I'm afraid of the doctor, and afraid of needles and blood. I never get a flu shot. and rarely get sick. Which is made more bizaare and odd considering I often wear short sleeved shirts in the dead of winter.
I also think something could be said for NOT being given something that is being forced on other people. I have no doubt some doctors and nurses are great, after all I am the son of parents in the nursing field. But I also think doctors and the medicine field are rife with people only concerned about money. Archie Bunker had a great joke about how he felt doctors were highway robbers, because they wore those masks. I think there is something to that.
If they really cared about us, wouldnt they be trying hard to do something about the flouride and perscription drugs that are found in our tap water?
I've never had a flu shot and do not plan on getting one this time around neither. I only get the flu once every 5 or 6 years it seems. And if I do ge it, it will probably do my body good to fight it off and build a natural immunity to it.
as to if it works or not, as I said, I havent gotten flu shots in years, I did as a kid of course, but through my mid to late teens, and now as a 25 year old, I havent gotten a shot in years, and I am healthy. And as I said, I get sick sometimes, as we all do, but, I rarely get colds.
I wonder if its more psychosomatic or something. People feel comforted by the fact they are receiving medicine that will make it so they wont get sick, or will get less frequent colds. Maybe that feeling is more powerful than the actual medication or treatment
For me, no, I don't think so. I'm 30 and I've never had a flu shot, and it's not like the flu shots they've got now are going to prevent a swine flu pandemic a la 1918, if that's what's in the cards, you know? But I think my mom should get one, considering she's 57, has had a VERY stressful year (so her immune system's low), and she works in a public library. People are walking germ machines (especially kids; sorry, but true), and I would think that anyone who works with the public (libraries, schools, hospitals, etc) might want to consider the shot this year.
Personally, the only times I've had the flu (besides young childhood) were back when I was smoking cigarettes, in my late teens / early 20's. Out of the five years I smoked, I got the flu three times, plus horrific colds, and it was dreadful. The final time, I got hit with the flu, strep throat, and bronchitis -- that was what finally made me quit. The pleasure I got from smoking just wasn't worth the misery every winter!
I think what people should focus on is prevention; washing your hands, not touching your face, staying home if you don't feel well so you don't spread the virus, etc. I've never really liked the idea of the flu shot -- doesn't it actually make you sick? -- but I suppose for at-risk people, it's worth it.
Try to forget this...
Try to erase this...
From the blackboard.
I get one yearly, but having had cancer and a weakened immune system it's recommended for me. I can say though that they do work. If you are prone to getting sick, colds, etc., it definitely helps out. You'll miss all the the nasty flu type colds, and might, on a worst case scenario get a short head cold. They hurt for about a day, and you'll feel like ass for about 24 hrs(fever, body aches), but it does go away within a day.
If its a vaccine for something that could really F me up, I'll take it. Tetnis/Diptheira/ etc... The flu, my body can handle a flu, and I don't want it to forget how to fight one
I guess I'm oldschool. I figure you need to be exposed to some virii and some bacteria, or your body will never learn to fight it on its own.
i work in a public hospital, and i never get one even tho all staff are offered them - and i rarely get sick ... if i ever do its a sniffle or a sore throat, not a full on case of the flu - on the other hand i know people who get the shot and get such a bad case of the flu they have a week or more off.
its shit ... unless you have an immune problem, or are around people who have, dont waste your time
Here in Sweden EVERY one gets a flu shot for free. oink oink
-95, Stockholm (MirrorBall Tour)
-00, Stockholm
-07, Copenhagen
-09, Berlin
-10, Berlin
-11, East Troy 1+2
-12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
-13, London, Chicago
-14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo -16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2 -17, EV Amsterdam 2+3 -18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2 -19, EV Brussels
Why not ask your doctor instead of the misinformed and misguided dribble offered here?
