*** Rotterdam Fanviews Here 8/13/09 ***



  • VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
    Degelijk, log en meezingbaar

    15 August 2009
    Noordhollands Dagblad
    Zeventien jaar geleden was het de groep Pearl Jam uit het Amerikaanse Seattle die in de slipstream van Nirvana de 'grungerock' bij het grote publiek bracht. Nirvana had weliswaar de betere liedjes en de werkelijke weerbarstigheid, maar Pearl Jam was publieksvriendelijker en stabieler - beide eigenschappen vooral verenigd in zanger Eddie Vedder.

    Dat is de reden dat Pearl Jam anno 2009 nog altijd stadions weet te vullen, al stonden ze donderdag in een voor hun doen bescheiden arena: een tot de nok toe gevuld Ahoy.

    Een echte 'grunge'-band is Pearl Jam nooit geweest. Net zomin als op de punkgolf meesurfende rockers als Elvis Costello of Willy DeVille 'punk' waren. Pearl Jam oprichters Jeff Ament en Stone Gossard - nog altijd van de partij - speelden zelfs al een jaar of zes in allerlei bands samen toen ze met ondermeer zanger Vedder de groep oprichtten die met de eerste single 'Alive' gelijk een wereldhit scoorde. Maar in feite was dat gewoon Amerikaanse 'classic rock'. En dat is het nog steeds.

    Dat wordt onmiddellijk duidelijk als je ze na acht studio-albums en talloze concerten weer eens in Ahoy terugziet. Met het debuutalbum 'Ten' uit 1991 kon de groep muzikaal nog alle kanten uit.

    Maar in feite hebben ze zich sindsdien nauwelijks artistiek ontwikkeld - niet zoals bijvoorbeeld Radiohead of REM dat hebben gedaan. Er wordt in Rotterdam binnen een vast omlijnd idioom degelijk, maar ook wat log gemusiceerd. De enige met werkelijk appeal en présence op het podium is Eddie Vedder.

    Het is vooral dankzij hem, dat Pearl Jam in Ahoy méér pit en rockgevoel uitstraalt dan bijvoorbeeld Live of Counting Crows. Verrassen doet de groep niet in Rotterdam, maar men weet de sfeer toch fris te houden door weer een compleet andere 'setlist' te spelen dan bij de eerdere twee concerten van deze korte tournee. En men bedient het publiek door slechts twee nummers - waaronder de al bekende nieuwe single 'The fixer' - van het binnenkort te verschijnen album 'Backspacer' te spelen. Die kunnen immers nog niet meegezongen worden. En meezingen is belangrijk bij Pearl Jam.

    Het publiek gaat uit volle borst, bij de favorieten van het debuutalbum, zoals 'Why go' en 'Even flow', maar ook bij andere favorieten als 'Better man'.

    Over een maand of wat, als 'Backspacer' ongetwijfeld hoog in de hitlijsten staat komt Pearl Jam vast en zeker nog eens terug in Gelredome of een vergelijkbare community singing tempel. Vooralsnog hadden de trouwste fans een mooie avond in Ahoy en hebben de meer reguliere rockliefhebbers die er niet bij waren eigenlijk ook weinig gemist.

    Peter Bruyn
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • MahiluMahilu Posts: 3
    Great gig - atmosphere - setlist.

    Worried for a little bit at the start as Ed's voice sounded a bit rough on Small Town and it seemed like he had a sore throat or so but once he got warmed up and after a few swigs of wine he was rockin. Mike Stone Jeff Matt and Boom all rocked out.

    First time seeing Pearl Jam abroad and loved it.

    The Dutch people including all from my hotel in Amsterdam - the train people - the staff at the Ahoy and the security guys in the gig rock! So cool and helpful.

