Madden 10

I know this game doesn't officially come out until Friday, but lots of people have scored it early and there are plenty of reviews already in. Let me point out that I am an EA hater through and through (with the exception of the NHL series) and have despised every version of Madden on the "next-gen" systems. With that being said, this appears to finally be the year that the series gets on track. I have played the five-minute quarter demo (Cards/Steelers) from Gamestop more than any of my other games since i got my hands on it and from someone who looks for every fault I can in an EA Sports game, I can tell you that they actually got it right!
Seriously, as a 2K5 fanboy at heart, it pains me to say that this is the best total football package/experience that I have ever played. Granted I've only played the demo, but the guys on the forum over at OperationSports have my mind at ease.
Anyone else excited about a MUCH better videogame football experience this year?
Seriously, as a 2K5 fanboy at heart, it pains me to say that this is the best total football package/experience that I have ever played. Granted I've only played the demo, but the guys on the forum over at OperationSports have my mind at ease.
Anyone else excited about a MUCH better videogame football experience this year?
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Once I get out of this town
Ended up trading it in for another game.
Anyways, I heard some good things about Madden 10 so I downloaded the demo. While it looks nice, and they have added a handful of new features, and fixed a couple of's still not very good in my opinion.
There were far too many "that could never happen in real life" moments in the two demo "games" I played.
another note, The next NHL looks great.
The only one that I know of is Gamestop offering an extra 25% trade-in credit if it's towards Madden, which ends up being 35% if you have one of their Edge Cards.
I usually cave and get Madden as well, but NCAA gets most playing time.
i just picked up NCAA. it is awesome.
It really comes down to which style of play you prefer and whether you're more of a college or pro kinda guy. From a pure development standpoint, they have pretty much admitted that Madden is about a year and a half ahead of NCAA in graphics and features. Things like gang tackling, all nine officials actually being on the field, and the "chain gang" keeping up for measurements are examples of this.
Just picked up my copy of Madden yesterday and will need a day or so of practice before heading online. What game system do you have?
Once I get out of this town
shall i start a thread for gamertags?
+ Game runs at a realistic speed. For once I can utilize the running game.
+ The “rumble” feature that allows you to sense pressure while the QB is in the pocket is the most underrated feature in the game. For once I can actually keep my QB in the pocket instead of dropping back 15 yards and risking a horrible sack.
+ Animations, presentation, and “if it’s in the game, it’s in the game” are a huge improvement over last year’s edition
+ They actually have AIC, Rage Against the Machine, Pantera, in the EA Trax instead of the usual rap-fest
- The commentators suck bad . . . not quite as bad as “EA Radio Announcer” from a few years back, but still bad enough that you will wish that the Madden guys visit the NHL 09 guys and get their crap together next year
- Although EA has added half-time and pre-game shows, they don’t even come close to what 2K5 did
- EA charges an extra $5 for “elite” status online. They also sell “cheats” for anywhere to $0.50 to $5. That is B.S. for stuff that is already in the game. Plus, if you rent the game or buy it used, you will most likely have to spend $5 - $10 to have EA activate the online portion. EA has taken the term “rake you over the coals” to the next level.
Overall Rating: 8.5 / 10
I’m going to dock EA a full point for being cheesers and forcing gamers to pay extra for crap that is already on the disk. Especially since the majority of us fork over money year after year. And maybe, just maybe one year EA can review what 2K5 did with presentation and implement it in Madden (although they gave it the ol’ college try). Other then that, it’s the best Madden since 2005.
I disagree. While a great video game, I think Donkey kong on the SNES is the best video game ever.
Anybody? :(
Time to upgrade man!
Take a leap...all the way to 2006.
I know, I know. My PS2 belongs in a museum. I haven't played 2010 on a next generation console yet, but in previous versions I liked the gameplay on PS2 way more, so I just never upgraded. Ah well, my birthday is today so maybe I'll make a push to get the 360 or PS3. Any recommendations?
But I've got a Wii. Tried the NCAA version last year and sold it back the next day. Graphics were awful.
Just wondering if they're a little better this year now they lost the All Play flavor.
friend me on there. my tag is SOFTJONES
i am so damn broke from this tour i am locking myself in and learning this game better
i only use the lions so..well i don't win a lot
Happy Birthday!!
I have a PS3, so I'm partial to that. The 360 is a good system too.
The controls and gameplay on the PS2 and PS3 should be pretty similar.
You know you can tweak the game to play the way you want, right?
I know it sucks to not have a perfect game out of the box, but you can do a lot with those sliders.
yea but i play slider control
Thank you!
I went to Gamestop last night and the new PS3 slim with a 120GB hard drive is only $300. Problem is I don't have an HDTV yet, so I have a lot of catching up to do.