
Jan 08 7.6%
Feb 8.1%
Mar 8.5%
April 8.9%
May 9.4%
June 9.5%
In the past 4 months we have lost 2.5 million jobs. Obama promised to keep it below 8% if the Stimulus passed
but it continues to grow. And what's worse is that his economist made a prediction that if it didnt pass it would get this high. :?
Feb 8.1%
Mar 8.5%
April 8.9%
May 9.4%
June 9.5%
In the past 4 months we have lost 2.5 million jobs. Obama promised to keep it below 8% if the Stimulus passed
but it continues to grow. And what's worse is that his economist made a prediction that if it didnt pass it would get this high. :?
Post edited by Unknown User on
By your numbers, the unemployment rate was already above 8%. The stimulus plan is going to take some time. Repulicans know that. How do I know they know? Because during the stimulus debate they were arguing that we wouldn't have any real benefits from the stimulus until 2010. Now they can look at these numbers and cry that it isn't working...after 100 days.
Many of these projects are going to be dished out at the state level. That means there is a planning project (for the lack of a better word). There is a bidding aspect of this. There is delay in getting the project "shovel ready". It's a slow process when you are dealing with the states.
The President never should have made the 8% claim, because it is totally out of his hands.
Patience, JB. These things take time. I'm not trying to be an apologist, but this is a massive undertaking. It will be 2010 before there is visual proof that these projects are actually taking shape.
Yes it sucks that there's going to be a debt passed on. Yes there are earmarks. It is disappointing. I don't like it, but I also know it's going to take a lot of time and money to get us out of the mess we're in. Tax cuts alone were not going to close the gaping hole.
Why don't you try telling that to all the people who can't find any work or who cant afford to put any food on the table :x
Tell them what? That a massive economic spending package is going to take time before we see physical results? I'll tell them that.
So creating more debt is going to solve it ? :roll:
And what would you have done?
Obviously you missed the "it's disappointing and I don't like it" line from my post.
I'm dying to hear your plan.
Well, lets hear it then...
Well for one Im not a politician or a strategist for that matter but
I know what I wouldn't have done and that is create more debt.
How do we get out of this mess without spending money? If you've got something I'd like to hear it. I don't think that I've ever come across any plan (besides just straight tax cuts) that didn't include government spending.
I see Obama possibly going in the right direction with fining employers who are employing people that are in this country illegally. He is also sending more people to enforce the southern border which IMO should be militarized. It is out of control not only with people coming here to steal jobs but with the drugs crossings and human trafficking that is taking place. However he is failing in the part of removing these people from this country when they are caught working here illegally. Time and time again when they were busting these meat packing plants that employed hundreds of illegals there were American citizens by the hundreds standing outside the very next day to apply for those jobs. So I would increase the deportation rate, but I would also make temporary work visas for seasonal jobs readily available. They just can't stay here permanently. Doing those things would cut your unemployment rate a quite a bit.
Our prisons are full of people that are in this country illegally, deport them. Stop feeding them and stop giving them a place to run their gang operations from.
I'd end social services for people that are here illegally. The American taxpayer should not be funding the tab. Tuition should not be cheaper than it is for the American tax paying citizen.
I'd repeal the 14th Amendment. It had a use at one time but it is now being abused and not being used for what it was intended. One again the American taxpayer foots the bill.
I'd give tax breaks to companies that bring their manufacturing back to this country. No more outsourcing to China. How many times do we hear about items from China that pose health and safety hazards? This would also create jobs. We only build Big Macs anymore.
Iraq has been turning into a success as much as most Dems would refuse to admit. I was against going there in the first place, and I do view it as a mistake, however what's done is done and we had to clean up our mess. Start bringing them home.
Create programs for inner city youths so they have some job skills for their future and they don't think only death or jail is in their immediate future. Give them a reason to want to succeed.
"Green" jobs are in theory a nice idea but I'm thinking it will not cut into the unemployment rate much when they are finally created. Instead start backing loans for the construction of new nuclear power plants. This country is going to be facing an energy crisis because of the high demand. These are most viable option, and they create thousands of jobs from one plant alone, not to mention hundreds of permanent great paying jobs.
That is a few off the top of my head.
We're pretty far apart on the illegals. I'm not one for rounding them up and shipping them off. However, I do agree with you on some points of it.
Tax breaks to companies that bring their jobs back here would be great. However, I don't think that is enough to bring them back. Labor is so much cheaper in China. Goods are cheaper. Sadly, it makes business sense for them to be there. It sucks. I don't know what else we could offer those companies, but tax breaks aren't enough.
I was against the war from the beginning. I was against the surge and open enough to admit that it seems to have worked. However, I'm not of the belief to just pack up and leave. I like the phased withdrawl. Not down to 120,000 or whatever the number is now, but to zero. When they show progress, we bring some more home until they're at the point where they can fully function without our help. We went in and caused the unrest...we need to see it through.
I go back and forth on NAFTA. I think in the end I would probably side with you for ending it.
All for more inner city programs. I'm a big supporter of the Presidents "Edward Kenendy Serve America Act". I think it could do some good. Not just in the inner city, but in rural America where a kid thinks his only chance for a good education is to sign up for the military.
Green jobs is the way of the future. If we lead the world in the development of green jobs, we're going to have a strong economy for quite some time.
i've known a few american citizens and each one had multiple jobs, so their paychecks were taxed as well as the good and services they bought and since they were illegal they did not file taxes and therefor didn't get any money back at tax time, so they paid taxes, too.
i liked a lot of your other ideas, though.
but with the tax breaks they need to have criteria included, i worked for a company that was owned by IBM and Toshiba, then IBM sold to Toshiba who later sold to an american company, Micron. Micron was given all sorts of tax breaks, had new roads around the facility made and repaved the old ones....then a few months later, in feb, they laid off more than 3/4 of the place and moved the jobs to Taiwan.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
I like all of these except for repealing the 14th amendment. The due process clause is a cornerstone of the American justice system and tossing it out would be disastrous.
I'd also add that we should clear our jails of all non-violent simple possession drug offenders and repeal all laws criminalizing drug possession. They need treatment, not jail and it's a huge waste of police time and money to enforce those laws.
Just to let you know... the President is a President... not a King. He cannot simply decree something and make it so. He cannot change the way things work in Washington works in the inbred machinery with a wave of a hand or a stroke of a pen. No President could do that.
Hail, Hail!!!
Somebody should remind all of our presidents of this, and get rid of executive orders.
Thank you...I love how folks complain and say they "know" what to do or how to fix things, yet offer no alternative....
talk about totally writing the opposite of what you meant, i mean i've known a few illegal citizens
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Im not complaining. Im simply stating facts and pointing out what Obama said and what's happening with unemployment. This is a free country right ? can I not question the Messiah and I never said I knew how to fix things that's the job of our elected officials. The last time I checked they work for us .
Please feel free to question what you wish...I support that...I was simply questioning those who comment/complain yet offer nothing...I hope you're ok with that...
Some, and I'm not saying you, but some seem to think that Obama has a magic wand or can just snap his fingers and everything will be "fixed"...we live in a complex world...the recovery will take some time...
wtf......on one hand they say "need more time" and on the other "not working fast enough"
isn't 'needs more time' and 'not working fast enough' kinda the same thing??
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
the first 700 + billion.........needs more time to work.
the second ??? + billion........get it ready because the first 700 + billion is not working fast enough.