The only thing I really don't like on this album, and the thing that makes the hairs on my neck stand up, are the lyrics. EV used to tell stories with his lyrics, and they were put together brilliantly. On Backspacer, some of the lyrics are great, and some are "Now Johnny he be havin' lots of women, the reason he be smilin' known to him." Ouch.
So you pick one line from one song with lyrics that are almost intentionally bad, and that means the album doesn't have great lyrics? :roll:
The lyrics fucking MAKE this album. Look around this forum, there are great discussions and dissections going on on various lines, and words, and phrases that are just spectacular.
For your one "Johnny he be having lots of women" -- in a song about a fucking pimp -- I can name half a dozen lines that rank among the best shit Ed's ever thought of. Hell, I can pick some out of Johnny fucking Guitar.
Actually, I could give you more examples from more songs, but there are enough people out there commenting on the repetition of the lyrics that I don't need to add to it. But by all means, show me the deep meaningful lyrics in, as you eloquently put it, "Johnny fucking Guitar." Maybe you're referring to the wet vagina reference? You're right, "further north the warmth of lovin' lingering" is right up there with "We were but stones; your light made us stars." Read my post again - I didn't say all of the lyrics sucked, I even went as far as saying some of them were "great" - my point was that some of them weren't exactly up to his usual standard.
That being said, I know the lyrics to "Johnny fucking Guitar" are intentionally bad, and, as another poster mentioned, I am aware that he's using watered down "pimp" vernacular. I just think the song itself is bad - you've got a guy who used to write powerful lyrics that dealt with weighty topics like rape, homelessness, and racial prejudice now writing a song about daydreaming about a woman who appeared with a pimp on an album cover. I like Dirty Frank, but it would've been out of place on Ten. A song about a pimp's hoes on an album cover stirs the same feelings in me. You may like it, and that's cool. All I'm saying is, I don't. It's just my opinion - nothing more, nothing less. You need to take a deep breath and relax - you seem to take a lot of the negative comments about Backspacer personally, judging from the venom in your replies. I don't think it's the best album they've ever done, but I certainly don't think it's their worst (warning: both statements are meant as opinions, not fact, and as far as I'm concerned they've ever done a bad album - it's all relative)... something tells me Eddie Vedder doesn't cry himself to sleep at night because some jerkoff on a message board said he didn't like Johnny Guitar.
It's not like I brought up the white pants... :roll:
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
JG's lyrics aren't meant to be deep and meaningful, but they are good. Its just a funky little jam with witty lyrics. I think it accomplishes what it sets out to do. Its not Dirty Frank.
PJ can always use more funk!
but yeah if signatures actually worked on this board, mine would say "all comments include an invisible IMO at the end of every sentence." i would think that goes without saying, but...
a. I love when a jerk off with a guitar in his basement refers to himself as a musician as if it'll automatically validate his opinion above others. it doesn't.
b. you have every right not to like the album, it's your opinion. don't apologize for it.
c. i like the "cheesy" artwork. not sure why it's "cheesy", but i'd rather have that than the staged photos most bands use.
d. this album is fun - if you're looking for Ed's past anger-driven lyrics, you probably are disappointed with this album. doesn't mean it's low quality.
hahah well said, ALBUM IS awesome, great to hear ED and the band in a GOOOD MOOD!!!! love it!
Man, slight of jeff, are you getting paid by the band or something? Your responses are so intense to anyone who criticizes this album, WTF? Is PJ the only band you listen on a regular basis? I mean this would make sense seeing your vigilance in defending YOUR OPINION of the album.....
Eh, you're probably right. I should probably just let you guys have this thread to yourself. Enjoy!
Great..... :roll: I mean, I think many folks have been fair and not absolute in their criticism of the album- but in days past you seem to want to jump on anyone that has anything negative to say. Glad you love it, not everyone has to...
I was actually being 100 percent serious. No need for the smartass eye roll. I was conceding the point to you. There's no harm in having a "I hate Backspacer" thread. I don't need to be over here mucking it up with my positivity. There's no point. It's not like my words are going to magically make someone get it.
So, again, have fun.
Although, I don't believe I've really *jumped* on anyone at any point, but whatever.
Post edited by slightofjeff on
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I listened to the album again and I realized something.
It is way different from what PJ has done in the past.
It's a different sound, more pop-friendly and down right too soft.
The songs have no "peaks" and the guitar riffs are ..... I don't know?
