Iran tear gases those who embrace freedom

how nice. revolution worked in 79, sure would be nice if they can do it now. ... n_election
Police tear-gas Iran protesters during prayer
TEHRAN, Iran – Tens of thousands of opposition supporters packed Iran's main Islamic prayer sermon Friday, chanting "freedom, freedom" and other slogans as their top clerical supporter Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani delivered a sermon sharply criticizing the country's leadership over the crackdown on election protests.
Outside Tehran University, where the prayers were held, pro-government Basiji militiamen in front of a line of riot police fired tear gas at hundreds of opposition protesters who chanted "death to the dictator" and called on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to resign. Some protesters kicked away the tear gas cannisters as others scattered and regrouped.
The opposition aimed to turn the Friday prayers into a show of their continued strength despite heavy government suppression since the disputed June 12 presidential election. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims to have won the election, sat in the front row of worshippers, attending for the first time since the turmoil began. Many of the tens of thousands at the prayers wore headbands or wristbands in his campaign color green, or had green prayer rugs. ... n_election
Police tear-gas Iran protesters during prayer
TEHRAN, Iran – Tens of thousands of opposition supporters packed Iran's main Islamic prayer sermon Friday, chanting "freedom, freedom" and other slogans as their top clerical supporter Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani delivered a sermon sharply criticizing the country's leadership over the crackdown on election protests.
Outside Tehran University, where the prayers were held, pro-government Basiji militiamen in front of a line of riot police fired tear gas at hundreds of opposition protesters who chanted "death to the dictator" and called on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to resign. Some protesters kicked away the tear gas cannisters as others scattered and regrouped.
The opposition aimed to turn the Friday prayers into a show of their continued strength despite heavy government suppression since the disputed June 12 presidential election. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who claims to have won the election, sat in the front row of worshippers, attending for the first time since the turmoil began. Many of the tens of thousands at the prayers wore headbands or wristbands in his campaign color green, or had green prayer rugs.
Post edited by Unknown User on
besides.......the moving train is a place to discuss all things that are wrong with western culture.
We actually agree who would have thought...
I want nothing more then to be friends with Iran. I feel there is a young generation in that country that really wants to embrace democracy, freedom, and friendship with the US. pretty much the complete opposite of those currently running the country from 79.
Look what happened when protesters in America turned up the volume just a bit too much:
And the U.S has set such a good example to the world with it's magnanimous foreign policy hasn't it?
e.t.c, e.t.c......
keep "chewing on that crumb". you have posted this picture SEVERAL times whenever violence against protesters comes up. the ONE time the killing has happened in the history of American protests. :roll:
yet during one day, not only a a month ago, the Iran government killed 7 people.
but you dont have any anti American bias right?
but what the fuck does any of your post have to do with Iran?
I was about to ask the 90% of posters on this thread what the Iranian demonstrations have to do with America, seeing as 90% of posts here mention the U.S.
You see, you like to try and pretend that America is a shining beacon of justice and freedom in the world. All I'm saying is that is pure horseshit.
I made a reference how I wish America was friends with Iran. I said this based on Open's post knowing he is Iranian. you dont mind if an American and an Iranian have a discussion about Iran/America relates do you?
now you know.
why is it pure bullshit? because a protester was shot by some asshole cop with an itchy trigger finger 30 years ago?
America absolutely is a beacon of freedom in this world.
que wiki link of the Patriot Act. :roll:
Is that what happened? Just 'a protester shot by some asshole cop with an itchy trigger finger'?
Killed (and approximate distance from the National Guard):
* Jeffrey Glen Miller 265 ft (81 m) shot through the mouth - killed instantly
* Allison Krause 343 ft (105 m) fatal left chest wound
* William Knox Schroeder 382 ft (116 m) fatal chest wound
* Sandra Lee Scheuer 390 ft (120 m) fatal neck wound
Wounded (and approximate distance from the National Guard):
* Joseph Lewis Jr. 71 ft (22 m); hit twice in the right abdomen and left lower leg
* John R. Cleary 110 ft (34 m); upper left chest wound
* Thomas Mark Grace 225 ft (69 m); struck in left ankle
* Alan Canfora 225 ft (69 m); hit in his right wrist
* Dean Kahler 300 ft (91 m); back wound fracturing the vertebrae - permanently paralyzed from the chest down
* Douglas A. Wrentmore 329 ft (100 m); hit in his right knee
* James Dennis Russell 375 ft (114 m); hit in his right thigh from a bullet and in the right forehead by birdshot - both wounds minor {died 2007}
* Robert F. Stamps 495 ft (151 m); hit in his right buttock {died June 11, 2008}
* Donald Scott MacKenzie 750 ft (230 m); neck wound
Ten days after the Kent State shootings, on May 14, two students were killed by police at the historically black Jackson State University under similar circumstances, but that event did not arouse the same nationwide attention as the Kent State shootings...
In May 2007, Alan Canfora, one of the injured protestors, demanded that the case be reopened, having found an audiotape in a Yale University government archive allegedly recording an order to fire ("Right here! Get Set! Point! Fire!") just before the 13 second volley of shots...
According to recently released FBI reports,[citation needed] one part-time student, Terry Norman, was already noted by student protesters as an informant for both campus police and the Akron FBI branch. Norman was present during the May 4 protests, taking photographs to identify student leaders,[33] while carrying a sidearm and wearing a gas mask.
In 1970, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover responded to questions from then-Congressman John Ashbrook by denying that Norman had ever worked for the FBI, a statement Norman himself disputed.[34] On 13 August 1973, Indiana Senator Birch Bayh sent a memo to then-governor of Ohio, John J. Gilligan, suggesting that Norman may have fired the first shot, based on testimony he received from Guardsmen who claimed that a gunshot fired from the vicinity of the protesters instigated the Guard to open fire on the students.