    If Pearl Jam play there again I'll definately be going back!
  • jodijodi Posts: 183
    Degelijk, log en meezingbaar

    Over een maand of wat, als 'Backspacer' ongetwijfeld hoog in de hitlijsten staat komt Pearl Jam vast en zeker nog eens terug in Gelredome of een vergelijkbare community singing tempel. Vooralsnog hadden de trouwste fans een mooie avond in Ahoy en hebben de meer reguliere rockliefhebbers die er niet bij waren eigenlijk ook weinig gemist.

    Peter Bruyn

    Peter Bruyn (who??) doesn't know anything about music, that's clear to me!
    There's a light,... when my baby's in my arms...
    And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
  • PurlyjemPurlyjem Posts: 126
    Soundcheck : In my tree, Got Some, Life Wasted, Nothingman, Love reign o'r me what I now remember..
    "I'll ride the wave...where it takes me.."
  • mariekemarieke Posts: 12
    Great show, again! Reminded me of their performance in Arnhem 2006.
    Setlist was great either, with a lot of songs they didn't play the last couple of times I saw them (Nijmegen, Werchter, Arnhem).
    Please come back soon!!!!!!!
  • homerno1homerno1 Posts: 11
    Degelijk, log en meezingbaar

    15 August 2009
    Noordhollands Dagblad
    Zeventien jaar geleden was het de groep Pearl Jam uit het Amerikaanse Seattle die in de slipstream van Nirvana de 'grungerock' bij het grote publiek bracht. Nirvana had weliswaar de betere liedjes en de werkelijke weerbarstigheid, maar Pearl Jam was publieksvriendelijker en stabieler - beide eigenschappen vooral verenigd in zanger Eddie Vedder.

    Dat is de reden dat Pearl Jam anno 2009 nog altijd stadions weet te vullen, al stonden ze donderdag in een voor hun doen bescheiden arena: een tot de nok toe gevuld Ahoy.

    Een echte 'grunge'-band is Pearl Jam nooit geweest. Net zomin als op de punkgolf meesurfende rockers als Elvis Costello of Willy DeVille 'punk' waren. Pearl Jam oprichters Jeff Ament en Stone Gossard - nog altijd van de partij - speelden zelfs al een jaar of zes in allerlei bands samen toen ze met ondermeer zanger Vedder de groep oprichtten die met de eerste single 'Alive' gelijk een wereldhit scoorde. Maar in feite was dat gewoon Amerikaanse 'classic rock'. En dat is het nog steeds.

    Dat wordt onmiddellijk duidelijk als je ze na acht studio-albums en talloze concerten weer eens in Ahoy terugziet. Met het debuutalbum 'Ten' uit 1991 kon de groep muzikaal nog alle kanten uit.

    Maar in feite hebben ze zich sindsdien nauwelijks artistiek ontwikkeld - niet zoals bijvoorbeeld Radiohead of REM dat hebben gedaan. Er wordt in Rotterdam binnen een vast omlijnd idioom degelijk, maar ook wat log gemusiceerd. De enige met werkelijk appeal en présence op het podium is Eddie Vedder.

    Het is vooral dankzij hem, dat Pearl Jam in Ahoy méér pit en rockgevoel uitstraalt dan bijvoorbeeld Live of Counting Crows. Verrassen doet de groep niet in Rotterdam, maar men weet de sfeer toch fris te houden door weer een compleet andere 'setlist' te spelen dan bij de eerdere twee concerten van deze korte tournee. En men bedient het publiek door slechts twee nummers - waaronder de al bekende nieuwe single 'The fixer' - van het binnenkort te verschijnen album 'Backspacer' te spelen. Die kunnen immers nog niet meegezongen worden. En meezingen is belangrijk bij Pearl Jam.

    Het publiek gaat uit volle borst, bij de favorieten van het debuutalbum, zoals 'Why go' en 'Even flow', maar ook bij andere favorieten als 'Better man'.

    Over een maand of wat, als 'Backspacer' ongetwijfeld hoog in de hitlijsten staat komt Pearl Jam vast en zeker nog eens terug in Gelredome of een vergelijkbare community singing tempel. Vooralsnog hadden de trouwste fans een mooie avond in Ahoy en hebben de meer reguliere rockliefhebbers die er niet bij waren eigenlijk ook weinig gemist.