The melodies are just very blaagh and go nowhere. It seems like
a rushed album. The music seems very forced and uncomfortable,
with the exception of "gonna see my friend" and "fixer", and 1 other one
I don't want to mispell. I think it's Unthought Known.
This is coming from someone who has stood behind PJ for over 10 years
and has backed all their past releases to people who are unwilling to give the new
music a chance.
Do you guys/gals (on this thread) listen to any other bands/music?
Just trying to get a gauge on what else people listen to. Here's a few
bands and recent albums I'm comparing BackSpacer to:
Black Crowes "Before the Frost"
Black Keys "Attack and Release"
Dan Auerbach "Keep it Hid"
Ranconteurs "Consoler of the Lonley"
Neil Young "Fork in the Road"
Grady " A cup of cold poison"
If you really think Backspacer is one of PJ's finest, then please let
me know what other bands you listen to. THis may clear some confusion on my end.
But by all means, show me the deep meaningful lyrics in, as you eloquently put it, "Johnny fucking Guitar."
I never said there were "deep, meaningful lyrics" in JG. I wasn't aware that lyrics had to always be "deep and meaningful" to be good.
The verse I like is the second one, in which he describes the girl in this particular album cover as "so innocent (she) never sheds her clothes when she goes to bed" and "the type of girl responsible for original sin."
That's good writing to me. Sounds like it could have come out of a pulp novel or something.
It's not particularly deep. It's not supposed to be. But it paints a perfect picture. He could have just said "she's innocent but she's a temptress." Instead, he paints a picture.
The writer Oscar Wilde once described good writing as never writing a sentence you've read before. That's what Ed has done in this particular line.
On a side note, I find it strange to be spending so much time defending Johnny Guitar, which A) is my least favorite song on the record; and is hardly indicative of this record.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Here's a little suggestion for all the ' reviewers ' out there. Something I live by while listening to new music. Take it for what it is, not for what you want it to be or hoped it would be. This album has a purpose. It's meant to be short, tight, concise. Stop complaining about what isn't there and appreciate what is there. PJ is a forever changing band. I for one am very grateful for that. In my humble opinion ( review ), this album is near perfect, for what it is.
Well. First of all I'd like to state that I'm a huge PJ fan and have been since 98'.
I always get a kick out of the people who state their credentials before a "negative" post. So ya don't like Backspacer. You don't have to apologize for it.
Well. First of all I'd like to state that I'm a huge PJ fan and have been since 98'.
I always get a kick out of the people who state their credentials before a "negative" post. So ya don't like Backspacer. You don't have to apologize for it.
I'm with ya. From another thread on which I was being a jackass:
"I've been a fan of the band back when they were Mother Love Bone ... or actually, before that. In fact, I came up with the name Mother Love Bone. Anyway, the new album sucks."
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Here's a little suggestion for all the ' reviewers ' out there. Something I live by while listening to new music. Take it for what it is, not for what you want it to be or hoped it would be. This album has a purpose. It's meant to be short, tight, concise. Stop complaining about what isn't there and appreciate what is there. PJ is a forever changing band. I for one am very grateful for that. In my humble opinion ( review ), this album is near perfect, for what it is.
I am with you totally...i have LEARNED through writing music myself and learning guitar for 10 years that the best thing when listening to music is rid yourself of expectations. There is no formula that should be followed when writing music, its mostly inspiration and hard work, and these things have a life to themselves that really isn't to be controlled. Its the same now for me when listening, its a very cool thing because you can judge things without bias, at least that is the goal
Backspacer is a statement. Its a time and place. Its Pearl Jam in 2009. If this album sucked I would say it. But it does not. Thankfully, I was ready to hear them in the new place they are in...
Maybe the problem with some of the bad reactions is that they have an idea of what Pearl Jam should be, not ready for what they are. I am not criticizing anyone, because I understand how a listener to some of the greatest bands of all time, have had disappointment with a release. Led Zeppelin and the Beatles all had albums that departed, but I look at them in total and love most of their records at this point...of course I wasn't around to have expectations back then. U2 is another example..didn't really like their Atomic Bomb record, but this latest one has mostly great songs on it. And that's the point with me, is it a great work as an album...I think Backspacer is close.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Metacritic has it at an 80 right now which is as "realistic" and "balanced" measure of album reviews as you're going to get. They use a pretty good variety of reviews from pitchfork and paste to blender and RS. 8/10 or 4/5 is the average review and seems pretty realistic to me. It may be hard to believe but fans and non-fans like this record. I'm not sure why there is something wrong with that.
