They've been trying to become popular since riot act came out and have failed big time. Young kids these days aren't into old dudes in jean jackets with grey hair and grey beards. Young kids are into bands like green day that were guyliner and tight jeans. If pj is going for that age group they will fail big time and the new cd won't even sell a million copies. I support this band in everything they do but they need realize there ship of being popular has sailed long ago for them.
Honest to God, I don't think Ed is staying up at night worried about record sales.
They've done some press. They've played some TV shows. Last I checked, they were doing OK for themselves. I don't think anybody expects them to outsell Ten again.
I wasn't saying ed stays up at night worrying bout record sales. If I had a good looking wife and 2 kids, the last thing on my mind would be how many cd's I sold. All I'm saying it seems like the band is trying to go for the 12-18 age group. An age group that isn't gonna like them and probably won't ever.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Mike made it clear that back in 06 the band was hoping to really become big again, to be on the radio and all that. Which of course was quite different from the past 12 years or whatever, when the band had made it a point to purposely limit its fanbase.
And they deserve it. They've managed to stand up for what they believe, and still stand after all these years. They deserve a little recognition for it.
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
I think some people didn't get the memo that the anti-commercialism war is over. It's kind of like my grandpa ... he's still pissed at the Japanese for Pearl Harbor.
Some people have trouble letting go and moving on.
backspacer is the beginning of pearl jams transformation into pop it just me or did the fixer remind anybody else of the all american rejects?
it'll be something totally new for them. another new direction. strings, viola, piano, and horns! into the wild type stuff, poppy stuff, straight forward stuff, and heavy stuff (according to stone) .. brenden obrian is back again. shortest yet. guys .. it'll be another gem in the pearl jam catalogue and it'll not be perfectly comparable to any pj "form". every pearl jam album is so different what does a return to form even mean anyway? just enjoy it when it comes out. it's going to be fantastic!
2006: Hartford
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
Lyrically speaking, what's the difference in "yeah, yeah, yeah .. .fight to get it back again" and "whoa, oh, oh ... I'm still alive?"
you know i never looked at it like that. interesting comparison.
I think you're confusing "words" with "lyrics." From a lyrical standpoint, The "whoa I'm still Alive" line from the chrous is like a victorious battlecry after they gloominess of what the lyrics to verses represent. The "yeah yeah yeah" line in The Fixer is just there to fill a couple bars
From what I have read, Fixer was the most added song to Australian radio last week. Nova Adelaide were playing it 3 times a day. Whether it continues to be played is another thing I guess.
The song has grown on me but does take some getting used to. The chorus does get stuck in your head quite easily.
Backspacer will not be a return to form in that you will not hear late twenty to thrity something year old band members channeling, summoning, and confronting so much raw and potent energy - some have called pjs 90's muse "angst". whatever the hell you call it back then, it think pjs fuel has evolved - these guys have families now, kids, they have outgrown or worked through some of the old fire, they are midlife, there is a peace or calmness about the band - caring about popularity but also not caring...if that makes sense.
but somehow: ed and the fellas are still writing just as potent and complex material but maybe only if you resonate from the same kind of space they are writing/playing from. if you still want or need to hear, the rawness of "solat" on the new album it may be a let down and not have that magical ingrediant...but if you need to hear: " is that you or just my thoughts" ....or - "could it be i am farther out , moving faster than the speed of sound"...maybe you can put meaning to that if you live in a similar perspective .
when you hear the layers and complexity of "speed of sound" it is every bit as powerful as "black" or "release" was to me back then - but "black" doesnt really move me to that "zone" now but i appreciate that "speed of sound" now takes it's place and does....
yeah, i like "the fixer" , it's fun , and it will have good energy at a show...i wont probably live in the space of "the fixer" like i did some songs in the past such as (hard to imagine) but then again "the fixer" is not built to be that - it is built to honor and let matt cameron's voice (or muse) have sway in the band...personally "into the wild" had some highlight moments that will endure for me while- riot act = none, avocado - almost some....meanwhile: Stone had some great solo stuff recently too.....
I think what is meant by return to form is that these songs are more spontaneous and recorded quick, they werent over-thought, over-analyzed, or deconstructed to not be popular hits....i think they came in the studio and made this one more energetically like they made "TEN" only they are almost twenty years older.
I am fired-up for the new album - i expect that 2 or 3 songs will become amazing new background themes to my almost 40 year old life and there arent many bands that have consistently given me at least a song or two every year of my life since 18 year of age to contemplate nad fact - no band has.
albeit- not always on studio releases, but through bootlegs or xmas singles or whatever the vehicle with PJ there has always been a flow of incredible power and energy - i cant wait to get me a copy of backspacer - in fact , with a stop by Target to get new socks, i might as well just make that two copies. here's hoping you all find a little something (or a lot of something) in backspacer to hit you where you are . peace
And if The Fixer is so "pop rockish" how come I've yet to hear it on the radio where I live?
you're right about that. this song isnt particularly radio friendly. but i think by "poprock" a lot of people mean "vaguely 80s new wave and punk inspired". at least thats what i mean.
Is it true it's only going to be 36 minutes in length?
Manchester 04.06.00, Leeds 25.08.06, Wembley 18.06.07, Dusseldorf 21.06.07, Shepherds Bush 11.08.09, Manchester 17.08.09, Adelaide 17.11.09, Melbourne 20.11.09, Sydney 22.11.09, Brisbane 25.11.09, MSG1 20.05.10, MSG2 21.05.10, Dublin 22.06.10, Belfast 23.06.10, London 25.06.10, Long Beach 06.07.11 (EV), Los Angeles 08.07.11 (EV), Toronto 11.09.11, Toronto 12.09.11, Ottawa 14.09.11, Hamilton 14.09.11, Manchester 20.06.12, Manchester 21.06.12, Amsterdam 26.06.2012, Amsterdam 27.06.2012, Berlin 04.07.12, Berlin 05.07.12, Stockholm 07.07.12, Oslo 09.07.12, Copenhagen 10.07.12, Manchester 28.07.12 (EV), Brooklyn 18.10.13, Brooklyn 19.10.13, Philly 21.10.13, Philly 22.10.13, San Diego 21.11.13, LA 23.11.13, LA 24.11.13, Oakland 26.11.13, Portland 29.11.13, Spokane 30.11.13, Calgary 02.12.13, Vancouver 04.12.13, Seattle 06.12.13, Trieste 22.06.14, Vienna 25.06.14, Berlin 26.06.14, Stockholm 28.06.14, Leeds 08.07.14, Philly 28.04.16, Philly 28.04.16, MSG1 01.05.16, MSG2 02.05.16
I am so excited for backspacer no matter what kind of album it is....I have one concern. I played the fixer last night for my 14 year old daughter. She said it was pretty good but it sounds like everything else on the radio. she said dad you always said they were different but that didn't sound different...Maybe they are "changing by not changing at all" who knows but i am so excited for this new album
I don't really care if it's a return to form. I don't really think there ever was one "form." As long as it's Pearl Jam and it's good, I don't care what form it's in.
One thing I DO know? It won't sound like Ten, VS., Vitalogy, No Code, Yield, Binaural, Riot Act or Avocado. None of those sounded just like the preceding records or had the same type of energy as the preceding records. This album will have its own sound, energy and feel just like all the others did.
I'm pumped for Backspacer, and that's all that really matters to me.
5/28/06 - Camden, NJ 5/30/06 - Washington, DC 6/22/08 - Washington, DC 10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA 8/5/16 - Fenway Park Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA 7/1/2018 - Prague 7/3/2018 - Kraków 7/5/2018 - Berlin
To me as long as the band is happy making the music that feels good to them i go along for the ride ,back to form just seems such an outdated term you should try progression instead i for one don't really care if anybody else likes the record or not it's about how it will make me feel and so far the songs i have heard make me feel really good .....back to form what does that mean ??? they have never lost their form it's called growing as music writters ............ :roll:
Your probably right, the band doesnt seem poised to create a American Idiot type album, however, stranger things have happened.
And additionally, as I said, the band these last 2 records seems more into commercial success than any time I can remember. For Avocado it was the J Records deal, SNL, the Verizon thing, contests, Rolling Stone, and interviews galore. And for this album we have the Target deal, and the Rock Band thing, the cell phone thing etc...
So they definitely seem to be pushing to have a American Idiot type reaction to the album.
It appears the band is more focused on appealing to, and winning the approval of, wider audiences and becoming more commercial. Something they used to be adamantly against years ago. They're conforming now that they're a bit older. Some people like it, some don't. We all evolve, and so does the band....sadly.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the more they try to be commercial, the less they succeed at it, whereas they were bigger when they didn't want all the attention.
Brother was a return to form. At least that is what my interpretation of what people mean when they say that. Music that is closer to rock than alternative. While Avocado got closer to this it still was more punk than rock. When you look at the rock charts and see the bands there Pearl Jam does not fit in that sound anymore and have not for a long time. They are more of an alternative/punk and maybe now pop leaning with this album band. I think they want to succeed now because they have so much control. The funny thing is that sound is still popular--moreso than Pearl Jam have been. The sound they left behind with No Code in 1996. Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Shinedown, etc. have all made nice runs sounding like Pearl Jam did 10 years ago. Not saying they should not have evolved, but that the sound does still resonate with the public.
Backspacer will not be a return to form in that you will not hear late twenty to thrity something year old band members channeling, summoning, and confronting so much raw and potent energy - some have called pjs 90's muse "angst". whatever the hell you call it back then, it think pjs fuel has evolved - these guys have families now, kids, they have outgrown or worked through some of the old fire, they are midlife, there is a peace or calmness about the band - caring about popularity but also not caring...if that makes sense.
but somehow: ed and the fellas are still writing just as potent and complex material but maybe only if you resonate from the same kind of space they are writing/playing from. if you still want or need to hear, the rawness of "solat" on the new album it may be a let down and not have that magical ingrediant...but if you need to hear: " is that you or just my thoughts" ....or - "could it be i am farther out , moving faster than the speed of sound"...maybe you can put meaning to that if you live in a similar perspective .
when you hear the layers and complexity of "speed of sound" it is every bit as powerful as "black" or "release" was to me back then - but "black" doesnt really move me to that "zone" now but i appreciate that "speed of sound" now takes it's place and does....
yeah, i like "the fixer" , it's fun , and it will have good energy at a show...i wont probably live in the space of "the fixer" like i did some songs in the past such as (hard to imagine) but then again "the fixer" is not built to be that - it is built to honor and let matt cameron's voice (or muse) have sway in the band...personally "into the wild" had some highlight moments that will endure for me while- riot act = none, avocado - almost some....meanwhile: Stone had some great solo stuff recently too.....
I think what is meant by return to form is that these songs are more spontaneous and recorded quick, they werent over-thought, over-analyzed, or deconstructed to not be popular hits....i think they came in the studio and made this one more energetically like they made "TEN" only they are almost twenty years older.
I am fired-up for the new album - i expect that 2 or 3 songs will become amazing new background themes to my almost 40 year old life and there arent many bands that have consistently given me at least a song or two every year of my life since 18 year of age to contemplate nad fact - no band has.
albeit- not always on studio releases, but through bootlegs or xmas singles or whatever the vehicle with PJ there has always been a flow of incredible power and energy - i cant wait to get me a copy of backspacer - in fact , with a stop by Target to get new socks, i might as well just make that two copies. here's hoping you all find a little something (or a lot of something) in backspacer to hit you where you are . peace
I think I agree with almost every word of this.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
To me as long as the band is happy making the music that feels good to them i go along for the ride ,back to form just seems such an outdated term you should try progression instead i for one don't really care if anybody else likes the record or not it's about how it will make me feel and so far the songs i have heard make me feel really good .....back to form what does that mean ??? they have never lost their form it's called growing as music writters ............ :roll:
Whats up Jose?
For me its pretty simple. As long as the new album has 2-3 songs that I enjoy listening to, then Ill be happy.
I dont know if they need to return to form, or grow as artists, or mature as songwriters.
All i want is 2-3 songs that i enjoy listening to.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
backspacer is the beginning of pearl jams transformation into pop it just me or did the fixer remind anybody else of the all american rejects?
I was in the car with my girlfriend last night and it came on the radio. She is a casual fan. Likes them but doesn't listen to the cd's religiously or anything. She said she really dislikes it. Way too poppy and doesn't sound like Pearl Jam at all. She actually seemed pissed off they went that direction and she said "Come on Eddie, you can do better than Yeahhh, yeahhh, yeahhh lyrics". It really does have a Good Charoltte/All American Rejects feel which is quite sad. I don't hate the song, it has grown on me a bit but it's disappointing that when people hear the song, it reminds them of the generic power pop garbage out there today.
exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday when I bumped into a friend of mine. Casual fan/no cd's and asked me, what the hell are they thinking with this song?
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Backspacer will not be a return to form in that you will not hear late twenty to thrity something year old band members channeling, summoning, and confronting so much raw and potent energy - some have called pjs 90's muse "angst". whatever the hell you call it back then, it think pjs fuel has evolved - these guys have families now, kids, they have outgrown or worked through some of the old fire, they are midlife, there is a peace or calmness about the band - caring about popularity but also not caring...if that makes sense.
but somehow: ed and the fellas are still writing just as potent and complex material but maybe only if you resonate from the same kind of space they are writing/playing from. if you still want or need to hear, the rawness of "solat" on the new album it may be a let down and not have that magical ingrediant...but if you need to hear: " is that you or just my thoughts" ....or - "could it be i am farther out , moving faster than the speed of sound"...maybe you can put meaning to that if you live in a similar perspective .
when you hear the layers and complexity of "speed of sound" it is every bit as powerful as "black" or "release" was to me back then - but "black" doesnt really move me to that "zone" now but i appreciate that "speed of sound" now takes it's place and does....
yeah, i like "the fixer" , it's fun , and it will have good energy at a show...i wont probably live in the space of "the fixer" like i did some songs in the past such as (hard to imagine) but then again "the fixer" is not built to be that - it is built to honor and let matt cameron's voice (or muse) have sway in the band...personally "into the wild" had some highlight moments that will endure for me while- riot act = none, avocado - almost some....meanwhile: Stone had some great solo stuff recently too.....
I think what is meant by return to form is that these songs are more spontaneous and recorded quick, they werent over-thought, over-analyzed, or deconstructed to not be popular hits....i think they came in the studio and made this one more energetically like they made "TEN" only they are almost twenty years older.
I am fired-up for the new album - i expect that 2 or 3 songs will become amazing new background themes to my almost 40 year old life and there arent many bands that have consistently given me at least a song or two every year of my life since 18 year of age to contemplate nad fact - no band has.
albeit- not always on studio releases, but through bootlegs or xmas singles or whatever the vehicle with PJ there has always been a flow of incredible power and energy - i cant wait to get me a copy of backspacer - in fact , with a stop by Target to get new socks, i might as well just make that two copies. here's hoping you all find a little something (or a lot of something) in backspacer to hit you where you are . peace
I think I agree with almost every word of this.
Yeah. Fits my thinking as well. Dude's got a great lens to enjoy the new pj album.
To me as long as the band is happy making the music that feels good to them i go along for the ride ,back to form just seems such an outdated term you should try progression instead i for one don't really care if anybody else likes the record or not it's about how it will make me feel and so far the songs i have heard make me feel really good .....back to form what does that mean ??? they have never lost their form it's called growing as music writters ............ :roll:
Whats up Jose?
