and now I heard in NYC(I haven't seen this one yet)
I thought Acorn said that it was an isolated incident and that the filmakers are just trying to smear the organization. Honestly, 1 office does it it could be those people, a 2nd place has the same problem you can chalk it up to coincidence but now a 3rd tape is released of another office. Sorry this seems to me like its a Standard Work Practice and not some rogue employees. There is something very wrong with Acorn and they need to be investigated period. This group gets a lot of tax money and they need to be held accountable for what they are doing.
"“The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at ‘gotcha journalism,’” said Scott Levenson, a spokesman at ACORN’s national offices, told CNN. “This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further.”
Theres a new tape being released tomorow also 9/15/2009. Sorry main stream liberals but your getting the wool pulled over your eyes. America isn't about democrat and republican anymore. It goes deeper than that. Our government is corupt(yes people....even Obama) and something needs to be done.
and now I heard in NYC(I haven't seen this one yet)
I thought Acorn said that it was an isolated incident and that the filmakers are just trying to smear the organization. Honestly, 1 office does it it could be those people, a 2nd place has the same problem you can chalk it up to coincidence but now a 3rd tape is released of another office. Sorry this seems to me like its a Standard Work Practice and not some rogue employees. There is something very wrong with Acorn and they need to be investigated period. This group gets a lot of tax money and they need to be held accountable for what they are doing.
"“The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at ‘gotcha journalism,’” said Scott Levenson, a spokesman at ACORN’s national offices, told CNN. “This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further.”
That's how I feel... if there is criminal wrongdoing... investigate and prosecute the offenders. Audit the organization's books and reveal the money trail.
And Fox needs to be responsible, too. If these were 3 out of 3 offices where this practice is going on, then there needs to be a wider investigation. If this is 3 out of 257 offices investigated by FOX News.... they need to make all 257 unedited tapes made available for viewing for a fair and balanced perspective.
Wow Cosmo, I actualy agree on something with
The answers is: That is what the fucking assholes in Congress are supposed to work out!!! It is their fucking JOB to work out the fine details of the Bill... in this case, the regulatory process to dechipher who is qualified to receive Federal credit and who is not. That is what WE pay them to do!!!
i agree and am fed up with them as much as you are.
crack them heads together. work on healthcare. get your heads out of your asses.
Post edited by blondieblue227 on
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Wow Cosmo, I actualy agree on something with
Then, you agree... If this is really a legitimate cause for investigation... FOX News needs to turn over all of its tapes to the county's District Attorney's Offices and let THEM do the investigation... rather than trying this thing on the airwaves, right?
Well... how are they doing with that?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Wow Cosmo, I actualy agree on something with
Then, you agree... If this is really a legitimate cause for investigation... FOX News needs to turn over all of its tapes to the county's District Attorney's Offices and let THEM do the investigation... rather than trying this thing on the airwaves, right?
Well... how are they doing with that?
yes i do agree that fox should turn over all tapes. of course i do. i watch fox, i never claimed evrything they said was true. Can YOU say that about liberal news????
My news station is better than yours!
That’s a silly argument. No news network is a 100% credible these days. It’s a shame. Because if all of them are jaded, who’s out there truly helping Americans stay informed?
They are like instigators on the playground. They stir up shit and step away and snicker while a fight breaks out.
I will go as far to say they hurt America more than help it.
I think you hit the nail on the head here.
I know your all going to laugh at this but Glenn Beck has truly been becoming very centered. He's talking about Republicans and Dems and that it's all corupt and we all need to come together. But I know you guys don't want to hear that because he doesn't like Obama and thats all against your religous beliefs, so you would never give him a listen anyway.
My news station is better than yours!
That’s a silly argument. No news network is a 100% credible these days. It’s a shame. Because if all of them are jaded, who’s out there truly helping Americans stay informed?
They are like instigators on the playground. They stir up shit and step away and snicker while a fight breaks out.
I will go as far to say they hurt America more than help it.
The news is no longer about truth and's about ratings and advertising dollars....the majority of "journalists" are in for the book deals, their own show and pure old-fashioned ego. :evil:
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Wow Cosmo, I actualy agree on something with
Then, you agree... If this is really a legitimate cause for investigation... FOX News needs to turn over all of its tapes to the county's District Attorney's Offices and let THEM do the investigation... rather than trying this thing on the airwaves, right?
Well... how are they doing with that?
yes i do agree that fox should turn over all tapes. of course i do. i watch fox, i never claimed evrything they said was true. Can YOU say that about liberal news????