I assure you it will be much better to receive advice from someone who has been trained and spent years thinking about such questions, than from someone who intermittently reads "naturalnews.com"
last time i checked, im pretty sure our hospital came under nsw health, not naturalnews ....
yeah, but your hospital offers it to people and probably recommends it, it's up to you to get it or not. the guy was just saying that a doctor would be more qualified to give an answer then people who spend all day on the internet. but i guess the original poster did want peoples from here opinions weather those opinions are well informed or not is a different matter.
i'm kinda getting tired of what the internet has made society, someone types something into google or wiki and they then become an expert on that. even though probably more then half the info offered on the net is either bullshit, here say or someone who has less then half an idea's opinion on a matter.
people used to have friends that they have actually met in real life, these days we seem to deem a persons worth by how many friends they have on facebook.
anyway, if you are on facebook, please send me a freinds request.
last time i checked, im pretty sure our hospital came under nsw health, not naturalnews ....
yeah, but your hospital offers it to people and probably recommends it, it's up to you to get it or not. the guy was just saying that a doctor would be more qualified to give an answer then people who spend all day on the internet.
just pointing out to the other poster that im not reading advice off diagnoseyourself.com .... i spoke of what ive learnt after 9 years working in health, from professionals, and advice that we have to give out ourself.
at lease i didnt repeat myself over and over and over
at lease i didnt repeat myself over and over and over
damn board hiccups! don't know how that happened!
oh well.....at least people won't miss the links i posted.
there is waaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much ignorance surrounding vaccinations...most of the propaganda is disseminated by Big Pharma...who makes billions of peoples ignorance!
I like Got Some over The Fixer. I haven't heard anything else off of the album so I really can't tell you which song is my favorite.
Oh wait a minute...this thread isn't about Pearl Jam. My fault.
do ya think the band members get flu shots?
do you think they have let their newborn children be inoculated with thimerosal (mercury) http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Thimerosal-9925236 and put them at risk of autism or ADD or SIDS or....etc. etc. (not that thimerosal is the only dangerous substance found in vaccines...the squalene they put in the new H1N1 vaccine is even worse!)
What does Squalene do to humans?
Squalene is recognized as a oil-molecule by our bodies and is found throughout our brain and nervous system and has antioxidant properties.
Now there is a good and a bad Squalene but that depends on how it's introduced into the body. ingestion is the only good way for Squalene to enter the body. Injecting Squalene into the body cause the immune system to attack ALL Squalene in the body, not just what's in the vaccine. Your immune system will attempt to destroy Squalene wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.
Any Gulf War veterans here? Remember those lovely Anthrax vaccines they gave you? Thank the unapproved Squalene in it for the autoimmune diseases many of you now suffer.
I like Got Some over The Fixer. I haven't heard anything else off of the album so I really can't tell you which song is my favorite.
Oh wait a minute...this thread isn't about Pearl Jam. My fault.
do ya think the band members get flu shots?
do you think they have let their newborn children be inoculated with thimerosal (mercury) http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Thimerosal-9925236 and put them at risk of autism or ADD or SIDS or....etc. etc. (not that thimerosal is the only dangerous substance found in vaccines...the squalene they put in the new H1N1 vaccine is even worse!)
there....it's now about Pearl Jam.
Nah I don't think they gettem.
"I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive
I like Got Some over The Fixer. I haven't heard anything else off of the album so I really can't tell you which song is my favorite.
Oh wait a minute...this thread isn't about Pearl Jam. My fault.
do ya think the band members get flu shots?
do you think they have let their newborn children be inoculated with thimerosal (mercury) http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Thimerosal-9925236 and put them at risk of autism or ADD or SIDS or....etc. etc. (not that thimerosal is the only dangerous substance found in vaccines...the squalene they put in the new H1N1 vaccine is even worse!)
there....it's now about Pearl Jam.
Vaccines for children no longer have thimerosal in them.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Going to that site for medical research is like consulting hannity.com if you want an objective view on the democratic party.
But to the question in the OP, I'm 35 years old and have never had a flu shot. I can't remember the last time I had the flu, so I'm not really concerned about it.
We are trying to decide if our 20 month-old should get one... He has what seems to be a pretty strong immune system (can be around sick kids and doesn't usually get sick, etc), and isn't in daycare, but his pediatrician recommends it for every kid.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
I also think something could be said for NOT being given something that is being forced on other people. I have no doubt some doctors and nurses are great, after all I am the son of parents in the nursing field. But I also think doctors and the medicine field are rife with people only concerned about money. Archie Bunker had a great joke about how he felt doctors were highway robbers, because they wore those masks. I think there is something to that.
If they really cared about us, wouldnt they be trying hard to do something about the flouride and perscription drugs that are found in our tap water?
I wonder if its more psychosomatic or something. People feel comforted by the fact they are receiving medicine that will make it so they wont get sick, or will get less frequent colds. Maybe that feeling is more powerful than the actual medication or treatment
So why be satisfied?