It may be hard to believe but fans and non-fans like this record. I'm not sure why there is something wrong with that.
Who ever said it was? I was always bummed by the fact that something like Binarual flew so far under the radar. But some may argue that they're trying to appease "non-fans" with Backspacer. It's cool for your album to be accepted by non-fans, but it's not cool to try to appease non-fans with your album.
Even Pearl Jam (self-titled ablum) is much better than Backspacer. Life-wasted and
Severed Hand alone make a better album than the new one. The songs on BS are just flat-out boring.
That's funny, because when I think of "generic" or "boring" Pearl Jam songs, Life Wasted and Severed Hand are two of the first songs I think of.
Even Pearl Jam (self-titled ablum) is much better than Backspacer. Life-wasted and
Severed Hand alone make a better album than the new one. The songs on BS are just flat-out boring.
That's funny, because when I think of "generic" or "boring" Pearl Jam songs, Life Wasted and Severed Hand are two of the first songs I think of.
life wasted and WWS are pretty so-so. i like severed hand tho.
Backspacer is better than S/T easily. and i like S/T
With regard to the original post - if you have something to like about 5 of the 10 songs on a record that is only 5 days old, maybe you actually like it. I agree it is not like the past records. But if you liked it instantly it wouldn't be new. If Pearl Jam tried to make every record an instant hit with old fans, their new album would probably be called "Ten - part 9" instead of "Backspacer." Give it a little time and allow yourself to grow with the band instead of forcing their new ideas to fit your pre-established notion of what they should sound like.
I listened to the album again and I realized something.
It is way different from what PJ has done in the past.
It's a different sound, more pop-friendly and down right too soft.
The songs have no "peaks" and the guitar riffs are ..... I don't know?
The melodies are just very blaagh and go nowhere. It seems like
a rushed album. The music seems very forced and uncomfortable,
with the exception of "gonna see my friend" and "fixer", and 1 other one
I don't want to mispell. I think it's Unthought Known.
This is coming from someone who has stood behind PJ for over 10 years
and has backed all their past releases to people who are unwilling to give the new
music a chance.
Do you guys/gals (on this thread) listen to any other bands/music?
Just trying to get a gauge on what else people listen to. Here's a few
bands and recent albums I'm comparing BackSpacer to:
Black Crowes "Before the Frost"
Black Keys "Attack and Release"
Dan Auerbach "Keep it Hid"
Ranconteurs "Consoler of the Lonley"
Neil Young "Fork in the Road"
Grady " A cup of cold poison"
If you really think Backspacer is one of PJ's finest, then please let
me know what other bands you listen to. THis may clear some confusion on my end.
Based upon some of your posts in this thread, it seems that if you don't approve of the music they listen to then that will some how invalidate their opinion. Whether someone listens to just Pearl Jam, or they listen to _______(insert band name), if they like BS then they like BS; it seems like you just can't accept that. Personally, I like the album so far; I have had it for less than a week so it is too early for me to put any sort of label or rank on it. Several songs really speak to me at this point in my life (Just Breathe, Unthought Known and Force of Nature) and others are touch and go. Just my opinion, if someone disagrees I would find it pointless to challenge them to justify their opinion.
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."- Abraham Lincoln
I'm actually rather suprised how great the reviews have been, but what you said is terrible. You claim to be a guitar player, but according to this post you have never actually just sat down and listened in detail to the music? How can you judge an album without really concentrating on it? That's blasphemy.
Well. First of all I'd like to state that I'm a huge PJ fan and have been since 98'.
I am , however, a realistic fan and I am not going to say everything is great all the time
no matter what they produce.
I have to say I find nothing great about the new album, Backspacer.
Nothing sticks out as awesome and there are a few tracks that I find
really dissapointing and that I would never push on a "so-so" Pearl Jam fan.
It's too poppy, too short, and there are only a few good guitar riffs (being a guitar player).
Ed's melodies are the same in most of the songs. Overall , its a very soft LP and between
the over-marketing of the album and the cheezy artwork, I have to say I'm not impressed at
all. I also don't understand all the great reviews by the newspapers, music experts, etc.
Maybe they are getting paid off or something.
I have given the album many chances, listened in the car, while partying, while working out, etc.
The only songs that I am interested in even listening to again are the following:
Gonna see my friend (I actually like this song)
Amongst the Waves (really cool guitar riff in the middle, but way too short)
Just breathe
Unknown Thought
The Fixer is allright, but it's already overplayed and I'm sick of it.
