There is a huge difference between your used car dealership making 6 figures a year and PJ making $42 MILLION. He isn't morally obligated to sell you at a discount but I doubt that he went public with interviews in the 90's saying fuck ticketmaster, I love Fugazi and $15 tickets, it's all about keeping ticket prices low, etc.
They aren't charging $300 because very very few people would pay $300. $200 poster books, $40 tshirts, $35 posters, $80 tickets for Eddie sitting by himself on stage for 2 hours....they ARE driven by money. When you make $42 million, you can probably afford to lower some of your prices a bit. And their prices are in line by certain shows (Bruce, The Stones) but definitely out of line when you compare them to other contemporaries closer to them in success and relevance (Radiohead, Green Day, etc.) Even Metallica is cheaper than them and they have a very sick stage setup. Actually, Bruce had $19.67 tickets for the spectrum shows.
By taking care of the fans, I mean not charging the maximum amount. I would say they are on the cusp of the amount of money they can charge and sell out. After service charges, Philly tickets were a little more than $90. I don't think they sell out 2 shows if they are $110 each. There is NO REASON why Spectrum tickets that cost $40 in 2003 should be $90 in 2009 OTHER than the band wants the money. As I said...that is fine. We pay it, it's their choice but people can't continue to say they are a "band of the people" and it's all about the fans. It is clearly about the money at this point. More power to them.
I know it isn't the central figure to your argument, but (again) Pearl Jam did not MAKE $42 million last year. I'm sure they made a hefty penny. I'm not arguing that. But it's difficult to discuss an issue like this with some who shows very little grasp of basic economic terms.
The $42 million is what they GROSSED. Essentially, that's the amount of tickets they sold. That $42 million gets cut about 90,000 ways before it winds up in Eddie Vedder's pocket.
Now that we've got that out of the way ... we're just going to have to agree to disagree. To me, "driven by money" means "all I care about is money." And I don't get that vibe from this band at all. If the fan base dried up overnight, I believe Ed would still play music for his own cathartic benefit in his basement, whether or not he made money off of it or not.
Also, have you checked out the amount of money these guys give away each year, both individually and as a group? Seems like if it were "all about money," they'd hold on to a little more of it for themselves, eh?
Essentially, your argument boils down to the same old rich-person penis envy that is ruining America on a broader scale. "Wah! You're rich, and I'm not. You should cut me a break and give me something for less than it's worth. C'mon, you can afford it! Wah!"
Frankly, your claim that it is "clearly only about money at this point" is just as silly as those who would argue that Pearl Jam is a "band of the people" (what in the fuck does that even mean?). It's a ridiculous, over-the-top extreme, and ridiculous, over-the-top extremes almost never paint an accurate portrait of the truth. There can't be any middle ground here? Really? They've either got to give their art away for substantially less than it's worth, or they've got to be money-grubbing douchebags?
How about, they are charging a premium now to recoup all of the money left on the table when they were charging well below the market rate in the 90s? How about they are an admittedly expensive concert ticket, but they still do things to take care of and appreciate their fan base?
Or does it have to be all or none, black and white? They are either philanthropists or they are fan-gouging assholes?
Pearl Jam did their part in the 90s to keep costs low. Now, those days are gone. It seems silly to hold them to a standard set 15 years ago, just like it would be silly for others to hold you or I to a standard set 15 years ago. Times change. People change. It's time to move on and stop living in the past.
Anyway, enjoy your Fugazi show. I'm sure it will be worth every penny.
We seem to forget that 1995 Pearl Jam didn't care so much about money because they didn't have families. Ed never thought he live long, and so on.. Now not only are they making money for themselves, but their children and their children's children.. Not to mention the hundreds of people who work for them, set up the tour, board moderators, merch, and so on..
Their careers won't be forever. We'll be lucky to get another 10 years out of them. I'm sure they are saving up as much money as they can for their families and retirement.
Hundreds? LOL. I think someone told me the Ten Club staff was only about 10-15 people. It's also worth noting how horrible their servers are when tickets go on sale or any high traffic event. You are right that they have a few kids each, $42 million isn't nearly enough money
We seem to forget that 1995 Pearl Jam didn't care so much about money because they didn't have families. Ed never thought he live long, and so on.. Now not only are they making money for themselves, but their children and their children's children.. Not to mention the hundreds of people who work for them, set up the tour, board moderators, merch, and so on..
Their careers won't be forever. We'll be lucky to get another 10 years out of them. I'm sure they are saving up as much money as they can for their families and retirement.
Hundreds? LOL. I think someone told me the Ten Club staff was only about 10-15 people. It's also worth noting how horrible their servers are when tickets go on sale or any high traffic event. You are right that they have a few kids each, $42 million isn't nearly enough money
What about the people who help stage the tour? he sound engineers? I've also heard that albums cost millions to make.
I know it isn't the central figure to your argument, but (again) Pearl Jam did not MAKE $42 million last year. I'm sure they made a hefty penny. I'm not arguing that. But it's difficult to discuss an issue like this with some who shows very little grasp of basic economic terms.
The $42 million is what they GROSSED. Essentially, that's the amount of tickets they sold. That $42 million gets cut about 90,000 ways before it winds up in Eddie Vedder's pocket.
