Avett Brothers

CalumCalum Posts: 635
edited March 2010 in Other Music
anyone else a fan?
London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
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  • Heck yeah!

    I've seen them live several times now and they're another one of those amazing live acts, like Pearl Jam, that really bring it each night and connect with everyone in the room.

    Their new album is streaming at NPR right now.

    http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =112973444
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    just us 2 then lol

    thanks dude, I'm listening now.. There albums are pretty tough to get hold of in the UK so I have it on order from there website.

    I would love to see them live one day, hopefully they can make it over to the UK someday
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • Not a problem my friend. Always love sharing the Avett Brothers with people.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they made it over to the UK soon. This new album is their first on a more major label. That kind of backing could finally get them over there. If so, you gotta go see them. It'll be more than worth every penny.
  • Blind3Blind3 Posts: 1,149
    Saw them first time at Sasquatch over Memorial Day weekend. AMAZING SHOW !!!!!!! Wasn't a fan before. I am now. Looking forward to seeing them again . Several times.
    "Buy the ticket,take the ride"
    Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

    "If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better"
    Johan Cruijff
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    I hope so, yeah didn't they sign up with sony records, so hopefully they will get more international coverage.. if I could see them I would jump at the chance!

    so how would you describe the shows? ive seen live clips and it just looks great!
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • Calum wrote:
    just us 2 then lol

    thanks dude, I'm listening now.. There albums are pretty tough to get hold of in the UK so I have it on order from there website.

    They have all of them on amazon!!!

    New band to me, but I'm liking what I've heard.
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    oh don't get me wrong, I have al the albums and the new one on pre order :D but i've not seen there cds in any stores over here
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • Calum wrote:
    so how would you describe the shows?
    Their shows are really high energy. I could see how some people might be put off by their music because it's incredibly "heart on your sleeve" and could come off as cheesy to some, but when you see them live and see those songs in person, you realize how much they actually mean it and feel it. They have a commitment to each and every word they sing. They can go from screaming and stomping around to being so beautiful and quiet. What I also love is how down to earth and grateful they seem to be. Their style of music is something that's just not going to get a great deal of airplay, so touring constantly is how they really make a living and you can see how much they appreciate the crowds who come to see them play.
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    I like you dude.. you feel it like I do 8-)

    one of the reason I like them so much, is that they are good honest people. and I like it when good people succeed, and there music is so personal, so every song is never generic.. it has a meaning/feeling and I think that makes the song 10x better! I hope to see that in person one day!
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • Good to know there are other fans out there that feel it in the same way.

    New album is out today in the states! Is it out over there today as well?
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    yeh it is out, on order from amazon so should be here within a week or 2 ! i heard it thanks to the link supplied.. so i can wait! :)
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    picking this up today & can't wait to hear it! looking forward to their set @ ACL!
  • I'm heading over to my indie record store on my lunch today to pick it up.

    I'm so jealous you're going to ACL! That's one fest I need to get to some day!
  • FYI for the month of November you can get Four Thieves Gone for 5 bucks at amazon. Well worth the 5 bucks if you are looking for something good to listen to.
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    I heard they are doing an show like pj did at acl.. for pbs or something?? I'm not 100% sure being all the way over here :?
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    great music and a level of wisdom not easily found in music. heading to okc in march to see their show.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • i wont pretend that i've heard a whole lot of them but their video of "die, die, die" from bonnaroo 08 is one kick ass fucking song
    We were but stones your light made us stars
  • just recently added them to my listening pleasure
    nothing as it seems.....
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    I finally get to see them live, cannot wait! March 16th !! 8-)
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    Calum wrote:
    I heard they are doing an show like pj did at acl.. for pbs or something?? I'm not 100% sure being all the way over here :?

    they already did it. it's on this sunday. 2 awesome bands...the avett brothers & heartless bastards!!!
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    thanks MFC -- hopefully I can catch it online !! 8-)
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    Calum wrote:
    thanks MFC -- hopefully I can catch it online !! 8-)

    it should be online now...and it is!

  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    thank you very much sir ;)
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • solace23solace23 Posts: 704
    My friend recently got me into them. I have only heard "I and love and you" so far but am loving it.
  • THE LOOKTHE LOOK Posts: 324
    I have not posted anything in a very long time but I thought I would add my 2 cents on The Avett Brothers. These guys are the real deal.... I have been a PJ fan since the early ninties. I sort of lost my love for music until I came across these guys. The music is alot differnt from PJ but there is alot of honesty in both of these bands. I am from the same area as these guys and have seen them 5 times in the past couple of years which has helped me from my PJ withdrawls. ( Yeap....I am in the south. ) I gave a friend of mine a cd I put together of difFerent songs from TAB. He called me one day and said he didn't get it.... I made him promise to keep the cd and give it time. Well, he gets it now. If you decide to give these guys a chance, I would not start with the new album....just my opion. BTW, here's to PJ playing the south....sometime before I leave this world. ONE LOVE
    Bigfoot is blurry.
    - Mitch Hedberg
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    one of my favorite bands for sure
    saw them at bonnaroo 08 and hob in orlando

    also whenever one of my buddies sleeps with a poor choice they are greeted with "shame" playing
    the ultimate walk of shame song
    boatloads of shame
  • THE LOOKTHE LOOK Posts: 324
    one of my favorite bands for sure
    saw them at bonnaroo 08 and hob in orlando

    also whenever one of my buddies sleeps with a poor choice they are greeted with "shame" playing
    the ultimate walk of shame song
    boatloads of shame

    Please take it off....

    That is funny!!!
    Bigfoot is blurry.
    - Mitch Hedberg
  • CalumCalum Posts: 635
    nice post LOOK, thanks for sharing.. I agree, my love for music was dying as new music was sounding boring.. but these guys blew my mind !

    TIES, I love that... boat loads of shame !! :D
    London Astoria - Dublin - Wembley - Shepherds Bush - London 02
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    theres an avett bros concert on in hd right now if you have comcast.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    november blue.........great song.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
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