Sorry if I have offended anyone but I've read too many overrated reviews
and i wanted to see if there were any other realistic reviews of this LP?
I'm assuming that the songs will be better live and I am holding out hope for this.
that prankster Dave A. strikes again
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
I listened to the album again and I realized something.
It is way different from what PJ has done in the past.
It's a different sound, more pop-friendly and down right too soft.
The songs have no "peaks" and the guitar riffs are ..... I don't know?
The melodies are just very blaagh and go nowhere. It seems like
a rushed album. The music seems very forced and uncomfortable,
with the exception of "gonna see my friend" and "fixer", and 1 other one
I don't want to mispell. I think it's Unthought Known.
This is coming from someone who has stood behind PJ for over 10 years
and has backed all their past releases to people who are unwilling to give the new
music a chance.
Do you guys/gals (on this thread) listen to any other bands/music?
Just trying to get a gauge on what else people listen to. Here's a few
bands and recent albums I'm comparing BackSpacer to:
Black Crowes "Before the Frost"
Black Keys "Attack and Release"
Dan Auerbach "Keep it Hid"
Ranconteurs "Consoler of the Lonley"
Neil Young "Fork in the Road"
Grady " A cup of cold poison"
If you really think Backspacer is one of PJ's finest, then please let
me know what other bands you listen to. THis may clear some confusion on my end.
Based upon some of your posts in this thread, it seems that if you don't approve of the music they listen to then that will some how invalidate their opinion. Whether someone listens to just Pearl Jam, or they listen to _______(insert band name), if they like BS then they like BS; it seems like you just can't accept that. Personally, I like the album so far; I have had it for less than a week so it is too early for me to put any sort of label or rank on it. Several songs really speak to me at this point in my life (Just Breathe, Unthought Known and Force of Nature) and others are touch and go. Just my opinion, if someone disagrees I would find it pointless to challenge them to justify their opinion.
I don't want to get all Sigmund Freud on the OP, but it seems as if she is doubting her own musical tastes more than she is lashing out at others.
She doesn't like the album, like her friends who never liked Pearl Jam, so she is trying to qualify that she always liked the band, and see, "I also like these cool bands". It can't be me, it must be that Pearl Jam put out a shit record.
Now young lady, I can sympathize if these feelings are going through your head, but don't take it out on people who love the album.
I don't like Binaural very much. Yes I know shocking, I like 5 or 6 of the songs, and love a couple, but overall not perfect for me. Doesn't mean I have shit taste in music (although some on here might disagree )
I certainly don't need to list off all the "good" music I like to validate the fact that Binaural just doesn't do it for me. And I've never called out the band cause 1 of their 9 records is not my cup of tea.
I love it when people preface their reviews with " im a guitar player"
Ten was meathead guitar rock ( love TEn, and im a guitar player) but by no means has pearl jam ever been a difficult band to play along to...
So once someone states somethingl ike that i stop reading
I never liked the idea of judging a guitar song's merit on "how hard it is to play." A four-fingered monkey could play Day Tripper if he practiced....but it's still an awesome fucking riff.
I love it when people preface their reviews with " im a guitar player"
Ten was meathead guitar rock ( love TEn, and im a guitar player) but by no means has pearl jam ever been a difficult band to play along to...
So once someone states somethingl ike that i stop reading
I never liked the idea of judging a guitar song's merit on "how hard it is to play." A four-fingered monkey could play Day Tripper if he practiced....but it's still an awesome fucking riff.
yeah i avoid guitarist reviews of music like the plague.
"The Fixer is allright, but it's already overplayed and I'm sick of it."
So because you listened to a song too many times it's all of a sudden a bad song? As if the song quality deteriorated with each listen? Although... I guess I'm "weird" in that I love Evenflow now as much as I did when I first heard it 18 years ago and I'm pissed when they don't play it live.
your post sucks!!
Actually, I could give you more examples from more songs, but there are enough people out there commenting on the repetition of the lyrics that I don't need to add to it. But by all means, show me the deep meaningful lyrics in, as you eloquently put it, "Johnny fucking Guitar." Maybe you're referring to the wet vagina reference? You're right, "further north the warmth of lovin' lingering" is right up there with "We were but stones; your light made us stars." Read my post again - I didn't say all of the lyrics sucked, I even went as far as saying some of them were "great" - my point was that some of them weren't exactly up to his usual standard.
