BACKSPACER ready to ship????

Any one catch this over at "The Sky I Scrape" site:
I've had great customer service when I've contacted 10C in the past. I recently moved out of state, and I had already ordered Backspacer. I e-mailed them politely to ask if they could change my shipping address. They updated my vinyl shipping but said the Backspacer CDs have already been packaged and ready to ship (!!!), but the guy dug through them and found mine and changed the address. That's great service right there.
I've had great customer service when I've contacted 10C in the past. I recently moved out of state, and I had already ordered Backspacer. I e-mailed them politely to ask if they could change my shipping address. They updated my vinyl shipping but said the Backspacer CDs have already been packaged and ready to ship (!!!), but the guy dug through them and found mine and changed the address. That's great service right there.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I doubt it ships before the 15th or 16th....which means Canada will be lucky to get it in September.
Does the 10c preorder get to my hot little hands Saturday the 19th or Monday the 21st?
It depends on where you are, among other things. But I would say there is a very good chance that if you're in the US, you'll have it before the 21st.
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin
By the profile, the "hot little hands" are located in King of Prussia, PA...just outside Philly.
That's what I figured, but I'm hoping it's true. I'd hate to have to go buy the Target version first.
You know your PA geography.
What's a bearcat, anyway? I remember rooting for the Nova Scotia Horsedogs in middle skewl during March Madness b/c I didn't understand what a Bearcat was.
PS: Not being a dick, either. Big smiles all around! Friends!
Yeah, I'd think there's a very good chance people around Philly get this one a few days early.
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin
Two answers...#1...this is a bearcat... ... arcat.html
And so is this...
I'd say that's embarrassing but what do I know, I went to Sonoma State, at the time we were the Cassocks.
Thems fighting words!!!! Bring it!
I'm sorry. Your mascot isn't embarrassing. He's a cute little furry fella with whiskers.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Im from bethlehem, lets hope we do get it a little early
Hey I'm in Breinigsville!! I'm new to the Lehigh Valley:) I too got the fixer single a couple days before the official date. Would be great if it came on the 18th or 19th. Crosses fingers..
If your statement is accurate, I´m glad I sent it to my sister in LA. I´ll be leaving LA oct 5 and would be very dissapointed if I was to fly back home to guatemala w/o my backspacer cd.
Would be a breathtaking sight to see.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Glad you're pleased with their service! I've paid approximately $15 more for the cd through the Ten Club than I would have if I'd just bought it off the shelf on the 18th. You'd think that they'd ship it at least a week ahead of the release date knowing how much extra we Australians (and nationalities other than those in the US) had to pay. We should get it earlier rather than later.
were you not aware of how much you were paying for it through the 10c before you clicked the "buy" button?
Did the 10c tell you that you were getting the album BEFORE the release date? Of course they didnt.
You had to pay? No, you really didnt. What you really had was a choice. And you made it. Now, you realize that it might not be the best choice for you. Sorry to hear that.
fucking hell, seriously?
Hey man, that is tough shit. 15 bucks more. But I have bought cds on other sites and customs always charges bs fees. Plus the international shipping charge is always a bummer. I suggest you pay a po box in the us. That way you will avoid extra charges.
I´ve ordered that way for years now, even on tenclub. I was lucky to have a free po box with my newspaper subscription. It would be a great option for anyone that buys alot of stuff on the web. Otherwise you would pay for it for no good reason.
If you get it either on the 17th or 18th, will you listen to it right away or wait until the 20th? I guess it would be cool to listen to it if you get the album a few days prior. I'm just one of those who wants to wait until the official release date, even if I do have the album. It's like opening up all your presents on 12/22, and then the morning of 12/25 you'll be sitting there bored while all the other "Ralphie's" are opening up their rabbit suits and BB Guns (three minutes away from shooting their eye out).
Might just buy it iTunes come release day (which is down as the 22nd here?) so at least I have it ahead of my 10c CD putting in an appearance
When it shows up I'm going to listen to it, no matter when that is. I don't really understand the whole mindset of waiting until the actual release date. I understand people who choose not to listen to The Fixer and Supersonic on the internet before they get the actual release, but I don't understand waiting until the release date if you've received the official album through the mail a few days early. Doesn't make sense to me. But hey, to each his/her own.
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin