I for one will use the early entry to get to the bar before the crowd arrives and get myself a decent spot, which i may or may not lose when i go back to the bar or to the toilet. Im not particularly worried about where i end up as long as im in this section.
Sounded like a great plan.. until i saw the Sydney map says "non alcoholic area" on the ground. WTF
that is a venue policy - complain to the SCG trust
it was the same at wave aid, sound relief, live earth
and the bar lines at the SFS are SHIT
soooooooooo slow
And they wont let you taken in bottled water either. MAYBE if its not opened. then they charge $6 a bottle of water. And no alcohol. Now i wish i didn't live in NSW, this is only 1 of 2 shows im going to and cant even have a drink out on the field to pass the monotony of ben harper. bah
And they wont let you taken in bottled water either. MAYBE if its not opened. then they charge $6 a bottle of water. And no alcohol. Now i wish i didn't live in NSW, this is only 1 of 2 shows im going to and cant even have a drink out on the field to pass the monotony of ben harper. bah
and about $10 for a mid strength beer!
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Brisbane GA area now has two sections .. Fixer field and Backspacer field. Yaay.
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
And they wont let you taken in bottled water either. MAYBE if its not opened. then they charge $6 a bottle of water. And no alcohol. Now i wish i didn't live in NSW, this is only 1 of 2 shows im going to and cant even have a drink out on the field to pass the monotony of ben harper. bah
And they wont let you taken in bottled water either. MAYBE if its not opened. then they charge $6 a bottle of water. And no alcohol. Now i wish i didn't live in NSW, this is only 1 of 2 shows im going to and cant even have a drink out on the field to pass the monotony of ben harper. bah
and about $10 for a mid strength beer!
Perth fixer field is a booze free for all!!! Woo hoo...
6 bucks a beer at the footy at the sfs, maybe a litte but more, but it is 20 cents defference between light and full
and full strength is VB :twisted:
yuck vb sucks and I am in melbourne! and the wine choice is no good either!
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Hi all. I am unbelieveably excited for this tour, never been to a GA concert before ( was due any day with my 1st child in '98 and '96 too young in my mothers eyes to be let to roam free in melbourne to see them) My only concern is the toilet situation, i have had three kiddies now and the old bladder doesn't work like it used to!!! Surely they (and management) would understand that their fans aren't getting any younger.........There, i've vented, now bring on november!!!
Yeah, me too. I've had 3 kids too so we've got something in common. I think if we're all with Ten clubbers, we may be able to get out to go to the toilet and people will let us out and in again. None of us can be expected to stand there for hours on end without a break. You're not the only one with that concern. That being said, I'm looking forward to my first GA PJ shows! Like you wouldn't believe:)
With my early entry I'm heading straight to ther merchandise stand! I wanted one of those hoodies in '06, but because took so long they had nothing in my size left
I cant see what all the fuss is about here. 10c tickets will get you early entry to the Fixer GA (i know not all cities have the same, but most do) which is considerably smaller than the rest of the GA area. If you can manage to stay up the front for the entire time than thats a bonus.
From previous experience in seeing shows set up like this at Etihad stadium, at worst you will be 35-40m from the stage at the very back of the Fixer GA area. It is considerably better off that the gold seating which is surrounding the ground and MUCH further from the stage. The Fixer GA areas will not be very big.
I for one will use the early entry to get to the bar before the crowd arrives and get myself a decent spot, which i may or may not lose when i go back to the bar or to the toilet. Im not particularly worried about where i end up as long as im in this section.
As 10c members we should be thankful that we get guaranteed tickets in the best available section. We have been spoilt in the past with what we have been given. So to all those that are threatening not to renew their 10c membership because we dont get a special section all for ourselves i have 2 things to say. Firstly, get over it. Its not as bad as you think. And secondly, can you tell me any other band that gives you the return on your fan club membership that we get? I dont know of any other bands that give us special xmas releases and tickets like we have in the past. If you want to give up your membership because of this, go right ahead, it simply means a better seat for me next time.
Post of the day!!!! I for one will never give up my 10c membership. First chance to get right up close to the guys. I cannot wait for November!!!
hay zig get onto tig and get her do do some badges for the ZA ala the 07 meet up badges that'd be sweeeeeeet
what about jester hats?
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Even with the individual rules of the venues I am surprised that Melbourne has allowed alcohol in the GA area, both Melbourne and Sydney are in the midst of a wave of alcohol fueled youth violence, currently in Melbourne we have one death or near death beating every weekend, coincidentally most of the violence is in an area within 150 metres of Etihad Stadium.
The last concert I saw in Melbourne where alcohol was allowed on the field was at the MCG for The Police and this was a similiar set-up of two support bands, a 4 hour running time and the field separated into two areas. Within 15 minutes of The Police coming on, security had lost control of the crowd, people were wandering in and out of areas they didn't belong and the booze kept flowing. It didn't take long for things to turn ugly and seats were swiftly abandoned as the violence escalated.
As with a few other things on this tour, greed has once again come before common sense.
Even with the individual rules of the venues I am surprised that Melbourne has allowed alcohol in the GA area, both Melbourne and Sydney are in the midst of a wave of alcohol fueled youth violence, currently in Melbourne we have one death or near death beating every weekend, coincidentally most of the violence is in an area within 150 metres of Etihad Stadium.
The last concert I saw in Melbourne where alcohol was allowed on the field was at the MCG for The Police and this was a similiar set-up of two support bands, a 4 hour running time and the field separated into two areas. Within 15 minutes of The Police coming on, security had lost control of the crowd, people were wandering in and out of areas they didn't belong and the booze kept flowing. It didn't take long for things to turn ugly and seats were swiftly abandoned as the violence escalated.
As with a few other things on this tour, greed has once again come before common sense.
Greed? I dont think the band make much money off alcohol sales!!
It is venue decision hence the difference between Sydney and the others.
The vast majority only want to have a beer or two, yet we are not going to be able to do that in Sydney unless we forego our early entry position and go stand outside for a drink. Lame.
Even with the individual rules of the venues I am surprised that Melbourne has allowed alcohol in the GA area, both Melbourne and Sydney are in the midst of a wave of alcohol fueled youth violence, currently in Melbourne we have one death or near death beating every weekend, coincidentally most of the violence is in an area within 150 metres of Etihad Stadium.
The last concert I saw in Melbourne where alcohol was allowed on the field was at the MCG for The Police and this was a similiar set-up of two support bands, a 4 hour running time and the field separated into two areas. Within 15 minutes of The Police coming on, security had lost control of the crowd, people were wandering in and out of areas they didn't belong and the booze kept flowing. It didn't take long for things to turn ugly and seats were swiftly abandoned as the violence escalated.
As with a few other things on this tour, greed has once again come before common sense.
Greed? I dont think the band make much money off alcohol sales!!
It is venue decision hence the difference between Sydney and the others.
The vast majority only want to have a beer or two, yet we are not going to be able to do that in Sydney unless we forego our early entry position and go stand outside for a drink. Lame.
its the stadium that makes the money of food and drink!
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Didn't mean to imply the greed issue was with the band, in fact I'm fairly sure its a venue/promoter problem.
The band will get paid the same whether 10k or 50k turn up to a show, its the promoter who will be looking to make every dollar they possibly can, in the hope there's a profit to be made on this.
Didn't mean to imply the greed issue was with the band, in fact I'm fairly sure its a venue/promoter problem.
The band will get paid the same whether 10k or 50k turn up to a show, its the promoter who will be looking to make every dollar they possibly can, in the hope there's a profit to be made on this.