Now that we've got that out of the way ... we're just going to have to agree to disagree. To me, "driven by money" means "all I care about is money." And I don't get that vibe from this band at all. If the fan base dried up overnight, I believe Ed would still play music for his own cathartic benefit in his basement, whether or not he made money off of it or not.
Also, have you checked out the amount of money these guys give away each year, both individually and as a group? Seems like if it were "all about money," they'd hold on to a little more of it for themselves, eh?
Essentially, your argument boils down to the same old rich-person penis envy that is ruining America on a broader scale. "Wah! You're rich, and I'm not. You should cut me a break and give me something for less than it's worth. C'mon, you can afford it! Wah!"
Frankly, your claim that it is "clearly only about money at this point" is just as silly as those who would argue that Pearl Jam is a "band of the people" (what in the fuck does that even mean?). It's a ridiculous, over-the-top extreme, and ridiculous, over-the-top extremes almost never paint an accurate portrait of the truth. There can't be any middle ground here? Really? They've either got to give their art away for substantially less than it's worth, or they've got to be money-grubbing douchebags?
How about, they are charging a premium now to recoup all of the money left on the table when they were charging well below the market rate in the 90s? How about they are an admittedly expensive concert ticket, but they still do things to take care of and appreciate their fan base?
Or does it have to be all or none, black and white? They are either philanthropists or they are fan-gouging assholes?
Pearl Jam did their part in the 90s to keep costs low. Now, those days are gone. It seems silly to hold them to a standard set 15 years ago, just like it would be silly for others to hold you or I to a standard set 15 years ago. Times change. People change. It's time to move on and stop living in the past.
Anyway, enjoy your Fugazi show. I'm sure it will be worth every penny.
Most are very good points. I don't resent the fact that the band is charging so much for tickets. As I said, I willingly paid it. I just think it's funny that a band who previously took a very public stance against high ticket prices and service charges are charging so much. Regardless, they will never make everyone 100% happy. They are charging what they want...people are paying it...all is good in the hood. My post was more to get a reaction/commentary from the people who swear up and down the band isn't making money anymore and therefore, increased their ticket price 50% in the past half-decade. I think that was the first concrete dollar number we have seen in quite some time.
And also to comment on the "What about the people who...." They have been paying those people since the beginning. It's not like they suddenly came out of the woodwork. As far as I know, they jumped from small clubs to huge festivals and field shows seemingly overnight. They have always needed a large crew. Hopefully all of those people have also seen a 50% raise in pay with the increased ticket prices.
"McCready played on, lending credence to the theory that he was actually built in Stone’s basement from spare truck parts and vinyl records." - Glide Mag. review of MSG 7/8/03
Everybody needs to make a living. PJ is fortunate to do it the way they are making it. I know someone in a band that is very talented and have been together for over a decade, released two albums, toured locally, got a video on a mexican music chanel...., but they can´t make a living out of it.
I trust that PJ is doing what they love to do. We should not care how much they make out of it. We should not agree with what they do all the time either, but we should be thankful that we (and millions more) have a chance of listening to their music, and with that continue to do so until THEY decide when to call it off. I for one believe they´ll stay around for a while.
It´s very dissapointing to see a lot posts here being negative on all the recent news from the band. But it really puts things in perspective. I would only guess that people like eddie vedder would hate for every member of TC to just simply adore and worship every move PJ makes.
That being said, I am no millionaire. But I am going to travel for thousands of kms only to see them live at seattle and LA. I don´t know anyone in Seattle and hope to leave there with a few friends more!
"This isn't like some other bands, who self-released music online and then followed it up at retail months later. They picked major partners, because this is still a major band."
If they're insinuating PJ is bigger than Radiohead, they're wrong.
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
Very well said, slightofjeff.
Hundreds? LOL. I think someone told me the Ten Club staff was only about 10-15 people. It's also worth noting how horrible their servers are when tickets go on sale or any high traffic event. You are right that they have a few kids each, $42 million isn't nearly enough money
Most are very good points. I don't resent the fact that the band is charging so much for tickets. As I said, I willingly paid it. I just think it's funny that a band who previously took a very public stance against high ticket prices and service charges are charging so much. Regardless, they will never make everyone 100% happy. They are charging what they want...people are paying it...all is good in the hood. My post was more to get a reaction/commentary from the people who swear up and down the band isn't making money anymore and therefore, increased their ticket price 50% in the past half-decade. I think that was the first concrete dollar number we have seen in quite some time.
And also to comment on the "What about the people who...." They have been paying those people since the beginning. It's not like they suddenly came out of the woodwork. As far as I know, they jumped from small clubs to huge festivals and field shows seemingly overnight. They have always needed a large crew. Hopefully all of those people have also seen a 50% raise in pay with the increased ticket prices.
Lets stop arguing about this. It's pointless.
I trust that PJ is doing what they love to do. We should not care how much they make out of it. We should not agree with what they do all the time either, but we should be thankful that we (and millions more) have a chance of listening to their music, and with that continue to do so until THEY decide when to call it off. I for one believe they´ll stay around for a while.
It´s very dissapointing to see a lot posts here being negative on all the recent news from the band. But it really puts things in perspective. I would only guess that people like eddie vedder would hate for every member of TC to just simply adore and worship every move PJ makes.
That being said, I am no millionaire. But I am going to travel for thousands of kms only to see them live at seattle and LA. I don´t know anyone in Seattle and hope to leave there with a few friends more!
Millions? Why, exactly?
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx