Someone PLEASE Talk Me Down!



  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    There will be more tours after this. IMO, this is too early in the year to have "senioritis"....and trust me, I was there too myself!

    You'll hate yourself now, but if you work your ass off in school the next few years, you can be where myself and many others are here, free to spend what you need to see many shows and work your own schedule!!

    Good luck with your decision and enjoy the show(s)
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • voodoopug wrote:
    There will be more tours after this. IMO, this is too early in the year to have "senioritis"....and trust me, I was there too myself!

    You'll hate yourself now, but if you work your ass off in school the next few years, you can be where myself and many others are here, free to spend what you need to see many shows and work your own schedule!!

    Good luck with your decision and enjoy the show(s)

    Seriously though?
    It's HIGH school.
    Half his class mates are either skipping, or smoking pot all day.
    Another good quarter are permanently brain dead any how.


    Some boring ass lecture on Catcher in the Rye,
    a civics class where they blow smoke up your ass about the joys of a "democracy",
    or maybe some great calc\pre-calc class where the teacher can't even explain what the fuck the Quadratic Equation really fucking means anyhow?

    Pass on that shit.
    Go to the shows, man.

    I'm jimminy fucking crickets evil twin with horns,
    and i say blow off that lousy high school crap
    and meal down on some thick tunes!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • voodoopugvoodoopug Posts: 1,011
    voodoopug wrote:
    There will be more tours after this. IMO, this is too early in the year to have "senioritis"....and trust me, I was there too myself!

    You'll hate yourself now, but if you work your ass off in school the next few years, you can be where myself and many others are here, free to spend what you need to see many shows and work your own schedule!!

    Good luck with your decision and enjoy the show(s)

    Seriously though?
    It's HIGH school.
    Half his class mates are either skipping, or smoking pot all day.
    Another good quarter are permanently brain dead any how.


    Some boring ass lecture on Catcher in the Rye,
    a civics class where they blow smoke up your ass about the joys of a "democracy",
    or maybe some great calc\pre-calc class where the teacher can't even explain what the fuck the Quadratic Equation really fucking means anyhow?

    Pass on that shit.
    Go to the shows, man.

    I'm jimminy fucking crickets evil twin with horns,
    and i say blow off that lousy high school crap
    and meal down on some thick tunes!

    And the other half are the ones that are writing their own ticket in the next ten years. I don't want to get into a big discussion over it, but count how many people you know who were pot heads in high school who are now earning six figures. In all candor, I graduated with a class of almost 1000, and I can only think of one.
    There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
  • voodoopug wrote:
    voodoopug wrote:
    There will be more tours after this. IMO, this is too early in the year to have "senioritis"....and trust me, I was there too myself!

    You'll hate yourself now, but if you work your ass off in school the next few years, you can be where myself and many others are here, free to spend what you need to see many shows and work your own schedule!!

    Good luck with your decision and enjoy the show(s)

    Seriously though?
    It's HIGH school.
    Half his class mates are either skipping, or smoking pot all day.
    Another good quarter are permanently brain dead any how.


    Some boring ass lecture on Catcher in the Rye,
    a civics class where they blow smoke up your ass about the joys of a "democracy",
    or maybe some great calc\pre-calc class where the teacher can't even explain what the fuck the Quadratic Equation really fucking means anyhow?

    Pass on that shit.
    Go to the shows, man.

    I'm jimminy fucking crickets evil twin with horns,
    and i say blow off that lousy high school crap
    and meal down on some thick tunes!

    And the other half are the ones that are writing their own ticket in the next ten years. I don't want to get into a big discussion over it, but count how many people you know who were pot heads in high school who are now earning six figures. In all candor, I graduated with a class of almost 1000, and I can only think of one.

    You mean,
    besides every member of pearl jam?

    "Seriously though" ...

    what's that old saying?

    The A students are all working for the B students.
    The B students run the show.
    The C students are all working for the Government?

    You really think missing 4 days of school is the difference between 6 figures and being a burnout on welfare?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    So I'm only 17 from Mass. and got tickets to go see 10/31 Philly. I' going with my brother-in-law and sister, both avid PJ fans.

    I'm so wanting to take school off that week and heading to Philly for all 4 show.

    Since my brother-in-law and sister could not A) take that time off from work or B) spend that type of money on shows/travel.....I'm pretty much SOL.

    But, I've been playing through these crazy scenarios of 10C'ers taking me over to see all 4 shows and my mom letting me and all this other BS.

    It makes me SO angry knowing none of this is possible, yet it's so easily attainable by saying to fellow 10C'ers that I need spare tickets for the show, which could totally happen.

    Someone just tell me I'm being irrational or something, because the urge of wanting to go to all 4 shows is getting out of control.

    Help Me :?

    be realistic.
    will your mom let you go?
    can you definitely score tix to all gigs from others here?
    where will you stay each night and with whom? (b/c no offense, i think while you may be able to score spares, it might be difficult for a relative stranger, an adult, to choose to share a hotel room with a 17 year old....just unwise on both sides)
    do you have the $$$ to afford all this?
    so yes, in all likelihood....not a realistic scenario for you. possible? perhaps. however, i do think more than likely, improbable. if you actually had some friend to do this all with, might be different. missing 4 days of school is the least of it really.

    being realistic tho, why not just aim for the saturday, 10.31 show? i think that would work for you much more. and hell, even as adults, many of us make different choices. i 'could' do all 4 shows if i wanted to, but i am choosing only to do the last 2 for many reasons. i will save that extra $$$ and vacation time for some other cool city and show(s).

    good luck.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Cinnamon GirlCinnamon Girl Posts: 1,854
    I think doing these kind of things is really good for you...even at that age.

    When I was sixteen I took off to the other side of the country with a girlfriend. I wasn't going to tell my parents, thinking that they would never approve, but they found out. they made sure I planned for everything! Life experience is a good and helpful thing.

    If the money is there, and you set up safe lodgings, I say go for it!

    Promise yourself that you'll work extra hard at school to make up for the missed time. Youth is often wasted sitting in a classroom...not wanting to be there. Are you going to spend those days in class just wishing you were in Philly and not paying attention to the work you're supposed to do?

    GO!! But plan it responsibly. :)
    05-10-06, 08-05-07, 06-14-08 , 08-12-08(EV), 06-11-09(EV), 06-12-09(EV), 08-21-09, 05-10-10, 09-11-11, 09-12-11, 07-16-13, 07-19-13, 10-12-13, 10-21-13, 10-22-13,
  • satansbedsatansbed Posts: 2,139
    just go and fucking do ;):lol:
  • jaimelynjaimelyn Posts: 44
    voodoopug wrote:
    There will be more tours after this. IMO, this is too early in the year to have "senioritis"....and trust me, I was there too myself!

    You'll hate yourself now, but if you work your ass off in school the next few years, you can be where myself and many others are here, free to spend what you need to see many shows and work your own schedule!!

    Good luck with your decision and enjoy the show(s)

    I agree with this dude, brother. It feels good to be older and "responsibily" impulsively buying some tickets to shows and you'll definitely be in that place too some day, if you keep bustin yr butt. In school. :ugeek:
  • zwk51 wrote:
    High School is a joke, fuck it!

    yeah, and besides, think of all the jealous girlies that would be hangin off of you when you get back
  • starmap3333starmap3333 Posts: 3,925
    In short...
    You're only young once. Do it.

    the end.
  • GmoneyGmoney Posts: 1,618
    dude it's high school, f it.
    none of us over the age of 25 remember anything from high school...
    hahaha what a great dad im going to make!
    Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    edited August 2009
    I'm asking you guys to tell me I'm crazy...not to encourage me!

    Especially since the only way I'd be able to go is in a carpool with other 10C'ers or something

    Listen you crazy little FUCK ! get your ass in school and be happy with the one show you are going to !!

    dont piss and moan " oh, i want to go to ALL 4 shows" you cant always get what you want in life, take this as a lesson learned !!!

    :twisted: :twisted:

    was that what you were looking for ? :D

    btw, i would totally blow off a week of school to see PJ ! ;)

    but thats me, you on the other hand should not.
    Post edited by the wolf on
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • over bendsover bends Posts: 1,568
    Keep going to school or else in 10-15 years you'll be on this band's message board encouraging wayward youth to skip out on a week of senior year for Pearl Jam shows they can't afford and convincing them that school in general was nothing but a waste of time.



    3 Decibels Doubles the Volume

  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Do it, don't be a pussy..
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • Tuolumne MamaTuolumne Mama Posts: 1,210
    I once had a brainstorm idea at age 17 to ditch Thanksgiving and school and take a bus cross country to San Francisco with about $100 to see something called "The Last Waltz" at the Winterland Ballroom. Keep in mind this was in 1976 and things were a very different back then. Plus I had a friend go with me on this adventure. We even stayed at a YWCA one night and started back home within a couple days. We missed only 2 days of school with the holiday, but spent about 5 days on stinky buses riding through cornfields and mountains to go to one show - was it worth it - most definitely, would I ever do it now, knowing what I know - NEVER. But like I said that was 1976 and times were less volatile - there were still many hippie folks in the vicinity that were welcoming to kids coming there. It started at 5 with a turkey dinner and went until about 3 am the next morning. Once in a lifetime, you betcha. It was the first time I saw Neil Young live. This was a ONCE in a lifetime show and you are already going to the final show at the Spectrum. PJ will play again on the east coast. We were very lucky nothing bad happened and met many nice people who were kind and shared with us once we got there and we knew someone whose parents lived there if we got in a tight spot. Also this was at Today, I would say be happy with the show(s) you are going to and save the extra for next summer when they play within a car ride of home. Talk to your folks and get their opinion. My mom and dad made damn sure I had everything planned and called home (old payphone style) every other day. They were not happy but did not stop me. Did you plan where you would stay or afford the gas/transportation to get there, not to mention food and the price of tickets? Think it through before you leap.
    "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    ^^^ good post.

    i did my fair share of crazy and wild HS and in college...hell, even just a few years ago. ;)

    common theme in most of these posts tho is....BEING WITH A FRIEND. i think that makes ALL the difference, especially when one is underage, and sure, want parental consent. it would be great if the OP had a great pj friend willing to do the trip with him/her, then i'd easily say, go for it! however, if enitrely solo, again, i would ask the same Qs i did in my initial post.

    either way, you've got 10.31....and what a show that is going to be!
    restless souls...enjoy your youth!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • first and foremost is your safety....PJ peeps are the best but...ya still never know....if you were rolling with someone you knew & trusted that is one thing...but if you have to be dependent on a stranger for lodging i'd stay home...if you can hustle yourself a room then GO!! PJ won't be around forever and neither will we.
  • goldrushgoldrush everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,640
    The answer to this dilemma can be found here:

    Just do it! You know it makes sense! A couple of days is not going to ruin your life is it?
    “Do not postpone happiness”
    (Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)

    “Put yer good money on the sunrise”
    (Tim Rogers)
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