That being said, I know the lyrics to "Johnny fucking Guitar" are intentionally bad, and, as another poster mentioned, I am aware that he's using watered down "pimp" vernacular. I just think the song itself is bad - you've got a guy who used to write powerful lyrics that dealt with weighty topics like rape, homelessness, and racial prejudice now writing a song about daydreaming about a woman who appeared with a pimp on an album cover. I like Dirty Frank, but it would've been out of place on Ten. A song about a pimp's hoes on an album cover stirs the same feelings in me. You may like it, and that's cool. All I'm saying is, I don't. It's just my opinion - nothing more, nothing less. You need to take a deep breath and relax - you seem to take a lot of the negative comments about Backspacer personally, judging from the venom in your replies. I don't think it's the best album they've ever done, but I certainly don't think it's their worst (warning: both statements are meant as opinions, not fact, and as far as I'm concerned they've ever done a bad album - it's all relative)... something tells me Eddie Vedder doesn't cry himself to sleep at night because some jerkoff on a message board said he didn't like Johnny Guitar.
It's not like I brought up the white pants... :roll:
PJ can always use more funk!
but yeah if signatures actually worked on this board, mine would say "all comments include an invisible IMO at the end of every sentence." i would think that goes without saying, but...
hahah well said, ALBUM IS awesome, great to hear ED and the band in a GOOOD MOOD!!!! love it!
2000 Tour- Saratoga 8/27 Boston 8/29, 8/30
2003 Tour- Albany 4/29 Boston 7/2,7/3,7/11 Philadelphia 7/5,7/6 MSG 7/8,7/9
2004 Tour- Boston 9/28,9/29
2006 Tour- Albany 5/12 Hartford 5/13 Boston 5/24,5/25
2008 Tour- MSG 6/24,6/25 Hartford 6/27 Boston 6/28,6/30 Eddie- Boston 8/1
2009 Tour- Eddie- Albany 6/9 Philly Spectrum- 10/30, 10/31
2010 Tour- Hartford 5/15 MSG 5/20,5/21
2011 Tour- Eddie- Hartford 6/18
2013 Tour- Worcester,MA 10/15,10/16 Hartford 10/25
2016 Tour- MSG 5/1,5/2 FENWAY 8/5,8/7
2018 Tour- Fenway 9/2, 9/4 (My 40th show)!
I was actually being 100 percent serious. No need for the smartass eye roll. I was conceding the point to you. There's no harm in having a "I hate Backspacer" thread. I don't need to be over here mucking it up with my positivity. There's no point. It's not like my words are going to magically make someone get it.
So, again, have fun.
Although, I don't believe I've really *jumped* on anyone at any point, but whatever.
for the least they could possibly do
I listened to the album again and I realized something.
It is way different from what PJ has done in the past.
It's a different sound, more pop-friendly and down right too soft.
The songs have no "peaks" and the guitar riffs are ..... I don't know?
The melodies are just very blaagh and go nowhere. It seems like
a rushed album. The music seems very forced and uncomfortable,
with the exception of "gonna see my friend" and "fixer", and 1 other one
I don't want to mispell. I think it's Unthought Known.
This is coming from someone who has stood behind PJ for over 10 years
and has backed all their past releases to people who are unwilling to give the new
music a chance.
Do you guys/gals (on this thread) listen to any other bands/music?
Just trying to get a gauge on what else people listen to. Here's a few
bands and recent albums I'm comparing BackSpacer to:
Black Crowes "Before the Frost"
Black Keys "Attack and Release"
Dan Auerbach "Keep it Hid"
Ranconteurs "Consoler of the Lonley"
Neil Young "Fork in the Road"
Grady " A cup of cold poison"
If you really think Backspacer is one of PJ's finest, then please let
me know what other bands you listen to. THis may clear some confusion on my end.
I never said there were "deep, meaningful lyrics" in JG. I wasn't aware that lyrics had to always be "deep and meaningful" to be good.
The verse I like is the second one, in which he describes the girl in this particular album cover as "so innocent (she) never sheds her clothes when she goes to bed" and "the type of girl responsible for original sin."
That's good writing to me. Sounds like it could have come out of a pulp novel or something.
It's not particularly deep. It's not supposed to be. But it paints a perfect picture. He could have just said "she's innocent but she's a temptress." Instead, he paints a picture.
The writer Oscar Wilde once described good writing as never writing a sentence you've read before. That's what Ed has done in this particular line.
