All the songs in BS with sickness/death ref, do you think



  • agreed.

    and even the end...i think facing your own mortality is merely, facing the obvious. with great love, a family, and realizes more and more, they will not live forever....and who they may leave behind, and not want's absolutely nautral.....and i don't think morbid, nor any indicator of illness, merely thought....
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Gmoney wrote:
    How is the end about death? maybe the death of a relationship, but not a person...

    wow, you can't be serious. obviously, you've not faced your own mortality if you can't see the subject of this song is blaming himself for leaving his family behind due to terminal illness:

    People change as does everything, I wanted to grow old,
    I just want to grow old.

    As in, the subject WANTED to grow old, but now he has a sickness in his bones:

    It’s my fault now, I've been caught, a sickness in my bones.
    How do you think it is to leave you here with the kids on your own,

    I’m here, but not much longer.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    * Main Entry: met·a·phor
    * Pronunciation: \ˈme-tə-ˌfȯr also -fər\
    * Function: noun
    * Etymology: Middle English methaphor, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear — more at bear
    * Date: 15th century

    1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile
    2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metapho
  • Flagg wrote:
    decides2dream - agree on your statement about Amongst the Waves. And I see that line as an answer to a song ironically called Alive, where he sort of laments being Alive. I like to think of ATW as being a bookend to Alive.

    That's pretty f'n solid right there.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do

  • If Ed starts walking across Abbey Road without any shoes on, then I'd start getting worried

    "Ed is dead. Ed is dead."
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • csickels wrote:

    wow, you can't be serious. obviously, you've not faced your own mortality if you can't see the subject of this song is blaming himself for leaving his family behind due to terminal illness:

    People change as does everything, I wanted to grow old,
    I just want to grow old.

    As in, the subject WANTED to grow old, but now he has a sickness in his bones:

    It’s my fault now, I've been caught, a sickness in my bones.
    How do you think it is to leave you here with the kids on your own,

    I’m here, but not much longer.

    notice he repeats the sentiment saying i WANT to grow old. so it's something he wanted, and STILL wants.

    the whole sickness in my bones, just goes to show....various interpretations. upon the very first time i read that, i thought it was about's 'his fault'.....he has a sickness/love of making music/touring, and he feels guilty lkeaving her here on her own with the kids.....

    and yes, he is here, but not much longer.....
    ed is over 40, being realistic....more life has passed than is yet to come.......

    again, as with many pj songs....the good ones ;).....there are myriad interpretations one can make. i think there is a lot going on with this song, and i do believe it is about death....but i do not think it is about ED dying.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Flagg wrote:
    decides2dream - agree on your statement about Amongst the Waves. And I see that line as an answer to a song ironically called Alive, where he sort of laments being Alive. I like to think of ATW as being a bookend to Alive.

    i think a LOT of pj songs are inter-related....even across albums. obviously, with such a strong songwriter as ed, you will have some consistency, and growth, of's only natural. whether he does so purposefully or it merely comes out all works.

    and hey jeff, perhaps HERe in this discussion, i might agree with you about the whole 'age thing'....b/c i do think in regards to the whole facing mortality and it NOT being morbid, but beautiful and content...definitely is more closely related to being an old fart as you say....;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • . i think there is a lot going on with this song, and i do believe it is about death....but i do not think it is about ED dying.

    I agree wholeheartedly. A good songwriter has the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes or in a different position and ask the question, "how would I feel?"

    That's what Ed is doing here.

    I mean, Daughter isn't exactly autobiographical, even though it was written partially in the first person.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do

  • I agree wholeheartedly. A good songwriter has the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes or in a different position and ask the question, "how would I feel?"

    That's what Ed is doing here.

    ed IS a storyteller.
    it is obvious that many, many of his songs are written in the first person, yet in actuality relate to a third person. outside of himself. or, conversely, even if about himself, it is thoughts...ideas....musings...not necessarily reality. personally, i think this song is a mix of both. i think at times he Is speaking of himself, and others....discussing some "other"...and perhaps they interweave at times, b/c hey, don't we all think like that to some degree? thoughts of another bring us to thoughts of ourselves, and that inner dialogue oftentimes gets convoluted.....also what makes such rich, textural layers to many of ed's lyrics. bottomline tho, even if at all self-referential, i still say it in NO way points to illness within ed or anyone in the band.....just the idea of one'e own mortality, and/or others' mortality...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    and hey jeff, perhaps HERe in this discussion, i might agree with you about the whole 'age thing'....b/c i do think in regards to the whole facing mortality and it NOT being morbid, but beautiful and content...definitely is more closely related to being an old fart as you say....;)

    that was my thinking re the age thinking...once again not saying that one must be getting older to appreciate the album just that the lyrics for most of the songs tend to be retrospective and contemplative something that people in their 40's tend to do :)
  • While a song writer can put themselves in others' shoes, this is different as it carries for almost an entire album.

    Your point with daughter was one song about that one theme.
  • JF116983 wrote:
    While a song writer can put themselves in others' shoes, this is different as it carries for almost an entire album.

    Your point with daughter was one song about that one theme.

    The point you're ignoring is that only one song on this album really deals with death. The rest deals with life, and living to the fullest. Basically, the exact opposite of death.

    But thanks for playing.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • didn't the theme of rising against oppression/hopelessness/monotony run through the majority of versus?
  • ed IS a storyteller.
    it is obvious that many, many of his songs are written in the first person, yet in actuality relate to a third person. outside of himself. or, conversely, even if about himself, it is thoughts...ideas....musings...not necessarily reality. personally, i think this song is a mix of both. i think at times he Is speaking of himself, and others....discussing some "other"...and perhaps they interweave at times, b/c hey, don't we all think like that to some degree? ...

    I agree with you, based on this:

    “I got a phone call from a friend, from Spain. I couldn't pick up the phone because I was recording the guitar part. I had written half the song's lyrics. When I checked his message, he had said something that enabled me to write the second verse, and in 20 minutes, it was done. That's how it happened on this record. It was writing the quick ones – there was no room for the other stuff. We'll see how long approaching it like this goes. But it's the right way for us to do it right now.”
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • norm wrote:

    that was my thinking re the age thinking...once again not saying that one must be getting older to appreciate the album just that the lyrics for most of the songs tend to be retrospective and contemplative something that people in their 40's tend to do :)

    hahahahah...i think 20 somethings are far more involved in their own navel gazing than 40 somethings....;) i think the older folks simply tend to do so with a better sense about it, more positive - even about their possible regrets, if that makes sense. and THAt is where i think the difference lies; in the younger crowd, perhaps all the talk of death is so morbid and negative...whereas when you get older, it is inevitable and realistic, but also beautiful when you imagine the life you've lived, and you still have life left to live, etc.

    and i think there's a good 50/50 split, or close to it...of the introspective/contemplative songs....and then purely fun songs. i enjoy some of both, but i appreciate the lyrics of the more introspective songs moreso.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • And if the material came quickly, there's nothing fleeting about the album, says the man who writes the lyrics and the set lists. “I think it's going to be a batch of songs we're going to like playing for quite a long time.” Herewith, Vedder gives the back story on songs you'll be hearing for a while.

  • The point you're ignoring is that only one song on this album really deals with death. The rest deals with life, and living to the fullest. Basically, the exact opposite of death.

    But thanks for playing.


    and this:
    I agree with you, based on this:

    “I got a phone call from a friend, from Spain. I couldn't pick up the phone because I was recording the guitar part. I had written half the song's lyrics. When I checked his message, he had said something that enabled me to write the second verse, and in 20 minutes, it was done. That's how it happened on this record. It was writing the quick ones – there was no room for the other stuff. We'll see how long approaching it like this goes. But it's the right way for us to do it right now.”

    thanks for posting interesting to read.
    ha, freaky....i got inside ed's head. :lol:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    And people wanted this album to be more complexed :lol::lol::lol: ..
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • GmoneyGmoney Posts: 1,618
    csickels wrote:

    wow, you can't be serious. obviously, you've not faced your own mortality if you can't see the subject of this song is blaming himself for leaving his family behind due to terminal illness:

    People change as does everything, I wanted to grow old,
    I just want to grow old.

    As in, the subject WANTED to grow old, but now he has a sickness in his bones:

    It’s my fault now, I've been caught, a sickness in my bones.
    How do you think it is to leave you here with the kids on your own,

    I’m here, but not much longer.

    I do see your point, but I disagree. Luckily writing is not subjective. I think it's about a couple that has fallen out of love... He wants to grow old with that person, but he's realizing it won't happen. Just my opinion...
    Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
  • Gmoney wrote:
    I do see your point, but I disagree. Luckily writing is not subjective. I think it's about a couple that has fallen out of love... He wants to grow old with that person, but he's realizing it won't happen. Just my opinion...

    I think its a breakup song, but that breakup is facilitated by death. The narrator has obviously wronged this person, and it's a regret that haunts him on his death bed ... it's the one thing he wants to make amends for before he goes.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • Well that is the beauty of music, the song could have a different meaning to everyone

    musically and lyrically this is an album with a theme of "death" to me

    I have enjoyed everyones take on this though, hence the purpose of the post.

    Thanks to most (if not all) of you for your constructive views on the album.

    I see this sort of how Ed talks about "alive" , to most the song is about living; to Ed living was a burden given the news he was given.

    To me this album is about the death of somethin/someone.
  • You might want to look at whats going on in your life that leads you to that interpretation. Besides The End, all the other songs to me deal with living and optimism.

    My interpretation

    Gonna See My Friend- seeing a friend to help cope with your problems.
    Got Some- music addiction.
    The Fixer- Fixing things! Making life better.
    Johnny Guitar- story about fantasizing about a woman.
    Just Breathe- love song
    Amongst the Waves- Living life to the fullest.
    Unthought Known- making the best of life
    Supersonic- love of music
    Speed of Sound- lost love
    Force of Nature- struggles with love
    The End- dealing with death.
  • Ed isn't leaving, he's not dying. None of the other guys are. Stop reading into it so much.
    5/28/06 - Camden, NJ
    5/30/06 - Washington, DC
    6/22/08 - Washington, DC
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    8/5/16 - Fenway Park
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  • iamicaiamica Chicago Posts: 2,628
    I don't think it means any of them are dying or about to retire, but there's definitely a life/death theme going on in this album, and a heightened sense of mortality. Some examples:

    Gonna See My Friend
    "I wanna shake this pain before I retire"
    "Won't be long before we all walk off the wire"

    The Fixer
    "I'll dig your grave"
    "Who knows, could be our last lifetime"

    Just Breathe
    "Yes I understand that every life must end, as we sit alone, I know someday we must go"
    "Hold me till I die, meet you on the other side"

    The End (most of the song, but the last line is brutal):
    "I'm here but not much longer"

    Other songs talk about living life to the fullest (with the volume turned up full), etc. So I just interpret it that Ed and the rest of them realize that they're getting older and they won't be around forever.
    Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
  • In my opinion the album is mostly about 'death of relationships'. Maybe Ed and Jill are having problems.
  • It kinda cracks me up that some of you have put this much effort into your interpretations of these songs, defending them on this board, and discrediting others' interpretations....
    Statements made by Ed about the songs are all we'll ever know regarding specific inspirations...everything else is your own personal take on it...
  • It kinda cracks me up that some of you have put this much effort into your interpretations of these songs, defending them on this board, and discrediting others' interpretations....
    Statements made by Ed about the songs are all we'll ever know regarding specific inspirations...everything else is your own personal take on it...

    does it crack you up that perhaps some of us simply enjoy discussing our personal take on lyrics? i enjoy sharing mine, and hearing others, lyrical interpretations. it's extremely interesting discussion to me. i think most here has been 'discussion' and very few 'i'm right, you're wrong' kind of posts. given that we are on a rock's band message board, in a section for 'all things pearl jam' appears entirely logical to me that such discussions would take place here. art IS all about personal interpretation, no matter what the creator of said art had in mind when creating. i think it's one of the major 'points' of art, and of enjoying art. of course, that's just imo. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • GmoneyGmoney Posts: 1,618
    ok i have to weigh in on gonna see my friend bc the lyrics are the best on the album imo

    First half of the song is an addict who wants quit a bad habit, but still thinks its fun and enjoyable. He knows its bad but is like "f it" Buona sera it wont be long before..." So he's saying good evening friend, give me something!

    Then second half of the song is the guy saying I want to get over this damn habit!! " I wanna feel withdrawl... I wanna see it gone once and for all..."

    Maybe this song is about eddie and pot? I read that he quit when he had his daughter but then started up again and decided to put a fire pole through his house ;)
    Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...

  • does it crack you up that perhaps some of us simply enjoy discussing our personal take on lyrics? i enjoy sharing mine, and hearing others, lyrical interpretations. it's extremely interesting discussion to me. i think most here has been 'discussion' and very few 'i'm right, you're wrong' kind of posts. given that we are on a rock's band message board, in a section for 'all things pearl jam' appears entirely logical to me that such discussions would take place here. art IS all about personal interpretation, no matter what the creator of said art had in mind when creating. i think it's one of the major 'points' of art, and of enjoying art. of course, that's just imo. ;)

    That's pretty much what I said, isn't it? :P
    To me, this is the kind of topic that I'd share my opinion on and be done with it....But you're not me, so enjoy :)

  • That's pretty much what I said, isn't it? :P
    To me, this is the kind of topic that I'd share my opinion on and be done with it....But you're not me, so enjoy :)

    no, otherwise i'd not have asked...
    i was simply curious why for this topic, it cracks you up...yet for other, equally innane topics..i can see you sharing your opinion over and over. so was merely curious over why it's humorous here, but not elsewhere. and no, i am not you...thus why i was askin'. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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