I think the band make more the more people come (not that that's what it's about) I heard Pink was walking away with $40 Mil from her tour. but she did do 10 000 shows
Bitch Be Cool 8)
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
What is fisho's? Obviously I wasn't invited the stupid bitch! :x
ummmmmmmmmmm nevermind lets talk bout the weather... :?
or that local sports team in the game that they play that we like
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
busy busy day for me .... and look here, everything is all shiny & new
good to hear about those small fixer fields in nz .... im actually starting to think the nz side of this tour is shaping up to be better than the aus side .... unpatriotic little vegemite that i am
busy busy day for me .... and look here, everything is all shiny & new
good to hear about those small fixer fields in nz .... im actually starting to think the nz side of this tour is shaping up to be better than the aus side .... unpatriotic little vegemite that i am
Fixer fields have been added to the Australian venues too!
busy busy day for me .... and look here, everything is all shiny & new
good to hear about those small fixer fields in nz .... im actually starting to think the nz side of this tour is shaping up to be better than the aus side .... unpatriotic little vegemite that i am
Fixer fields have been added to the Australian venues too!
I'm REALLY looking forward to NZ though!
i think those maps must be hugely hard to put into perpective .... fixer in sydney looks half the size of the ground, where as the other venues it looks about 1/3rd
that is a venue policy - complain to the SCG trust
it was the same at wave aid, sound relief, live earth
and the bar lines at the SFS are SHIT
soooooooooo slow
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
and about $10 for a mid strength beer!
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Perth fixer field is a booze free for all!!! Woo hoo...
and full strength is VB :twisted:
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
yuck vb sucks and I am in melbourne! and the wine choice is no good either!
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Yeah, me too. I've had 3 kids too so we've got something in common. I think if we're all with Ten clubbers, we may be able to get out to go to the toilet and people will let us out and in again. None of us can be expected to stand there for hours on end without a break. You're not the only one with that concern. That being said, I'm looking forward to my first GA PJ shows! Like you wouldn't believe:)
Post of the day!!!! I for one will never give up my 10c membership. First chance to get right up close to the guys. I cannot wait for November!!!
hay zig get onto tig and get her do do some badges for the ZA ala the 07 meet up badges that'd be sweeeeeeet
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
come say hi on facebook http://www.facebook.com/sean.montgomery
what about jester hats?
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
Awesome this is just the news I was waiting for. Stoked!! Not as good as seating or own area but the next best thing.
At least I know now I can hang a piss and come back in the first half of the field. Terribly relieved
The last concert I saw in Melbourne where alcohol was allowed on the field was at the MCG for The Police and this was a similiar set-up of two support bands, a 4 hour running time and the field separated into two areas. Within 15 minutes of The Police coming on, security had lost control of the crowd, people were wandering in and out of areas they didn't belong and the booze kept flowing. It didn't take long for things to turn ugly and seats were swiftly abandoned as the violence escalated.
As with a few other things on this tour, greed has once again come before common sense.
ha ha I love how it's now called ZA!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Greed? I dont think the band make much money off alcohol sales!!
It is venue decision hence the difference between Sydney and the others.
The vast majority only want to have a beer or two, yet we are not going to be able to do that in Sydney unless we forego our early entry position and go stand outside for a drink. Lame.
ha ha I love how it's now called ZA!
na the ones she did for fisho's they're just a small one with the PJ surfboard logo. I still have it on my golf bag
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
come say hi on facebook http://www.facebook.com/sean.montgomery
its the stadium that makes the money of food and drink!
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
The band will get paid the same whether 10k or 50k turn up to a show, its the promoter who will be looking to make every dollar they possibly can, in the hope there's a profit to be made on this.
What is fisho's? Obviously I wasn't invited the stupid bitch! :x
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I think the band make more the more people come (not that that's what it's about) I heard Pink was walking away with $40 Mil from her tour. but she did do 10 000 shows
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
come say hi on facebook http://www.facebook.com/sean.montgomery
BRISBANE 1998,2003,2006,2009!!!
Christchurch 2009
Oh I'm a lucky man to count those I love on two hands
come say hi on facebook http://www.facebook.com/sean.montgomery
or that local sports team in the game that they play that we like
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
good to hear about those small fixer fields in nz .... im actually starting to think the nz side of this tour is shaping up to be better than the aus side .... unpatriotic little vegemite that i am
Fixer fields have been added to the Australian venues too!
I'm REALLY looking forward to NZ though!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
i think those maps must be hugely hard to put into perpective .... fixer in sydney looks half the size of the ground, where as the other venues it looks about 1/3rd
if nothing is everything i would have it all