Los Angeles 2 - POSTER



  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    Yeah, cool enough if this is your schtick ... but Backspacer and PJ these days just doesn't scream SKULLS to me anymore. Slightly off message for me, hehehe. (Oh wait, backspacer is a flayed skull and a brain in a jar, I forgot, sigh.)

    Was very cool to watch him ink the poster outside the venue though. He had a faint pencil outline and proceeded to ink the thing with fat sharpie-kinda pens. It was awesome to watch.

    I have the same pic, Norm!
    [sic] happens
  • Was amazing watching his artwork come to life. One of his helpers said that the one he painted was going to be auctioned off. Anyone hear anything about this?
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