i edited the title of this thread cause i dont want to sound negative. and please lets not argue over any of this... and no im not complaining at everything 10 club do for us. i love all they do for us and yes ill be going no matter what so lets keep all the cliche comments about winging and agrue this and that and who is right out of it.
im just showing concern and simply wondering if they're offering reserved seating... lets keep to the topic ...
ps sorry if the title was a little harsh ... the whole standing up sucks thing that is...
i edited the title of this thread cause i dont want to sound negative. and please lets not argue over any of this... and no im not complaining at everything 10 club do for us. i love all they do for us and yes ill be going no matter what so lets keep all the cliche comments about winging and agrue this and that and who is right out of it.
im just showing concern and simply wondering if they're offering reserved seating... lets keep to the topic ...
ps sorry if the title was a little harsh ... the whole standing up sucks thing that is...
Its all good mate, people go a bit gaga when the jammers are coming its only because they dont tour that often down here and aussie fans are just as die hard as any other we just want the pj experience to be out standing and memorable. Me for one would love a seat near the front, if i dont get one well.........
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, thats why its called The Present.
I didn't realize that GA concerts were supposed to be examples of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. Those that take the time to line up for a GA show patiently deserve to be up front, not someone that comes in after the opening band and decides to push their way to the front. If people want to play Red Rover go to the playground.
My point regarding Hell's Angels was not for drama. Those involved want anarchy with the pits, a primal release, might as well give it to them. Let them beat the piss out of each other and just hire some knuckleheads to keep them from the band. If they have no regard for others at the show, why should the promoter hire expensive baby sitters to make sure they don't hurt themselves? Oh, that's right because once "Little Johnny" gets disrespected in the pit and tries to start a fight and gets his ass kicked and has to get medical attention he will sue the promoter for not providing a safe venue. There are concerts in which mosh pits are widely accepted and that's fine. I just have a hard time believing Pearl Jam shows are one of them.
Those of us already in the front and centre reserve the right to kick the nuts of people who plough into our backs expecting to get to the front through us.
um, no. You have every right to push back, or try to stop me from getting in front of you. That's part of the game up front. Starting fights is not.
I understand that mosh pits aren't for everyone...I don't always partake. Many times I've chosen to stand a bit further back and just watch the show in peace...you can usually stand at what would be the equivalent of about row 15 and not be bothered....this is still a great spot!
I sure as fuck don't expect to go up front and expect to be left alone. this argument makes no sense to me.
I say that, but I've never really had to. In my Euro PJ experience, I've generally surrounded myself with top people who look after each other's backs and not let the johnny-come-latelys fuck things up. When that does happen, Pete on the other side of the barrier has a pretty sharp eye and directs the venue security to deal with the idiots if they haven't spotted it already.
115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
I didn't realize that GA concerts were supposed to be examples of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.
Survival of the fittest? hardly. People of all ages and sizes can be found up front. It's not THAT physically demanding, jeez.
Those that take the time to line up for a GA show patiently deserve to be up front, not someone that comes in after the opening band and decides to push their way to the front. If people want to play Red Rover go to the playground.
If everyone followed that logic, it would be a massive stampede to the front when the doors opened. If you want to spend all day in line, rush to the front and stake your claim, knowing full well that it will be overun once the headliner starts, be my guest. I'll be enjoying refreshments with friends at a pre-party.
My point regarding Hell's Angels was not for drama. Those involved want anarchy with the pits, a primal release, might as well give it to them. Let them beat the piss out of each other and just hire some knuckleheads to keep them from the band. If they have no regard for others at the show, why should the promoter hire expensive baby sitters to make sure they don't hurt themselves?
darwin? anarchy? HA for security?....nope, no drama here. you could write for fox.
Generally, people have plenty of regard for each other in a pit. Everyone is having fun and helping those that get into trouble. So in truth, the only disregard you are concerned about is people's disregard for this spot you feel entitled to because you stood in line. sorry, not how it works.
