For me it takes like at least 5 or 6 listens to a new Pearl jam album before I "get it" so to speak. I think it's that whole expectations thing. 1st listen I didn't like it over all, Then I listened again. Still felt like it dropped off after the middle. Then I listened again, and again and again and I started to love the "2nd half" of the album even more. Now I love Backspacer. But it doesn't really matter what I think because I always love their albums, always. I'm not better than anyone, not a better fan, have little musical talent, just always pretty happy with each album And no I've not been compensated, I wish!
I honestly don't think some people give an album time to breathe, to work on ya. After the 1st day I had Amongst the Waves stuck in my head all day. Now every day there's a new song stuck in my head, it's nice. Today it's Unthought Known
PJ fans are a funny lot. Passionate for sure. I do get worked up myself sometimes, but what's the point? I love certain albums that others don't, why? No idea! Some of my favorites have been called crap in this thread, oh well, still my favorites. Think we all get too worked up, I guess it's just PJ's music is so important to us all.
To the OP, keep listening... and stop bein so silly! Oh BTW I enjoy the music of Juliana Hatfield, Green Day, Regina Spektor, Weezer, Gossip and Foo Fighters to name a few, is my opinion on Pearl Jam's music valid? Really curious!
Oh, if I knew where it was, I would take you there, but there's much more than this.
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
Well, I think the statements about "giving BackSpacer more time" are starting to work.
I have to say I think i jumped the gun on my original post. After a Friday night listening,
I have totally changed my opinion. I kind of like it now. Sorry for the negative posts earlier.
The first 5 or 6 songs are the better half of the album for sure, and there is a Riff
in the middle of "Amongst the Waves" that might be one of the best, jammiest riffs
I've ever heard PJ play. There are 2 songs that are complete garbage , however.
It is so true that you have to give new PJ material time to grow. The same thing happened
with Avacado, and I totally forgot.
That being said, Severed Hand is an awesome rocker and I still stand behind my opinion
that it is one of their better songs post No Code. And what's with all the negativity of "guitar player"
reviews. BTW, Green Day and U2 suck balls, and I could understand why fans of those bands
would like Backspacer so much. It kind of reminds me of those bands a tad bit and that is a step
in the wrong direction for PJ in my mind.
So then my opinion is not valid... cause I like Green Day, that's what I thought too
You totally just proved my point genius
Oh, if I knew where it was, I would take you there, but there's much more than this.
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
Well, I think the statements about "giving BackSpacer more time" are starting to work.
I have to say I think i jumped the gun on my original post. After a Friday night listening,
I have totally changed my opinion. I kind of like it now. Sorry for the negative posts earlier.
The first 5 or 6 songs are the better half of the album for sure, and there is a Riff
in the middle of "Amongst the Waves" that might be one of the best, jammiest riffs
I've ever heard PJ play. There are 2 songs that are complete garbage , however.
It is so true that you have to give new PJ material time to grow. The same thing happened
with Avacado, and I totally forgot.
That being said, Severed Hand is an awesome rocker and I still stand behind my opinion
that it is one of their better songs post No Code. And what's with all the negativity of "guitar player"
reviews. BTW, Green Day and U2 suck balls, and I could understand why fans of those bands
would like Backspacer so much. It kind of reminds me of those bands a tad bit and that is a step
in the wrong direction for PJ in my mind.
Backspacer strikes again. Glad you continued to give it a chance.
Well, I have to chime in again that I mostly agree with the criticisms of the album in this thread.
I am still a bit heartbroken that there was not a single place throughout that made me take notice. This is their lowest ranking album for me, and I sincerely hope they go a very different direction next time up.
Now, before you all jump me, I will say that I pass no judgement on what others like and not. I'm just saying that for me, they went a completely irrelevant place this time. For the first time in 15 years, I dont really want to listen to the new album. I do it now mostly as a chore (Surely there must be something). It's Eddie, and backing band mostly. They dont do anything but race strightforward through happy pop punk songs. That disappoints me immensely.
I say this, and need to say this, because I feel like a 15 year love affair is coming to an end. I love the band, always have, and have always found good stuff on all their albums. I loved that they changed and experimented regularly. This one didnt challenge me one bit.
