Madden 10



  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    JD Sal wrote:

    Thank you! :D

    I went to Gamestop last night and the new PS3 slim with a 120GB hard drive is only $300. Problem is I don't have an HDTV yet, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Yeah, all PS3s (Slim or old model) are $299 now.

    Even without a HDTV, it'll be a pretty big upgrade. I have a friend who go a PS3 about a year ago. He was playing it on his regular tube TV up until recently when he got a 46" 1080p. He said it was like someone flipped a switch from night to day. :lol:

    Anyways, back to the thread topic.
    I'm still debating getting 10. I had '09 and got bored quickly. Lots of things that I found aggravating in the game offline and online...
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