well, his wines ARe available in MANY restaurants. and anyway, that wasn't my point...and you knew that too.
and, i am sure you have ...and actually, i thought you've admitted much the same yourself. i was merely pointing out that if unknown to you, i bet you would like this sauce and be none the wiser. i think too often we all at times get hung up on 'i don't like ______' without really giving a fair shake. and besides, said as much...homemade is always the best, but yea.....life balance.
and hey, at least we agree on frozen pizza! that's all we buy too!
tho of course, prefer delivery.....
I have admitted as much, and you are not wrong.
alright I might give it a try, on your suggestion
but its like 8 bucks in my neck of the woods
unfortunately, my delivery options stink, bad general tsos and boneless ribs
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
well, his wines ARe available in MANY restaurants. and anyway, that wasn't my point...and you knew that too.
and, i am sure you have ...and actually, i thought you've admitted much the same yourself. i was merely pointing out that if unknown to you, i bet you would like this sauce and be none the wiser. i think too often we all at times get hung up on 'i don't like ______' without really giving a fair shake. and besides, said as much...homemade is always the best, but yea.....life balance.
and hey, at least we agree on frozen pizza! that's all we buy too!
tho of course, prefer delivery.....
I have admitted as much, and you are not wrong.
alright I might give it a try, on your suggestion
but its like 8 bucks in my neck of the woods
unfortunately, my delivery options stink, bad general tsos and boneless ribs
what's 8 bucks?
you can get the coppolla sauces in a store near you?! i've never seen them ANYwhere, except their website. and, if you spend $99 or more you can get free shipping, so sure....i ordered 6 jars of sauce, and 5 bottles of wine. oh, and the sauce is $5.99 a jar on the site. not cheap, but not crazy either. i've bought high-end organic sauces in the store for $7 or $8 bucks....so definitely a wee bit more affordable.
ms. haiku, i believe 'gravy' is another term for sauce. what makes 'sunday gravy' special, that idk. and no, i have never, ever called sauce gravy, no one in my family has ever done this either.....and yes, we are first-generation italian americans. so who knows? :P
oh and champ, don't feel bad, i always get arrabbiata sauce if/when i can. only when that is not available do i go with other choices.
You're making me hungry again. It's 10:30am and I want a plate of spaghetti. . . life is good!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
You're making me hungry again. It's 10:30am and I want a plate of spaghetti. . . life is good!
i seriously could eat pasta every single day and not get bored. well, maybe mix it up with pizza and mexican food..... i sooooo LOVE pasta and sauce!
altho i will say, i do love tortellini en brodo too.
funny, as a child i would NOT eat tomato sauce, except on pizza. i didn't learn to like sauce until somewhere in my late teens, and now i LOVE it! then again, i didn't get into wine until about 2-3 years ago....pearl jam not until 2002....so yes, i guess i am simply destined to always be a late bloomer.
I think I'm missing out on something. When I think of wine I think of a particular mean addict within my family, and I also think of the added expense to a meal. Obviously, I'm missing something that others get.
What is it about the texture of wine, the flavor of wine that would bring out something in a meal? How does it add to a meal? I really want to know I'm not being a smart-ass. I would like to learn more about this, and I'm starting at less than square one due to being around a mean drunk, and worried about the added expense.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I think I'm missing out on something. When I think of wine I think of a particular mean addict within my family, and I also think of the added expense to a meal. Obviously, I'm missing something that others get.
What is it about the texture of wine, the flavor of wine that would bring out something in a meal? How does it add to a meal? I really want to know I'm not being a smart-ass. I would like to learn more about this, and I'm starting at less than square one due to being around a mean drunk, and worried about the added expense.
mmmm....where to begin?
i take it you are not a drinker? i ask since you mention the 'added expense'...whereas in my case, it's no additional expense, b/c i always drank alcohol (mixed drinks) when out for a meal, hubby always has a beer, whatever.....so now we occasionally get wine, but i do have wine with dinner at home too.
wine + pasta = BLISS. really, not much more to add there. seriously, they just go perfectly together. if you at all care for chocolate, OMG....a nice glass of red + dark chocolate = heaven!
also, wine need not be pricey. i usully buy bottles by the case, as i get a 10% discount for doing so, and i believe many/most liquor/wine stores do this. also, when shopping for home, well...i am the opposite of a snobby drinker. :P i have tried just about every bottle of pinot noir under $15 at my local shop. i usually buy a mix of bottles that are all under $10 a bottle. i am a huge fan of pinot noir, but i enjoy malbecs, chianti, shiraz, cabernet.....jusy about anything red. my fave wine at the moment is coppolla's malbec. it is "pricey" to me at $20 a bottle, so i consume it rarely. it has hints of chocolate and dark berries....and it is utterly delicious. wine has a bit of a velvety, smoky mouth-feel and i just love the subtle flavors you can pick out and honestly, i find it compliments just about ANY meal....but i especially love it with pasta and pizza. i would have a glass or two every single day with dinner if it weren't pricey to do so(tho for a while there, i did so anyway :oops: ) and also, tho 'healthy'....it definitely isn't great to consume too much. moderation, eh? basically, i save my consumption for the weekends nowadays, the occasional mid-week splurge.
