This is old news in conspiracy circles, but looking at some videos i haven't seen and thought i'd pass it on.
Local News Station Confirms Barium Salts In Chemtrails
High level barium exposure can lead to depletion of immune function.
And boy wouldn't that go hand in hand with a pandemic illness and mass casualties (ie. population reduction) ?
This one is actually my favorite, because it shows in one single camera shot the difference between what anyone who remembers as pre-millenium "contrails" and the new "chemtrails". Remember when trails behind planes actually used to DISAPPEAR in short order? Nope. Not anymore. Why is that? Chemtrails vs. contrails
i guess the question i would pose, is
does this disturb anyone here?
Unfortunately, i'm pretty sure i can guess the average response.
"Dude, the government is just trying to save you from death by manipulating the weather so that you can live your life in bliss. They just don't want to tell you, because you would freak out. Don't you know about the global warmings?"
Yeah, thats right.
Everything is cool, as long as it is for the environment.
You leftys and your psychotic, baseless conspiracy theories provide me with endless entertainment. Don't stop calling into "Coast to Coast AM" and for the love of God (or your alternative deity of choice) keep watching the skies!!
So this life is sacrifice...
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
You leftys and your psychotic, baseless conspiracy theories provide me with endless entertainment. Don't stop calling into "Coast to Coast AM" and for the love of God (or your alternative deity of choice) keep watching the skies!!
Most of the nitwit, hopelessly lost in establishment, obama cock sucking, "please please rape me more, take more of my money, give me less, 'socialize' me, and make me a slave under the guise of loving me and having compassion and 'hope' and change your underpants" dilf-nus motherfuckers on this board are "leftys".
I just LOVE being lumped in with "that" crowd.
:roll: :roll:
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This is old news in conspiracy circles, but looking at some videos i haven't seen and thought i'd pass it on.
Local News Station Confirms Barium Salts In Chemtrails
High level barium exposure can lead to depletion of immune function.
And boy wouldn't that go hand in hand with a pandemic illness and mass casualties (ie. population reduction) ?
This one is actually my favorite, because it shows in one single camera shot the difference between what anyone who remembers as pre-millenium "contrails" and the new "chemtrails". Remember when trails behind planes actually used to DISAPPEAR in short order? Nope. Not anymore. Why is that? Chemtrails vs. contrails
i guess the question i would pose, is
does this disturb anyone here?
Unfortunately, i'm pretty sure i can guess the average response.
"Dude, the government is just trying to save you from death by manipulating the weather so that you can live your life in bliss. They just don't want to tell you, because you would freak out. Don't you know about the global warmings?"
Yeah, thats right.
Everything is cool, as long as it is for the environment.
You leftys and your psychotic, baseless conspiracy theories provide me with endless entertainment. Don't stop calling into "Coast to Coast AM" and for the love of God (or your alternative deity of choice) keep watching the skies!!
Are you shitting me? Us lefties have nothing to do with this horse shit
This is old news in conspiracy circles, but looking at some videos i haven't seen and thought i'd pass it on.
Local News Station Confirms Barium Salts In Chemtrails
High level barium exposure can lead to depletion of immune function.
And boy wouldn't that go hand in hand with a pandemic illness and mass casualties (ie. population reduction) ?
This one is actually my favorite, because it shows in one single camera shot the difference between what anyone who remembers as pre-millenium "contrails" and the new "chemtrails". Remember when trails behind planes actually used to DISAPPEAR in short order? Nope. Not anymore. Why is that? Chemtrails vs. contrails
i guess the question i would pose, is
does this disturb anyone here?
Unfortunately, i'm pretty sure i can guess the average response.
"Dude, the government is just trying to save you from death by manipulating the weather so that you can live your life in bliss. They just don't want to tell you, because you would freak out. Don't you know about the global warmings?"
Yeah, thats right.
Everything is cool, as long as it is for the environment.
You leftys and your psychotic, baseless conspiracy theories provide me with endless entertainment. Don't stop calling into "Coast to Coast AM" and for the love of God (or your alternative deity of choice) keep watching the skies!!
Are you shitting me? Us lefties have nothing to do with this horse shit
Uh oh.
Fight fight fight fight!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
As a proffessional pilot I consider it my obligation to address these types of issues whenever I can. If you'll remember I solved some JFK jr. questions for you all a year or so back.
I don't know where to begin on this one so I invite you to ask any questions you would like.
Let me start by stating this however:
Although I can NOT speak on past or present "experiments" I can, with 100% certainty, assure you there are no such thing as "chemtrails".
The problem with this type of theory is that it deals with an area of technology and science that few people have much expertise in (aviation).
So please, let me help you and you can move on to some other theory. I promise I will not be demeaning- I understand this is complex and has plenty of room for conspiracy. Ask away...
As a proffessional pilot I consider it my obligation to address these types of issues whenever I can. If you'll remember I solved some JFK jr. questions for you all a year or so back.
I don't know where to begin on this one so I invite you to ask any questions you would like.
Let me start by stating this however:
Although I can NOT speak on past or present "experiments" I can, with 100% certainty, assure you there are no such thing as "chemtrails".
The problem with this type of theory is that it deals with an area of technology and science that few people have much expertise in (aviation).
So please, let me help you and you can move on to some other theory. I promise I will not be demeaning- I understand this is complex and has plenty of room for conspiracy. Ask away...
As a proffessional pilot I consider it my obligation to address these types of issues whenever I can. If you'll remember I solved some JFK jr. questions for you all a year or so back.
I don't know where to begin on this one so I invite you to ask any questions you would like.
Let me start by stating this however:
Although I can NOT speak on past or present "experiments" I can, with 100% certainty, assure you there are no such thing as "chemtrails".
The problem with this type of theory is that it deals with an area of technology and science that few people have much expertise in (aviation).
So please, let me help you and you can move on to some other theory. I promise I will not be demeaning- I understand this is complex and has plenty of room for conspiracy. Ask away...
Okay, I'll bite.....
So what's your knowledge of the checkerboard patterns that appear; what's causing them and why are planes flying in cris-crossing patterns?
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
First, thank you for your question. This actually gives me the chance to answer two phenomena in one answer. Along with the "criss-crossing" pattern there seems to be another common peice of "evidence" and that is the presence of parrallel lines. I'll explain the parrallel lines and then relate the criss-cross pattern to that explaination.
First, let me remind you that the atmoshere is not at all homogenous, which is to say that what you feel at ground level is not at all what is happening at 1,000 feet and certainly not what is happening at 40,000 feet. That being said, the wind speed at the altitude most commercial aircraft operate (between 20,000 feet and 40,000 feet) is typically moving between 30 mph and 180 mph. This wind generally flows form west to east over North America. Unless there are clouds at these levels this wind is obviously invisible. Even if there are clouds at these levels the motion is difficult to detect due to its distance form the observer (nearly 8 miles away vertically). Additionally the air at these levels tends to be very stable (especially laterally) and contrails that are produced stay together well. So now you can look up in the sky and realize you are seeing a constantly moving body of air. All aircraft operate in this moving air.
Typically aircraft try thier best to fly directly form departure to destination directly, saving time and gas. With today's technology we are able to do this but usually Air Traffic Control (ATC) requires us to fly on what are called "Jet Routes". These Jet Routes are usually hundreds of miles long and are defined by drawing a line between points such as VORs or intersections. We use navigation equipment to fly very precisely along these routes to avoid hitting other aircraft. You can imagine these as highways in the sky. They are published on maps which we use. As pilots we are tasked with keeping on the route but ATC is required to keep a certain amount of space between the aircraft travelling along the same routes. This space is measured in intervals of time. For instance aircraft B can be no closer than 3 minutes behind aircraft A. ATC maintains these gaps by telling us to adjust our speed. On busy routes there may be several aircraft on this route, each equally spaced.
