I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw this video. It shows Pearl Jam as a teenage wannabe group. Very commercial. Awful. Please dont do this.
Two words of advice..
Lighten up.
It's a live video of them directed by Cameron Crowe. Just because they are dancing around all happy does not mean they are trying to be teenagers.
i could see the jonas brothers putting out the same video. it's just cheesy and awful. i would rather they just put out a regular video of an actual live show. whatever they are trying to do with the effects and the video and audio being out of sync is just an epic failure. doesn't do the song justice.
I can honestly say, I've never seen the Jonas brothers besides the parody of them on South Park..
I think the problem here lies in the fact that people know what a Jonas Brothers music video looks like. Where can I see a Jonas brothers music video??? I know MTV doesn't play videos.. please guide me to this station you watch Jonas Brother videos on so I can compare. :P
honestly, i've never seen one either. i can assume from the age of their fan base that this poppy fake cheesy shit is what they do. if you don't want to say jonas bros, substitute any teenie bop pop crap act in there - the point is, it's just embarrassing for the band. i don't mind PJ going a little more commercial or mainstream, that's not what i'm saying. and i love the new songs. but this video is horrendous.
honestly, i've never seen one either. i can assume from the age of their fan base that this poppy fake cheesy shit is what they do. if you don't want to say jonas bros, substitute any teenie bop pop crap act in there - the point is, it's just embarrassing for the band. i don't mind PJ going a little more commercial or mainstream, that's not what i'm saying. and i love the new songs. but this video is horrendous.
The only thing The Fixer video reminds me of is Neil Young's 'Harvest Moon" music video on steroids..
I get a headache and feel dizzy every time I watch "The Fixer" video. It's like eating seafood. Or if you like seafood, it's like drinking warm vodka. Please don't say you enjoy warm vodka.
It is a bit odd that Pearl Jam and C. Crowe have created a video that induces dizziness. I assume it's their way of telling me, "Don't watch this."
I guess my response would be, "Thanks. I won't. By the way, Single Video Theory kicks serious ass."
this video was brutally awful...the best part was when Ed turned his back on the crowd, but all together this looked like a cheap 80's video with the awful graphics
and i hate to say it the people in the crowd added to the horrible affect of the video
They needed to make it as part of the record deal I assume.
I reckon artistic videos are more wanky than examples that have a band on stage having a good time, playing music with some passion. It's just what they do and how it should be interpreted.
The song is great, love the transition to the chorus.
I think the problem here lies in the fact that people know what a Jonas Brothers music video looks like. Where can I see a Jonas brothers music video??? I know MTV doesn't play videos.. please guide me to this station you watch Jonas Brother videos on so I can compare. :P
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xh4sl_ ... ideo_music
Slower, but same camera motions and cheese factor from the people in it.. I love it!
It is a bit odd that Pearl Jam and C. Crowe have created a video that induces dizziness. I assume it's their way of telling me, "Don't watch this."
I guess my response would be, "Thanks. I won't. By the way, Single Video Theory kicks serious ass."
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
and i hate to say it the people in the crowd added to the horrible affect of the video
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
really? so you hate the song then?
It's pretty basic stuff really.
They needed to make it as part of the record deal I assume.
I reckon artistic videos are more wanky than examples that have a band on stage having a good time, playing music with some passion. It's just what they do and how it should be interpreted.
The song is great, love the transition to the chorus.
Maybe if you go in expecting a complete pile of dung you won't be so dissappointed.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
you're considering a pass based on what you've read here?
that's seriously f'd up.
I read through these forums nowadays and get the feeling that everyday my 10C# gets better and better.
life is good.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
what did you think?
guess that makes me a loser.