Well, it is all relative. Here in TN, the area where I live, the taxes are low but you get what you pay for. Houses are relatively cheap, but there are no jobs. Our county is really in the toilet and nobody wants to do anything about it. The county commission passed a 64 MILLION dollar building program because we have portable buildings at our schools and they want rid of them. My classroom is in a portable. There was an election, new commissioners were elected and there was a recension of the $64 million. This came after our property taxes were already raised. People have been calling the property assessors office demanding their taxes back. Our county is FUCKED right now. Every body wants smarter kids but nobody wants to foot the bill to make them smarter.
Anyway, that was my rant...I apologize. The south is probably not the place to move. They are ignorant and backward...of course that is a generalization. Not all of them are that way. I do live there. I try to broaden their horizons=warp their minds.
Bet you didn't think you were going to open that can of worm, huh?
Maybe you should move up here.. we've got great schools up in NH, especially where I live, and most of out property taxes go to the schools, but like you said, you get what you pay for... we're selling our house if your interested...
Did you get a chance to have some of that breakfast?
A lot of practices don't use them anymore, since the nurses and doctors have computers in the examining rooms, and they type everything up themselves, even scripts...
That is the only meal I ate today. I ate it about 3:00. I made sausage and biscuits and I have some left over...maybe I will go have a little snack, since you mentioned it.
I guess we are behind the times here in TN because my dr still talks into a little micro tape player as I am leaving. Maybe you should move to the assbackward south, huh?
There are various theories going around about this. Some say it is a way for animals to keep each other alert while on watch, some say it is a polite way to signal to someone you are bored, some say it is because the oxygen level in the lungs are low and you need to take in a large gulp of oxygen. Who knows?
You don't go visit the things in your own backyard but you will travel half way across the country to see something. There are many things in my own state that I have not experienced that people from all over the country will come to see, but because it is in my own backyard I feel it is not of importance.
Anyway, that was my rant...I apologize. The south is probably not the place to move. They are ignorant and backward...of course that is a generalization. Not all of them are that way. I do live there. I try to broaden their horizons=warp their minds.
Bet you didn't think you were going to open that can of worm, huh?
What do you do to earn a buck?
How old is your doggie?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Did you get a chance to have some of that breakfast?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
How are you doing? Need another beverage?
Can you believe I got kicked off the computer? :shock:
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What did you do before you were disabled?
I was thinking of going back to school to be a Medical Assistant, what do you think?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Your disability would allow you to do this?
What do you use for protection with your computer?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Is that crazy?
I didn't think about lifting people, I have a bad neck and back, okay new career, maybe taking a bartending class, whatcha think? :roll:
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you think you're really gonna finish painting tomorrow?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What about medical transcriptionist?
Where do your dogs currently live?
Doesn't breakfast sound good right now?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Have you had to turn your heat on yet?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
I guess we are behind the times here in TN because my dr still talks into a little micro tape player as I am leaving. Maybe you should move to the assbackward south, huh?
Have you had any snow yet?
Is living there pretty reasonable, money wise?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What's better, rain or snow?
Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
RNDM- 11/27/12
PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
Why is see someone yawn so contagious?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you find yourself yawning more at this hour?
have you ever visited alvin york's house?
Don't you?
Can you tell me?
What is the saying?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Make any sense at all?
What is the longest distance you have gone to see something?