Keep your eyes out for Vedder at the Sox game tonight



  • ewokpeltsewokpelts Posts: 730
    ewokpelts wrote:
    two stolen WS titles vs one thrown.

    roid sox reign on this one.

    still hasn't been proven that Papi did anything wrong and how is 2007 in all this? The Black Sox scandal is the biggest scandal in sports history according to most experts.
    ortiz and ramirez are now known roiders who were major factors in the 2004 AND 2007 ws runs.

    that's why

    oh, and the steriors era is ten times bigger than the black sox. no pun intended
  • tacettacet Posts: 323
    gotta feel sorry for bosox bashers.
    Let them have their say and send them on their way.
    we're all sentient snowflakes
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