell them "BUT MY TICKETS WERE IN MY CART!!!! howcome my credit card is already charged?????"


    so how do you know for sure when you buy the tickets? does it give you some confirming message, so you know?
    2006: Hartford
    2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
    2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
    2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
    2011: Ed Solo Hartford
    2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
    2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    so how do you know for sure when you buy the tickets? does it give you some confirming message, so you know?
    Check your profile under the order history. Also expect an email from 10c.
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    so how do you know for sure when you buy the tickets? does it give you some confirming message, so you know?

    if you have them you get an email confirmation of your purchase or your tickets show on your profile or both... your credit card is definately NO CONFIRMATION! :)
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • restlesssoulrestlesssoul Posts: 6,951
    that was awesome mjb, its exactly what happens.
    Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    I've never had a problem getting tickets to a regular Pearl Jam show. The Vic = nearly impossible. EV = A little easier than the Vic(not by much)

    2006 Gorge shows. Woke up midday after the shows went on sale and no one was on and got tickets.

    I think everyone will be just fine. Well except for those going to MSG ;)
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    genevieve wrote:
    I also suggest having the cordless phone beside you.
    The 10C phone number in Seattle.
    The CC companys phone number.
    Your wallet.
    A drink.
    Something to snack on.
    Your dogs are fed and have been let out.
    Your children are taken care of.
    Cigarettes (even for those who dont smoke).
    And use the bathroom before loggin in.

    You will also need a blanket for the chills and a fan for the overheating.
    Tissues might be important for the tears.
    Or even for cleaning up your pop when you knock it over while reaching for the phone/wallet/cigarettes.

    LMAO, I will print out this list to get ready next time they come closer to my home. Hopefully Europe in July or August........
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    mjb wrote:
    and that my friend, is how you spend 2 hours trying to get tickets that sell out in 30 seconds.
    the tix never sell out in 30 seconds

    come on people get real
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    I'm being optimistic. The way they are staggering sales will help a lot. The only "real" problem was Philly 2005 where it took a long time. So few shows in U.S. and it was just a nightmare. I didn't try for Vic, so I don't know how bad that was.

    Just keeping my fingers crossed, Want MSG (who doesn't?), a little nervous for that, but don't think Hartford will be a problem.
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • mjb wrote:
    I certainly don't have dialup and EV tickets did absolutely take two hours...here's the general scenario:

    1. you prelogin 5 mins before they go up;
    2. you refresh madly every 2.2 seconds until the glorious little ticket icons appear on the right hand side of the page
    3. you select your show and click the "Buy" button (you begin to wonder what people around here are complaining about and assume the 10c has made modifications to the system)
    4. you IMMEDIATELY click checkout (don't dick around, you've only got about 13 seconds here before the thing is crashing)
    5. you confirm billing and shipping address
    6. you enter your ccard number
    7. the system crashes and spits out an error message
    8. you panic, but you are somehow comforted in the knowledge that "it must have crashed for everyone else too"
    9. in the process of continuing to refresh every 2.2 seconds, you somehow logon to the Pit and see numerous threads from members proclaiming "GOT EM'"
    10. you panic again, refreshing now at a rate of every 1.4 seconds
    12. you call your credit card company and you see the charge has been put through...phew...only then you check the Pit again, thread titles now read , "FUCK, KAT SAYS UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR PROFILE, YOU'RE FUCKED"
    13. you try to check your Profile only you can't
    14. Refreshing now greets you with a database error
    15. The Pit is down
    16. The Pit is back
    17. 1/2 of the site now loads, the rest has an XML:a adnasfjsjjsdfjksd ERROR
    18. Site loads, your Profile shows nothing, there is NOTHING IN YOUR CART
    19. Site crashes
    20. Tickets are there, but they say "TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK"
    21. You continue to refresh every .9 seconds in hopes of seeing the BUY button
    22. You check the Pit, the thread titles now read "Temporarily Out of Stock GUYS, THERE ARE STILL TICKETS IN CARTS" (wtf?! why did they pop out of my fucking cart!)
    23. In your mad fit of refreshing, you miss the BUY button ("it was FUCKING there!!!!")
    24. You see the BUY button and click it! You heart soars, the next page loads and "your selection cannot be completed because the item is temporarily out of stock" you heart sinks
    25. After 117 mins of refreshing the tickets are "OUT OF STOCK"
    26. You spend the next 2 hours reading threads about how "simple" it was for some people wondering if you have "dial-up or something"

