Petition for 2/19/92 show
I'm starting a petition for this show to be release as part of the vault shows that can be downloaded buy purchasing Backspacer. Its currently not in circulation amongst the trading community. Below is taken from twofeetthick.
02/19/92 - Albani Bar of Music: Winterthur, Switzerland (acoustic)
notes: Finding themselves in a venue with an extremely tiny stage, PJ elects to rent acoustic guitars and Dave sets up a kick drum and bongo, going for an acoustic show. The latter part of the set becomes a jam session. Even in this small space, Ed climbs to the second floor, goes over all of the spectators’ heads and falls into the crowd on the main floor.
02/19/92 - Albani Bar of Music: Winterthur, Switzerland (acoustic)
notes: Finding themselves in a venue with an extremely tiny stage, PJ elects to rent acoustic guitars and Dave sets up a kick drum and bongo, going for an acoustic show. The latter part of the set becomes a jam session. Even in this small space, Ed climbs to the second floor, goes over all of the spectators’ heads and falls into the crowd on the main floor.
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Hey RD. There's no known recording of the show. It's not in the trading community, because I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. If no one had recording equipment at the show, there's nothing we can do about it 17 years later
Eddie Vedder: 6/15/09 6/16/11
what does that mean? it's a unique show? yeah, no kidding, that's why it is the holy grail of Pearl Jam tapes.
it the vault. Brett Eliason confirmed this in an interview a few years ago.
to the OP, I started a similar thread a while back and there was no support. most people here would rather see 4/3/94 released than a special show like this.
I'm with you though. I hope PJ does this vault thing right with these 11 shows we are about to get access to, meaning unique, uncirculated shows, in FLAC, and complete and unedited.
EDIT: here is my thread from Dec 2008, you can see how far it got:
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the next day, they annouced Cobain's death if I remember correctly.
4/7/94. widely available. great show, great recording.
See RD, this is what you deal with. people just want the shows they were at to be released, rather than stuff that isnt out there at all.
what I would give for the South East Asia/Australia/NZ shows from 1995 that arent in circulation to be released.
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Indeed that 95 Pacific rim shows would be nice to have. I'm sure the band is well aware of what shows are in circulation in the trading community. I have hundreds of PJ shows and would love to upgrade some of the lower quality sources with some good soundboard recordings. The more common soundboards/FM boots are available easily at anyones finger tips.
Why does this sound familiar to me?? Im missing like 30 shows from 1990 to 2008. I wonder if this is one of them.. Im on board for this to be that to be an extra... Also either of the randalls island shows from 96 would be killer, the sources for them suck for video and audio...
I'll bring the pitch forks! Kinda scared of those torches! :oops:
am i missing something ......what 11 shows are they going to release and when did they say this ????? i know i was away from my pc this weekend...WHAT DID I MISS
It means I want to choose from quality shows and quality recordings, not some BS pocket recording tapers wet themselves over because no one has it OR some fuck off show by the band. Get it?
Eddie Vedder: 6/15/09 6/16/11
In a wet dream of a bootleg taper.
RD, I believe it was called "Ten Past Ten" or something like that.
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I agree (even though I think the Soider Field soundboard sucks). I want stuff from the 1996 tour.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
The *circulating* soundboard sucks because it's a mono FM broadcast. The band's recording is surely better. ... n801.shtml
Here are the words:
ELIASON: There're no plans in the works regarding older material, but there have been conversations. I've had fans approach me about shows they can't get their hands on. We were in Zurich in February [1992], in a little coffee shop. So we rented guitars and the band put on this show that was amazing. It was voted best performance of the year for Switzerland. [Fans] have been begging for it because that's not out there.
Unclear if Eliason is saying it's actually not out there, meaning it doesn't exist, or if it's just not out there in the trading community.
Eddie Vedder: 6/15/09 6/16/11
There is a better version out there than the straight FM, its a mix of the FM and an audience recording, but I know a lot of people here refuse to listen to audience tapes.
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It is not secret and has been discussed at length over the years, that PJ have recorded EVERY show they have ever done, either audio or video or both. So anything that comes from THEM, I would imagine would be of the highest quality. I dont know how things like this hold up in vaults over the yeras, but I would imagine that anything we DO have to date, if it hasnt come from the band will not be as good as anything from the vault, no?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
I love audience recordings from the early years of the band. Randalls island and some from the 98 tour sound a lot better than the offical bootlegs of recent years.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Uh... no.
Need I remind you about the 12/31/92 show that was included with the last album. That came from the vault and it was definitely not of the "highest quality".
Although I was happy to get a freebie with the purchase, I was disappointed with the quality. It sounded like an okay audience recording.
But, I still have very high hopes for "the vault"... my fingers are crossed that we get Randalls 2.
I have a friend that is like that. Wont listen to anything pre 2000 really. Just says he cant do it. I dont even offer them to him anymore. Sad to , cause as you and others have said, there are some VER NICE aud recordings out there. Hell even the ones that suck are still kinf of cool to bust out every once in a while and go old school!! imho anyhow! ;-)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12