Who said anything about the television media? Not me. Why do you think I post things such as the House Bill from the Library of Congress for you to read? So, you can make up you OWN mind. Go to the source... that's my motto.
And again... can you tell me how everyone other than FOX is 'Liberal'? I never figured that one out.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Most everyone other than FOX is leberal, all you have to do is watch it to know that. And i've tried reading those bills, call me stupid but can't make much sense out of it. They should be written so the common citizen can understand them.
I agree.
The president tries to explain them, but there’s always going to be people that don’t believe him. Because politics are just like that. Some politicians do lie.
But how about don’t they break down things into layman’s terms?
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Most everyone other than FOX is leberal, all you have to do is watch it to know that. And i've tried reading those bills, call me stupid but can't make much sense out of it. They should be written so the common citizen can understand them.
This is a great post... I'm going to print and frame it.
Everyone... including the wire services... AP, Reuters... are liberals, huh? Where did you get that? Lemme guess.... from watching FOX News?
And if you cannot understand the essense of what the Bill says and does not say... how can you have an intelligent opinion on it?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Most everyone other than FOX is leberal, all you have to do is watch it to know that. And i've tried reading those bills, call me stupid but can't make much sense out of it. They should be written so the common citizen can understand them.
This is a great post... I'm going to print and frame it.
Everyone... including the wire services... AP, Reuters... are liberals, huh? Where did you get that? Lemme guess.... from watching FOX News?
And if you cannot understand the essense of what the Bill says and does not say... how can you have an intelligent opinion on it?
get real dude. there are thousands of people who can not understand them and they are very inteligent. And why should we read them.....THE CONGRESSMEN THAT PASS THEM DON'T!!!!!
Most everyone other than FOX is leberal, all you have to do is watch it to know that. And i've tried reading those bills, call me stupid but can't make much sense out of it. They should be written so the common citizen can understand them.
This is a great post... I'm going to print and frame it.
Everyone... including the wire services... AP, Reuters... are liberals, huh? Where did you get that? Lemme guess.... from watching FOX News?
And if you cannot understand the essense of what the Bill says and does not say... how can you have an intelligent opinion on it?
get real dude. there are thousands of people who can not understand them and they are very inteligent. And why should we read them.....THE CONGRESSMEN THAT PASS THEM DON'T!!!!!
Oh... you can have an opinion on it... This is America, you can have an opinion on anything... no matter how uninformed, misinformed or just plain moronic that opinion is.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Really? Come on.
If a Congress member doesn’t read a bill before debating and passing it, then what are they there for? If that’s true we as voters have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I think every single person in Congress knows each bill backwards and forward.
It’s their own personal agendas that fucks things up IMO.
There’s no such thing as a selfless public servant anymore.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Really? Come on.
If a Congress member doesn’t read a bill before debating and passing it, then what are they there for? If that’s true we as voters have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I think every single person in Congress knows each bill backwards and forward.
It’s their own personal agendas that fucks things up IMO.
There’s no such thing as a selfless public servant anymore.
wow, ummmm, the stimulus package that was passed many billions again? was handed to congress the night before it was passed and it was almost 12 " thick. i'm sure there not all speed readers.
Really? Come on.
If a Congress member doesn’t read a bill before debating and passing it, then what are they there for? If that’s true we as voters have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I think every single person in Congress knows each bill backwards and forward.
It’s their own personal agendas that fucks things up IMO.
There’s no such thing as a selfless public servant anymore.
wow, ummmm, the stimulus package that was passed many billions again? was handed to congress the night before it was passed and it was almost 12 " thick. i'm sure there not all speed readers.
Okay... This I am certain is not true. You may believe Bills work this way... but, that does not mean they work the way you believe them to.
The TRUTH is, The House Bill was introduced to the House on 26January2009 and the Senate Bill even earlier, 06January2009. The Bill was eventually signed by President Obama on 13February2009. That gave them a few weeks to read and argue about it. If your representative cannot read a bill in a couple of weeks... he does not belong in Congress, passing laws that affect all of us.
I don't know where you get your information... but, it is beyond bogus and delves deeply into the total bullshit zone.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Really? Come on.
If a Congress member doesn’t read a bill before debating and passing it, then what are they there for? If that’s true we as voters have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I think every single person in Congress knows each bill backwards and forward.
It’s their own personal agendas that fucks things up IMO.
There’s no such thing as a selfless public servant anymore.
wow, ummmm, the stimulus package that was passed many billions again? was handed to congress the night before it was passed and it was almost 12 " thick. i'm sure there not all speed readers.
Okay... This I am certain is not true. You may believe Bills work this way... but, that does not mean they work the way you believe them to.
The TRUTH is, The House Bill was introduced to the House on 26January2009 and the Senate Bill even earlier, 06January2009. The Bill was eventually signed by President Obama on 13February2009. That gave them a few weeks to read and argue about it. If your representative cannot read a bill in a couple of weeks... he does not belong in Congress, passing laws that affect all of us.
I don't know where you get your information... but, it is beyond bogus and delves deeply into the total bullshit zone.
This is the timeline of the Bill's passage.
Introduced on 26January2009
Passed in the Senate on 10February2009
If your guy can't read a Bill in 15 days... he does not belong in Government.
And you can remember the end of 2008, right? It was when Wall Street almost came crashing down, taking the global economy with it.
Read the Bill... what don't you like in it?
P.S. Take your time... You have more than 24 hours to read it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
and it should... as well as start an investigation and audit their books. FOX needs to turn over all of it's raw videotapes (including any videos showing denial of service, if they exist), to local, state and federal authorities, as evidence... as in any criminal investigation.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Well it appears the agenda has been accomplished as federal funding has been denied a job well done. It would've have been nice though to show the ACORN visits of near 2 dozen when they were turned away. To the point of refusal that the police was needed to make them leave but then again persistence will get that job done. Great editing but it would also have been proper to show the whole taping of what ACORN did or didn't do.
and it should... as well as start an investigation and audit their books. FOX needs to turn over all of it's raw videotapes (including any videos showing denial of service, if they exist), to local, state and federal authorities, as evidence... as in any criminal investigation.
AMY GOODMAN: How many different places did they go in ACORN? Also, by the way, how many employees do you have? How many times were they turned away? How many times were they, well, given advice, like they were here, that—captured on tape?
BERTHA LEWIS: So, from what we can determine, they visited almost two dozen offices. And in two-thirds of them—you know, now, once we began to see this, because people didn’t really think much of it, when we polled everybody, we knew office—you know, in over a dozen offices, they were summarily told to leave.
I might add that these folks really were very aggressive and refused to leave in several instances in at least three or four offices, and that’s why people said, “We’re going to call the police,” because they just were very aggressive and very pushy.
We have almost 700 employees. So when they’re able to show maybe five or six, you know, less than one percent of our employees there, I would like to know any corporation that has 700 employees, if they could come and help us figure out how we keep 700 employees absolutely perfect all the time. I don’t know. But I certainly, under my watch, will make sure that our procedures are reviewed and that we do tighten this up and our intake processes and communication, as Juan pointed out, is more effective and better.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Well it appears the agenda has been accomplished as federal funding has been denied a job well done. It would've have been nice though to show the ACORN visits of near 2 dozen when they were turned away. To the point of refusal that the police was needed to make them leave but then again persistence will get that job done. Great editing but it would also have been proper to show the whole taping of what ACORN did or didn't do.
and it should... as well as start an investigation and audit their books. FOX needs to turn over all of it's raw videotapes (including any videos showing denial of service, if they exist), to local, state and federal authorities, as evidence... as in any criminal investigation.
AMY GOODMAN: How many different places did they go in ACORN? Also, by the way, how many employees do you have? How many times were they turned away? How many times were they, well, given advice, like they were here, that—captured on tape?
BERTHA LEWIS: So, from what we can determine, they visited almost two dozen offices. And in two-thirds of them—you know, now, once we began to see this, because people didn’t really think much of it, when we polled everybody, we knew office—you know, in over a dozen offices, they were summarily told to leave.
I might add that these folks really were very aggressive and refused to leave in several instances in at least three or four offices, and that’s why people said, “We’re going to call the police,” because they just were very aggressive and very pushy.
We have almost 700 employees. So when they’re able to show maybe five or six, you know, less than one percent of our employees there, I would like to know any corporation that has 700 employees, if they could come and help us figure out how we keep 700 employees absolutely perfect all the time. I don’t know. But I certainly, under my watch, will make sure that our procedures are reviewed and that we do tighten this up and our intake processes and communication, as Juan pointed out, is more effective and better.
Which is why FOX News and the people responsible for the 'Sting Operation' need to turn over ALL of their full, unedited raw tapes as evidence. Both can be held liable in civil courts if these reports are found to be fraudulant.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Theres a new tape being released tomorow also 9/15/2009. Sorry main stream liberals but your getting the wool pulled over your eyes. America isn't about democrat and republican anymore. It goes deeper than that. Our government is corupt(yes people....even Obama) and something needs to be done.
Wow Cosmo, I actualy agree on something with
i agree and am fed up with them as much as you are.
crack them heads together. work on healthcare. get your heads out of your asses.
Then, you agree... If this is really a legitimate cause for investigation... FOX News needs to turn over all of its tapes to the county's District Attorney's Offices and let THEM do the investigation... rather than trying this thing on the airwaves, right?
Well... how are they doing with that?
Hail, Hail!!!
yes i do agree that fox should turn over all tapes. of course i do. i watch fox, i never claimed evrything they said was true. Can YOU say that about liberal news????
I know your all going to laugh at this but Glenn Beck has truly been becoming very centered. He's talking about Republicans and Dems and that it's all corupt and we all need to come together. But I know you guys don't want to hear that because he doesn't like Obama and thats all against your religous beliefs, so you would never give him a listen anyway.
Who said anything about the television media? Not me. Why do you think I post things such as the House Bill from the Library of Congress for you to read? So, you can make up you OWN mind. Go to the source... that's my motto.
And again... can you tell me how everyone other than FOX is 'Liberal'? I never figured that one out.
Hail, Hail!!!
Aren't those the public option for television?
Well, them and CSPAN.
Somehow... I just don't see PBS and CSPAN driving CBS or HBO out of business.
Hail, Hail!!!
The president tries to explain them, but there’s always going to be people that don’t believe him. Because politics are just like that. Some politicians do lie.
But how about don’t they break down things into layman’s terms?
This is a great post... I'm going to print and frame it.
Everyone... including the wire services... AP, Reuters... are liberals, huh? Where did you get that? Lemme guess.... from watching FOX News?
And if you cannot understand the essense of what the Bill says and does not say... how can you have an intelligent opinion on it?
Hail, Hail!!!
get real dude. there are thousands of people who can not understand them and they are very inteligent. And why should we read them.....THE CONGRESSMEN THAT PASS THEM DON'T!!!!!
Oh... you can have an opinion on it... This is America, you can have an opinion on anything... no matter how uninformed, misinformed or just plain moronic that opinion is.
Hail, Hail!!!
If a Congress member doesn’t read a bill before debating and passing it, then what are they there for? If that’s true we as voters have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I think every single person in Congress knows each bill backwards and forward.
It’s their own personal agendas that fucks things up IMO.
There’s no such thing as a selfless public servant anymore.
wow, ummmm, the stimulus package that was passed many billions again? was handed to congress the night before it was passed and it was almost 12 " thick. i'm sure there not all speed readers.
Vote them out.
Protests outside their office.
Okay... This I am certain is not true. You may believe Bills work this way... but, that does not mean they work the way you believe them to.
The TRUTH is, The House Bill was introduced to the House on 26January2009 and the Senate Bill even earlier, 06January2009. The Bill was eventually signed by President Obama on 13February2009. That gave them a few weeks to read and argue about it. If your representative cannot read a bill in a couple of weeks... he does not belong in Congress, passing laws that affect all of us.
I don't know where you get your information... but, it is beyond bogus and delves deeply into the total bullshit zone.
Hail, Hail!!!
that's what i'm thinking.........gezz louise.
This is the timeline of the Bill's passage.
Introduced on 26January2009
Passed in the Senate on 10February2009
If your guy can't read a Bill in 15 days... he does not belong in Government.
And you can remember the end of 2008, right? It was when Wall Street almost came crashing down, taking the global economy with it.
Read the Bill... what don't you like in it?
P.S. Take your time... You have more than 24 hours to read it.
Hail, Hail!!! ... ress_acorn
and it should... as well as start an investigation and audit their books. FOX needs to turn over all of it's raw videotapes (including any videos showing denial of service, if they exist), to local, state and federal authorities, as evidence... as in any criminal investigation.
Hail, Hail!!!
ACORN Head Bertha Lewis Vows Action on Employee Misconduct, But Warns Group Targeted by “Modern-Day McCarthyism”
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Which is why FOX News and the people responsible for the 'Sting Operation' need to turn over ALL of their full, unedited raw tapes as evidence. Both can be held liable in civil courts if these reports are found to be fraudulant.
Hail, Hail!!!
An interesting take on the Acorn situation.
You really believe that every congress member has read every bill?
Not a chance in hell.
Should they? Absoultely.