    Peter Bruyn

    WHAT! :lol:

    this guy clearly does not know what he is talkning about! what a horrible review. "regular rock lovers didn't miss much"............ THEY DID, JUST LIKE EVERYBODY WHO HASN'T BEEN THERE!!!!

    hope he is right on the statement PJ will be back after the release of Backspacer!! CAN'T WAIT!!
  • Peter Bruyn... what an idiot!! :D He has no idea what he's talking about!

    Anyhow, I'm almost praying for PJ to come back to the Netherlands, but not in Gelredome! I hate that place! But Arena sucks too... So I'm hoping for Ahoy again...
    august 2006: Arnhem
    june 2007: Nijmegen
    august 2009: Rotterdam
    june 2012: Amsterdam
    june 2014: Amsterdam
  • DL43792 wrote:
    fantastic show, great audience, what a setlist, can I say more ?
    sad I see them only one time this tour

    me too :( :(
    I don't question our existence
    I just question our modern needs

    ** http://backpacksoul.wordpress.com **
  • homerno1homerno1 Posts: 11
    Kirsten87 wrote:
    Peter Bruyn... what an idiot!! :D He has no idea what he's talking about!

    Anyhow, I'm almost praying for PJ to come back to the Netherlands, but not in Gelredome! I hate that place! But Arena sucks too... So I'm hoping for Ahoy again...

    I agree, but Ahoy was lovely, but in my humble opinion the can rock the field in Nimmegen again, just like 2007! otherwise I would love to see our boys in a small venue, like HMH or even better Paradiso!! some extra unplugged versions in there.... BBBBBRRRRRRRRRR!!
  • homerno1 wrote:
    Kirsten87 wrote:
    Peter Bruyn... what an idiot!! :D He has no idea what he's talking about!

    Anyhow, I'm almost praying for PJ to come back to the Netherlands, but not in Gelredome! I hate that place! But Arena sucks too... So I'm hoping for Ahoy again...

    I agree, but Ahoy was lovely, but in my humble opinion the can rock the field in Nimmegen again, just like 2007! otherwise I would love to see our boys in a small venue, like HMH or even better Paradiso!! some extra unplugged versions in there.... BBBBBRRRRRRRRRR!!

    Nijmegen was awesome, that's definitely true! But, the best small venue EVER would be Watt (formerly known as Nighttown)!!!
    august 2006: Arnhem
    june 2007: Nijmegen
    august 2009: Rotterdam
    june 2012: Amsterdam
    june 2014: Amsterdam
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    wow... following these past few setlists has me totally pumped for chicago... hope this momentum continues!
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

  • jodi wrote:
    We had standing tickets. 900 TenClubmembers, together with 600 early people. We all got wristbands to go in and out of our special segment in front (!)of the stage. TenClub did a great jod!

    Very funny comment bij Ed, saying when they got out of the hotel to come to the Ahoy', they had not much time to meet and greet with fans in the street. There where two lines on the side of the street. They only shook some hands, he said. But when they where in the car, they realised the people they shaked hands with, where not fans but people standing in line waiting for the bus..
    He said, that they must had thought what a nice guys they where.

    Very funny! :lol:
  • what an amazing show!! my first time seeing them abroad and i just enjoyed it so much, great setlist they all looked like they were really enjoying it, especially mike! i thought black and betterman were fantastic and i was so happy they played love reign over me.
    i hve some good pics from the show, just click the link if u wana c http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.c ... Id=2857278
  • MoemaiMoemai The Netherlands Posts: 329
    Some pictures my friend and me made : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=ho ... 1578759932
  • RideRickRideRick Hoorn Posts: 703
    Finally i can log in to this website...

