Well, if one of us has it, are we going to invite the other? or are we going to party by ourselves as there is no one else I know that is a PJ fan as I am. It would be a PJ -pj party for one.
Maybe we could start an online business that sells PJ pjs. what do you think?
I have been with my so for 20 years, ever since right out of high school. We did not get married right away though. We dated a long time, then lived together for about 7 years and then gave in to social norms and decided since I was a school marm it would look better if I was married. Otherwise we probably still would not be married. But it has been almost 7 years now.
no, my sons aren't following tradition. I was married and pregnant right after I turned 17, so I was hoping to be in my early 30's when I had grandchildren...
Do you think if I had daughters, I would be a grandma now?
Not necessarily. I think a lot of kids these days are waiting and many more (thankfully for survival of our planet) are not having any at all. But, I hope your children have some if that is what they want.
I am 38.
Did it bother you when you turned 40? My sister turns 40 Jan. 2011 and it is about to kill her. I say it is all a state of mind.
What day is your sister's birthday? {mine's in January also}
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What time zone are you in?
What time is it where you live?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What time is your normal bed time?
Do you think one of us should have a PJ Pajama party, and party harty?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Maybe we could start an online business that sells PJ pjs. what do you think?
Would we be able to start a business like that using their name?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Maybe we should just make the product and sell in on someone else's website. Yes?
Now, how is it that you warp little children's minds for a living?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you have any children?
Do you have any children?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Are you a grandma, too? (I'll just stick the knife in and turn it)
Why are all of my friends asleep?!?
Are you married?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
How is your weekend going?
Have you ever been to NH or MA?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Yes, I have been to both NH and MA on several occasions.
Have you ever been to TN?
yeah I know, I figured she logged off, so I answered it, well kinda
What part of NH have you been to?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
I've been all over NH just about.
( weekend is going well but everyone went to sleep except me! I'm by the window looking out toward the bay, it's gorgeous here but a bit desolate.)
Did you order a mystery bag?
Been to the white mountain area of NH.
and yes I am married.
Have you order a bag?
What would you like to find in a PJ mystery gift bag?
What part of the cape are you visiting? My friend we visited lived in East Sandwich.
Do you live around your family?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Does your family live near?
How long have you been married?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you have grandchildren?
Do you think if I had daughters, I would be a grandma now?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Are your sons both married?
Do you think I should concentrate on my future for now?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad