I think 10c deserves kudos for supplying tix to what was obviously a massive number of attendees far beyond the usual in Chicago. Obviously though a lot of lesser experienced people were taken by surprise by their seats. Given that, in hindsight it might have been better to have made some form of communication in advance as to the abnormally high level of demand and that the numbers exceeded what they could take before TM got seats in there resulting in 300 level seats for more recent joinees. I know everyone is tired of the complaining. The best way to stop complaining is with communication not bashing the complainers. Complaining does not much good. Bashing people for complaining does no good. Solving the root of the issue improves things for everyone.
For what it's worth to this retarded discussion, I went to the UC shows in 06 and last night. I have 229xxx. All three shows I was in the side stage section, Mike's side. I had tix in 113 (closest to stage) 15-16 rows up for N1 in 06, 11-12 rows up in 112 on N2 06, and last night it was 113 row 9. All in all, these are very similar seats for all three shows. I also sat next to a guy I've now sat next to at several shows over the years (give me a holler some time, BuckHunter). So I'm confident 10c is doing the job they set out to do.
I agree 100% I have NEVER been treated poorly by 10c until this tour. I don't believe I have ever said a word against the band, 10c, or another member on this board but I find my self sitting in section 121 row 13!
My member number is 158xxx.
I don't think I will be going tonight and its not because I am upset with my seats its becaue I have an implant in y leg and security where my seats normally are is more active in keeping people safe and in their proper place than in the upper deck. I am not a seat snob I am just not willing to get hurt.
It is not fair to keep changing the rules half way through the game.
Why are we not getting out ticket envelopes this tour? How do I know I was even handed the correct tickets?
I am in the box office...you were handed the correct tickets.
Was away for the weekend, just read this whole thread plus a few others on the subject and all I can add is:
Santos, I hope you take a nice, quiet, well deserved vacation after the show in Frisco Friday, its well earned. Man it amazes me what some folks will complain about.
For what it's worth to this retarded discussion, I went to the UC shows in 06 and last night. I have 229xxx. All three shows I was in the side stage section, Mike's side. I had tix in 113 (closest to stage) 15-16 rows up for N1 in 06, 11-12 rows up in 112 on N2 06, and last night it was 113 row 9. All in all, these are very similar seats for all three shows. I also sat next to a guy I've now sat next to at several shows over the years (give me a holler some time, BuckHunter). So I'm confident 10c is doing the job they set out to do.
I was on the floor for the 2006 show at UC. Last night my seats were in 121 row 19. My number is in 164xxx. Nothing against the poster above or anything but I don't understand how 229xxx gets better seats than 164xxx.
I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
one can only hope that next time tickets go on sale these ppl that are crying about the seats..decide not to buy fan club tickets...that way it makes it easier for everyone else to get tickets..and for those with the higher #s..then move a tweek closer....
I think 10c deserves kudos for supplying tix to what was obviously a massive number of attendees far beyond the usual in Chicago. Obviously though a lot of lesser experienced people were taken by surprise by their seats. Given that, in hindsight it might have been better to have made some form of communication in advance as to the abnormally high level of demand and that the numbers exceeded what they could take before TM got seats in there resulting in 300 level seats for more recent joinees. I know everyone is tired of the complaining. The best way to stop complaining is with communication not bashing the complainers. Complaining does not much good. Bashing people for complaining does no good. Solving the root of the issue improves things for everyone.
Wow, after spending some time in the "10 Club Nosebleed" thread, I thought I was going to come over here (after seeing title) and see some positive stuff. Yikes!!!!
416XXX ain't gonna get you front row in Chicago.
Genius! Is it me or has Santos just made one of the funniest posts I've seen in a while? His avatar just makes it even better too!
where did I post I expected to be in the front row? Point being, I would have expected worse case scenario 100's not upper deck corner. Hey, spend a couple of hundred $ on airfare, hotel, etc and get nose bleeds for the band you love and tell me you wouldnt be a little bummed. We made it to the airport in minutes, checked in without hassle, arrived in chicago 25 minutes early, the holtel let us check in @ 9am, so I was on a roll..I went right to get the tix thinking the good luck cloud is flyin high...than WHAM! kicked in the balls with nosebleeds..lol...Overall the show was a good time, didnt let the seats ruin the show and I guess thats all that matters. But please, others should really stop criticizing others here, because Iwould bet my ass none of you have ever flown to see them and got nosebleeds, and thats cool, I hope you never do...but let us be whiney bitches for a second and than we will be done..I love you all and will hopefully see you in SF @ OSL...and grammer, Im so sorry for a plethera of mispelled words.........and also for the 1st time.......nobody grubbed weed off me
I am sorry 10 Club for bitching last night...just broke my heart...
where did I post I expected to be in the front row? Point being, I would have expected worse case scenario 100's not upper deck corner. Hey, spend a couple of hundred $ on airfare, hotel, etc and get nose bleeds for the band you love and tell me you wouldnt be a little bummed. We made it to the airport in minutes, checked in without hassle, arrived in chicago 25 minutes early, the holtel let us check in @ 9am, so I was on a roll..I went right to get the tix thinking the good luck cloud is flyin high...than WHAM! kicked in the balls with nosebleeds..lol...Overall the show was a good time, didnt let the seats ruin the show and I guess thats all that matters. But please, others should really stop criticizing others here, because Iwould bet my ass none of you have ever flown to see them and got nosebleeds, and thats cool, I hope you never do...but let us be whiney bitches for a second and than we will be done..I love you all and will hopefully see you in SF @ OSL...and grammer, Im so sorry for a plethera of mispelled words.........and also for the 1st time.......nobody grubbed weed off me
I am sorry 10 Club for bitching last night...just broke my heart...
I'm glad you had a great time! That's all it matters...
I've had nosebleed seats and had spent a lot of money getting to the show, too. I didn't complain about it because I had a great time!
But you know... I just realized something.
I was at a meeting Thursday night about the upcoming conference this week (four frigging days, groans) and how to teach people on the procedures and what to do in certain situations.
One wrote a list: "Stop complaining and do something about it!"
I said hmm...that's not good...because that wouldn't get their attention and get them to be proactive.
So we revised it and agreed on: "Complain to the right people"
That would teach them how to voice their complaints to the right people. Too often we get them directly from the community...there's nothing we can do but directing them in the right direction. Too often they won't because they are not familiar with the procedures or the organizations.
Anyway...I understand it was easier to vent out your frustrations right here on the board and it didn't look too good....but glad you had a great time!
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I am sorry 10 Club for bitching last night...just broke my heart...
But aren't you still bitching? Again, it's about perspective and realistic expectations. You had to know that you were flying into the opening show of the U.S. tour (aka, popular) with a high number. That's why, with 393XXX, I didn't even try -- as much as I wanted to. However, I'll be flying to Chicago to see U2 at Soldier Field with tickets I got with my superlow U2.com membership number, knowing the seats will be incredible.
I'm glad you wound up having a good time.
I want to give a serious heart-felt thank you to 10 Club. Even though I know my seats in Seattle won't be the envy of most fans, buying the tickets here allowed me to spend Saturday morning swimming and playing ball with my daughter instead of sitting around cursing at Ticketmaster. And I can always hope the seats will be better in Portland, considering that fewer 10 Clubbers seem to be to going to that one. And I can always dream of winning the lottery.
My Pearl Jam Road: 10/22/90 Seattle | 12/22/90 Seattle, Moore Theater | 9/29/92 Seattle, Magnusson Park, Drop in the Park | 9/5/93 The Gorge, with Neil Young and Blind Melon | 7/20/06 Portland, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with Sleater-Kinney | 7/22/06 The Gorge, 10/21/06 Mountain View, Shoreline Ampitheatre, Bridge School Benefit | 9/21/09 Seattle | 9/22/09 Seattle | 9/26/09 Portland, OR | 7/14/2011 Eddie Vedder, Portland, OR | 11/29/13 Portland, OR
where did I post I expected to be in the front row? Point being, I would have expected worse case scenario 100's not upper deck corner. Hey, spend a couple of hundred $ on airfare, hotel, etc and get nose bleeds for the band you love and tell me you wouldnt be a little bummed. We made it to the airport in minutes, checked in without hassle, arrived in chicago 25 minutes early, the holtel let us check in @ 9am, so I was on a roll..I went right to get the tix thinking the good luck cloud is flyin high...than WHAM! kicked in the balls with nosebleeds..lol...Overall the show was a good time, didnt let the seats ruin the show and I guess thats all that matters. But please, others should really stop criticizing others here, because Iwould bet my ass none of you have ever flown to see them and got nosebleeds, and thats cool, I hope you never do...but let us be whiney bitches for a second and than we will be done..I love you all and will hopefully see you in SF @ OSL...and grammer, Im so sorry for a plethera of mispelled words.........and also for the 1st time.......nobody grubbed weed off me
I am sorry 10 Club for bitching last night...just broke my heart...
