Buying from the UK
Is anyone like me from the UK and buying their Backspacer CD from rather than on here?
Whenever I've bought CD's from the States I've been crucified by taxes when it's hit customs. A shame, but in these tough times...
Whenever I've bought CD's from the States I've been crucified by taxes when it's hit customs. A shame, but in these tough times...
Just a dude growing veg
Post edited by Unknown User on
Customs charges in the Uk for purchases over £17 at 15% and then the handling fee is phenomenal.
So tenclub were fine to order from. plus it has the special packaging
That's what was galling, I want the special packaging!
Might cancel my amazon pre-order. Cheers dude.
You don't drive a Seat do you?
Just had a look online and it comes up at $13.99 - is that because I'm still waiting for my membership renewal to come through?
Or am I just a mug for stuff like that?
sorry about that,
but even so 14 bucks is about 8 its cool either way
Seat? no, why you ask??
just a mug
but me too, x 10. I have it preordered all over the place. Im a moron.
I only ask, becasue I'm a member on a Seat forum, and a dude on there has a similar avatar to you.
£12.99 of my hard earned is currently winging it's way to the offices of the 10C.
Interestingly enough, the CD listed on Amazon has a "limited edition" gatefold...
If I had the money, I'd probably have done the same.... ordering all over the places to have different versions. :roll:
Luckily because of tight budget and my loyalty to the band, I go through 10c first before going to any other places. So that forces me to be in more control....sometimes that doesn't work out too well.
Like the other day Santos put out a thread about "Built to last" t-shirt and water bottle.... I had to buy those on an impulse and postponing one already behind bill for the purchase.
I'd have to hide those when they arrive here...cuz hubby would be pissed (although one of each order is for him). So, it'll be a good while before I can actually wear the shirt and drinking some water out of the bottle!
*hides them in my closet - the PJ secret place*
I guess what I'm saying is.... you are no more of a moron than I am, just because I don't have the money. :P
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Trouble is, shops involve other people and I have a people intollerance - especially rude ones.
aye there are two Uk releases, one is the gatefold limited one that is bing sold by play and HMV as exclusives.... then the normal release, both are available at 8.99....
no one is selling the book style that tenclub are though, which for me seals the deal
Drive an Audi dude....
Hopefully Backspacer is winging its way over the Atlantic as I type
i hope your right but I havent had the 'your order has shipped email yet''ll come
think guinness
A worker refused to sell you a cd?
*Raises a glass to llamas"
I've only just received my "your order has been received" email. I might get my CD for Christmas!
Actually - my beef is more with music stores and their layouts rather than people. I'm quite tall (6ft 7), and as a result to see the CD's along the bottom shelves I have to stand back on the other side of the aisle (to avoid crouching down and getting in the way). Then, you get some numpty come and stand right in front of you when you're clearly trying to look for something. Happens all the time, so I just don't go in them now - that or try and my CD's just from teh top three shelves...
Order through play or HMV and
a) its a lower price
b) you get it sooner
c) it lands on your doormat
d) there are no travelling costs to grab it and park your vehicle....
e) it takes zero time out of your day
I dont get the going into store thing these days, its sad because Record srtores dominated my youth, but with life being as hectic as it is, there really is no point
I've ordered several thing off amazon and they shipped on the day on release not shipped for the day of release.
amazon is different, play and hmv ALWAYS have it there in advance