For me its pretty simple. As long as the new album has 2-3 songs that I enjoy listening to, then Ill be happy.
I dont know if they need to return to form, or grow as artists, or mature as songwriters.
All i want is 2-3 songs that i enjoy listening to.
yeah no doubt that is how i look at it ,hey Speedy i really wish i was gonna be there rocking with you & the rest of people in your home town for the shows maybe in 2010 enjoy them .... ...
I think the important thing to remember is that we're dealing with art. Music is art. And in this case, you've got the talents, egos and baggage of 5 men growing and changing, not only with their own lives, but having to deal with each other and the media and the fans and the tumultuous times that were the 90's and are now the 00's (or whatever the hell you call it). I think that as artists and as people, they are in the wave of what life is dealing them and spitting back how they are reacting to it. The music they create is a definite reflection of this, so we're all just invited along for the ride.
Whether they are mad-grungy, happy-poppy, confused-experimental, whatever, they are always current to themselves and their ideals, placed within the moment.
If you would have told me 15 years ago that they would be selling their album exclusively through Target and creating viral campaigns for the same album, working with mainstream rock-n-roll magazines and offering ringtones, I would have thought you crazy. But as smart artists, they do what they have to in order to allow their art (commodity or not) to have availability to their fans in whatever fashion fits the moment. They are still cranking out good music and playing big shows, but shit, they're in their 40's and have lived 2 decades of rock-n-roll... watched their mentors go through the ranks.. learned from their mistakes, and are settling into this phase of their careers.
Love 'em or hate 'em, I'm buying this ticket and taking this ride.
fuck yeah !! well said ! I'm with ya'.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
backspacer is the beginning of pearl jams transformation into pop it just me or did the fixer remind anybody else of the all american rejects?
I was in the car with my girlfriend last night and it came on the radio. She is a casual fan. Likes them but doesn't listen to the cd's religiously or anything. She said she really dislikes it. Way too poppy and doesn't sound like Pearl Jam at all. She actually seemed pissed off they went that direction and she said "Come on Eddie, you can do better than Yeahhh, yeahhh, yeahhh lyrics". It really does have a Good Charoltte/All American Rejects feel which is quite sad. I don't hate the song, it has grown on me a bit but it's disappointing that when people hear the song, it reminds them of the generic power pop garbage out there today.
exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday when I bumped into a friend of mine. Casual fan/no cd's and asked me, what the hell are they thinking with this song?
What do you mean by "Casual" fan? If they don't know/like a lot of the stuff PJ has put out, I wouldn't be surprised they don't like The Fixer
2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
It appears the band is more focused on appealing to, and winning the approval of, wider audiences and becoming more commercial. Something they used to be adamantly against years ago. They're conforming now that they're a bit older. Some people like it, some don't. We all evolve, and so does the band....sadly.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the more they try to be commercial, the less they succeed at it, whereas they were bigger when they didn't want all the attention.
why is an artist wanting as many people as possible to see/hear/experience their art sad?
yes early in their carreer they shunned the spotlight and generally tried to kill the mega-fame they had...well they've done that and now they can handle the fame and would like to expose their music to more, new people
many a time on here you'll see a kid post how they just got into the band and before there were listening to whatever was the trending music at the time then they heard (insert pearl jam song here) and became a huge fan
i don't think that's sad
Norm, I meant it as sad, in a way that when a band evolves and experiments with other types of music, the typical fan may be totally into the experimentation, or is saddened that the band is moving away from their traditional sound, which drew the fan to begin with. I know that when Neil Young went through his country phase, I was none too pleased. But, then he came back around. Perhaps PJ will too, and this "pop" sound is just a phase for them. One can hope.
I wasn't saying ed stays up at night worrying bout record sales. If I had a good looking wife and 2 kids, the last thing on my mind would be how many cd's I sold. All I'm saying it seems like the band is trying to go for the 12-18 age group. An age group that isn't gonna like them and probably won't ever.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
I agree too, but the FIxer still sucks.