On a side note, I find it strange to be spending so much time defending Johnny Guitar, which A) is my least favorite song on the record; and
for the least they could possibly do
Spot on mate!
I always get a kick out of the people who state their credentials before a "negative" post. So ya don't like Backspacer. You don't have to apologize for it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I'm with ya. From another thread on which I was being a jackass:
"I've been a fan of the band back when they were Mother Love Bone ... or actually, before that. In fact, I came up with the name Mother Love Bone. Anyway, the new album sucks."
for the least they could possibly do
I am with you totally...i have LEARNED through writing music myself and learning guitar for 10 years that the best thing when listening to music is rid yourself of expectations. There is no formula that should be followed when writing music, its mostly inspiration and hard work, and these things have a life to themselves that really isn't to be controlled. Its the same now for me when listening, its a very cool thing because you can judge things without bias, at least that is the goal
Backspacer is a statement. Its a time and place. Its Pearl Jam in 2009. If this album sucked I would say it. But it does not. Thankfully, I was ready to hear them in the new place they are in...
Maybe the problem with some of the bad reactions is that they have an idea of what Pearl Jam should be, not ready for what they are. I am not criticizing anyone, because I understand how a listener to some of the greatest bands of all time, have had disappointment with a release. Led Zeppelin and the Beatles all had albums that departed, but I look at them in total and love most of their records at this point...of course I wasn't around to have expectations back then. U2 is another example..didn't really like their Atomic Bomb record, but this latest one has mostly great songs on it. And that's the point with me, is it a great work as an album...I think Backspacer is close.
Who ever said it was? I was always bummed by the fact that something like Binarual flew so far under the radar. But some may argue that they're trying to appease "non-fans" with Backspacer. It's cool for your album to be accepted by non-fans, but it's not cool to try to appease non-fans with your album.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
this is the statement of the decade. quoted for truth.
That's funny, because when I think of "generic" or "boring" Pearl Jam songs, Life Wasted and Severed Hand are two of the first songs I think of.
life wasted and WWS are pretty so-so. i like severed hand tho.
Backspacer is better than S/T easily. and i like S/T
Blanket you with gems and rhinestones
Everyone is going to consume music differently.
I don't really see the point to reviewing an album, because I wouldn't even agree with a review I made a few hours ago.
And Life Wasted is one of my favorite songs of all time.. up there with In My Tree AND Unthought Known.
there is my review.
Based upon some of your posts in this thread, it seems that if you don't approve of the music they listen to then that will some how invalidate their opinion. Whether someone listens to just Pearl Jam, or they listen to _______(insert band name), if they like BS then they like BS; it seems like you just can't accept that. Personally, I like the album so far; I have had it for less than a week so it is too early for me to put any sort of label or rank on it. Several songs really speak to me at this point in my life (Just Breathe, Unthought Known and Force of Nature) and others are touch and go. Just my opinion, if someone disagrees I would find it pointless to challenge them to justify their opinion.
that prankster Dave A. strikes again
I don't want to get all Sigmund Freud on the OP, but it seems as if she is doubting her own musical tastes more than she is lashing out at others.
She doesn't like the album, like her friends who never liked Pearl Jam, so she is trying to qualify that she always liked the band, and see, "I also like these cool bands". It can't be me, it must be that Pearl Jam put out a shit record.
Now young lady, I can sympathize if these feelings are going through your head, but don't take it out on people who love the album.
I don't like Binaural very much.
I certainly don't need to list off all the "good" music I like to validate the fact that Binaural just doesn't do it for me. And I've never called out the band cause 1 of their 9 records is not my cup of tea.
Ten was meathead guitar rock ( love TEn, and im a guitar player) but by no means has pearl jam ever been a difficult band to play along to...
So once someone states somethingl ike that i stop reading
hugs! sorry the record doesnt affect you the way it does other.s Beauty of music eh?
I never liked the idea of judging a guitar song's merit on "how hard it is to play." A four-fingered monkey could play Day Tripper if he practiced....but it's still an awesome fucking riff.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
uh..welcome to 1992...
pearl jam haevnt been writing "big riffs" for fucking 18 years now...
"The Fixer is allright, but it's already overplayed and I'm sick of it."
So because you listened to a song too many times it's all of a sudden a bad song? As if the song quality deteriorated with each listen? Although... I guess I'm "weird" in that I love Evenflow now as much as I did when I first heard it 18 years ago and I'm pissed when they don't play it live.