Why do people think wearing a t-shirt of the band you are seeing is a no-no?



  • Droz: What's this? You're wearing the shirt of the band you're going to see? Don't be that guy.

    live it!
    Thinking if he can't sleep, how will he ever dream?

    6/13/99 ;6/18/03 ;6/21/03 ;10/02/04 ;10/03/04; 9/12/05 ;5/16/06 ;5/17/06 ;5/19/06 ;5/20/06; 6/24/06 ;6/30/06; 8/21/08; 8/22/08
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    put it this way....if it was uncool then why would they be SELLING them at the stands for people to wear? the funny thing is, i wear a PJ shirt to EVERY concert i go to.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    The only band shirts I see as being "stupid" to wear to a bands show are those $5 shirts the bums are selling in the parking lots. I see so many wanna-be red necks wearing this crap at every show. "hey dude I spent $5 off some pretzel vendor in the parking lot for my outfit!".

    Usually these shirts are like neon colors and have half the tour printed on the back with an old, random picture of the band. Hate that crap :P

    hey when i saw PJ there was a guy selling a black PJ tour shirt with the stickman in the front. i thought that shirt was much cooler then the avacado shirt i got, and it was 17 bux cheaper.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • The reason it's not cool is because by wearing a shirt of the band you're seeing means you're declaring your love for them, but everybody already knows that or you wouldn't be there in the first place! Mix it up and show your love for another band, it's always a good way to start talking to people too if you have a different band's t shirt, stand out from the crowd!
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    RockKing wrote:
    I didn't read this thread, so I dunno if anyone already mentioned this or not, but what makes a concert different than a sporting event? You wear a jersey or shirt of the team you root for when you go to see them play. I think the same is kinda true of concerts if you really think about it.

    That being said, though......c'mon, don't be that guy! :)

    But if you want to use that analogy, who are the concert equivalent of the opponent your team is playing against? Unless it is some sort of Battle of the Bands, there isn't really any sort of competition going on where you want one team to win over another.
  • I vote YES ... If you like the band...are in their show...why not wear a T-Shirt?
    Who made this rule?

    I wish I could wear a PJ T-Shirt in my office!!!!!!!!!!
    Daniella Duarte
    **Que Porra estávamos pensando?** EV São Paulo 03/12/05
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    danielladb wrote:
    I vote YES ... If you like the band...are in their show...why not wear a T-Shirt?
    Who made this rule?

    I wish I could wear a PJ T-Shirt in my office!!!!!!!!!!
    maybe u can wear one underneath your 'office clothes'? kinda like superman! :D
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    hrd2imgn wrote:
    From time to time I see people ripping on fans who wear attire of the band they are going to see. It was on some top ten list I read on some website(maybe Rollingstone.com which says it all) that wearing a t-shirt of the band that is performing is a fopaw(not sure how to spell this word)

    personally if I love a band I want them to know it I'm wearing that t-shirt. I don't think of it as being a mark anymore than being on messgae pit, in the fan club etc.

    what do you all think?

    I vote wearing a PJ shirt to a PJ concert is the right thing to do by golly!

    Who gives a crap what other people think.

    Wear what you want, when you want to and where you want to.

    This crap about t-shirts is elementry school/high schoolish childishness.
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    NMyTree wrote:
    Who gives a crap what other people think.

    Wear what you want, when you want to and where you want to.

    This crap about t-shirts is elementry school/high schoolish childishness.

    No shit. The stuff people get upset about.

    I'm going to wear a Backstreet Boys shirt to the next PJ show just to piss some elitists off. Furthermore, I'm going to talk about Ten constantly and talk about how I'm thrilled to see their reunion tour since they haven't done anything since 1993.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    fanch75 wrote:
    No shit. The stuff people get upset about.

    I'm going to wear a Backstreet Boys shirt to the next PJ show just to piss some elitists off. Furthermore, I'm going to talk about Ten constantly and talk about how I'm thrilled to see their reunion tour since they haven't done anything since 1993.
    good deal.......i do not have a backstreet shirt, but i will wear my winger shirt, or maybe stryper.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • I'll be wearin a pj shirt to see the tribute band "pearl jem" in belfast next month! what does that make me? king of the dorks? I like to wear one of my older shirts to a gig, at wembley i wore the "music for rhino's" shirt didn't see anybody else with it on ,which was surprising! it was everywhere back in the day! I always wait till after the gig to buy a new shirt and i always try to buy the one with the tour date and place on it if i can!
  • I don't have a problem with people wearing PJ shirts at PJ shows per se...or other bands shirts at those bands shows.


    I choose not to do that because I see wearing those shirts as advertising said band, and almost everyone AT those shows is already sold on the band.

    That said I LOVE seeing really old PJ shirts at shows.

    I actually broke my own rule at the Vic...BUT thats cause I couldnt' get at my suitcase to change my shirt....and nobody treated me differently so is all good...just a personal preference in my case moreso than a rule I project on others.
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    Why does anyone care what others think about what you wear???? Be comfy! Wear your favorite clothes! Do what you want, you aren't hurting any other people!

    That reminds me of the Borgata Night 1. I was with my best bud (I'm a girl, he's a guy) and we were about 5 rows back waiting for the show to start (and we were SOOOOO excited!) So my friend and I were talking about what was going to open. I said I wanted Of The Girl, but I figured Long Road. He agreed.

    The guy standing next to me was listening. He says "Excuse me, what do you know about Pearl Jam?"

    I gave him a blank stare.

    So he proceeds "From one look at you, I'd guess you are "one of those" whose daddies got comp tickets from being a high roller at the casino, you're not a real fan"

    "Oh, really? That's a pretty ballsy statement based on someones appearance" I said back

    So, he tells me to list 5 songs NOT on records as a "test".

    I shouldn't have, but I do...and just keep going. Just to prove a point that looks are deceiving. So, he gets really excited to meet a girl fanatic.

    Turns out, he wasn't soooo bad after all. Once we got talking, he was OK. But I was pretty pissed that because of how I "look" (I'd driven from Upstate NY FROM work to go to the show) he tagged me as a "comp girl".
    That dude was a prick
  • smile05smile05 Posts: 600
    SENROCK! wrote:
    maybe u can wear one underneath your 'office clothes'? kinda like superman! :D

    thats me sorted for tomorrow then
    1:Black 2:Corduroy 3:All Those Yesterdays 4:I Got ID 5:Smile

    They can buy but cant put on my clothes
    Throw down my ace in the hole~~~~~~

    Let's go for three in a row, no sorry i can't think of anything thats not funny. - Paul Merton

  • i wear pj shirts when i see them live. if someone doesnt like it, to F'ing bad. im wearing my pj shirt.
  • RockKingRockKing Posts: 431
    But if you want to use that analogy, who are the concert equivalent of the opponent your team is playing against? Unless it is some sort of Battle of the Bands, there isn't really any sort of competition going on where you want one team to win over another.

    The opening band, obviously.
    --"I'm like an opening band for the sun"

    --"We’re taking pills to get along with life… the pills are YIELD and PJ’s music. Then we create words to call our own = our analysis of YIELD." - YIH
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    RockKing wrote:
    The opening band, obviously.

    Does't that mean I can yell things to try and make the opening band try and screw up if I don't like them?
  • because of piven
  • Because they're jealous that you're shirt is cooler than theirs.
    It is kinda dorky though :)
  • Hell, I've seen the Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, Collective Soul...and from what I've seen, those are the fans that know what's going on... :)
  • It's so stupid. It's like "you can't wear white after Labor Day." Or, "You shouldn't display family photos in your living room." I'm trying to figure out why these rules were made up. Who gives a shit? Just gives someone some kind of high-horse to show how "socially superior" they are. Should we care? I'm watching the music, not critiquing fashion. (?).

    I'll admit, though, that I've been looking for a Captain and Tenille T-shirt for 3 years to wear to Ozzfest. That wouldn't break any "rules" and frankly, it would be funny as hell. Anybody know where one can be found, lemme know. : )
  • I always wear a shirt of the band I'm seeing.
  • Eddie had a Ramones shirt on when he inducted them into the hall of fame! kinda the same thing i think!
  • Reddev10 wrote:
    I always wear a shirt of the band I'm seeing.

    Hi that guy!
  • StellaStella Posts: 283
    I don't buy concert T-shirts, buttons, pins, hats, posters, or hoodies so I don't run into this problem. I do follow the other faux pas though. I don't listen to the band I am about to see while tailgating in the parking lot. I always went along with that one and like it. Listen to some other crap and have a nice fresh palette when its time for the show. I feel like that one is as well known as the t-shirt one.

    I like this one. I NEVER listen to PJ in the car after the concert. Who wants to ruin all those precious live memories by listening to them on Cd... You just had the best experience of your musical life. Listening to it on cd isn't going to compare at that stage.. :)
    I have no signature
  • Who the fuck cares? Wear what you want to wear. The common "rule" about not wearing the band's t-shirt to their concert is a weird concept for me. Who knew that rock 'n roll had so many rules and regulations to follow. Who knew that so many seemingly mature, intelligent, and cool fans would be concerned about committing a concert fashion faux pas, but have no problem committing to such snobbery. I say to you, "Don't be that guy."

    Wearing a concert tee is comparable to wearing a jersey to a sporting event. Granted, there is an opponent present, but in the end, you're just showing your love and support. Personally, I love walking down the street or walking into a bar or restaurant and knowing immediately who else is going to the concert that night. I enjoy the personalized t-shirts best.
    Curly Joe wrote:
    In my opinion, trying too hard to make some kind of statement with your t-shirt is even worse than wearing the t-shirt of the band you're seeing. Like wearing a Cubs jersey to a Pearl Jam show, just because Ed's a Cubs fan, or wearing a Fugazi t-shirt because Ed has cited them as an influence.
    That's how I feel. These are the people we should be saying, "Don't be that guy" to.

    I always listen to PJ on the drive to the concert (and the days leading up to it), simply because it pumps me up (even more than I already am). On the way home, I'm usually so elated and talking a mile a minute about the concert that I couldn't tell you what music was playing in the car.
    No time to be void or save up on life. You got to spend it all.
  • laudenumlaudenum Posts: 405
    hell,a couple was naked after the show in vancouver 98
    more of an impact for sure.
    i guess some people find in ........newbieish?
    just an opinion.
    "shes stoned said the swede, and the
    mooncalf agreed" THe BANd
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    I think it's completely dumb that people tend to be bothered by it. SO WHAT?!! There are so many other things I get upset about in the world...someone wearing a PJ shirt to a PJ show is not one of them.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    me too, I'm him
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    don't do it! it's dorky!
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