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
I think you're confusing "words" with "lyrics." From a lyrical standpoint, The "whoa I'm still Alive" line from the chrous is like a victorious battlecry after they gloominess of what the lyrics to verses represent. The "yeah yeah yeah" line in The Fixer is just there to fill a couple bars
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
The song has grown on me but does take some getting used to. The chorus does get stuck in your head quite easily.
but somehow: ed and the fellas are still writing just as potent and complex material but maybe only if you resonate from the same kind of space they are writing/playing from. if you still want or need to hear, the rawness of "solat" on the new album it may be a let down and not have that magical ingrediant...but if you need to hear: " is that you or just my thoughts" ....or - "could it be i am farther out , moving faster than the speed of sound"...maybe you can put meaning to that if you live in a similar perspective .
when you hear the layers and complexity of "speed of sound" it is every bit as powerful as "black" or "release" was to me back then - but "black" doesnt really move me to that "zone" now but i appreciate that "speed of sound" now takes it's place and does....
yeah, i like "the fixer" , it's fun , and it will have good energy at a show...i wont probably live in the space of "the fixer" like i did some songs in the past such as (hard to imagine) but then again "the fixer" is not built to be that - it is built to honor and let matt cameron's voice (or muse) have sway in the band...personally "into the wild" had some highlight moments that will endure for me while- riot act = none, avocado - almost some....meanwhile: Stone had some great solo stuff recently too.....
I think what is meant by return to form is that these songs are more spontaneous and recorded quick, they werent over-thought, over-analyzed, or deconstructed to not be popular hits....i think they came in the studio and made this one more energetically like they made "TEN" only they are almost twenty years older.
I am fired-up for the new album - i expect that 2 or 3 songs will become amazing new background themes to my almost 40 year old life and there arent many bands that have consistently given me at least a song or two every year of my life since 18 year of age to contemplate nad fact - no band has.
albeit- not always on studio releases, but through bootlegs or xmas singles or whatever the vehicle with PJ there has always been a flow of incredible power and energy - i cant wait to get me a copy of backspacer - in fact , with a stop by Target to get new socks, i might as well just make that two copies. here's hoping you all find a little something (or a lot of something) in backspacer to hit you where you are
it will probably be pretty good though.
One thing I DO know? It won't sound like Ten, VS., Vitalogy, No Code, Yield, Binaural, Riot Act or Avocado. None of those sounded just like the preceding records or had the same type of energy as the preceding records. This album will have its own sound, energy and feel just like all the others did.
I'm pumped for Backspacer, and that's all that really matters to me.
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin
I think I agree with almost every word of this.
for the least they could possibly do
For me its pretty simple. As long as the new album has 2-3 songs that I enjoy listening to, then Ill be happy.
I dont know if they need to return to form, or grow as artists, or mature as songwriters.
All i want is 2-3 songs that i enjoy listening to.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday when I bumped into a friend of mine. Casual fan/no cd's and asked me, what the hell are they thinking with this song?
Yeah. Fits my thinking as well. Dude's got a great lens to enjoy the new pj album.
What's not ok is trying to hard or force it to be "popular".
And that's what i dont want to hear on Backspacer.
yeah no doubt that is how i look at it ,hey Speedy i really wish i was gonna be there rocking with you & the rest of people in your home town for the shows maybe in 2010 enjoy them ....
fuck yeah !! well said ! I'm with ya'.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
What do you mean by "Casual" fan? If they don't know/like a lot of the stuff PJ has put out, I wouldn't be surprised they don't like The Fixer
Norm, I meant it as sad, in a way that when a band evolves and experiments with other types of music, the typical fan may be totally into the experimentation, or is saddened that the band is moving away from their traditional sound, which drew the fan to begin with. I know that when Neil Young went through his country phase, I was none too pleased. But, then he came back around. Perhaps PJ will too, and this "pop" sound is just a phase for them. One can hope.