    It took me a while to get acces but now i'm here and not planned to leave this one... 8-)

    As a hardcore PJ fan ofcourse i was at Ahoy in Rotterdam. Didn't have any luck with presale on Pearljam.com but had much luck with standingtickest on an onlinesite here in Holland. Livenation.nl
    4 tickets for my 2 brothers, best mate and me.
    We've been to PJ since 1996 and always standing in front row :D

    Arrived at Rotterdam at 14:00 hours with my best mate, got some beer at the local market.
    There was a Carnaval on the parking lot so some distraction was available but met and joined some PJ fans around the pole which was in front of Ahoy.
    At 17:00 hours my 2 brothers arrived and we went to the carnival for some fries and some fun.
    Won a Green Gummi bear with an anoying music sound for my 3 years old daughter...
    (think some people didn't liked us in the cue :twisted: )
    We then got inside but i was jammed behind a woman with a bag who's took a fokkin' long time to empty it. :evil:

    My brothers where already inside the arena and my mate waited for me.
    We run like hell and got stormed in the front (sorry but nice guys finish last) and scored the last 2 blue wristbands 8-) We were there again.

    Gomez? who the fok is Gomez... Sorry PJ but that was a waist of time as almost every preshow bands i'v seen in Holland since 1996... (Won't go to other countries unless i will have the chance to see them in Seattle or Verona)

    Then a nerveous feeling... again.... the will start the show very soon now but with what song....

    The rest is history... the played a fokkin good gig. Had some fun on the front row rightside little pit but stepped on some womans toes with my cowboy boots and after that i promised to protect her for the rest of the song....

    Please come back next year but then 2 gigs in a row at HMH (Heineken Music Hall) and play together some 60 songs (Just for the best fans in the world. Us the Dutch who gave you the boost in early 90's you dreamed of)
    | Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I  | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled  +  II 2022 *EPIC
  • RicsardRicsard Posts: 1,943
    The Rotterdam show was the best (PJ) gig ever to me!!!
    Rating: 110%

    The show was not just about Mike's unbelievable energy but the entire band who collectively was ON FIRE!!! Jeff, Matt and Ed were rocking very spectacularly and their chemistry was absolutely gorgeous, still can't believe this show was even harder than the previous ones I had attended!
    The setlist was breathtaking, from Elderly Woman till the end...Dissident, Why Go, Lukin, Nothingman...the most rockin songs: Last Exit, Go, Better Man, Severed Hand, Alive, Given To Fly...three uplifting covers: finally managed to catch Ed play You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, still can't believe they played Love Reign O'Me and The Real Me!!!
    Thanks to the organisers, everything worked cool (a lot better than in Berlin), the sound, the vibe and the venue were all just PERFECT if you ask me (however I really liked Gelredome and Goffert Park as well!)

    P.S. I got a used towel from Eddie but gave it on to Shining who had got an EV zippo previously:)
    Eddie: Dublin & London
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    2nd encore: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away, Love, Reign O'er Me, Do The Evolution, The Real Me, Yellow Ledbetter

    what an encore!
    i would LOVE to see/hear that live!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • jodi wrote:
    Very funny comment bij Ed, saying when they got out of the hotel to come to the Ahoy', they had not much time to meet and greet with fans in the street. There where two lines on the side of the street. They only shook some hands, he said. But when they where in the car, they realised the people they shaked hands with, where not fans but people standing in line waiting for the bus..
    He said, that they must had thought what a nice guys they where.

    Very funny! :lol:

    I was there, one of those 20 people!!He promised me an autograph, they didn't have much time (only Stone made some I think, I do not remember well I was too excited!) but I was so lucky to see him again after the show and then he remembered me and made it!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Thank you guys! I still don't believe it!
    Best day of my life!
    I don't question our existence
    I just question our modern needs

    ** http://backpacksoul.wordpress.com **
  • jodijodi Posts: 183
    You're one of the lucky ones then :D
    There's a light,... when my baby's in my arms...
    And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
  • R.A.W.R.A.W. Posts: 13
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.
    * Landgraaf - 2000
    * Arnhem - 2006
    * Prague - 2006
    * Nijmegen - 2007
    * Rotterdam - 2009
    * Nijmegen - 2010
    * Dublin - 2010
    * Amsterdam #1, 2012
    * Amsterdam #2, 2012
    * Werchter, 2012
    * Arras, 2012
  • RideRickRideRick Hoorn Posts: 703
    R.A.W. wrote:
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.

    8-) Very cool dude... damned... next year if they visit the Netherlands again i will take some holiday pre- and after the show :D
    | Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I  | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled  +  II 2022 *EPIC
  • R.A.W.R.A.W. Posts: 13
    RideRick wrote:
    R.A.W. wrote:
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.

    8-) Very cool dude... damned... next year if they visit the Netherlands again i will take some holiday pre- and after the show :D

    You should. Next time we'll do it again.
    * Landgraaf - 2000
    * Arnhem - 2006
    * Prague - 2006
    * Nijmegen - 2007
    * Rotterdam - 2009
    * Nijmegen - 2010
    * Dublin - 2010
    * Amsterdam #1, 2012
    * Amsterdam #2, 2012
    * Werchter, 2012
    * Arras, 2012
  • luxpjamerluxpjamer Posts: 837
    R.A.W. wrote:
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.

    Eddie shy and hangover :lol:

    As they entered the stage in Rotterdam and Eddie immediately said "Hello" I knew that he already had some fun ;)
    Beavis : Is this Pearl Jam?
    Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
    Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
    Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
    Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
    Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
  • R.A.W.R.A.W. Posts: 13
    luxpjamer wrote:
    R.A.W. wrote:
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.

    Eddie shy and hangover :lol:

    As they entered the stage in Rotterdam and Eddie immediately said "Hello" I knew that he already had some fun ;)

    Stone walked his way out of the shopping mall, back to the hotel where we were waitin'. His hair was a mess and so was his face. They must have hit the bottle quite hard i heard.
    Then fifteen minutes later, after a little nervosity in the hotellobby, the tourmanager ran out of the hotel, to the shopping mall and came back with Stone's bag, which he had left in the coffeebar. :lol:

    (imagine what would be yours if you'd find the bag :o )
    * Landgraaf - 2000
    * Arnhem - 2006
    * Prague - 2006
    * Nijmegen - 2007
    * Rotterdam - 2009
    * Nijmegen - 2010
    * Dublin - 2010
    * Amsterdam #1, 2012
    * Amsterdam #2, 2012
    * Werchter, 2012
    * Arras, 2012
  • jodijodi Posts: 183
    R.A.W. wrote:
    Me and my buddy met Eddie and the band the next day in Rotterdam. I thought I was still drunk, but I wasn't. We noticed some guys standing in front of a hotel, wearing PJ-shirts, so we figured that they might stayed there. And we waited for a little while and than they walked out. We talked a bit about Black and Mike gave us original Mike McReady picks. Eddie. Just Gave. Me. A. Hand. and blalbla'd a little about the show yesterday. They were so nice and fun to talk with.
    Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robwaumans/
    Still quite happy.

    Cool pictures!
    There's a light,... when my baby's in my arms...
    And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air
  • PurlyjemPurlyjem Posts: 126
    I really, really enjoyed watching Stone during the show!
    He had so much fun it seemed!
    "I'll ride the wave...where it takes me.."
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721

    Just a reminder that you did a really great album at the turn of the century.
    +1..no more comments..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • finnanniefinnannie Posts: 1,186
    For those who haven't seen this one yet... better watch it.

    Black / Ahoy, Rotterdam (in HD quality).

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u86eP9Sl ... re=related

    Won't let the light escape from me.
    Won't let the darkness swallow me.
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    the most important of this show was 2 things,,alot of great people meet for the first time,,and all was helpful and have fun and respect the line and eachother,,and the dutch people was so good for wellcome all of us from other countries and help us alot..and secont was that 10c make our own 10c space and all was safe..not like the other 3 shows when the non 10c members come and push for be infront and we have all this problem and was so dangerous...
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u86eP9Sl ... re=related
    see black and how safe we was in our 10c space..
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
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