Personally, the only times I've had the flu (besides young childhood) were back when I was smoking cigarettes, in my late teens / early 20's. Out of the five years I smoked, I got the flu three times, plus horrific colds, and it was dreadful. The final time, I got hit with the flu, strep throat, and bronchitis -- that was what finally made me quit. The pleasure I got from smoking just wasn't worth the misery every winter!
I think what people should focus on is prevention; washing your hands, not touching your face, staying home if you don't feel well so you don't spread the virus, etc. I've never really liked the idea of the flu shot -- doesn't it actually make you sick? -- but I suppose for at-risk people, it's worth it.
Try to erase this...
From the blackboard.
I guess I'm oldschool. I figure you need to be exposed to some virii and some bacteria, or your body will never learn to fight it on its own.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
its shit ... unless you have an immune problem, or are around people who have, dont waste your time
-00, Stockholm
-07, Copenhagen
-09, Berlin
-10, Berlin
-11, East Troy 1+2
-12, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, EV London 2
-13, London, Chicago
-14, Amsterdam 1+2, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo
-16, TOTD San Francisco 1+2
-17, EV Amsterdam 2+3
-18, Amsterdam 1+2, London 1+(2), Barcelona, London 2
-19, EV Brussels
I assure you it will be much better to receive advice from someone who has been trained and spent years thinking about such questions, than from someone who intermittently reads "naturalnews.com"
Canada, Vancouver 2000
Auckland & Christchurch 2009
Melbourne 1&2 EV Solo 2011
yeah, but your hospital offers it to people and probably recommends it, it's up to you to get it or not. the guy was just saying that a doctor would be more qualified to give an answer then people who spend all day on the internet. but i guess the original poster did want peoples from here opinions weather those opinions are well informed or not is a different matter.
i'm kinda getting tired of what the internet has made society, someone types something into google or wiki and they then become an expert on that. even though probably more then half the info offered on the net is either bullshit, here say or someone who has less then half an idea's opinion on a matter.
people used to have friends that they have actually met in real life, these days we seem to deem a persons worth by how many friends they have on facebook.
anyway, if you are on facebook, please send me a freinds request.
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/vacc ... -time.html
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/vacc ... -time.html
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/vacc ... -time.html
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/vacc ... -time.html
just pointing out to the other poster that im not reading advice off diagnoseyourself.com .... i spoke of what ive learnt after 9 years working in health, from professionals, and advice that we have to give out ourself.
at lease i didnt repeat myself over and over and over
damn board hiccups! don't know how that happened!
oh well.....at least people won't miss the links i posted.
there is waaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much ignorance surrounding vaccinations...most of the propaganda is disseminated by Big Pharma...who makes billions of peoples ignorance!
Oh wait a minute...this thread isn't about Pearl Jam. My fault.
do ya think the band members get flu shots?
do you think they have let their newborn children be inoculated with thimerosal (mercury) http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Thimerosal-9925236 and put them at risk of autism or ADD or SIDS or....etc. etc. (not that thimerosal is the only dangerous substance found in vaccines...the squalene they put in the new H1N1 vaccine is even worse!)
What does Squalene do to humans?
Squalene is recognized as a oil-molecule by our bodies and is found throughout our brain and nervous system and has antioxidant properties.
Now there is a good and a bad Squalene but that depends on how it's introduced into the body. ingestion is the only good way for Squalene to enter the body. Injecting Squalene into the body cause the immune system to attack ALL Squalene in the body, not just what's in the vaccine. Your immune system will attempt to destroy Squalene wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.
Any Gulf War veterans here? Remember those lovely Anthrax vaccines they gave you? Thank the unapproved Squalene in it for the autoimmune diseases many of you now suffer.
there....it's now about Pearl Jam.
Nah I don't think they gettem.
Vaccines for children no longer have thimerosal in them.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Going to that site for medical research is like consulting hannity.com if you want an objective view on the democratic party.
But to the question in the OP, I'm 35 years old and have never had a flu shot. I can't remember the last time I had the flu, so I'm not really concerned about it.
We are trying to decide if our 20 month-old should get one... He has what seems to be a pretty strong immune system (can be around sick kids and doesn't usually get sick, etc), and isn't in daycare, but his pediatrician recommends it for every kid.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln