I am sure this album will sell well -- at least a million-- but it will never be 92-94 again. You just can't recapture that level of buzz twice in the lifespan of one band--especially when the band actively sabotaged their own mega-fame status. I always root for them to do well in sales, but I think people are just too busy/poor to care these days to launch them back to say here:
I've always loved the "tsshhhh" noise that Mike makes when Stone thanks Dave A.
It was like Mike was almost trying not to laugh. And do you notice that Ed always rubs his eyebrows when he used to speak to the public. I saw that when he was talking in early 1995 during the pro-abortion rally.
stone gets the giggles about something. presumably thanking dave a?
my cousin and i overdubbed this and the cafe scene from singles once many many years ago. ed was rubbing his face because there'd been either a peanut butter or pudding factory explosion downtown. he had something sticky in his eyebrow.
Personally... i don't care either way.
I have gone to see bands or artists that I had no idea what they were like. I don't care what their rabid fans think of me, I'm there to expand my horizons and check it out to see if i like them or not.
People like what they like.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Jeff had that "pimp" thing going.
my cousin and i overdubbed this and the cafe scene from singles once many many years ago. ed was rubbing his face because there'd been either a peanut butter or pudding factory explosion downtown. he had something sticky in his eyebrow.
I have gone to see bands or artists that I had no idea what they were like. I don't care what their rabid fans think of me, I'm there to expand my horizons and check it out to see if i like them or not.
People like what they like.
Hail, Hail!!!