filthy_canvisfilthy_canvis Posts: 813
edited September 2009 in The Porch
think about this people
PEARL JAM star EDDIE VEDDER fears he'll have to increase concert ticket prices after years of fighting to keep them low - because fans keep stealing his songs. The rocker was one of the leading voices against high ticket fees - and famously took on Ticketmaster in America - but now he feels downloading is killing music and he'll need to seek profits elsewhere. Vedder says, "A lot of people are getting your music without having to pay, and it's only $12. "I ordered eggs at a little restaurant in Seattle and it was $9.50. I was thinking, 'You can't spend two extra bucks for a record that you put your heart and soul into?' "I think the problem is to charge more for tickets, which is something we've always been abhorrent to do; either that or you're gonna have to start accepting sponsorships, or start selling your music to Viagra. "I'm not sure how we'll do it. I'm glad we gave money away when we did - when it came in from making records. We kind of spread it around and helped people in our community and abroad in different ways."
Bitch Be Cool 8)
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands

come say hi on facebook
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I have to believe that this is taken out of context/written really poorly....I hope/believe that Eddie is talking about what other bands will have to do.. I have so many layers of respect for the philosophy of the band and the generosity they exude...I cannot believe they are worried about being worth 56 million instead of 52 million......I hope not. But, it reminds me again of this....Richard Pryor once said that money is like cocaine...too much is never enough.
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    Guess we know how that played out judging by all the bitching regarding ticket prices and other stuff over the past year (Target deal, Verizon, etc.) ;) :? :D:lol::lol:

    Good on PJ, I don't really blame them. Everyone wants to be valued and being paid for your work is part of that.
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • I don't think he was kidding. How much were ticket prices back in 2007 when that article was written?
  • WhyNotSwedenWhyNotSweden Sweden Posts: 4,307
    This is what happens, yesterdays leak aint doing it better.

    The Turtle leak is here;

    -95, Stockholm (MirrorBall Tour)
    -00, Stockholm
    -07, Copenhagen
    -09, Berlin
    -10, Berlin
    -11, East Troy 1+2
    -12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
    -13, London, Chicago
    -14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo
    -16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2
    -17, EV Amsterdam 2+3
    -18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2
    -19, EV Brussels

  • Their merchandise machine has more than made up for it......Each live show they do is a goldmine for them....not to mention the occasional side corporate gig....I have an direct debit from my bank account into the Pearl Jam corporate account...they automatically withdraw about 34K each month... :mrgreen:
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • Pearl Jam is probably one of those bands least affected by piracy compared to most bands because of the huge hardcore fanbase that will buy up anything. plus their last few albums' sales have more to do with the music than piracy. even without piracy i doubt they would have broke platinum. i hope they arent talkiong about their own situation.

    i do think that the only way for bands to make real money these days is through touring. Between record companies and piracy, cd sales arent gonna cut it. Like it or not, its not gonna change anytime soon. the war is already over as far as that goes.
  • If that's true, why is the upcoming tour so expensive? The target deal is giving them a much bigger piece of the pie for each album sold, so shouldn't the ticket prices be cheaper? If this was posted to discourage people downloading, it's ridiculous 1. Everyone here is paying money to be a member, 2. Most of us have preordered anyway, 3. I got into Pearl Jam by ripping my friends copy of VS onto my computer ages ago. Since then I have bought every album, including some live stuff. If I hadn't illegally copied the album to begin with I wouldn't be posting now.
  • This is what happens, yesterdays leak aint doing it better.

    The Turtle leak is here;


  • heh i hope Eddie doesnt think the reason the last three albums didnt sell huge amounts is because of piracy. but he probably doesn't.
  • Oz JammerOz Jammer Posts: 9,858
    This is why they should've gone the same way as Radiohead's "In Rainbows". I would've paid some money to download it a few months before the date of the physical release, as I'm sure other fans would as well.
  • SpagsSpags Leigh-on-Sea, UK Posts: 3,052
    I guess the real question should be what song would PJ use on a Viagra commercial?
    Nature drunk and High
  • I guess the real question should be what song would PJ use on a Viagra commercial?
    the fixer, naturally.
  • magikevmagikev Posts: 296
    Long ago, there was a time when Pearl Jam turned down a Viagra commercial with a dancing penis singing "I'm still Alive." Look up the San Diego 2003 boot . . .the story is told there.
  • SpagsSpags Leigh-on-Sea, UK Posts: 3,052
    Amazing Scenes :D
    Nature drunk and High
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    asktheaxis wrote:
    If that's true, why is the upcoming tour so expensive? The target deal is giving them a much bigger piece of the pie for each album sold, so shouldn't the ticket prices be cheaper? If this was posted to discourage people downloading, it's ridiculous 1. Everyone here is paying money to be a member, 2. Most of us have preordered anyway, 3. I got into Pearl Jam by ripping my friends copy of VS onto my computer ages ago. Since then I have bought every album, including some live stuff. If I hadn't illegally copied the album to begin with I wouldn't be posting now.

    Look, not everyone that downloads Pearl Jam's music illegally turns into a super fan like you. You are an exception to the rule.
  • I'm not nearly as obsessive as some of the people around here, which really proves my point. There is no reason for posting that article has on this website - WE aren't the ones that are "starving" the band of cash. If low album sales are pushing up ticket prices, why are tickets still going up even when the band is no longer getting screwed by a major label?
  • yataheyatahe New Mexico Posts: 168
    Just in general, I wondered how people in the music industry are making it these days with every song being available on line and such. But I know Pearl Jam fans will come through (and already are) through buying their records and cds and such. God knows they dont need sooooo much money but the fact that they have been and are so generous from their hearts, they will be taken care of for sure; it will will come back to them ten fold. I have faith in the PJ fans. :mrgreen:
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I've never downloaded anything illegally. Bit of a technophobe I guess, still haven't worked out how to get my photos from the camera to the computer.

    Seriously though, do you not think it maybe coincides with them having kids? That does make make you want to have more financial security. Still don't think the tickets were overpriced myself it was around £35 for tickets at the MEN, that was in the cheap seats with a rear view, although more to the side really. It was worth every penny. Didn't buy any merchandise, just a shandy from the bar, four of us shared a car to make the journey there so saved money on fuel. All I own are the studio albums that I have bought legitimately (although if a bootleg becomes available of the MEN will buy that), maybe I am just a tight git, or just skint most of the time. :cry:
  • judging from the gushing reviews from fans i've read today on other, less 'ethical' Pearl Jam sites, the buzz this thing is getting can't be a bad thing.

    and i'm not even talking about the usual new release hype. its like 99 to 1 positive.
  • Two Words-Live Nation. They will be the next big band to sign. Huge money up front gauranteed. I download alot of music from p2p, but it is only to back up the collection I have already purchased. And there are things you just can't walk into a target and pick-up. Its also another way to see if buying the whole album is even worth it. Thats not with just PJ. There are alot of artist where I only want one song and Itunes is great for that. The whole analogy between a 9.50 breakfast and a twelve dollar album is absurd. With a 9.50 Breakfast you know what you are getting, bacon and eggs, with an album you don't.
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    That article is about three years old.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • I guess the real question should be what song would PJ use on a Viagra commercial?
    Rise ?

    He actually mentioned the possibility at the EV atlanta 1 show :lol:
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I guess the real question should be what song would PJ use on a Viagra commercial?

    Heart the effects are prolonged, EV could do the commercial on his own with 'Long Night'? :)
  • mjbmjb Posts: 1,315
    looks to me like they are recovering their lost revenue in shipping fees. $7.50 to send a waterbottle? ($11 to Canada?) - I love the 10c and this band but that has to include a hefty "handling fee".
  • strummersstrummers Posts: 2,611
    Vedderwt wrote:
    ..I cannot believe they are worried about being worth 56 million instead of 52 million....

    I think its more along the lines of them continuing to have the funds to employ the people who rely on them for a living. They must, directly and indirectly, support a hell of a lot of people by doing what they do and donating to their charities. I'm sure they feel a sense of responsibility with regards to those people/companies/charities.

    Also, even though there is a rabid PJ fan base who will buy every release (multiple times) that doesn't mean they won't be affected by illegal downloading - they will, just like every artist out there. I don't see as much of an issue if you are buying the 'legal' product, but I personally would never download an official release before the owner of the work has made it legally available. I prefer to have the cd/record and listen to it for the first time from the physical product. Maybe I'm weird! :D

    <object width="360" height="300"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="url="><embed src="; FlashVars="url=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="300"></embed></object>
  • LOV2ROCKLOV2ROCK Minneapolis/St.Paul Posts: 822
    mjb wrote:
    looks to me like they are recovering their lost revenue in shipping fees. $7.50 to send a waterbottle? ($11 to Canada?) - I love the 10c and this band but that has to include a hefty "handling fee".

    Yeah,they are screwing us on the shiping costs.
    But if we want what they are selling to us,we have no
    choice but to pay it.

    Have you noticed on the postage labels that they dont put the price
    on the label anymore? They used have the shipping price
    on it. Not anymore.

    Posts: 282
    Joined: 01 Jul 1998 02:00
    Location: Minneapolis,Minnesota - Ten Club #73,XXX Since 1994
    if PJ ever play dallas again i think i would fly you down here if you bought 10c tickets for the show. of course you would have to take me ;)
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    SolarWorld wrote:

    Look, not everyone that downloads Pearl Jam's music illegally turns into a super fan like you. You are an exception to the rule.

    This is true and I am trying to teach my oldest son and others to look up to him as an example...

    He had been downloading a lot of "free" songs....when the news broke out about Kaaza (and similar ones), I had a long talk with my son about ethics and supporting bands, even if he just liked a few songs of theirs.

    Now Limeware? I don't trust that...

    Kids don't think about that... kids will find ways to get music for free. They don't care about having tangible music in their hands (eg CDs, vinyls,).... all they care is getting on their iPods.

    So Ev's concerns are valid... we may be the exception here because we not only enjoy their music, but also more than that... we have formed a community here.

    But not many are not that.... how many of us here, really? A few thousand? I think that's stretching it... unless you count the entire world.

    Honestly... if there were rich people....with good hearts and being conscious human beings, I'd want Pearl Jam to be that. They would do put their money where their mouth is....and they have proved that.

    I don't have a problem with them being filthy rich because they are not out of touch with human beings.

    I find it funny that it's ok for other people to charge 200-500 dollars for posters, rare items, tickets,whatnot... and fans would cough up the dough.

    But god forbid PJ do that with 10 to 20 dollars more.... there'd be an uproar in the community. :P
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • oh great... that just makes me feel GREAT about what I did yesterday...
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • I guess the real question should be what song would PJ use on a Viagra commercial?
    the fixer, naturally.

    When something's liiiiiimp, I wanna put a little stiffy in it ...
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
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