Ok, I must be getting "old": concert peeve

I went to the Seattle I and Portland shows last week, and just have to vent a bit about what has become my concert pet peeve....
The video takers.
The constant holding up of the camera, watching the entire concert thru the little viewer in the back.
I know, I know - we all want to see a picture or several from the show. Yes, I have taken some pictures at concerts!
But what happens to your actual experience of being at the show and just watching it?
Are we to the point where we can't just watch the show live and have the actual memories without video "proof" of the concert? Does everyone have to have their video for utube or facebook?
So this is the part where I offer up that it may just be a generational difference, hmm? Do I just need to get over the camera screen lights that are freakin' everywhere??
The video takers.
The constant holding up of the camera, watching the entire concert thru the little viewer in the back.
I know, I know - we all want to see a picture or several from the show. Yes, I have taken some pictures at concerts!
But what happens to your actual experience of being at the show and just watching it?
Are we to the point where we can't just watch the show live and have the actual memories without video "proof" of the concert? Does everyone have to have their video for utube or facebook?
So this is the part where I offer up that it may just be a generational difference, hmm? Do I just need to get over the camera screen lights that are freakin' everywhere??
Post edited by Unknown User on
if people want to film i dont care though. as long as they arent in my way!
i agree
The video taking doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show, but I do find it an interesting phenomenon. When I saw U2 in 2005, I was behind the stage, and everyone in the front row spent most of the concert staring through their cell phone cameras. I was thinking, you know, they're right there! Enjoy the moment.
But maybe it's like that line from Clockwork Orange - "It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen. "
My Dad was at a show last week where the guy sitting next to him was on his phone texting constantly. My Dad asked him to stop, because the screen was bright and distracting in a dark venue. The guy gave him a weird look, and a few mintues later the guy had switched seats with his woman and began texting again, like it was MY DAD that was the annoying one.
Sometimes, with regards to the talking, I just want to tell the person to STFU and listen to the music. What are you there for?
Luckily, the venue in my city (MTS Centre) employ their own photographers, and post pics of all shows on their website within days of the shows. And you can download them all. It's pretty wicked.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Its a technology thing and its generational. I didn't have a cell phone at my first concert. If I did it would have been huge. No texting. No camera. It would be weird and strange for the younger generation NOT to have these things.
Get used to it. Its going to get worse before it gets better. The day will come when people will hold their cell phones in the air with a virtual lighter application running.
I do fucking detest talkers. I told a douchebag at Liam Finn the other week to shut the fuck up. never done that before.
its much more annoying when you're on the floor, because its harder to look around the obstruction, if your in the wings you can look over it.
analog camera's never used to have displays on them, so people had to look through the viewfinder, which prevent this from happening.
I'm a pretty tall guy.. and at the first seattle show, a guy 5 rows ahead of me who I couldn't see through in the first place, would hold his camera up for a whole song while videoing it. I wouldn't be able to see the whole middle of the stage.. its was annoying as hell.
They should go back to banning cameras
My husband predicted they'd start making cell phones with that someday!
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
I always take my camera to shows but usually always forget to use it, I just get into the moment and forget about taking pictures.
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
Yeah yeah brag brag
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
several years ago at a U2 show (I think it was them) they told everybody to take out their phones instead of a lighter
Its a grey area - I'm pretty tolerant as long as I can see around the camera and not get my face bashed by someone holding the camera up, but people using crappy cell phone cameras is kind of pointless. At least use decent equipment that comes up with something of decent visual and sound quality that others could enjoy later.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Now what i think is absolutely hilarious and super embarassing is when people call there friends and hold the phone up so they can hear. There is NO way the person on the other line can understand what is going on! Hilarious!
Anywho, less than a month til PA.
At Green Day in Hartford, Billy Joe Armstrong said something like "this is a rock concert, not a fucking tv show".
When I took my daughter to see the cheetah girls, it was like Elvis was in the building I think EVERYONE had a camera....however I will have a camera when I take her to see Miley Cyrus:)
they have this. a lady at an eagles concert made me download it. virtual zippo
Here, Here!!
Ain't it funny when things change so much, it's all state of mind?
This doesn't make you old, it makes you sane. I went to a Brand New show and ended up stuck behind a guy videotaping the whole thing... I guess he needed to capture the "memory" of a show he didn't actually see because he spent the whole damn thing standing stock still and looking through a viewfinder. I see that around here too... people with 500 pictures from one show... like it's more important to accumulate STUFF like more photos, videos, and bootlegs, to show off to your friends than it is to accumulate memories of being at a great show.
hate the tapers..love the youtube.
bootlegs are my pictures but i still like looking the songs up on youtube.
hahahaha...i hear that!
video and photos.....and texting, etc. i am amazed at how 'disconnected' from a show so many concert-goers appear to be. i never ever even thought of bringing a camera to a show until pj. then again, most of my concert-going life they were never allowed. now with cell phones with built-in cameras there will ALWAYS be picture-takers. and hey, i admit, i do snap a few shots, but i never shoot video. but you bet.....annoying.
i too miss the days of looking out at a crowd before an encore, with lighters all held high and lit up, and i don't even smoke anymore.....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow