Taking Woodstock, the newest film from Focus Features and director Ang Lee, tells the story behind the music festival that started it all. Outside Lands Festival ticket holders will have an opportunity to see an exclusive sneak peek of Taking Woodstock on August 26th in San Francisco. RSVP to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:woodstock@globalinheritance.org">woodstock@globalinheritance.org</a><!-- e --> to hold your spot. Once you receive confirmation, bring your Outside Lands tickets plus your ID, present them at the Global Inheritance table at the theater beginning at 5pm and receive two screening passes. First come, first serve so show up early! The film isn't in theatres till Friday August 29th so be sure to see it first thanks to Outside Lands Festival and Global Inheritance!
"Underneath this smile lies everything - all my hopes, anger, pride and shame."
wish I could show up Thursday night... have to work Friday morning...
though, might show up Friday afterwards
also, anyone know what's the deal with parking/transportation? I'm more concerned about the cluster f trying to get out of there..... advice from anyone who has done this before?
A word of warning - I wouldn't necessarily recommend Kezar pub for Thursday night pre-party. I play in a kickball league at GG Park on Thursday nights and we essentially take over the place starting at around 7:30 or 8:00 on and it becomes packed full of drunks and is very, very crowded and hard to get a table or space. But if you guys do it there, I will be the really tall guy in an orange shirt so say hello. But I can't wait for Friday's show.
where will the Friday after party be? Im staying @ the oceanview on Judah st. I have never been to a post party, me and my fiance are looking for something to do after the show and thought this would be a cool time..Do I need to put my name on a list? We are arriving early Friday a.m
where will the Friday after party be? Im staying @ the oceanview on Judah st. I have never been to a post party, me and my fiance are looking for something to do after the show and thought this would be a cool time..Do I need to put my name on a list? We are arriving early Friday a.m
I explained everything via PM.
"Underneath this smile lies everything - all my hopes, anger, pride and shame."
Thanks for organizing a post party. I just found out I got a volunteering gig for the weekend and got Friday off - so I'll be *wo-manning* a blanket up front all day to secure a good spot for PJ. (Last year was a nightmare with Radiohead). Hope to see some PJ fans at the Tee Off after the show!
**There is a sickness, a sickness coming over me - like watching freedom, being sucked straight out to sea**
A word of warning - I wouldn't necessarily recommend Kezar pub for Thursday night pre-party. I play in a kickball league at GG Park on Thursday nights and we essentially take over the place starting at around 7:30 or 8:00 on and it becomes packed full of drunks and is very, very crowded and hard to get a table or space. But if you guys do it there, I will be the really tall guy in an orange shirt so say hello. But I can't wait for Friday's show.
Wow, you weren't joking. We had a table, but only because we got to the pub before the entire world of kickball showed up for a drink.
"Underneath this smile lies everything - all my hopes, anger, pride and shame."
Thanks for organizing a post party. I just found out I got a volunteering gig for the weekend and got Friday off - so I'll be *wo-manning* a blanket up front all day to secure a good spot for PJ. (Last year was a nightmare with Radiohead). Hope to see some PJ fans at the Tee Off after the show!
Damn! Last time I see you was 2005 Gorge fan bus from Seattle. I'll say hi if I see you tomorrow.
I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
We'll be @ the afterparty... We'll be the ones with the giant grins on our faces because we just got a dose of the Jam... off to the park now! C U @ the Front!
Member # 173***
21 Shows and counting... Finally met Ed @ Zellerbach night 1!!!
"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.
Taking Woodstock, the newest film from Focus Features and director Ang Lee, tells the story behind the music festival that started it all. Outside Lands Festival ticket holders will have an opportunity to see an exclusive sneak peek of Taking Woodstock on August 26th in San Francisco. RSVP to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:woodstock@globalinheritance.org">woodstock@globalinheritance.org</a><!-- e --> to hold your spot. Once you receive confirmation, bring your Outside Lands tickets plus your ID, present them at the Global Inheritance table at the theater beginning at 5pm and receive two screening passes. First come, first serve so show up early! The film isn't in theatres till Friday August 29th so be sure to see it first thanks to Outside Lands Festival and Global Inheritance!
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
Done...and morning bump.
we'll be the people who look like giant geeks.
though, might show up Friday afterwards
also, anyone know what's the deal with parking/transportation? I'm more concerned about the cluster f trying to get out of there..... advice from anyone who has done this before?
Outside Lands Festival Kick-Off Party and Frunraiser
The Riptide
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 from 8pm - 2am
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
if nothing is everything i would have it all
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
Sounds good!
if nothing is everything i would have it all
I can't wait to meet all of you out of town PJ fans. Less than 24 hours now until the pre-party.
I'll most likely be wearing a dark green EV pick shirt (the whishlist shirt).
I explained everything via PM.
Don't forget that we have a get together at Kezar Pub tonight.
So tomorrow and Sat at The Tee Off ...
are people meeting up there before or just after??
we should be in the area by about 4pm!
getting Veeeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy excited!!
*looks around the apt for official 10C buttons Dreamn sent ages ago*
she lets go
I won't be at tonights event but I will be at Tee Off for sure.
Only tomorrow after the show is when we're going over to the Tee Off.
Wow, you weren't joking. We had a table, but only because we got to the pub before the entire world of kickball showed up for a drink.
... anyway, rant..... hope to see you all tomorrow night!
Damn! Last time I see you was 2005 Gorge fan bus from Seattle.
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
21 Shows and counting... Finally met Ed @ Zellerbach night 1!!!
"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.