The *OFFICIAL* Release Pearl Jam Unplugged on DVD/CD Thread



  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    wilmack88 wrote:
    New album sounds good.....PEARL JAM UNPLUGGGED on DVD/CD would be great!
    It would be a sweet bonus disc! Like the New's Year's show that came out last year.
  • chikevinchikevin Posts: 421
    danny72688 wrote:
    Unplugged, for your viewing pleasure (in crap bootleg quality) - Link removed :(

    Vote here now. Maybe with a large enough interest something could be done. Even if it takes 12 years the band will respond! Please don't be afraid to vote!

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, RELEASE THIS BAD BOY ON DVD, CD AND [size=+3]VINYL![/size] The demand is high! :D

    In the meantime, here's a mini Unplugged show :) Special feature one can hope.
    Unplugged in Paris (Tower Records).

    Please refer to post #27 (a big thank you to tradingstories) for the real official petition and sign your life away. If not for yourself for me:

    [size=+3]Sign on the dotted line by clicking here![/size]

    Get your friends to sign too!

    Thank You
    1. mamasan3
    2. brainofPJ
    3. pjalive21
    4. humanlight
    5. quickdex
    6. tradingstories ***original poster of the real petition*** (post 27)
    7. Lizardjam
    8. lance_gray
    9. PearlJamaholic
    10. Brutality
    11. SVRDhand13
    12. itsonlyevolution
    13. Soon_Forget
    14. theboxerorthebag
    15. Stonecold22
    16. GardenOfStone
    17. believe_n'_love
    18. Kricket
    19. wolfbear
    20. bmellow
    21. GiventoFall
    22. answers_are_fatal
    23. randaldoesjersey
    24. GR8Dane
    25. belfast1
    26. miskin
    27. Jussi
    28. RocksmySocks
    29. Jeanwah
    30. renaissancesr24
    31. stillalivejlp
    32. Jason_P
    33. sheets_of_clay
    34. i_was_diving...
    35. cookie5798
    36. Blind3
    37. RightSaidVed
    38. imfaithful
    39. nutmeg81
    40. OnceDivided
    41. Dedvw
    42. HeadlongRush
    43. Parachute_Fan
    44. StrawberryJam
    45. CWalker44
    46. RobynRAZ
    47. IamMine
    48. frank_black
    49. michaeljamesmccabe <- mastermind behind the Unplugged/Story Tellers combo pack
    50. jubilairesjl
    51. NMyTree
    52. jamjam
    53. PittsburghPJ
    54. Evolution1
    55. gaby
    56. Lost_Clay
    57. PJ_Habit
    58. Satan's_Dice
    59. Robert
    60. pazman
    61. Tassiepetals
    62. jammin1586
    63. chinobaeza
    64. Sidetracked
    65. BinGnarly
    66. pepe
    67. Clau_yellowled
    68. Philliesphan54
    69. edgarcamp
    70. ozsmalltowngirl
    71. AloneItGo
    72. PJ-Sin
    73. Nitro
    74. T-Case
    75. NCBRI
    76. tybird
    77. Hesoos
    78. hrd2imgn
    79. Niko80
    80. Ms._Haiku
    81. reachdown12
    82. parel_jam
    84. Johnse
    85. stonemonkeylives
    86. jamminpearls
    87. rage333
    88. Answers_In_Playdoh
    89. i_am_a_wishlist
    90. alice's_pearl_garden
    91. WhynotSweden
    92. nowayimfaithfull
    93. LauraPJ <- her copy should be the special "hot PJ guys" packaging
    94. lukin1982
    95. Happenstance
    96. I_Brisk_I
    97. scott_&_pearl_jam
    98. eleonora
    99. Buru
    100. mumi
    101. Adr1an
    102. jlew24asu
    103. sebaarg88
    104. cabeza
    105. spikeyblue
    106. somebodyelse'ssky
