Senator Stuart Smalley (D-MN)



  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    prfctlefts wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    It wouldn't be fair to say that ALL politicians are crooked and don't care about what their constituants think. With that said - I personally believe that MOST politicians are crooked and don't care about what their constituants think. I can't believe AL FRANKEN is now a U.S. Sentator. It only proves - that only here in America - all things are possible. Including another Socialist country. No Thanks.

    I feel the same way.

    Right now most of the people that voted for Obama are probably paying more attention to M. J's death
    than what's really important.
    Like this so called cap and trade
    which is just a another name for higher taxes.

    i don't say too much around here but when i read stuff like this post i gotta speak up.

    that is a pretty hasty generalization there buddy. thats like saying most of the people that voted for mccain are more concerned about the "so you think you can dance" competition or the ed mcmahon funeral instead of what's really important. get over yourself and stop trying to insult the people that voted differently than you did. there are more of us around here than there are of you. you asked for help in this thread and you have ignored the help that people have offered. instead you take potshots at people. if your guy had any ideas other than tax cuts and continued war on terror and didn't pick a complete moron for a running mate you might have had a chance at winning. at least this administration is trying to do SOMETHING instead of the nothing bush and cheney did.

    it seems that you are just angry that a comedian is the 60th vote for the democrats. i wonder if you hold franken in the same high regard that you hold barney frank?

    i gotta hand it to norm coleman. he conceded instead of appealing it to the supreme court. but this should have been settled months ago.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    I replied - with full knowledge that this is a "leftist" websight. So - you can attack ME. No Republicans, Liberatians, nor Independents could possibly win here. It's like being on "The View" or "Real Time with Bill Maher." The "Extemest" always "gang-up" on those with opposing views. Some of us are actually capable of our own independent" thinking. So - Go "worship" the current President versus paying attention to his actual policies. Afterall - It's your Taxpayer dollars at stake, too. Enjoy!
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    PearlJain wrote:
    I replied - with full knowledge that this is a "leftist" websight. So - you can attack ME. No Republicans, Liberatians, nor Independents could possibly win here. It's like being on "The View" or "Real Time with Bill Maher." The "Extemest" always "gang-up" on those with opposing views. Some of us are actually capable of our own independent" thinking. So - Go "worship" the current President versus paying attention to his actual policies. Afterall - It's your Taxpayer dollars at stake, too. Enjoy!

    i am not worshipping anybody. they are men the same as i am.

    by the way, why is it mostly the republicans and independents that are starting threads like this and complaining about everything? so al franken won...big deal. i think more people voted against coleman than for franken. how else can you explain all of the other states that had incumbant seats go the other way? at any rate, do you really think that the dems have a fillibusterproof majority? hell no, they have 8 or 10 people that will not go along with the agenda on some issues, so franken's vote is not as important as what everyone is saying.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    prfctlefts wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    It wouldn't be fair to say that ALL politicians are crooked and don't care about what their constituants think. With that said - I personally believe that MOST politicians are crooked and don't care about what their constituants think. I can't believe AL FRANKEN is now a U.S. Sentator. It only proves - that only here in America - all things are possible. Including another Socialist country. No Thanks.

    I feel the same way.

    Right now most of the people that voted for Obama are probably paying more attention to M. J's death
    than what's really important.

    were you ever really interested in peoples responses when you asked for examples of how you can make a difference?

    i don't know why i even bothered offering genuine thoughts to you in this thread. you don't really want possible solutions, you just want to get your cheap nasty shots in whichever way you can.

    good luck with that.
    :lol::lol: :roll: :roll: Yeah whatever you say

    How is that a cheap or nasty shot ? It's very true. I meant no disrespect towards M.J. What I meant was there are more important things going on right now than his death IMO that's all.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    If that is what you mean, than just put it that way in the first place without the retarded "obama voters" comment. Talk like that makes you look like a hack
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    If that is what you mean, than just put it that way in the first place without the retarded "obama voters" comment. Talk like that makes you look like a hack

    +1 ledvedderman

    if you can't see how that was a shot at everyone that voted for obama, i don't know how i can make it any more clearer.

    what was the old saying? was it say what you mean, and mean what you say??
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Im so sorry if I offended you :roll: god forbid I say anything about the Messiah or any of his policies or any of you that fell for his B.S
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im so sorry if I offended you :roll: god forbid I say anything about the Messiah or any of his policies or any of you that fell for his B.S

    You didn't offend me and I'm not jumping your case because you said anything about the President and disagree with him. The point is that you are Talking Points 101. It's "Obama voters this" or "fell for his BS". Here's the deal, we support the mans policies and ideas. Believe it or not, many people researched the candidates and came to a conclusion. We're all not brainless drodes who need people to tell them how to think...leave that to the Christian right.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    So you get on his case, but then do exactly the same thing you are crying about.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    JB811 wrote:
    So you get on his case, but then do exactly the same thing you are crying about.