Oh, that's right because once "Little Johnny" gets disrespected in the pit and tries to start a fight and gets his ass kicked and has to get medical attention he will sue the promoter for not providing a safe venue.
what are you on about? no one is condoning or advocating fighting or violence...well...one guy said he'd kick people in the nuts I s'pose....
There are concerts in which mosh pits are widely accepted and that's fine. I just have a hard time believing Pearl Jam shows are one of them.
you're kidding right? I've been to a lot of crazy metal shows, and I can honestly say the most intense pit I've ever been in was at a PJ show. Have you never been to a GA PJ show? or seen footage of one? What is hard to believe about it?
I say that, but I've never really had to. In my Euro PJ experience, I've generally surrounded myself with top people who look after each other's backs and not let the johnny-come-latelys fuck things up. When that does happen, Pete on the other side of the barrier has a pretty sharp eye and directs the venue security to deal with the idiots if they haven't spotted it already.
sure, fair enough...
Eddie used to talk to the pit often, giving them directions, reminders about playing fair etc...I saw Scott Weiland personally point out a guy to get him booted a long time ago...there is a big difference between slowly working your way thru the pit, and being an asshole and barging thru everyone, elbows up...or else you'd have Pete or Ed or whoever telling security to boot 90% or the people down there.
GA standing suck's, in my experience! With everybody pushing & shoving .. and the majority of people not carrying about anybody around them but theirselves, blow's.
Rule 1 (GA's ticket holder's mind) .. even if you make it to the show hour late or hour's early, main goal is to make it to the front of the stage, whatever means possible. Even if it's butting through everybody and not carrying about the fallen woman & child, make it to the front and talk to your friend next to you that you made it up close while butting though everybody.
It doesn't matter if you waited hour's & hour's in line to get a chance to stand up so close or right next to the front rail, you know you for a FACT, you will be coming home with brusies & tossed all around in all directions.
2 things you might want to remember:
1) you don't get pushed and shoved unless you're right upfront. just stay about 15 yards back and on the side and you're fine.
2) Seating has problems too: ie you can't move. If you have tall people in front of you, you can't move and find a better spot. (I hated the Camden 1 show because I had rows after rows of hormone-grown yanks in front which made it impossible to see ANYTHING, even standing on tiptoes.. and I'm 5'5" which is pretty average for a woman). With GA, YOU chose your viewpoint.
Those of us already in the front and centre reserve the right to kick the nuts of people who plough into our backs expecting to get to the front through us.
um, no. You have every right to push back, or try to stop me from getting in front of you. That's part of the game up front. Starting fights is not.
I understand that mosh pits aren't for everyone...I don't always partake. Many times I've chosen to stand a bit further back and just watch the show in peace...you can usually stand at what would be the equivalent of about row 15 and not be bothered....this is still a great spot!
I sure as fuck don't expect to go up front and expect to be left alone. this argument makes no sense to me.
I say that, but I've never really had to. In my Euro PJ experience, I've generally surrounded myself with top people who look after each other's backs and not let the johnny-come-latelys fuck things up. When that does happen, Pete on the other side of the barrier has a pretty sharp eye and directs the venue security to deal with the idiots if they haven't spotted it already.
yeah though you didn't do the Italian tour (or Spain).. even getting a 10c queue working was a big fight, but once concert started, there was a lot of fighting off the wankers and security doing jackshit about it.
Northern Europe tends to be more orderly (rough still but not as aggressive).
I don't choose to have a mosh pit...the band does by having GA shows.
Seems to be a lot of confusion between a 'mosh pit' and just a 'pit'. Haven't really seen very much 'moshing' at PJ gigs - we're not talking heavy metal here! Sure, there is movement but moshing???? Not really.
How can anyone seriously be annoyed at the thought of G.A?? god some people are starting to give me the shites. Complain complain complain. Does anyone remember back to the 95 or 98 Melbourne shows, GA, best fricking crowd interaction ever. Sure any concert is good, but sometimes you're sitting/standing next to a complete knob in a seated show, you can communicate with em, you cant move to a different seat, you're stuck with them. GA, strewth, we can all mosh just like we used to do it, simple jumping straight up and down, not bashing into each other. Jumping as One, screaming. It dont get any better than that, it just doesn't, and anyone who has experienced it knows damn well im correct. You want seats, sit in the stands, 100 metres away, still sound awesome, and will look great through a telescope hehe.
Oh my gods, how many sleeping pills do i need to take to put myself asleep till nov 13th??? A bottle of Xanax? wake up for one day, pack, sleep again and then on my flight on the 14th at 6.30am to Perth.
Too exciting!!!!
Come on Ten Club, announce your rig so we can stop hyper-ventialting into a paper bag!!
and if see anyone moshing like the're at a megadeath or slipnot concert and bashing into people, il pull my murray cod out of my pocket and slap em senseless.
Heavy metal lovers ruined Moshing (now just Smashing)
PJ fans know how to mosh. Straight up and down, to the beat, hands in the air. Against One
Sorry to hog all the posting space on page three, but we all know that there will be atleast 2-3 GA sections at most concerts. I mean, PJ would not allow Etihad stadium to be just one GA section, not a chance, the field itself would hold close to 20,000-30,000(rough estimate) same as Adelaide oval, SFStadium. Mebers equity stadium only holds 17,500 in stands, but its a soccer field though, there will be multiple GA sections, first in best dressed, but apparently TC ticket holders will be let in 15 mins earlier than General Public GA ticket holders, which is awesome if that happens, also meaning seniority wont apply on this tour.!!!!
And how good would it be waiting all day outside lining up with thousands of other Jammers.
think positive people, this is going to be so good. Positve thinking gets you every where. Be disappointed after the shows if you must, not before! Otherwise whats the point in going.
Il stop talking now, thanks for listening. You've been great. Good night everybody!!!!
I say that, but I've never really had to. In my Euro PJ experience, I've generally surrounded myself with top people who look after each other's backs and not let the johnny-come-latelys fuck things up. When that does happen, Pete on the other side of the barrier has a pretty sharp eye and directs the venue security to deal with the idiots if they haven't spotted it already.
yeah though you didn't do the Italian tour (or Spain).. even getting a 10c queue working was a big fight, but once concert started, there was a lot of fighting off the wankers and security doing jackshit about it.
Northern Europe tends to be more orderly (rough still but not as aggressive).
shows in italy were crazy......london, dusseldorf and nijmegen?....not so much. and all were EXACTLY as i expected. italians have not gotten the 'passionate' label for no reason. and hell yea, on the rail in italy and had to fight to keep it practically every moment. hell, i could tell ya whether the guy behind me wore boxers or briefs, he was THAt close. :shock: northern europe...people barely touched me, bigger personal space, etc. it ALL depends on the crowd.
How can anyone seriously be annoyed at the thought of G.A?? god some people are starting to give me the shites. Complain complain complain. Does anyone remember back to the 95 or 98 Melbourne shows, GA, best fricking crowd interaction ever. Sure any concert is good, but sometimes you're sitting/standing next to a complete knob in a seated show, you can communicate with em, you cant move to a different seat, you're stuck with them. GA, strewth, we can all mosh just like we used to do it, simple jumping straight up and down, not bashing into each other. Jumping as One, screaming. It dont get any better than that, it just doesn't, and anyone who has experienced it knows damn well im correct. You want seats, sit in the stands, 100 metres away, still sound awesome, and will look great through a telescope hehe.
Oh my gods, how many sleeping pills do i need to take to put myself asleep till nov 13th??? A bottle of Xanax? wake up for one day, pack, sleep again and then on my flight on the 14th at 6.30am to Perth.
Too exciting!!!!
Come on Ten Club, announce your rig so we can stop hyper-ventialting into a paper bag!!
^This is the attitude to have people, bring on the GA shows!
selling Gold Standing or Reserves Seatin for 159.00. Silver 129. Doesn't look like Silver is reserved seating. Who knows what the deal is. there may be GA seating set up for like second level etc. Who the hell kknows. These tix on sale tomrrow at 8am EST Australia.
KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! put us out of our misery and announce pre-sale please darl!! My heart would very much appreciate a break from beating at 165 beats per minute, not good for the old ticker!!!! Please!!!!
Im confused, excited and fricking tired so catch ya all!
2 things you might want to remember:
1) you don't get pushed and shoved unless you're right upfront. just stay about 15 yards back and on the side and you're fine.
2) Seating has problems too: ie you can't move. If you have tall people in front of you, you can't move and find a better spot. (I hated the Camden 1 show because I had rows after rows of hormone-grown yanks in front which made it impossible to see ANYTHING, even standing on tiptoes.. and I'm 5'5" which is pretty average for a woman). With GA, YOU chose your viewpoint.
1.did you have this pro in athens concert?right upfront u was if i remeber well..
2.in new york i will never forget the security guy with the flashlight chasing people stay in their seats dont go to the corridor,,7 times comes to me check my ticket seat.put the light in my face:Sir dont move to the corridor,,stay in your seat..O.M.G....its a rock concert!!!!!!!!! not a yoga class..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
and if see anyone moshing like the're at a megadeath or slipnot concert and bashing into people, il pull my murray cod out of my pocket and slap em senseless.
Heavy metal lovers ruined Moshing (now just Smashing)
PJ fans know how to mosh. Straight up and down, to the beat, hands in the air. Against One
exactly,,most of the times is like that..people understand...i hope..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
shows in italy were crazy......london, dusseldorf and nijmegen?....not so much. and all were EXACTLY as i expected. italians have not gotten the 'passionate' label for no reason. and hell yea, on the rail in italy and had to fight to keep it practically every moment. hell, i could tell ya whether the guy behind me wore boxers or briefs, he was THAt close. :shock: northern europe...people barely touched me, bigger personal space, etc. it ALL depends on the crowd
we are more "caliente " in south europe..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
shows in italy were crazy......london, dusseldorf and nijmegen?....not so much. and all were EXACTLY as i expected. italians have not gotten the 'passionate' label for no reason. and hell yea, on the rail in italy and had to fight to keep it practically every moment. hell, i could tell ya whether the guy behind me wore boxers or briefs, he was THAt close. :shock: northern europe...people barely touched me, bigger personal space, etc. it ALL depends on the crowd
we are more "caliente " in south europe..
well luckily i am a fan of passionate and hot people....;)
and hey, don't be dissing MSG, those are my hometown shows! you can rock out as MUCH AS YOU WANT...but yes, we like to be orderly about it...so you do so in your designated spot is all. there are pluses and minuses to either arrangement. as long as pearl jam continuet to tour, i can continue to catch a few shows....life is good.
I say that, but I've never really had to. In my Euro PJ experience, I've generally surrounded myself with top people who look after each other's backs and not let the johnny-come-latelys fuck things up. When that does happen, Pete on the other side of the barrier has a pretty sharp eye and directs the venue security to deal with the idiots if they haven't spotted it already.
yeah though you didn't do the Italian tour (or Spain).. even getting a 10c queue working was a big fight, but once concert started, there was a lot of fighting off the wankers and security doing jackshit about it.
Northern Europe tends to be more orderly (rough still but not as aggressive).
shows in italy were crazy......london, dusseldorf and nijmegen?....not so much. and all were EXACTLY as i expected. italians have not gotten the 'passionate' label for no reason. and hell yea, on the rail in italy and had to fight to keep it practically every moment. hell, i could tell ya whether the guy behind me wore boxers or briefs, he was THAt close. :shock: northern europe...people barely touched me, bigger personal space, etc. it ALL depends on the crowd.
well, I still could tell boxer or briefs in London and Düsseldorf .. Nijmegen, due to the front closed area, was the only GA outside the US I actually couldn't! But Berlin, which also has a closed front area, was packed too.
2 things you might want to remember:
1) you don't get pushed and shoved unless you're right upfront. just stay about 15 yards back and on the side and you're fine.
2) Seating has problems too: ie you can't move. If you have tall people in front of you, you can't move and find a better spot. (I hated the Camden 1 show because I had rows after rows of hormone-grown yanks in front which made it impossible to see ANYTHING, even standing on tiptoes.. and I'm 5'5" which is pretty average for a woman). With GA, YOU chose your viewpoint.
1.did you have this pro in athens concert?right upfront u was if i remeber well..
2.in new york i will never forget the security guy with the flashlight chasing people stay in their seats dont go to the corridor,,7 times comes to me check my ticket seat.put the light in my face:Sir dont move to the corridor,,stay in your seat..O.M.G....its a rock concert!!!!!!!!! not a yoga class..
1. I never said I was doing it... I'm saying one can. Though I probably will in London as I'm getting some sleep instead of spending the day there.
2. worse was if you 'dare' stepping half a foot in the aisle. Even worse, at Columbia, there was an aisle separating the front and back of the floor. there was a line on the ground in front of the first row of the block (with not much space) and the security were being assholes about even stepping on the fucking line! Luckily I was 1 row behind that because seeing how I jump there's no way I could have stayed in that line!
1. I never said I was doing it... I'm saying one can. Though I probably will in London as I'm getting some sleep instead of spending the day there.
2. worse was if you 'dare' stepping half a foot in the aisle. Even worse, at Columbia, there was an aisle separating the front and back of the floor. there was a line on the ground in front of the first row of the block (with not much space) and the security were being assholes about even stepping on the fucking line! Luckily I was 1 row behind that because seeing how I jump there's no way I could have stayed in that line!
i understand that for all be ok and not have accident has to be an order,.but security always overeacting..its the uniform that give u a strange feeling of power..i know that for sure..
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
im just showing concern and simply wondering if they're offering reserved seating... lets keep to the topic ...
ps sorry if the title was a little harsh ... the whole standing up sucks thing that is...
Its all good mate, people go a bit gaga when the jammers are coming its only because they dont tour that often down here and aussie fans are just as die hard as any other we just want the pj experience to be out standing and memorable. Me for one would love a seat near the front, if i dont get one well.........
My point regarding Hell's Angels was not for drama. Those involved want anarchy with the pits, a primal release, might as well give it to them. Let them beat the piss out of each other and just hire some knuckleheads to keep them from the band. If they have no regard for others at the show, why should the promoter hire expensive baby sitters to make sure they don't hurt themselves? Oh, that's right because once "Little Johnny" gets disrespected in the pit and tries to start a fight and gets his ass kicked and has to get medical attention he will sue the promoter for not providing a safe venue. There are concerts in which mosh pits are widely accepted and that's fine. I just have a hard time believing Pearl Jam shows are one of them.
Survival of the fittest? hardly. People of all ages and sizes can be found up front. It's not THAT physically demanding, jeez.
If everyone followed that logic, it would be a massive stampede to the front when the doors opened. If you want to spend all day in line, rush to the front and stake your claim, knowing full well that it will be overun once the headliner starts, be my guest. I'll be enjoying refreshments with friends at a pre-party.
darwin? anarchy? HA for security?....nope, no drama here. you could write for fox.
Generally, people have plenty of regard for each other in a pit. Everyone is having fun and helping those that get into trouble. So in truth, the only disregard you are concerned about is people's disregard for this spot you feel entitled to because you stood in line. sorry, not how it works.
what are you on about? no one is condoning or advocating fighting or violence...well...one guy said he'd kick people in the nuts I s'pose....
you're kidding right? I've been to a lot of crazy metal shows, and I can honestly say the most intense pit I've ever been in was at a PJ show. Have you never been to a GA PJ show? or seen footage of one? What is hard to believe about it?
Eddie used to talk to the pit often, giving them directions, reminders about playing fair etc...I saw Scott Weiland personally point out a guy to get him booted a long time ago...there is a big difference between slowly working your way thru the pit, and being an asshole and barging thru everyone, elbows up...or else you'd have Pete or Ed or whoever telling security to boot 90% or the people down there.
Rule 1 (GA's ticket holder's mind) .. even if you make it to the show hour late or hour's early, main goal is to make it to the front of the stage, whatever means possible. Even if it's butting through everybody and not carrying about the fallen woman & child, make it to the front and talk to your friend next to you that you made it up close while butting though everybody.
It doesn't matter if you waited hour's & hour's in line to get a chance to stand up so close or right next to the front rail, you know you for a FACT, you will be coming home with brusies & tossed all around in all directions.
1) you don't get pushed and shoved unless you're right upfront. just stay about 15 yards back and on the side and you're fine.
2) Seating has problems too: ie you can't move. If you have tall people in front of you, you can't move and find a better spot. (I hated the Camden 1 show because I had rows after rows of hormone-grown yanks in front which made it impossible to see ANYTHING, even standing on tiptoes.. and I'm 5'5" which is pretty average for a woman). With GA, YOU chose your viewpoint.
Northern Europe tends to be more orderly (rough still but not as aggressive).
Seems to be a lot of confusion between a 'mosh pit' and just a 'pit'. Haven't really seen very much 'moshing' at PJ gigs - we're not talking heavy metal here! Sure, there is movement but moshing???? Not really.
Oh my gods, how many sleeping pills do i need to take to put myself asleep till nov 13th??? A bottle of Xanax? wake up for one day, pack, sleep again and then on my flight on the 14th at 6.30am to Perth.
Too exciting!!!!
Come on Ten Club, announce your rig so we can stop hyper-ventialting into a paper bag!!
Heavy metal lovers ruined Moshing (now just Smashing)
PJ fans know how to mosh. Straight up and down, to the beat, hands in the air. Against One
And how good would it be waiting all day outside lining up with thousands of other Jammers.
think positive people, this is going to be so good. Positve thinking gets you every where. Be disappointed after the shows if you must, not before! Otherwise whats the point in going.
Il stop talking now, thanks for listening. You've been great. Good night everybody!!!!
shows in italy were crazy......london, dusseldorf and nijmegen?....not so much. and all were EXACTLY as i expected. italians have not gotten the 'passionate' label for no reason.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
^This is the attitude to have people, bring on the GA shows!
selling Gold Standing or Reserves Seatin for 159.00. Silver 129. Doesn't look like Silver is reserved seating. Who knows what the deal is. there may be GA seating set up for like second level etc. Who the hell kknows. These tix on sale tomrrow at 8am EST Australia.
KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! put us out of our misery and announce pre-sale please darl!! My heart would very much appreciate a break from beating at 165 beats per minute, not good for the old ticker!!!! Please!!!!
Im confused, excited and fricking tired so catch ya all!
2.in new york i will never forget the security guy with the flashlight chasing people stay in their seats dont go to the corridor,,7 times comes to me check my ticket seat.put the light in my face:Sir dont move to the corridor,,stay in your seat..O.M.G....its a rock concert!!!!!!!!! not a yoga class..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
well luckily i am a fan of passionate and hot people....;)
and hey, don't be dissing MSG, those are my hometown shows! you can rock out as MUCH AS YOU WANT...but yes, we like to be orderly about it...so you do so in your designated spot is all.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I wish that we had early entry this year :(
2. worse was if you 'dare' stepping half a foot in the aisle. Even worse, at Columbia, there was an aisle separating the front and back of the floor. there was a line on the ground in front of the first row of the block (with not much space) and the security were being assholes about even stepping on the fucking line! Luckily I was 1 row behind that because seeing how I jump there's no way I could have stayed in that line!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”