for those whofollowed Eddie form the hotel to wrigley
Thanks for ruining it for everyone else!!!!!!(if u were even fans and not dealers)
Like he is going to sign when u run through a gate and try runnning up to him when he is with family. Duh!!!!! I was waiting out side from 3 looking for him and about 10 other people were too. we saw his van pull up and we all lined up nice and neat. out of no were 2 vans or suvs pull up everyone incudinn the drivers run out and try to get to eddie. they left there suvs running and blocking a lane of traffic. Eddie ends up going through the players lot. i talked to one of the security guys during the game and he said he was going to sign one for everyone out there but the the crazy people showed up.
He came out of the players lot again. after the game he came to the fence and gotr about a foot a way and kinda ran in front of everyone giving the peace sign. he said there were too many people to stop to sign but wanted to say hi.
Thanks ASsholes.
Like he is going to sign when u run through a gate and try runnning up to him when he is with family. Duh!!!!! I was waiting out side from 3 looking for him and about 10 other people were too. we saw his van pull up and we all lined up nice and neat. out of no were 2 vans or suvs pull up everyone incudinn the drivers run out and try to get to eddie. they left there suvs running and blocking a lane of traffic. Eddie ends up going through the players lot. i talked to one of the security guys during the game and he said he was going to sign one for everyone out there but the the crazy people showed up.
He came out of the players lot again. after the game he came to the fence and gotr about a foot a way and kinda ran in front of everyone giving the peace sign. he said there were too many people to stop to sign but wanted to say hi.
Thanks ASsholes.
like a dog chasing a car, I do not know what i would do with it if i caught it----Joker
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Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
Can anyone say "stalkers".
Why would anyone even know or want to know what hotel he is staying at?
im sorry i was just making a small joke, if i were in chicago i would have waited to just say hello
Just so you could get his autograph eh? heheh:)
Thats one why of saying it ;p but yes i agree, its so generic these days, obviously it can have great sentimental value but nothing would be greater than photo with a band/member if they allowed it at the time.
nicely put PFB...
Find this kind of people very disturbing... really getting an angry feeling when is see those winers standing at gates or following them around.
Why do you think they can't be in public anymore, thanks to your kind of people who wants a scratch.
If you think you are a real fan then remember this song again :evil:
LoL!!! Seriously?
nowadays hits you when you're young
With apologies to the poster of that, I can't stop laughing.
Especially the "spelled my t-shirt" - that shit is gold.
Autographs are a silly concept if you think about it.
i wouldnt hesitate about getting one for my daughter if the oppertunity presented itself.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
Why, she wasn't there, she didn't see any of them, what would be the meaning of it?
i mean... PJ just raked in a massive amount of money here in two days and I don't think a small group asking for an autograph is that big a deal. It does suck when people just lose their composure or the dealers (do people really make money these days doing that) fly up and ruin it.
I don't want an autograph as much as to just say Hi, but I'm too lazy to really make sure I get that done.
its the thought behind it.i know she'd love me to do that for would make her day.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
I read something else then the posters who are laughing...
Seems to me he means to follow him in his music not to see him as an icon.
Not to grab his hand if you see the opportunity... :evil:
And you just pass away the other line:
and that is more saying about it then the "take my hand" joke...
But i consider myself a lucky men... i don't spend time at a hotel to wait for a glimp or scratch.
You gotto do want you want to do but understand the fact that it aint that much fun for PJ as you think it is.
I think I understand the metaphors in his lyrics.
Well, until someone writes "Spelled my -T-shirt" at which point it makes me re-think my
whole interpretation.
Try "Spilled my tincture"