    and that my friend, is how you spend 2 hours trying to get tickets that sell out in 30 seconds.

    But hey, they could have fixed all that...isn't that what the poster sales were supposed to test ;) GOOD LUCK. You'll need it.

    LMFAO..............my hands got clammy just reading it!

    Btw...NOT CRYPTIC.....that's exactly what happens.
    Not complaining....its just the truth.

    Good luck to all :)
    How I choose to feel......is how I am.
  • TombourineTombourine Posts: 139
    I spent 5 hours trying to get tickets for the last European tour. And in the end I only got 3 out of 4 gigs (damn you, Nijmegen).
    Hey hey it's okay...
  • genevieve wrote:
    I also suggest having the cordless phone beside you.
    The 10C phone number in Seattle.
    The CC companys phone number.
    Your wallet.
    A drink.
    Something to snack on.
    Your dogs are fed and have been let out.
    Your children are taken care of.
    Cigarettes (even for those who dont smoke).
    And use the bathroom before loggin in.

    You will also need a blanket for the chills and a fan for the overheating.
    Tissues might be important for the tears.
    Or even for cleaning up your pop when you knock it over while reaching for the phone/wallet/cigarettes.

    Hysterical....I actually do moosst of these things,

    Except I do some stretching...crack the knuckles...put my wrist bands on..then the head band ofcourse...then I turn off all of my other electronics (ofcourse only after I've checked with the neighbors to make sure their internet connections are turned off....phones & blackberries included...duhhhh)

    Oh...and I forgot to mention closing the blinds...wouldnt want a chirping bird to break your concentration.

    It's all for the love of Pearl Jam............ :D

    too funny
    How I choose to feel......is how I am.
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 753
    some people are pretty stupid too...

    the same people who bitch about not getting their tickets probably still use a dial up connection...tour after tour

    i've only had the site crash on me using a slow piece of shit computer with a terrible connection.

    i'm sure their site does have something to do with respect to the amount of traffic coming across with servers and what not, but i really never have any trouble...

    *knocks on wood

    you are wrong
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • mjbmjb Posts: 1,315
    There isn't much cause for debate here. If you get lucky and don't experience a problem, good for you and congratulations...but it is a FACT that a huge number of people who are logged in and ready to go at the moment tickets go on sale get fucked due to server issues - let's just be honest, the "system" here isn't a race or "first come first serve", it is simply dumb luck - I hope all the assholes who feel the need to question/ridicule it experience the frustration one day.
  • BlackCorduroyBlackCorduroy Posts: 1,374
    mjb wrote:
    I certainly don't have dialup and EV tickets did absolutely take two hours...here's the general scenario:

    1. you prelogin 5 mins before they go up;
    2. you refresh madly every 2.2 seconds until the glorious little ticket icons appear on the right hand side of the page
    3. you select your show and click the "Buy" button (you begin to wonder what people around here are complaining about and assume the 10c has made modifications to the system)
    4. you IMMEDIATELY click checkout (don't dick around, you've only got about 13 seconds here before the thing is crashing)
    5. you confirm billing and shipping address
    6. you enter your ccard number
    7. the system crashes and spits out an error message
    8. you panic, but you are somehow comforted in the knowledge that "it must have crashed for everyone else too"
    9. in the process of continuing to refresh every 2.2 seconds, you somehow logon to the Pit and see numerous threads from members proclaiming "GOT EM'"
    10. you panic again, refreshing now at a rate of every 1.4 seconds
    12. you call your credit card company and you see the charge has been put through...phew...only then you check the Pit again, thread titles now read , "FUCK, KAT SAYS UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR PROFILE, YOU'RE FUCKED"
    13. you try to check your Profile only you can't
    14. Refreshing now greets you with a database error
    15. The Pit is down
    16. The Pit is back
    17. 1/2 of the site now loads, the rest has an XML:a adnasfjsjjsdfjksd ERROR
    18. Site loads, your Profile shows nothing, there is NOTHING IN YOUR CART
    19. Site crashes
    20. Tickets are there, but they say "TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK"
    21. You continue to refresh every .9 seconds in hopes of seeing the BUY button
    22. You check the Pit, the thread titles now read "Temporarily Out of Stock GUYS, THERE ARE STILL TICKETS IN CARTS" (wtf?! why did they pop out of my fucking cart!)
    23. In your mad fit of refreshing, you miss the BUY button ("it was FUCKING there!!!!")
    24. You see the BUY button and click it! You heart soars, the next page loads and "your selection cannot be completed because the item is temporarily out of stock" you heart sinks
    25. After 117 mins of refreshing the tickets are "OUT OF STOCK"
    26. You spend the next 2 hours reading threads about how "simple" it was for some people wondering if you have "dial-up or something"

    and that my friend, is how you spend 2 hours trying to get tickets that sell out in 30 seconds.

    But hey, they could have fixed all that...isn't that what the poster sales were supposed to test ;) GOOD LUCK. You'll need it.
    hahaha so accurate. Step 23 is the worst of them all
  • AzeraAzera Posts: 8
    I understand the theory for staggered on sale, but as has been pointed out, people will be online for hours after the start time of an on sale trying to buy tickets. The server will be jammed and crash. It will be ugly. We all know it. Good luck to all.
  • grjammergrjammer Posts: 385
    Azera wrote:
    I understand the theory for staggered on sale, but as has been pointed out, people will be online for hours after the start time of an on sale trying to buy tickets. The server will be jammed and crash. It will be ugly. We all know it. Good luck to all.

    That is a good point. I think it would have been better to allow closer to 4 hours between sales. Oh well. It will be interesting.

    The key is to not give up. In 06 I got tickets to the second Camden show using a dial-up connection about 45 minutes after they went on sale.
  • over bendsover bends Posts: 1,568
    You know, I was just thinking about it and it still isn't really clicking. I won't be able to get tickets myself so I have to train my pops to do it for me, and unfortunately he doesn't have 3+ hours to focus on this. Is there a chance that everything goes smoothly? and I'm just not getting how people are still able to get tickets after 3+ hours of trying.

    I haven't been able to focus on anything else all week.

    3 Decibels Doubles the Volume

  • poto101poto101 Posts: 406
    mjb wrote:
    23. In your mad fit of refreshing, you miss the BUY button ("it was FUCKING there!!!!")

    happened with the Into the Wild LP. luckily i got it again. i swear i was one of hte last people to actually get it, sooooo lucky. it was like an hour and 15 after they went on sale and i luckily dropped onto the pit and was reminded.

    i nearly threw my laptop into the wall.

    oh and i would add...

    have something to punch in frustration, pillows work better than drywall
    It's all happening....

    East Troy 2003
    Chicago x2, Summerfest x2, 2006
    Chicago THE VIC, Lollapalooza, 2007
    bonnaROOOOOOO 2008
    Chicago x2 2009

    (EV chicago 2008 night 2)
  • over_bends wrote:
    I keep hearing people say this, but I have no idea what they really mean by it. I've never gotten 10c tickets before and am completely dumbfounded by this statement. How can obtaining tickets to a show take hours? Either you have them or you don't, no?

    From my experience, getting tickets for a special performance such as The Vic or EV's solo tour is challenging. However, I've always been successful purchasing tickets in a matter of minutes for any show part of a tour.
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