Now assume all of these aircraft are making a contrail and assume the contrails are in an airmass that permits them to last quite a while (persistant). If there was no wind at that altitude the contrails would all just pile up on top of each other and the observer below would only see "one" apperent contrail, regardless of how many aircraft traversed that route. I will tell you, however, that I have never seen a calm wind at high altitude.
One could also suppose that if the aircraft were flying directly into the wind then the contrails would be blown directly behind the aircraft and again give the appearance of only one contrail. I will also say that almost always the wind blows at an angle to the path that the plane is flying. This is called a crosswind. As the aircraft flies it lays down the contrail and that contrail is pushed to the side by the wind, moving it further and further away as time goes by. The next aircraft comes along the same route and lays down its own contrail which is also moved away to the side by the wind. So on and so on for each subsequent aircraft as they travel down the route. So you can imagine that after say 5 aircraft travel that route in a crosswind there would be 5 distinct contrails, all in a row, as viewed from below.
If you would like to simulate this simply take a blank sheet of paper. With your left hand slowly move the paper from left to right across a table. Holding a pen or pencil with your right hand, make a vertical line, not allowing your right hand to move left or right at all. If you do this 5 times you will have 5 parrallel lines. It's hard to do, however.
So that explains the parrallel lines. If you would like to make a criss-cross pattern simply have a perpendicular route that intersects that previous route. (There are several East-west routes that cross North-South routes all over the country.) Apply the same explaination and you would see a criss-cross pattern. Or if you want a simple pattern just have a couple perpendicular routes that overly that initial route and you would have a simple criss-cross.
The main take-away here is that there are many perfectly normal things that are taking place in the sky that most people aren't aware of.
Great response. Instead of taking a condescending approach, you took the time to provide experiential evidence in answer to my question. I appreciate that and wish more individuals on this board saw fit to respond in kind. Instead, they choose to make themselves appear "knowledgeable" while providing no support for their position. So, THANK YOU!
Next question - What causes some "contrails/chemtrails" to retain their form and remain visible for such long periods of time as opposed to other "contrails/chemtrails"?
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Again- great question. This is an important one because it seems to be the basis for the entire chemtrail theory.
Let me give it a shot...
First, I'd like you to imagine contrails as a mathematic equation. In order for contrails to appear you need a perfectly balanced equation. Let's look at some of the variables.
You need moisture. I'm sure you're aware that the atmosphere all around you is full of moisture. You only notice it when it's humid out or when you see a cloud. In order for this moisture to become visible you need to cool the air mass its in to its dewpoint.
Second you need something for the moisture in the air to cling to. Without some sort of particle present the water molecules can't condense on anything no matter how cool the air gets. These are condensation nuclei.
Third you need the correct temperature. If it's too warm the airmass will never cool to the dew point and the moisture will never condense and become visible.
If any of these variables are absent or out of proportion the moisture will not become visible.
No lets look at what you might call a "normal" contrail. These are the types that form and then rapidly dissipate behind the aircraft. The aircraft is flying around in super cool air so that variable is already present. As a byproduct of combustion the aircraft engines are producing several things. Two of those things are CO2 and water vapor. So now you have the moisture present as well. The third thing these engines produce are little yucky bits of fine particulates as the result of incomplete combustion. (They are the leftovers of the combustion process.) So now you have something for the water molecules to condense upon, the condensation nuclei. Now you have all the necessary ingredients... but only for a few seconds. Remember, these "equations" are very well balanced and if you lose one thing it goes awry and the contrails disappear.
The problem with these types of contrails is that they exist in very dry air. The air at altitude is very cold and can not hold very much moisture. As soon as the contrails form they are immediately turned to ice crystals and these crystals quickly sublimate (turn directly to vapor again). There isn’t enough water vapor present to replace the sublimating ice crystals and the contrail goes away.
Now- if you could somehow replace that moisture you would rebalance the equation and the contrail would persist indefinitely.