The Patriot act has little bearing on the destruction and suffering that U.S foreign policy has caused in the world.
America isn't a beacon of freedom in this world. That's just what Americans believe. The truth is somewhat different.
keep chewing on that crumb :roll:
is blue your new color of the week? it does nothing to further you point. just thought you should know.
what is the truth? America is a beacon of freedom based on how we are allowed to live in this country. this has nothing to do with US foreign policy. we embrace and practice freedom in America. China should follow our example...they are very suppressive towards freedom, in many ways....and something you blindly support for no other reason but "they are not the US"
Nice way of avoiding addressing the contents of my post by resorting to juvenile bullshit instead.
You're allowed to cast a vote every four years and get to decide between two different shades of the same shit.
And you then sing about how free you are.
You live in a fantasy world.
So I blindly support China's human rights abuses? O.k, if my support for China's human rights is so blatant and obvious then you won't have any trouble providing an example of it here for everyone to see will you?
I'm waiting.
the contents of the post have nothing to do with this thread.
at its peak there was 32 presidential candidates in 2008. ANYONE in this country can run for president. EVERYONE in this country has a voice. EVERYONE is allowed to criticize the government. you do not live in America, you really do not have a pulse for what its like besides what you see on TV and read online. and being in China, that is very limited. but yet you are an expert on America and our freedoms.
I am not living in a dream world, you are living in denial.
you live there. you support the government by paying taxes. you do not protest China's human rights abuses. and that mostly because you can't. you would be throw in jail with no trail or rights for as long as they want.
Well Im sure somehow its our fault. It was the CIA who dunnit!
Your not even worthy of skin. Just a douche. Youre enjoying the freedom of this American band's board full of Americans who give your freedom to speak your load of horseshit on here. I for one would love for you to bend over and kiss your own limey ass.
32 Presidential candidates, and how many political parties?
So all of those Iranian protesters who you are championing support the current Iranian government because they pay taxes?
Like those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay??
Wow! Tough guy!
5 off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm missing some. and even better, anyone is allowed to start their own political party.
Green Party
here is a more in depth list ... ted_States
no, last I checked, protestors do not support the government. you are not protesting shit in China.
Like those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay??[/quote]
what does this have anything do to with you not having the right to oppose the Chinese government?
And how many of these parties stand a realistic chance of getting into office? I count two. Wow! That's freedom in action folks! Whoever has the most cash wins! Whoopee! The land of the free!
It has everything to do with you pretending to be on some moral high-ground.
you asked how many political parties there are. I gave you an answer that you probably had NO idea about.
the people vote, everyone and every party has a chance of getting into office. 30 or even 20 years ago the whisper of an African America president would have been unheard of. guess what...o yea.
compared to countries like China and Iran, we are.
Name one party that has a realistic chance of getting to office other than the Democrats and Republicans.
they all do. the people have the power here in America. the government is powerless to shut us up. just because you dont like dems and republicans, doesnt mean we are any less free. get it? if you would like to continue being made a fool of, then start a new thread on how you feel America isnt free. and me, soul, and countless others will run circles around you.
now, how do you feel about the Iranian government killing protectors and shooting them with tear gas at them?
stop derailing the thread.
have you seen the doc Berkeley in the '60's? it shows a nonviolent protest being surrounded by cops and military with gas masks and as they close the circle inwards towards the protesters a helicopter flies over and drops tear gas on the protesters then they law enforcement (sic) swarms in, batons flailing away....
you could also mention how non violent protesters of the Iraq invasion were put on terrorist lists and i'm sure people will say wtf does this have to do with Iran? i ask similar questions when my threads are hijacked and derailed by off topic posts by the very same people.....
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
they were actually killed by the national guard, they as in there were 4 killed that day
where has this beacon shined freedom in the past 30 years? i see more creating, funding, arming, training...death squads or bombing the fuck out of them (with poisonous rounds and never cleaning it up) when they stopped doing what we told them rather than freeing oppressed people
in fact if you look at our past 5 wars/operations 4 of them were situations we helped create
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
what year was the last non R or D elected preisdent, jlew?
answer: 1850
if you think any other party has as an equal shot like the corporate duopoly maybe you should read up on the commission on presidential debates, especially the book 'No Debate' where the people who run it admit they only care to push the agendas of the 2 major parties and 3rd parties just get in the way of things
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
are we really going to talk about what happened in America 40 years ago? or what is happening in Iran TODAY?
how does this make our society any less free? EVERYONE has a voice. just because you dont like the outcome, doesnt mean we are not living in freedom.
almost all of people's values, social, ad political beliefs can be summed up with democratic or republican. so what? third party candidates have a very loud voice. they just happen to be in the minority.
i feel your pain, i constantly wonder why you and BRMLAW constantly bring up the holocaust and list other countries that torture in Byrnzie and my threads on Gaza
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
There are a fair amount of Libertarians in local and statewide offices around the country. We've had a handful of independent governors and congressmen as well.
you said they all have a chance and that is just not true, the very people who control the presidential debates state they are only concerned with pushing the agenda of the 2 major parties and everyone else just gets in the way of that.....not sure how they have an equal shot, as you claim, with this going on, kinda hard for them to get a lot of support when they are prevented from being in the debates and most media coverage is to make them look crazy. like when stepananpolous or whatever his name is, when he interviewed people during the primaries he was all nice and respectful to the major candidates but ones like Paul, Kucinich, Gravel....he constatnly asked questions like 'you know you can't possibly win, don't you???'
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'