Astro Boy was fucking awesome......I had no expectations whatsoever and thoroughly enjoyed it!
i go one better than no expectations -> i didn't even know until now that ABoy had done anything at all since the original cartoon, and now i find out he's made a movie, and he's gained a third dimension to boot!
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
Astro Boy was fucking awesome......I had no expectations whatsoever and thoroughly enjoyed it!
i go one better than no expectations -> i didn't even know until now that ABoy had done anything at all since the original cartoon, and now i find out he's made a movie, and he's gained a third dimension to boot!
Astro Boy was fucking awesome......I had no expectations whatsoever and thoroughly enjoyed it!
i go one better than no expectations -> i didn't even know until now that ABoy had done anything at all since the original cartoon, and now i find out he's made a movie, and he's gained a third dimension to boot!
Well aren't you stupid then!!
i guess i am i guess - oops, i said i guess twice - stupid me...
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
wha? who's fucking with who? dude! where's the love? where the fuck is anybody? i'm all alone
I'm fucking here.....that's all that matters!
that's very true - as long as you stop scaring me with don't fuck with me's! hey did you get the itunes copy of the crane wife with bonus track "after the bombs"? if not, i could send that track to you if you want?
ps so fucking pumped looking at philly 1 and 2 setlists - some crazy shit going on there!
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
No....I ripped it off the net. Yessss.....send it to meeee!!!
Are you SURE you can't stay in Australia and do a couple of shows that I'm doing?!
sure dudey - just pm your email and i'll send it to you. would love to be hanging out with you and the other crazy kids in brissy and sydney, but must do my tour of duty in the bodia. bad timing that's all :(
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
No....I ripped it off the net. Yessss.....send it to meeee!!!
Are you SURE you can't stay in Australia and do a couple of shows that I'm doing?!
sure dudey - just pm your email and i'll send it to you. would love to be hanging out with you and the other crazy kids in brissy and sydney, but must do my tour of duty in the bodia. bad timing that's all :(
I've registered to but can't login as the administrator hasn't activated my account.
registration email:
Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured.
If the admin roams this forum could you hook a brother up?
gosh would all you fuckers shut the hell up and talk about the reason we are all here for once in your fuckin lives
[ Added by Admin: Pearl Jam's Tour. Pearl Jam's Music. That's what the Porch is for if this thread is to remain, thank you. ]
25 days until the Brissie show!
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
I've registered to but can't login as the administrator hasn't activated my account.
registration email:
Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured.
If the admin roams this forum could you hook a brother up?
Hey - me too - although obviously the last line doesn't apply here as I am female - so I'll just say 'could the admin please, please activate my account???
ooooooooooh... spose at least they gave us a warning and didn't just shut us down.. they must know we feed off this thread.
four weeks till auckland. in 4 weeks time i'm gonna be... probably... in the fixer? what time do \these things start when there are 2 big name supports?
so excited.
just found out the valet service at my hotel is $25 a night. fuckers.
pearl jam related excitement: MY AMES BROS vs PEARL JAM BOOK ARRIVED TODAY!!!
i really gotta stop having shit delivered to mum and dad's... now i have to wait til i go over there (tomorrow probably) to see it. i wanna hold it and hug it and kiss it RIGHT NOW :twisted:
i look forward to my turn!
here's to swoops.>>>>!!!!!!!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Awwww thanks, funky dunky!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Here's to swoop's what?
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Well aren't you stupid then!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
:x Don't fuck with me, no IDea!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I'm fucking here.....that's all that matters!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
ps so fucking pumped looking at philly 1 and 2 setlists - some crazy shit going on there!
Are you SURE you can't stay in Australia and do a couple of shows that I'm doing?!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Well it's fucked! :x
PMing you now.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
[ Added by Admin: Pearl Jam's Tour. Pearl Jam's Music. That's what the Porch is for if this thread is to remain, thank you. ]
I've registered to but can't login as the administrator hasn't activated my account.
registration email:
If the admin roams this forum could you hook a brother up?
I really must find out if what the tickettec site says about parking at qsac is true cause they have shitloads of parking
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
come say hi on facebook
25 days until the Brissie show!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Hey - me too - although obviously the last line doesn't apply here as I am female - so I'll just say 'could the admin please, please activate my account???
OMG :shock:
Where the xxxxx's are it said boobies and that last bit was not added by me
scared now.
Sooooooo, who's gonna help me get Eddie to play Nothingman?
four weeks till auckland. in 4 weeks time i'm gonna be... probably... in the fixer? what time do \these things start when there are 2 big name supports?
so excited.
just found out the valet service at my hotel is $25 a night. fuckers.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
i really gotta stop having shit delivered to mum and dad's... now i have to wait til i go over there (tomorrow probably) to see it. i wanna hold it and hug it and kiss it RIGHT NOW :twisted:
I'm on the case :ugeek:
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I love it!! I didn't like BH much before that......but really like the new one!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★