If you’ll notice most chemtrail advocates have made the correlation between an increase in chemtrail activity and the subsequent bad weather that follows. This relationship does exist but the chemtrail people have it backwards. The persistent contrails are caused by the weather system, not the other way around. These weather systems, called lows, are represented by the big L on the weather maps. They move around the world lifting large amounts of air and moisture high up into the atmosphere. These systems cause clouds, rain and storms. Ahead of these systems the air at the altitude commercial aircraft operate is filled with moisture. It’s just not visible (yet). So now you have moisture present, cold air present but no particles for this moisture to cling to and condense upon so it stays invisible. If you fly an aircraft through this area you introduce large amounts of particulate for the moisture to condense on and you get contrails. The difference now is that when the ice crystals sublimate there is plenty of moisture present to replace it. In fact, the act of sublimation cools the particle down and new water molecules are attracted, thus perpetuating the process. (It goes on and on until something comes along to disrupt the equation.)
I Hope that all makes sense. The main thing I want you to remember is this: If you look up and see a short contrail it means the air at that altitude is too dry and the contrail falls apart. If you see a long contrail the air is just right to keep the contrail going. In fact, the short contrails shouldn’t be considered contrails at all.
Again- great question. This is an important one because it seems to be the basis for the entire chemtrail theory.
Let me give it a shot...
First, I'd like you to imagine contrails as a mathematic equation. In order for contrails to appear you need a perfectly balanced equation. Let's look at some of the variables.
You need moisture. I'm sure you're aware that the atmosphere all around you is full of moisture. You only notice it when it's humid out or when you see a cloud. In order for this moisture to become visible you need to cool the air mass its in to its dewpoint.
Second you need something for the moisture in the air to cling to. Without some sort of particle present the water molecules can't condense on anything no matter how cool the air gets. These are condensation nuclei.
Third you need the correct temperature. If it's too warm the airmass will never cool to the dew point and the moisture will never condense and become visible.
If any of these variables are absent or out of proportion the moisture will not become visible.
No lets look at what you might call a "normal" contrail. These are the types that form and then rapidly dissipate behind the aircraft. The aircraft is flying around in super cool air so that variable is already present. As a byproduct of combustion the aircraft engines are producing several things. Two of those things are CO2 and water vapor. So now you have the moisture present as well. The third thing these engines produce are little yucky bits of fine particulates as the result of incomplete combustion. (They are the leftovers of the combustion process.) So now you have something for the water molecules to condense upon, the condensation nuclei. Now you have all the necessary ingredients... but only for a few seconds. Remember, these "equations" are very well balanced and if you lose one thing it goes awry and the contrails disappear.
The problem with these types of contrails is that they exist in very dry air. The air at altitude is very cold and can not hold very much moisture. As soon as the contrails form they are immediately turned to ice crystals and these crystals quickly sublimate (turn directly to vapor again). There isn’t enough water vapor present to replace the sublimating ice crystals and the contrail goes away.
Now- if you could somehow replace that moisture you would rebalance the equation and the contrail would persist indefinitely.
If you’ll notice most chemtrail advocates have made the correlation between an increase in chemtrail activity and the subsequent bad weather that follows. This relationship does exist but the chemtrail people have it backwards. The persistent contrails are caused by the weather system, not the other way around. These weather systems, called lows, are represented by the big L on the weather maps. They move around the world lifting large amounts of air and moisture high up into the atmosphere. These systems cause clouds, rain and storms. Ahead of these systems the air at the altitude commercial aircraft operate is filled with moisture. It’s just not visible (yet). So now you have moisture present, cold air present but no particles for this moisture to cling to and condense upon so it stays invisible. If you fly an aircraft through this area you introduce large amounts of particulate for the moisture to condense on and you get contrails. The difference now is that when the ice crystals sublimate there is plenty of moisture present to replace it. In fact, the act of sublimation cools the particle down and new water molecules are attracted, thus perpetuating the process. (It goes on and on until something comes along to disrupt the equation.)
I Hope that all makes sense. The main thing I want you to remember is this: If you look up and see a short contrail it means the air at that altitude is too dry and the contrail falls apart. If you see a long contrail the air is just right to keep the contrail going. In fact, the short contrails shouldn’t be considered contrails at all.
Next question?
Again, thorough explanation based on science. I LOVE IT!
There really are no other questions at this point. I'd like to point out that I am not a "believer" in anything. All I "know" is what I experience as truth. That said, I keep my mind OPEN to ALL possibilities and consider the realm of information surrounding those possibilities. You have pretty much quelled any probabilities I held with regard to this issue.
Because there is historical evidence, as well as admission by the government, regarding experiments the military has conducted in the past on humans, animals and our environment - any open minded individual will consider all possibilities. To do otherwise is an ignorant choice when empirical data is lacking.
You reference scientific data, not "opinions" from published material. That makes all the difference. I appreciate your informative viewpoint and your taking the time to present relevant fact-based data.
I hope you stick around this particular forum. We could use more people who can discuss/debate ideas and theories with data, history and fact as opposed to emotion-based opinion - which is fine when discussing philosophical ideas, but useless when discussing physical anomalies and historical occurrences.
Kudos Tenzing N........
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Thank you for taking the time to read my explainations. I was hoping for more participation from others. I think this is a fun theory for some to hold onto. It's full of visual "evidence" and like I said before has lots of room for conspiracy.
I was doing a ferry flight (no passengers on board) the other day and I thought about using my plane to draw some sort of picture in the sky with my contrail. Unfortunately there was proabably no one on the ground paying attention enough to see it but it would have been fun.
If anyone ever points to a picture showing suspicious flight patterns just know that- for the most part- we, as pilots are able to ask for anything we want up at altitude and unless it's in congested airspace we are usually allowed to do it. I could make parrallel lines, words (hard!), x's, whatever I want. This would waste some gas but there are some flights where we are required to go up and test something and we may need to fly around arbitrarily for a while. There are "normal" flight patterns such as prescribed arrival procedures or jet routes but remember- it's open sky, we can go off the "road" whenever we need to for all sorts of reasons (weather, traffic, or to shorten the route for instance).
Thank you Tenzing, for clearing this up for us.
It's about what I expected without having a science degree in the field or anything.
Thorough explanations using experience and science often makes a lot of tall claims go "poof" like this one just did.
Kudos, and may you speak again on other issues as well.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
You leftys and your psychotic, baseless conspiracy theories provide me with endless entertainment. Don't stop calling into "Coast to Coast AM" and for the love of God (or your alternative deity of choice) keep watching the skies!!
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Most of the nitwit, hopelessly lost in establishment, obama cock sucking, "please please rape me more, take more of my money, give me less, 'socialize' me, and make me a slave under the guise of loving me and having compassion and 'hope' and change your underpants" dilf-nus motherfuckers on this board are "leftys".
I just LOVE being lumped in with "that" crowd.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Are you shitting me? Us lefties have nothing to do with this horse shit
Uh oh.
Fight fight fight fight!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I don't know where to begin on this one so I invite you to ask any questions you would like.
Let me start by stating this however:
Although I can NOT speak on past or present "experiments" I can, with 100% certainty, assure you there are no such thing as "chemtrails".
The problem with this type of theory is that it deals with an area of technology and science that few people have much expertise in (aviation).
So please, let me help you and you can move on to some other theory. I promise I will not be demeaning- I understand this is complex and has plenty of room for conspiracy. Ask away...
Okay, I'll bite.....
So what's your knowledge of the checkerboard patterns that appear; what's causing them and why are planes flying in cris-crossing patterns?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
First, thank you for your question. This actually gives me the chance to answer two phenomena in one answer. Along with the "criss-crossing" pattern there seems to be another common peice of "evidence" and that is the presence of parrallel lines. I'll explain the parrallel lines and then relate the criss-cross pattern to that explaination.
First, let me remind you that the atmoshere is not at all homogenous, which is to say that what you feel at ground level is not at all what is happening at 1,000 feet and certainly not what is happening at 40,000 feet. That being said, the wind speed at the altitude most commercial aircraft operate (between 20,000 feet and 40,000 feet) is typically moving between 30 mph and 180 mph. This wind generally flows form west to east over North America. Unless there are clouds at these levels this wind is obviously invisible. Even if there are clouds at these levels the motion is difficult to detect due to its distance form the observer (nearly 8 miles away vertically). Additionally the air at these levels tends to be very stable (especially laterally) and contrails that are produced stay together well. So now you can look up in the sky and realize you are seeing a constantly moving body of air. All aircraft operate in this moving air.
