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  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    edited October 2014

    most bipolar and schitzo meds are the same, they either cause anxiety,weight gain or sleeplessness, do you have that problem like myself, im on zeldox
    Post edited by JWPearl on
  • PJSirenPJSiren Posts: 5,863
    edited October 2014
    I actually have the weight issue....but then luckily I take topamax for my migraines as a preventative med and it curbs my, I haven't gained weight in a long time, but I can't seem to lose any either....I take celexa and abilify for my bipolar....and the topamax and nortriptyline for migraines.

    oops, forgot my question...what is your biggest fear/phobia?
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    my daughter in any sort of danger or peril, aside from that i would have to say, water,heights,and driving but the fear comes and goes, so one year i could drive to the beach jump in the water or boat and drive over a bridge the next year i couldnt, was up and down like a friggin yoyo, but it can dissappear but for some reason im scared of being scared so its planted in my mind, but what is strange is it can dissappear over night and has done plenty before, but lately it has come to stay, but this too shall pass.....

    what is your biggest fear
  • PJSirenPJSiren Posts: 5,863
    Clowns and heights...but only heights where you're either still or moving slowly like a ferris wheel....i can totally do roller's I also have a fear of people in masks...goes along with the clown's if I can't tell who you are...I have one other, that I can't think of right now cuz my head hurts so bad...

    do you get headaches? migraines?
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    no luckily, but i get head surges where theres too much information racing through my mind and i feel like im on speed, just cant stop thinking and its usually good if im busy because im efficient but then its too much and i cant work anymore because i like am too overwhelmed to the max and cant cope with the pressure in my mind
    my daughter is just like a clown but she herself is petrified of them, she has fears like her mommy too.....

    do you sleep well ?
  • Yes!! Horrendous ones! They give me imitrex for them..

    What's one thing you can't live without, excluding family friends or pets?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    my medication lol

    do you sleep well
  • Fuck
    I could only WISH !!I am lucky if I get 1-4 hours a night!

    Have your music preferences outside of PJ changed over the years?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    not really, i like everything huge variety old and new but oasis because my friend overplayed it and now when i hear them, its sounds like somebody whining with no enthusiasm or a broken record, sorry oasis blame my friend for killing it
    i too only get a maximum of 4 hours sleep a night, but it is soon going to change
    do you ever get dull days where like you feel like a vacant lot but your not
  • Yes.. I call them " wanderlust" days cause I just wander around.. Wondering what the hell I was originally doing that brought me to that place, room etc.,

    Days or nights?
  • Yes.. I call them " wanderlust" days cause I just wander around.. Wondering what the hell I was originally doing that brought me to that place, room etc.,

    Days or nights?

    How the fuck
    Did auto correct get wanderlust out of wandering?
  • PJSirenPJSiren Posts: 5,863
    Days...I like to sleep at night...I used to be the opposite, but as I've gotten older I've changed, there are a few things I will change my routine for but very few...

    Do you ever feel like you have wanderlust? lol
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • Yes! Every tour!! I want sooooooo bad to go see them in Europe! But it'd be MOST bad ass if I could see them in Denmark, cause then I could meet my great great aunt.

    What is your favorite thing about your family's heritage?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    a roof over my daughters head i guess

    what do like most about coming home to
  • whispering handswhispering hands Posts: 13,527
    edited October 2014
    My family, and pets.. My family has gone through a lot with me.. And I mean A LOOOOOOOOOOT! So for them to continue to support me and try to help me out when I fuck everything up, ( I'm superb at that by the way) means more than anyone could understand.. I'm not a bad person.. I've just got this fucking tangled soul.. So their forgiveness and unconditional love is the best thing to remind me that it's worth every ounce of suffer age to do right by them.

    How did you first hear of PJ?
    Post edited by whispering hands on
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    hows the weather where you are
  • Gorgeous!
    Same question to you.
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    well its 11.09 pm and its just overcast no rain as yet but expected

    where would you like to be right now
  • At the Bridge School shows.

    Tea or coffee?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    night time so tea, coffee for morning cant beat espresso though

    defacto or piece of paper
  • Coffee

    Do you need a new shower curtain/liner?
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893


    Do you need a new shower curtain/liner?

    lol erm good idea, but i have a glass shower with sliding door

    do you like to use cream
  • When I remember to.

    Favorite sweet treat?
  • Dark chocolate

    When was the last time you were on a ferry?
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • When I still lived in Ca, and took the ferry to Catalina Island.

  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Posts: 4,004
    I've also travelled on that ferry over to Catalina :) but that was a long time ago. Last ferry ride was a short trip in Stockholm.(Djurgården -Slussen)

    Your last flight?
  • Flew from Denver to Vancouver on Thursday.

    What is the best airline you have flown on?
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • Frontier. Inexpensive, courteous, and clean!

    When I travel, the one thing I HAVE TO take with me is?
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    my mobile and cash/card

    its important to keep in contact with family and to be able to support them especially children
    do you feel the same way
  • Oh yeah! If had had children, I think I would have been a WAAAAAAY better mother than mine was! Thank God I have my Step mom as an example! I thank God for her everyday!

    When you need help, who do you call?
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