My last hope is that these songs are a LOT better live.
This has been an opinion, from a longtime fan, who now are a bit disillusioned and heartbroken. The heartbreak is because I love them so much otherwise. I'm not hating on them, just saying that this here didn't do anything for me.
I respect that others liked it, and thought they were hit straight on with this one. I'm not hating on you. I'm just expressing my personal heartbreak over this one.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Sorry to hear about your heartbrokeness (probably not a word), I am sad to hear that. This is straight up, no sarcasm intended I thought Got Some and Unthought Known were great live the other night in Seattle, if that helps
OP, does it blow your mind that don't like U2 at all. Your insults confuse my small brain
Oh, if I knew where it was, I would take you there, but there's much more than this.
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
I am the OP, and I have to say again that yous should come down off this BackSpacer High.
Someone said that they hated Riot Act and Binural, but they like this Ablum (Backspacer)???
That to me is obsurd. Binural is a great album and Riot Act is not too far behind.
Even Pearl Jam (self-titled ablum) is much better than Backspacer. Life-wasted and
Severed Hand alone make a better album than the new one.
The songs on BS are just flat-out boring. Here's a test:
Find someone who is not a die-hard PJ fan and try to get them to listen to the whole album.
They won't make it far. I'm a die-hard fan and I couldn't even finish it on my first try.
There is no way in Hell that this Album is even close to being their best, or even since No Code.
I actually was a bit embarrased and still am when I listen to a few songs.
As far as the "realistic" bashings I've recieved, I not saying that my review is the realistic one- I just
wanted to get a few opinions that weren't all " Wow this is the best album ever".
Still one of the best bands of all-time and can't wait for 10/30 in Philly!
You are spot on, when people say I listened to some of the new Pearl jam I cringe. None of my other PJ fans really like the album, when the other people in my house come around I turn it down, sometimes off if it's a vocally hoarse song like the End or Johnny Guitar.
And i would never introduce someone to PJ with this album or give it to someone who is on the fence. And I know I lot of you don't like S/T but some of my best PJ friends were brought into the fold by that album.
I just don't get this album - There are things I really like about it individually but as a whole I'm a little disappointed. It's pretty disjointed.
There's no reason to have GSMF and Supersonic on the same album.
Johnny Guitar would make a killer B-Side
Got Some is PJ doing their take on Springsteen's radio nowhere
The Fixer is a really good song
Just Breathe Works
Amongst the Waves - there's just something too harmless about it for PJ
Unthought Known - standout
Force of Nature - Good song begging for a better vocal take and a reduction in guitar cheese
Speed of Sound - Standout track ruined by production
The End - it is what it is, but it adds to the disjointing.
Got some, the Fixer, GSMF, Unthought Known, Amongst the Waves, Force of Nature, Just Breathe
Those 7 have the making of a good PJ album. Too long for an LP but what fills in around it bothers me. In the context of those 7, Supersonic is redundant, Johnny Guitar is a B-Side or could be used as a good weird later tracks (Think - Help, Help, Rival) and use one of the End/Speed of sound rather than trying to turn SOS into something it isn't.
I suppose this post is convoluted, but that's fitting because I find this album convoluted.
It's for sure a grower. Especially after hearing and seeing the songs live. When I first heard the album "The End" did nothing for me. After I had seen it live a few times, that song nearly has me in tears. It's sad but fucking beautiful. And soooo powerful!!!
I think if any PJ fan gives this album a solid chance they will find it grows on them. If not then I feel sorry for you. Because it really has some gems and rhinestones.
I honestly don't think some people give an album time to breathe, to work on ya. After the 1st day I had Amongst the Waves stuck in my head all day. Now every day there's a new song stuck in my head, it's nice. Today it's Unthought Known
PJ fans are a funny lot. Passionate for sure. I do get worked up myself sometimes, but what's the point? I love certain albums that others don't, why? No idea! Some of my favorites have been called crap in this thread, oh well, still my favorites. Think we all get too worked up, I guess it's just PJ's music is so important to us all.