    So you caught that...can't get anything past you
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    JB811 wrote:
    So you get on his case, but then do exactly the same thing you are crying about.

    I do! HE may not say it - but I will.

    (Regarding Barney Frank and Al Franken) Same/Same.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    PearlJain wrote:
    JB811 wrote:
    So you get on his case, but then do exactly the same thing you are crying about.

    I do! HE may not say it - but I will.

    (Regarding Barney Frank and Al Franken) Same/Same.

    Judging by your don't get it
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    JB811 wrote:
    So you get on his case, but then do exactly the same thing you are crying about.

    So you caught that...can't get anything past you

    You are so smart Mr. message board Obama groupie. Your wit never fails to impress.
  • TriumphantAngelTriumphantAngel Posts: 1,760
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im so sorry if I offended you :roll: god forbid I say anything about the Messiah or any of his policies or any of you that fell for his B.S

    you know, for once, it would be damn awesome if you actually did have something worthy of debating instead of your childish insulting remarks.

    the problem with you is that you continually miss the point. say what you like about obama and his policies and his supporters, but if you want to be taken seriously, and not look like an uninformed troll, then it's usually a fairly good idea to not make rash generalisations and to back up what you are saying with facts.

    when you make comments like this, most of the people that voted for Obama are probably paying more attention to M. J's death than what's really important.'', it's very hard to take you seriously.

    by the way, care to share what your user name was on the old board? i'm more than happy to share mine. i can show you countless threads of where i posted numerous times, my in depth reasons for supporting obama. i'd love to see your contribution back then.

    over to you.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited July 2009
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im so sorry if I offended you :roll: god forbid I say anything about the Messiah or any of his policies or any of you that fell for his B.S

    you know, for once, it would be damn awesome if you actually did have something worthy of debating instead of your childish insulting remarks.

    the problem with you is that you continually miss the point. say what you like about obama and his policies and his supporters, but if you want to be taken seriously, and not look like an uninformed troll, then it's usually a fairly good idea to not make rash generalisations and to back up what you are saying with facts.

    when you make comments like this, most of the people that voted for Obama are probably paying more attention to M. J's death than what's really important.'', it's very hard to take you seriously.

    by the way, care to share what your user name was on the old board? i'm more than happy to share mine. i can show you countless threads of where i posted numerous times, my in depth reasons for supporting obama. i'd love to see your contribution back then.

    over to you.

    No you and the rest of the Obamamaniacs are the ones that are missing the point .You're to wrapped up in your ideology to see that Obama is going to tax us to death.And if I have to post a link to some other web site to prove it than you're the one that's not paying attention and that's uninformed not me.

    And I could care less what your old user name was on the old board or what you posted for that matter. It's easy to figure out that no matter what Obama does or says he can do no wrong in your eyes.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • dimitrispearljamdimitrispearljam Posts: 139,721
    and where is the gig?
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Im so sorry if I offended you :roll: god forbid I say anything about the Messiah or any of his policies or any of you that fell for his B.S

    you know, for once, it would be damn awesome if you actually did have something worthy of debating instead of your childish insulting remarks.

    the problem with you is that you continually miss the point. say what you like about obama and his policies and his supporters, but if you want to be taken seriously, and not look like an uninformed troll, then it's usually a fairly good idea to not make rash generalisations and to back up what you are saying with facts.

    when you make comments like this, most of the people that voted for Obama are probably paying more attention to M. J's death than what's really important.'', it's very hard to take you seriously.

    by the way, care to share what your user name was on the old board? i'm more than happy to share mine. i can show you countless threads of where i posted numerous times, my in depth reasons for supporting obama. i'd love to see your contribution back then.

    over to you.

    No you and the rest of the Obamamaniacs are the ones that are missing the point .You're to wrapped up in your ideology to see that Obama is going to tax us to death.And if I have to post a link to some other web site to prove it than you're the one that's not paying attention and that's uninformed not me.

    And I could care less what your old user name was on the old board or what you posted for that matter. It's easy to figure out that no matter what Obama does or says he can do no wrong in your eyes.

    you call us wrapped up in ideology, but you are the one that posts links from fox news and the heritage foundation.

    i do not mind paying taxes, i am an american and it is my duty to pay taxes. how else would we get the nice road you drive on? the difference between you and i is i understand that there is more to life than my life and my family. i support social programs and i do not mind paying for them. we are all in this together and if you become disabled i do not mind paying for your healthcare. if you don't like paying taxes don't call the fire department if your house catches fire. don't enroll in medicare. better yet, go throw some tea bags at your local govenment office. that will show them. :roll:

    i think what TA was trying to say is that they posted their reasons for supporting obama on the old board and they are not going to rehash them here. i am curious as to what your position was too prior to the old board closing. but to me it really does not matter. i just read posts and get a good laugh every now and then.

    what any of this has to do with al franken i have no idea.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    Obviously - there are different" political views on this thread. I personally oppose the "Leftist" way of thinking. It doesn't make either of us correct. Just different beliefs. However - I can't just sit here and read the attacks on those whom do not agree with Obama's policies - nor decisions. I don't either. I watch an entire host of the media - which includes "State-Run" media stations such as the three basiscs - ABC,NBC (puke!) and CBS (Couric......... again.......- PUKE!), as well as CNN and MSNBC (while my stomach allows it) and of course Fox News. We will never agree. EVER. But I'm not personally comfortable with people putting those of us independent thinkers into a "box" and labeling us as strange - just because we are not "mesmorized" by Obama. (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer) We may have opposting viewpoints than most of THIS particular websight. However - this is OUR country as well. And this IS "A MOVING TRAIN." Don't "beat-up" on those whom oppose your particular views - and I will try to do the same.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    PearlJain wrote:
    Obviously - there are different" political views on this thread. I personally oppose the "Leftist" way of thinking. It doesn't make either of us correct. Just different beliefs. However - I can't just sit here and read the attacks on those whom do not agree with Obama's policies - nor decisions. I don't either. I watch an entire host of the media - which includes "State-Run" media stations such as the three basiscs - ABC,NBC (puke!) and CBS (Couric......... again.......- PUKE!), as well as CNN and MSNBC (while my stomach allows it) and of course Fox News. We will never agree. EVER. But I'm not personally comfortable with people putting those of us independent thinkers into a "box" and labeling us as strange - just because we are not "mesmorized" by Obama. (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer) We may have opposting viewpoints than most of THIS particular websight. However - this is OUR country as well. And this IS "A MOVING TRAIN." Don't "beat-up" on those whom oppose your particular views - and I will try to do the same.

    I'm failing to see anyone getting "beat up" on here. We all disagree. There's a shock.

    Also, your "State-Run" comment nearly made me shit my pants with laughter. When this President brings in some dude from MSNBC to be his Press Secretary, maybe we'll talk then. I'm sure you didn't have any beef with it though when it was Tony Snow coming from Fox News to the White House. Fox carried W's water for eight years, and now you play the "state-run" card? Come on.

    Zinn a Socialist? Ooooooooh, scary.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    PearlJain wrote:
    (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer)

    Zinn is not a socialist writer, he's a historian and social activist. :roll:

    Oh, and for the record, anyone watching any form of American mainstream news is not getting the real story. The entire American media is shit and should not be influencing anyone.
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    Obviously - there are different" political views on this thread. I personally oppose the "Leftist" way of thinking. It doesn't make either of us correct. Just different beliefs. However - I can't just sit here and read the attacks on those whom do not agree with Obama's policies - nor decisions. I don't either. I watch an entire host of the media - which includes "State-Run" media stations such as the three basiscs - ABC,NBC (puke!) and CBS (Couric......... again.......- PUKE!), as well as CNN and MSNBC (while my stomach allows it) and of course Fox News. We will never agree. EVER. But I'm not personally comfortable with people putting those of us independent thinkers into a "box" and labeling us as strange - just because we are not "mesmorized" by Obama. (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer) We may have opposting viewpoints than most of THIS particular websight. However - this is OUR country as well. And this IS "A MOVING TRAIN." Don't "beat-up" on those whom oppose your particular views - and I will try to do the same.