i just fine a nice glass of red sets off a meal so well and adds to the overall flavor and enjoyment. however, i do understand your apprehension for expense, and also the negative connotations you may have due to family member's behaviors.
little off-topic but seni-related? are you going to any of the philly shows? i know you missed out on earlier tix, what about for 10.31? if you DO go to 10.31...i would be HAPPY to buy you a glass of red wine, toast meeting you and of course, seeing my 30th pearl jam show! hell, perhaps we all could grab some italian food pre-show, o at least a great slice of pizza!
little off-topic but seni-related? are you going to any of the philly shows? i know you missed out on earlier tix, what about for 10.31? if you DO go to 10.31...i would be HAPPY to buy you a glass of red wine, toast meeting you and of course, seeing my 30th pearl jam show! hell, perhaps we all could grab some italian food pre-show, o at least a great slice of pizza!
Thanks for the potential toast, but I didn't even try for Halloween. My second work furlough was just around the corner, and I couldn't justify the travel, hotel, and ticket costs. However, one day I will! Then we can toast, and eat pasta to our hearts content. That would be BLISS!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
little off-topic but seni-related? are you going to any of the philly shows? i know you missed out on earlier tix, what about for 10.31? if you DO go to 10.31...i would be HAPPY to buy you a glass of red wine, toast meeting you and of course, seeing my 30th pearl jam show! hell, perhaps we all could grab some italian food pre-show, o at least a great slice of pizza!
Thanks for the potential toast, but I didn't even try for Halloween. My second work furlough was just around the corner, and I couldn't justify the travel, hotel, and ticket costs. However, one day I will! Then we can toast, and eat pasta to our hearts content. That would be BLISS!
oh bummer. :(
well i wish you the best with everything.....and eat pasta! sure to bring some JOY into life!
and pasta is pretty cheap!
(tho i will say, my fave pasta that we buy now, not as 'cheap', but i think it tastes oh so good....and quite healthy! we now buy the "barilla plus" pasta....it has more protein, fiber and omega-3s!)
and you BET, absolutely....some wine, some pasta....bliss!
be great to finally meet you one of these days!
tomato sauce with five or six types of meat and cooked for hours in a large pot
at the end of the cooking you basically end up with a big plate of meat braised in the sauce
double yum
an example http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/membe ... VY-1238710
tomato sauce with five or six types of meat and cooked for hours in a large pot
at the end of the cooking you basically end up with a big plate of meat braised in the sauce
double yum
an example http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/membe ... VY-1238710
Oh my GAWD! That sounds like heaven
My dad would cook the sauce for a couple hours with one type of meat. The more the merrier when it comes to food I always say!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Because of this thread I decided to make Thursdays my KramerBooks Bolognese Sauce Day. Only one more day until I have a wonderful meal I may or may not add wine to the tab, but at least I'll ask the wait staff more about their wine recommendations.
In 4 years I'm meeting my oldest sister in Italy for an every-two-year wine/cheese festival. It would be her 50th birthday, and I'll most likely still be on my own. It's definitely an incentive to learn more about the different textures/flavors of wine, and some conversational Italian. Anyone use Rosetta Stone courses?
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Because of this thread I decided to make Thursdays my KramerBooks Bolognese Sauce Day. Only one more day until I have a wonderful meal I may or may not add wine to the tab, but at least I'll ask the wait staff more about their wine recommendations.
In 4 years I'm meeting my oldest sister in Italy for an every-two-year wine/cheese festival. It would be her 50th birthday, and I'll most likely still be on my own. It's definitely an incentive to learn more about the different textures/flavors of wine, and some conversational Italian. Anyone use Rosetta Stone courses?
italy is fantastic!
sadly, i wasn't interested in wine the 2 times i've visited.....but that's ok, still an amazing trip....and the food! :shock:
mr. dream made a batch of his sauce this past monday, and we tried out his newest recipe for dinner last night. spicy! quite yummy, tho perhaps not quite as 'flavorful' as last year's sauce. unsure if it's the new recipe and/or the tomato crop this year. who knows. still, it was quite delish, and we have about 5 jars of his newest creation to enjoy. still plenty of tomatoes left on the vines, so probably get at least another 5-6 jars of sauce, and i think he's really going to try and hunt down his recipe from last year.
here's the ingredients for the sauce he just made, based on an arribbiata recipe:
fresh roma tomatoes
tomato paste
fresh basil
fresh chili peppers
red wine
olive oil
salt and pepper
think that's it.
alright I might give it a try, on your suggestion
but its like 8 bucks in my neck of the woods
unfortunately, my delivery options stink, bad general tsos and boneless ribs
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
what's 8 bucks?
you can get the coppolla sauces in a store near you?! i've never seen them ANYwhere, except their website. and, if you spend $99 or more you can get free shipping, so sure....i ordered 6 jars of sauce, and 5 bottles of wine.
ms. haiku, i believe 'gravy' is another term for sauce. what makes 'sunday gravy' special, that idk. and no, i have never, ever called sauce gravy, no one in my family has ever done this either.....and yes, we are first-generation italian americans. so who knows? :P
oh and champ, don't feel bad, i always get arrabbiata sauce if/when i can.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
i seriously could eat pasta every single day and not get bored. well, maybe mix it up with pizza and mexican food.....
altho i will say, i do love tortellini en brodo too.
funny, as a child i would NOT eat tomato sauce, except on pizza. i didn't learn to like sauce until somewhere in my late teens, and now i LOVE it! then again, i didn't get into wine until about 2-3 years ago....pearl jam not until 2002....so yes, i guess i am simply destined to always be a late bloomer.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
What is it about the texture of wine, the flavor of wine that would bring out something in a meal? How does it add to a meal? I really want to know I'm not being a smart-ass. I would like to learn more about this, and I'm starting at less than square one due to being around a mean drunk, and worried about the added expense.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
mmmm....where to begin?
i take it you are not a drinker? i ask since you mention the 'added expense'...whereas in my case, it's no additional expense, b/c i always drank alcohol (mixed drinks) when out for a meal, hubby always has a beer, whatever.....so now we occasionally get wine, but i do have wine with dinner at home too.
wine + pasta = BLISS. really, not much more to add there.
also, wine need not be pricey. i usully buy bottles by the case, as i get a 10% discount for doing so, and i believe many/most liquor/wine stores do this. also, when shopping for home, well...i am the opposite of a snobby drinker. :P i have tried just about every bottle of pinot noir under $15 at my local shop.
i just fine a nice glass of red sets off a meal so well and adds to the overall flavor and enjoyment. however, i do understand your apprehension for expense, and also the negative connotations you may have due to family member's behaviors.
little off-topic but seni-related? are you going to any of the philly shows? i know you missed out on earlier tix, what about for 10.31? if you DO go to 10.31...i would be HAPPY to buy you a glass of red wine, toast meeting you and of course, seeing my 30th pearl jam show! hell, perhaps we all could grab some italian food pre-show, o at least a great slice of pizza!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
oh bummer. :(
well i wish you the best with everything.....and eat pasta! sure to bring some JOY into life!
and pasta is pretty cheap!
(tho i will say, my fave pasta that we buy now, not as 'cheap', but i think it tastes oh so good....and quite healthy! we now buy the "barilla plus" pasta....it has more protein, fiber and omega-3s!)
and you BET, absolutely....some wine, some pasta....bliss!
be great to finally meet you one of these days!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
at the end of the cooking you basically end up with a big plate of meat braised in the sauce
double yum
an example
http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/membe ... VY-1238710
My dad would cook the sauce for a couple hours with one type of meat. The more the merrier when it comes to food I always say!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
In 4 years I'm meeting my oldest sister in Italy for an every-two-year wine/cheese festival. It would be her 50th birthday, and I'll most likely still be on my own. It's definitely an incentive to learn more about the different textures/flavors of wine, and some conversational Italian. Anyone use Rosetta Stone courses?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
italy is fantastic!
sadly, i wasn't interested in wine the 2 times i've visited.....but that's ok, still an amazing trip....and the food! :shock:
mr. dream made a batch of his sauce this past monday, and we tried out his newest recipe for dinner last night. spicy! quite yummy, tho perhaps not quite as 'flavorful' as last year's sauce. unsure if it's the new recipe and/or the tomato crop this year. who knows. still, it was quite delish, and we have about 5 jars of his newest creation to enjoy. still plenty of tomatoes left on the vines, so probably get at least another 5-6 jars of sauce, and i think he's really going to try and hunt down his recipe from last year.
here's the ingredients for the sauce he just made, based on an arribbiata recipe:
fresh roma tomatoes
tomato paste
fresh basil
fresh chili peppers
red wine
olive oil
salt and pepper
think that's it.
here's the actual recipe he used as a guide:
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Arrabbiata ... etail.aspx
obviously, changed it up some by adding fresh chili peppers and omitting the sugar.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
It's my favorite sauce. Not a fan of any other kind. In fact won't eat any of them.