To the OP, keep listening... and stop bein so silly! Oh BTW I enjoy the music of Juliana Hatfield, Green Day, Regina Spektor, Weezer, Gossip and Foo Fighters to name a few, is my opinion on Pearl Jam's music valid? Really curious!
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
Well, I think the statements about "giving BackSpacer more time" are starting to work.
I have to say I think i jumped the gun on my original post. After a Friday night listening,
I have totally changed my opinion. I kind of like it now. Sorry for the negative posts earlier.
The first 5 or 6 songs are the better half of the album for sure, and there is a Riff
in the middle of "Amongst the Waves" that might be one of the best, jammiest riffs
I've ever heard PJ play. There are 2 songs that are complete garbage , however.
It is so true that you have to give new PJ material time to grow. The same thing happened
with Avacado, and I totally forgot.
That being said, Severed Hand is an awesome rocker and I still stand behind my opinion
that it is one of their better songs post No Code. And what's with all the negativity of "guitar player"
reviews. BTW, Green Day and U2 suck balls, and I could understand why fans of those bands
would like Backspacer so much. It kind of reminds me of those bands a tad bit and that is a step
in the wrong direction for PJ in my mind.
You totally just proved my point genius
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
Backspacer strikes again. Glad you continued to give it a chance.
I am still a bit heartbroken that there was not a single place throughout that made me take notice. This is their lowest ranking album for me, and I sincerely hope they go a very different direction next time up.
Now, before you all jump me, I will say that I pass no judgement on what others like and not. I'm just saying that for me, they went a completely irrelevant place this time. For the first time in 15 years, I dont really want to listen to the new album. I do it now mostly as a chore (Surely there must be something). It's Eddie, and backing band mostly. They dont do anything but race strightforward through happy pop punk songs. That disappoints me immensely.
I say this, and need to say this, because I feel like a 15 year love affair is coming to an end. I love the band, always have, and have always found good stuff on all their albums. I loved that they changed and experimented regularly. This one didnt challenge me one bit.
My last hope is that these songs are a LOT better live.
This has been an opinion, from a longtime fan, who now are a bit disillusioned and heartbroken. The heartbreak is because I love them so much otherwise. I'm not hating on them, just saying that this here didn't do anything for me.
I respect that others liked it, and thought they were hit straight on with this one. I'm not hating on you. I'm just expressing my personal heartbreak over this one.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
OP, does it blow your mind that don't like U2 at all. Your insults confuse my small brain
Ooooh. Whoooa, much more than this. Woooh see the world. Much more than... Oooh, much more than.. Why?
You are spot on, when people say I listened to some of the new Pearl jam I cringe. None of my other PJ fans really like the album, when the other people in my house come around I turn it down, sometimes off if it's a vocally hoarse song like the End or Johnny Guitar.
And i would never introduce someone to PJ with this album or give it to someone who is on the fence. And I know I lot of you don't like S/T but some of my best PJ friends were brought into the fold by that album.
I just don't get this album - There are things I really like about it individually but as a whole I'm a little disappointed. It's pretty disjointed.
There's no reason to have GSMF and Supersonic on the same album.
Johnny Guitar would make a killer B-Side
Got Some is PJ doing their take on Springsteen's radio nowhere
The Fixer is a really good song
Just Breathe Works
Amongst the Waves - there's just something too harmless about it for PJ
Unthought Known - standout
Force of Nature - Good song begging for a better vocal take and a reduction in guitar cheese
Speed of Sound - Standout track ruined by production
The End - it is what it is, but it adds to the disjointing.
Got some, the Fixer, GSMF, Unthought Known, Amongst the Waves, Force of Nature, Just Breathe
Those 7 have the making of a good PJ album. Too long for an LP but what fills in around it bothers me. In the context of those 7, Supersonic is redundant, Johnny Guitar is a B-Side or could be used as a good weird later tracks (Think - Help, Help, Rival) and use one of the End/Speed of sound rather than trying to turn SOS into something it isn't.
I suppose this post is convoluted, but that's fitting because I find this album convoluted.
It's really growing on me. I think it's excellent.
I think if any PJ fan gives this album a solid chance they will find it grows on them. If not then I feel sorry for you. Because it really has some gems and rhinestones.