    I'm failing to see anyone getting "beat up" on here. We all disagree. There's a shock.

    Also, your "State-Run" comment nearly made me shit my pants with laughter. When this President brings in some dude from MSNBC to be his Press Secretary, maybe we'll talk then. I'm sure you didn't have any beef with it though when it was Tony Snow coming from Fox News to the White House. Fox carried W's water for eight years, and now you play the "state-run" card? Come on.

    Zinn a Socialist? Ooooooooh, scary.

    We DO disagree - on so many levels. (RIP - Tony Snow.) He was a MUCH better Press Secretary than that shitty current one - just ask the leftis journalist - Helen Thomas. She's about "sick" of the "Obama Control Machine," too. And now all of you "Leftists are "ganging up" on her, too. Typical.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    Jeanwah wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer)

    Zinn is not a socialist writer, he's a historian and social activist. :roll:

    Oh, and for the record, anyone watching any form of American mainstream news is not getting the real story. The entire American media is shit and should not be influencing anyone.

    We can "debate" Howard Zinn" if you would like. But his writings are very "Socialistic" as well as "Anarchist. I think you SHOULDd "laugh your ass off" - especially when "cap and trade" and "Socialized Healthcare" eat away at your wallet, too. No wonder you enjoy him so much. Not to mention -I would like to continue to choose where my dontations go - not the gov't - which is to pay for all of this outrageous spending! And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued." I am a social worker - not a "community organizer" and liked to actually be paid for my work. I volunteer where I personally see fit - and do the same thing with my donations. There is so much abuse going on with the system. But I'm sure you know all about THAT, too.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    and where is the gig?
    And you're still here....because? Tomorrow - I'm going to start web-searching the possible crap going on in Greece - and then start questioning YOU personally as well as inserting my opinions. Just because.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    PearlJain wrote:
    We can "debate" Howard Zinn" if you would like. But his writings are very "Socialistic" as well as "Anarchist. I think you SHOULDd "laugh your ass off" - especially when "cap and trade" and "Socialized Healthcare" eat away at your wallet, too. No wonder you enjoy him so much. Not to mention -I would like to continue to choose where my dontations go - not the gov't - which is to pay for all of this outrageous spending! And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued." I am a social worker - not a "community organizer" and liked to actually be paid for my work. I volunteer where I personally see fit - and do the same thing with my donations. There is so much abuse going on with the system. But I'm sure you know all about THAT, too.

    Your excessive use of quotes makes me think of Chris Farley. I don't "use proper hygiene." I forget to "bathe regularly."
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    PearlJain wrote:
    We can "debate" Howard Zinn" if you would like. But his writings are very "Socialistic" as well as "Anarchist. I think you SHOULDd "laugh your ass off" - especially when "cap and trade" and "Socialized Healthcare" eat away at your wallet, too. No wonder you enjoy him so much. Not to mention -I would like to continue to choose where my dontations go - not the gov't - which is to pay for all of this outrageous spending! And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued." I am a social worker - not a "community organizer" and liked to actually be paid for my work. I volunteer where I personally see fit - and do the same thing with my donations. There is so much abuse going on with the system. But I'm sure you know all about THAT, too.

    Your excessive use of quotes makes me think of Chris Farley. I don't "use proper hygiene." I forget to "bathe regularly."
    I'm "laughing my ass off" right now. :lol:
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    Obviously - there are different" political views on this thread. I personally oppose the "Leftist" way of thinking. It doesn't make either of us correct. Just different beliefs. However - I can't just sit here and read the attacks on those whom do not agree with Obama's policies - nor decisions. I don't either. I watch an entire host of the media - which includes "State-Run" media stations such as the three basiscs - ABC,NBC (puke!) and CBS (Couric......... again.......- PUKE!), as well as CNN and MSNBC (while my stomach allows it) and of course Fox News. We will never agree. EVER. But I'm not personally comfortable with people putting those of us independent thinkers into a "box" and labeling us as strange - just because we are not "mesmorized" by Obama. (BTW - Howard Zinn/Sp? - A socialist writer) We may have opposting viewpoints than most of THIS particular websight. However - this is OUR country as well. And this IS "A MOVING TRAIN." Don't "beat-up" on those whom oppose your particular views - and I will try to do the same.

    I'm failing to see anyone getting "beat up" on here. We all disagree. There's a shock.

    Also, your "State-Run" comment nearly made me shit my pants with laughter. When this President brings in some dude from MSNBC to be his Press Secretary, maybe we'll talk then. I'm sure you didn't have any beef with it though when it was Tony Snow coming from Fox News to the White House. Fox carried W's water for eight years, and now you play the "state-run" card? Come on.

    Zinn a Socialist? Ooooooooh, scary.

    We DO disagree - on so many levels. (RIP - Tony Snow.) He was a MUCH better Press Secretary than that shitty current one - just ask the leftis journalist - Helen Thomas. She's about "sick" of the "Obama Control Machine," too. And now all of you "Leftists are "ganging up" on her, too. Typical.

    tony snow lied out of his ass with every breath he took while working for bush and fox news. he was a horrible press secretary. but i guess if you are gonna want a liar in there then snow was the best one for the job.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    PearlJain wrote:
    And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued."
    I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but he did inherit the mess we are in now. He chose to step-up and become president, and now has to deal with whats going on. He's been in office less than 7 months, and definitely could not have created this deficit we have now in that time. Bush's "war" on Iraq and his mismanagement of the gov't created a huge deficit.

    we are in this mess because of Bush and his administration. If I'm not mistaken, Clinton left office with almost a clean slate for the next prez.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    PearlJain wrote:
    and where is the gig?
    And you're still here....because? Tomorrow - I'm going to start web-searching the possible crap going on in Greece - and then start questioning YOU personally as well as inserting my opinions. Just because.

    so the guy is not from the US and now he can't have an opinion? last i checked it was an open board, and what americans do the majority of the time affects the rest of the world in one way or another. i value the opinions of people on this board from other countries. it is refreshing to get a perspective different than just the conservative vs liberal all the time.

    your rationale, as well as that of people like you is one of the reasons people do not like americans. "you are not from here so your opinion does not matter!!" what a childish worldview. isn't that what people said about france and germany in the lead up to the war? and they were the countries that turned out to be right in this case. it is not that black and white all of the time. if we disagree on something are you good and i am evil or something? no wonder you like palin and bush and co so much.

    i am still waiting to see how all of this ties into sen elect franken, who by the way is now in DC.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    We can "debate" Howard Zinn" if you would like. But his writings are very "Socialistic" as well as "Anarchist. I think you SHOULDd "laugh your ass off" - especially when "cap and trade" and "Socialized Healthcare" eat away at your wallet, too. No wonder you enjoy him so much. Not to mention -I would like to continue to choose where my dontations go - not the gov't - which is to pay for all of this outrageous spending! And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued." I am a social worker - not a "community organizer" and liked to actually be paid for my work. I volunteer where I personally see fit - and do the same thing with my donations. There is so much abuse going on with the system. But I'm sure you know all about THAT, too.

    Your excessive use of quotes makes me think of Chris Farley. I don't "use proper hygiene." I forget to "bathe regularly."

    You remind me of...well ....never mind. It's actually NOT very nice. You are really NOT very cool. And your "avatar" can't make you otherwise.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    We can "debate" Howard Zinn" if you would like. But his writings are very "Socialistic" as well as "Anarchist. I think you SHOULDd "laugh your ass off" - especially when "cap and trade" and "Socialized Healthcare" eat away at your wallet, too. No wonder you enjoy him so much. Not to mention -I would like to continue to choose where my dontations go - not the gov't - which is to pay for all of this outrageous spending! And please do not say "Obama inherited this" or I will come unglued." I am a social worker - not a "community organizer" and liked to actually be paid for my work. I volunteer where I personally see fit - and do the same thing with my donations. There is so much abuse going on with the system. But I'm sure you know all about THAT, too.

    Your excessive use of quotes makes me think of Chris Farley. I don't "use proper hygiene." I forget to "bathe regularly."

    You remind me of...well ....never mind. It's actually NOT very nice. You are really NOT very cool. And your "avatar" can't make you otherwise.

    Aww, come on... lighten up Jain! Just havin some fun, and the quote thing you've got going is kinda unusual.
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