Wow.... someone else just bumped your other thread titled "Dear Pearl Jam/10 Club" over here at: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=106103
My brother and i are flying out from NYC for the Aug 23 Chicago show...By some how, by some miraculous force, my brothers wife allowed him to leave the state of New York...they have been married for 10 years and the kid has not left upstate NY ...I finally pitched this trip to him because my fiance was unable to attend..she gave him the thumbs up..we are hitting a w.sox game and than over to the united center. This will be my brothers 1st Pearl Jam show since Spet 29th, 1996 where he threw up all over the place and had 3 of the hottest chicks in the park rubbing his back nursing him back to health...what I am asking for is for my 10 club seats to be in the 1st row...pretty pretty please
I may be drunk right now...but... weren't you being hypocrite? You really were expecting 10c to read this and hand you the front row seats when you flew in Chicago?
Then you got really pissef off when your expectations weren't met.
I'm sorry it didn't work out that way...and I really hope you really enjoyed the show last night.
Dear 10club,
Please put me in the veryf very bacccckkkk if I fly to SD..... seriously, please..... I would enjoy it 100 times more!! I like to hide....
anything to get away from this madness in detoriit..... sooo feecckkinnngggg deppreeesssssiiinnnnnggg......
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
All i know is that there is going to be a lot of bitching after the Philly shows. I hope this is a wake up call. Expect the worst, hope for the lottery!
I really hope not since 10c and the band negotiated more seats just so more members had a chance to see this final show. I plan to rock the rafters with the rest of my 4xxxxx number fellow 10ers. The party is what you make of it, not where your arse is parked. A special whine cellar will be available for those bringing cheese.:-D
More 10C seats = more members are able to get tickets
More 10C seats = newer members have a smaller chance of getting good seats
The risk of not getting tickets was lessened, but in exchange, the chance of getting good seats was also lessened. Its a trade-off.
416XXX ain't gonna get you front row in Chicago.
wow...the op never even listed his number. big brother went into his account and shouted out his number on the board. :shock:
hahaha...i am so late to this game.
that was awesome.
tho actually, incorrect. 416xxx and just about any # will get you the first row nowadays.....maybe. but it sure as shit ain't gonna land you in the 3rd row hell, not even in the 35th.
edit - wow, slow afternoon...i actually read this whole thread now. entertaining! and yes, thank you 10c staff! also, once again, i am actually glad to read member #s and seats, b/c it better prepares me for philly. no matter what i will be happy, and more often than not, i am plesantly surprised!
in one of the plethora of threads on this topic yesterday, was discussing membership join dates, improvement to seats, etc. i thought my seats had remained relatively unchanged from 2003 until today. in smaller markets, and/or less demand shows....or special circumstances....not much change. however, looking at my 10c tix for MSG 2003 as compared to 2008. :shock: wow! what a difference! a real improvement. i was indeed in the 200 level back in 2003, bout 3/4 of the way back from the stage.(night 2 i was on someone else's 10c #) 2008, both nights i was in the loge level! huge improvement right there. night one probably close to 3/4 of the way back, so similar in that sense...tho a bit better than 2003......and for night 2 2008....loge but definitely a few sections closer to the stage, more like midway back. so hell yea.....way better! i guess in 2003 i was just so happy to be there, as i was in 2008 too.....thought they were similar. eh, my personal experience was....as i always have a blast at a show, plus had my husband by my side for the shows too, always a bonus.
I was gutted when I saw my seats for MSG1 last year, back of the floor :( But when I got there, turns out the floor was starting to slope upwards just where my seats were! I got to see above every head that was in front of me! If I had been closer the stage, I wouldn't have seen anything! Night 2 was good too. Again, on the map it looked like I was behind the stage moreso than I actually was, another nice view.
If I'm gonna be at the back again in Seattle, some place similar will suffice please
Was away for the weekend, just read this whole thread plus a few others on the subject and all I can add is:
Santos, I hope you take a nice, quiet, well deserved vacation after the show in Frisco Friday, its well earned. Man it amazes me what some folks will complain about.
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
... oh wait, you don't want that either!
I agree with this 100%. Well said.
PM me with any comments or suggestions for the app - or weigh in <a href="http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=167611
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/pjstattracker">Join the discussion on facebook</a>
ditto, and actually it's not the first time something like that has happened.
4/26/03 Pittsburgh 5/3/03 State College 7/12/03 Hershey 10/1/04 Reading 9/28/05 Pittsburgh 5/20/06 Cleveland 6/23/06 Pittsburgh 6/22/08 DC
friends don't let friends listen to good charlotte
inmyrvm - in case you missed Santos' response to that message -
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
where did I post I expected to be in the front row? Point being, I would have expected worse case scenario 100's not upper deck corner. Hey, spend a couple of hundred $ on airfare, hotel, etc and get nose bleeds for the band you love and tell me you wouldnt be a little bummed. We made it to the airport in minutes, checked in without hassle, arrived in chicago 25 minutes early, the holtel let us check in @ 9am, so I was on a roll..I went right to get the tix thinking the good luck cloud is flyin high...than WHAM! kicked in the balls with nosebleeds..lol...Overall the show was a good time, didnt let the seats ruin the show and I guess thats all that matters. But please, others should really stop criticizing others here, because Iwould bet my ass none of you have ever flown to see them and got nosebleeds, and thats cool, I hope you never do...but let us be whiney bitches for a second and than we will be done..I love you all and will hopefully see you in SF @ OSL...and grammer, Im so sorry for a plethera of mispelled words.........and also for the 1st time.......nobody grubbed weed off me
I am sorry 10 Club for bitching last night...just broke my heart...
I'm glad you had a great time! That's all it matters...
I've had nosebleed seats and had spent a lot of money getting to the show, too. I didn't complain about it because I had a great time!
But you know... I just realized something.
I was at a meeting Thursday night about the upcoming conference this week (four frigging days, groans) and how to teach people on the procedures and what to do in certain situations.
One wrote a list: "Stop complaining and do something about it!"
I said hmm...that's not good...because that wouldn't get their attention and get them to be proactive.
So we revised it and agreed on: "Complain to the right people"
That would teach them how to voice their complaints to the right people. Too often we get them directly from the community...there's nothing we can do but directing them in the right direction. Too often they won't because they are not familiar with the procedures or the organizations.
Anyway...I understand it was easier to vent out your frustrations right here on the board and it didn't look too good....but glad you had a great time!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
But aren't you still bitching? Again, it's about perspective and realistic expectations. You had to know that you were flying into the opening show of the U.S. tour (aka, popular) with a high number. That's why, with 393XXX, I didn't even try -- as much as I wanted to. However, I'll be flying to Chicago to see U2 at Soldier Field with tickets I got with my superlow U2.com membership number, knowing the seats will be incredible.
I'm glad you wound up having a good time.
I want to give a serious heart-felt thank you to 10 Club. Even though I know my seats in Seattle won't be the envy of most fans, buying the tickets here allowed me to spend Saturday morning swimming and playing ball with my daughter instead of sitting around cursing at Ticketmaster. And I can always hope the seats will be better in Portland, considering that fewer 10 Clubbers seem to be to going to that one. And I can always dream of winning the lottery.
Wow.... someone else just bumped your other thread titled "Dear Pearl Jam/10 Club" over here at: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=106103
Here's your original post from that thread:
I may be drunk right now...but... weren't you being hypocrite? You really were expecting 10c to read this and hand you the front row seats when you flew in Chicago?
Then you got really pissef off when your expectations weren't met.
I'm sorry it didn't work out that way...and I really hope you really enjoyed the show last night.
Dear 10club,
Please put me in the veryf very bacccckkkk if I fly to SD..... seriously, please..... I would enjoy it 100 times more!! I like to hide....
anything to get away from this madness in detoriit..... sooo feecckkinnngggg deppreeesssssiiinnnnnggg......
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Sorry, couldn't resist
More 10C seats = more members are able to get tickets
More 10C seats = newer members have a smaller chance of getting good seats
The risk of not getting tickets was lessened, but in exchange, the chance of getting good seats was also lessened. Its a trade-off.
hahaha...i am so late to this game.
that was awesome.
tho actually, incorrect. 416xxx and just about any # will get you the first row nowadays.....maybe.
edit - wow, slow afternoon...i actually read this whole thread now. entertaining! and yes, thank you 10c staff! also, once again, i am actually glad to read member #s and seats, b/c it better prepares me for philly. no matter what i will be happy, and more often than not, i am plesantly surprised!
in one of the plethora of threads on this topic yesterday, was discussing membership join dates, improvement to seats, etc. i thought my seats had remained relatively unchanged from 2003 until today. in smaller markets, and/or less demand shows....or special circumstances....not much change. however, looking at my 10c tix for MSG 2003 as compared to 2008. :shock: wow! what a difference! a real improvement. i was indeed in the 200 level back in 2003, bout 3/4 of the way back from the stage.(night 2 i was on someone else's 10c #) 2008, both nights i was in the loge level! huge improvement right there. night one probably close to 3/4 of the way back, so similar in that sense...tho a bit better than 2003......and for night 2 2008....loge but definitely a few sections closer to the stage, more like midway back. so hell yea.....way better! i guess in 2003 i was just so happy to be there, as i was in 2008 too.....thought they were similar.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
If I'm gonna be at the back again in Seattle, some place similar will suffice please