Typically aircraft try thier best to fly directly form departure to destination directly, saving time and gas. With today's technology we are able to do this but usually Air Traffic Control (ATC) requires us to fly on what are called "Jet Routes". These Jet Routes are usually hundreds of miles long and are defined by drawing a line between points such as VORs or intersections. We use navigation equipment to fly very precisely along these routes to avoid hitting other aircraft. You can imagine these as highways in the sky. They are published on maps which we use. As pilots we are tasked with keeping on the route but ATC is required to keep a certain amount of space between the aircraft travelling along the same routes. This space is measured in intervals of time. For instance aircraft B can be no closer than 3 minutes behind aircraft A. ATC maintains these gaps by telling us to adjust our speed. On busy routes there may be several aircraft on this route, each equally spaced.
Now assume all of these aircraft are making a contrail and assume the contrails are in an airmass that permits them to last quite a while (persistant). If there was no wind at that altitude the contrails would all just pile up on top of each other and the observer below would only see "one" apperent contrail, regardless of how many aircraft traversed that route. I will tell you, however, that I have never seen a calm wind at high altitude.
One could also suppose that if the aircraft were flying directly into the wind then the contrails would be blown directly behind the aircraft and again give the appearance of only one contrail. I will also say that almost always the wind blows at an angle to the path that the plane is flying. This is called a crosswind. As the aircraft flies it lays down the contrail and that contrail is pushed to the side by the wind, moving it further and further away as time goes by. The next aircraft comes along the same route and lays down its own contrail which is also moved away to the side by the wind. So on and so on for each subsequent aircraft as they travel down the route. So you can imagine that after say 5 aircraft travel that route in a crosswind there would be 5 distinct contrails, all in a row, as viewed from below.
If you would like to simulate this simply take a blank sheet of paper. With your left hand slowly move the paper from left to right across a table. Holding a pen or pencil with your right hand, make a vertical line, not allowing your right hand to move left or right at all. If you do this 5 times you will have 5 parrallel lines. It's hard to do, however.
So that explains the parrallel lines. If you would like to make a criss-cross pattern simply have a perpendicular route that intersects that previous route. (There are several East-west routes that cross North-South routes all over the country.) Apply the same explaination and you would see a criss-cross pattern. Or if you want a simple pattern just have a couple perpendicular routes that overly that initial route and you would have a simple criss-cross.
The main take-away here is that there are many perfectly normal things that are taking place in the sky that most people aren't aware of.
Next question?
Next question - What causes some "contrails/chemtrails" to retain their form and remain visible for such long periods of time as opposed to other "contrails/chemtrails"?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Let me give it a shot...
First, I'd like you to imagine contrails as a mathematic equation. In order for contrails to appear you need a perfectly balanced equation. Let's look at some of the variables.
You need moisture. I'm sure you're aware that the atmosphere all around you is full of moisture. You only notice it when it's humid out or when you see a cloud. In order for this moisture to become visible you need to cool the air mass its in to its dewpoint.
Second you need something for the moisture in the air to cling to. Without some sort of particle present the water molecules can't condense on anything no matter how cool the air gets. These are condensation nuclei.
Third you need the correct temperature. If it's too warm the airmass will never cool to the dew point and the moisture will never condense and become visible.
If any of these variables are absent or out of proportion the moisture will not become visible.
No lets look at what you might call a "normal" contrail. These are the types that form and then rapidly dissipate behind the aircraft. The aircraft is flying around in super cool air so that variable is already present. As a byproduct of combustion the aircraft engines are producing several things. Two of those things are CO2 and water vapor. So now you have the moisture present as well. The third thing these engines produce are little yucky bits of fine particulates as the result of incomplete combustion. (They are the leftovers of the combustion process.) So now you have something for the water molecules to condense upon, the condensation nuclei. Now you have all the necessary ingredients... but only for a few seconds. Remember, these "equations" are very well balanced and if you lose one thing it goes awry and the contrails disappear.
