Ask the Next Poster a Question...



  • OMG!! You had to look it up on Google!? It's like, the best drink ever....nearly......

    DO you like licorice?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Red licorice, but not black, which I think sambuca tastes like, according to Google!

    Does it seem strange to you that Tom Petty is the voice actor for a uneducated redneck on King Of The Hill?
  • In theory that seems strange...I like Tom Petty but I don't watch King of the Hill so it doesn't really mean much to me.

    Yes Sambuca tastes like licorice (black)....but it is more than that.....the way it feels and tastes when it goes down your throat....I love it....mmmmm...

    WHy do you only like red licorice and not black?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Red is more sweet tasting, and black is a little......bitter I guess is the best way to describe it.

    Do you like absinthe?
  • never tried it.

    what does it taste like?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    It has a very strong licorice taste, so I figured you'd be all about it.

    Does it bug you that you are known as the 'Land down under'?
  • no because the land down under is sweet

    was it hard to change who you where
    Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
    Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
    Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
    Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
    BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
    New York - May 02 - 2016

    Powered by Pearl Jam
  • I'll have to try it down under...nope not bothered in the slightest! I am assuming you are thinking that it might because of the sexual reference? Nope...Aussie chicks are usually fairly laid back about stuff like that....

    Have you ever been to Australia?

    Ok - crossover answer...feel free to ignore my question or not..
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Never been to Australia, I've always wanted to visit though!

    And yes, it was (is) hard to change who I am. I'm still in the process of changing who I am, and who I want to be, and so far I don't think I've done a very good job.

    Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you were the opposite sex?
  • umm nope, not really....I don't know that I'd make all that good looking of a guy though, so I'm happy to be a girl.... ;)

    Why do you feel like you have to change who you are? Shouldn't you be happy with yourself and not give a shit what other's think?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Who ever said I wanted to change for what other people want me to be? I'm just not happy with where I'm at in life right now. Granted I don't think I've ever been happy with my life, but gosh darnit! This time I'm trying to change! Trying to be better! :mrgreen:

    Have you ever been to the US?
  • Ok, fair enough...I was just asking...good on you for trying to change something YOU aren't happy with though.....

    Yes..I have been to the US, but just once...

    Have you ever been out of the US?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Yes, Canada (does that really count? :lol: ) And Mexico. I really do need to get a passport, but traveling over the ocean is to expensive!

    Do you get mad when you break a nail? I just realized that my long pinky nail that I'm growing out is shorter than it should be, WTF??? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
  • haha...only sometimes...I'm too much of a tomboy to really care.....

    do you think nail polish looks better in certain colours?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Of course! I used to have this really cool dark blue nail polish that I used, but I threw it out long ago!

    Do you like to push the boundaries of the status quo of gender stereotypes?
  • Not sure about pushing the boundaries so much as believing in absolute equality, for both males and females. I mean, I'm not a feminist, but I believe that women have as much right to equal rights and pay, as men do...I also believe that if a guy wants to wear nail polish, or grow his hair long or do whatever...anything that might typically be labelled as a feminine act or thought, then they have the right to do that, and they should be able to do so without fear of reprisal...same goes for women of course....people should be whatever makes them happy, so not so much me pushing the boundaries, as believing the if someone wants to then they should be able to.....

    did you find high school hard? And if so, what was the hardest part?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    High school hard? Ha!

    More like I just didn't care. My problem has always been a lack of motivation, but never was it a lack of intelligence. I know that sounds a little egotistical, but if I were to be completely honest, I feel like I have met only a handful of people that are my intellectual equal. Thankfully I don't let it go to my head to much, aside from when I drink! I could keep on rambling on about this, but I'll just let it be for now.

    What do you do for a living?
  • For the record, I wasn't referring to academically....I bet I could match you intellectually.....I was talking about relating to other people....

    I'm an artist.

    Do you feel you are creative then, being so academically gifted ? ;)
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    Ah, see, now this is were the drinking gets me in trouble! Putting the horse before the cart so to speak.

    Anyway, in that sense, then yes, high school was hard, because I never really felt like I 'fit' in. Hell, I still don't feel like I 'fit' in. I am who and what I am, and you can take it or leave it.

    And in regards to the most current of questions.....short answer no.

    I've always wished I was 'artistic' but anything I attempt I feel like it never comes out right. Be it visual arts, writing or music.

    I think my ideas are good/decent, but the execution has never been one to write home about.

    Have you ever wanted to see your name as the last post on every single forum page from the main board page? (cause I'm on my way of doing that right now! :mrgreen: )
  • HA!!! Nope...can honestly say that I have never had that as one of my goals....

    So in all this change then....what is it about yourself that you are struggling with the most?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    The most challenging thing to change is my addictive personality. I used to smoke, have been relatively smoke free since Sept 1st, but now, instead of smoking, to get my nicotine fix I use dip. AKA smokeless tobacco. Also I still drink way to much. After 2-3 days without drinking I find myself really craving a drink. Hmmm......also staying up late, it's about 4am here, and I have to work at 10am, should probably get some sleep soon! Also my crappy ass, horrible study habits. I started back at college recently, to get a 4 year degree, and I find myself doing the same as I've always done, which is just about nothing!

    So, in summary, the hardest part is breaking habits/addictions.

    What kind of art do you do?
  • painting and drawing mainly....portraits, landscapes...some still life...designs as well...freestyle kind of stuff....waves etc...lots lol!

    What will your degree get you?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    My plan is to get a degree in accounting. So the goal would to pass the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam. And then from there, manage peoples money for them, and hopefully get them to pay me a little too! :lol:

    So, do you design anything for commercial consumption? Or is it all just your own thing, and try and sell the pieces at showings/galleries and such?
  • It's all my own stuff....not sure what you're asking when you say commercial consumption...assume you are referrring to corporate which case it would be no....but yeah...I mainly sell stuff privately...ran lessons for a, like you, going back to get a degree..(hopefully my admission interview is Monday)....4 yr degree, will get me degrees in visual art and secondary teaching....

    why accounting?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    What I meant by commercial consumption was do you work for print/tv ads.

    Why accounting? Good question! hehe. Two, or is it three reasons? I'll let you decide, anyway, I like playing with numbers/money figures are easy for me. Also seeing as how my father and brother are both accountants, it is clear to me that I have a disposition to the 'family' business if you will, and should be fairly good/successful at it.

    What is your favorite fictional series? Be it book/movie/tv
  • oohh...that's actually a hard one...there's a few....books, I love Stephen King....Tv shows....LOST, Twin Peaks...I really liked the series Taken...Gilmore Girls (i'm a chick after all lol)....probably heaps more, but that'll do for now...

    Why are you still up at what is it ...5 am over there?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200 is only 4:21am! :lol:

    Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I have a bit of insomnia, but I really don't think that's it really. I've just always been a night person, and the next thing I know it'll be 2,3,4 in the morning before I know it, but it doesn't seem like that much time has past.

    Oh, and also I started talking in this goofy little thread about asking the next person a question, and there was this Aussie who kept pestering me! :lol:

    Would you rather have a nice juicy steak, or a big fat pork chop?
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    GO TO BED!!! :D (In fact you may well be sleeping now)

    Veggie so neither.

    Yawn, had a good nights sleep, didn't get up til 8, so why am I still tired?
  • Thorns2010Thorns2010 Posts: 2,200
    8 is sleeping in for you? I think you are tired because you didn't sleep until at least 10!

    What is the weather like where you are at?
  • point taken about the little Aussie pestering you....but she's back lol!

    the weather was friggin' hot today like 37 or something Celcius that is...

    What's the hottest day you've ever experienced?
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