The problem with these types of contrails is that they exist in very dry air. The air at altitude is very cold and can not hold very much moisture. As soon as the contrails form they are immediately turned to ice crystals and these crystals quickly sublimate (turn directly to vapor again). There isn’t enough water vapor present to replace the sublimating ice crystals and the contrail goes away.
Now- if you could somehow replace that moisture you would rebalance the equation and the contrail would persist indefinitely.
If you’ll notice most chemtrail advocates have made the correlation between an increase in chemtrail activity and the subsequent bad weather that follows. This relationship does exist but the chemtrail people have it backwards. The persistent contrails are caused by the weather system, not the other way around. These weather systems, called lows, are represented by the big L on the weather maps. They move around the world lifting large amounts of air and moisture high up into the atmosphere. These systems cause clouds, rain and storms. Ahead of these systems the air at the altitude commercial aircraft operate is filled with moisture. It’s just not visible (yet). So now you have moisture present, cold air present but no particles for this moisture to cling to and condense upon so it stays invisible. If you fly an aircraft through this area you introduce large amounts of particulate for the moisture to condense on and you get contrails. The difference now is that when the ice crystals sublimate there is plenty of moisture present to replace it. In fact, the act of sublimation cools the particle down and new water molecules are attracted, thus perpetuating the process. (It goes on and on until something comes along to disrupt the equation.)
I Hope that all makes sense. The main thing I want you to remember is this: If you look up and see a short contrail it means the air at that altitude is too dry and the contrail falls apart. If you see a long contrail the air is just right to keep the contrail going. In fact, the short contrails shouldn’t be considered contrails at all.
Next question?
My teeth are full of cavities, but I am indeed calm about it., they're getting only half the job done.
*NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
*MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
*Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
*Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
*Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
*VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
*EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
*Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
Again, thorough explanation based on science. I LOVE IT!
There really are no other questions at this point. I'd like to point out that I am not a "believer" in anything. All I "know" is what I experience as truth. That said, I keep my mind OPEN to ALL possibilities and consider the realm of information surrounding those possibilities. You have pretty much quelled any probabilities I held with regard to this issue.
Because there is historical evidence, as well as admission by the government, regarding experiments the military has conducted in the past on humans, animals and our environment - any open minded individual will consider all possibilities. To do otherwise is an ignorant choice when empirical data is lacking.
You reference scientific data, not "opinions" from published material. That makes all the difference. I appreciate your informative viewpoint and your taking the time to present relevant fact-based data.
I hope you stick around this particular forum. We could use more people who can discuss/debate ideas and theories with data, history and fact as opposed to emotion-based opinion - which is fine when discussing philosophical ideas, but useless when discussing physical anomalies and historical occurrences.
Kudos Tenzing N........
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
I was doing a ferry flight (no passengers on board) the other day and I thought about using my plane to draw some sort of picture in the sky with my contrail. Unfortunately there was proabably no one on the ground paying attention enough to see it but it would have been fun.
If anyone ever points to a picture showing suspicious flight patterns just know that- for the most part- we, as pilots are able to ask for anything we want up at altitude and unless it's in congested airspace we are usually allowed to do it. I could make parrallel lines, words (hard!), x's, whatever I want. This would waste some gas but there are some flights where we are required to go up and test something and we may need to fly around arbitrarily for a while. There are "normal" flight patterns such as prescribed arrival procedures or jet routes but remember- it's open sky, we can go off the "road" whenever we need to for all sorts of reasons (weather, traffic, or to shorten the route for instance).
Anyway, thanks again for reading- Tenzing.
It's about what I expected without having a science degree in the field or anything.
Thorough explanations using experience and science often makes a lot of tall claims go "poof" like this one just did.
Kudos, and may you speak again on other issues as well.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965