    107. undone1
    108. Y Davanita Y
    109. Collin
    110. iluvcats
    111. imspinnin
    112. pearl_jam_rules
    113. Deadlee74
    114. XieLanthia
    115. BornToLive
    116. lamperti77
    117. Lisa81
    118. stonetemplejam
    119. *given*to*fly* <- his copy should be the special "hot chicks" packaging
    120. crazy_mary
    121. Corey_Erven <- mass phone call/email conspirer
    122. Inky
    123. Lynn
    124. NeilJam
    125. 2-feign-reluctance
    126. bcsbadboys
    127. wolfman
    128. sgossard3
    129. pearlposterfan
    130. spread_the_jam
    131. Vedder_Crossing
    132. Horos
    133. morgie2
    134. seanw1010
    135. Lost_Dog_1977
    136. Uninvited_Guest
    137. Vinyl'sTheWayToGo
    138. Mishral
    139. cherylcrowe
    140. Ten_Dude
    141. Jemvie
    142. mardud
    143. whygo
    144. yosi <- service with a smile
    145. Jibiti
    146. SammieBlack
    147. I_met_Ed
    148. ndrummerc
    149. Lizard
    150. git_r_done
    151. yellowled24
    152. Final_Straw
    153. Grundy
    154. Margo
    155. redsfan1
    156. DTE2010
    157. thriftstoreflannel
    158. The_Bride
    159. irishwombat
    160. surfponce
    161. chikevin
    162. LeilaMoonTurtle
    163. SnowRider
    164. Super_Vedder
    165. bookmuse
    166. vedhead19
    167. momofglynn
    168. iwouldtakeyouthere
    169. Comatosed
    170. shackles31
    171. Brez
    172. cutback
    173. this_is_not_for_you
    174. rearviewmiror
    175. Strutter
    176. tara
    177. lvprljm
    178. Badmind
    179. BetterVedder
    180. salt_creep
    181. Wally
    182. jeremy_spoke_in
    183. DiRtyFranK38
    184. londonwpr
    185. wish4Utoday
    186. chrisg72
    187. .:bee:.
    188. Apocrypha
    189. mole1985
    190. invest-it-all
    191. my_small_self
    192. niner
    193. bmarsh10
    194. kenshunt
    195. fyreguy73
    196. always4036
    197. SmallTown
    198. glasshouse
    199. Model~Roll_Model
    200. UncleSalty
    201. encore_break
    202. whispering_hands
    203. yorkie
    204. wahine
    205. stylo17
    206. StephB12345
    207. dane
    208. danielheyes
    209. binauralonthecape
    210. i_like_matt.c
    211. Superdude
    212. October22
    213. viviflu
    214. BinFrog
    215. nuffingman
    216. oceanflower
    217. AloneWV
    218. Mike_Muse_Rage
    219. tunodamai
    220. MissUAlready
    221. Boozer
    222. 5_against_1
    223. lukin321
    224. Marius
    225. Jam10
    226. Linda
    227. danny
    228. kamali_o_ke_kai
    229. footstepps
    230. Dirty_Frankk
    231. TheJUGGERNAUT29
    232. flaskehals
    233. kevin_Peschel
    234. Pearjamfanno1
    235. Jzs20
    236. Ricsard
    237. a5pj
    238. Lestat14
    239. Chris1401
    240. singularity
    241. E.Bloom
    242. Sarah_D.
    243. mitchmoore2
    244. Ten_1387
    245. nameless
    246. Dillsnufus
    247. pjmarley1
    248. edderly
    249. fluttergirlie
    250. Oasis
    251. Hawkshore
    252. biomega
    253. Junkhead_Aic
    254. Tiziana
    255. clo
    256. SlightOfHand
    257. shershockley
    258. Carlos_D
    259. ucsbledbetter
    260. was_on_the_porch
    261. anotherclone
    262. Oxxys
    263. NC_Irie
    264. Restless_Soul
    265. Betterman77
    266. einatshaul
    267. robgray2772
    268. Bangers'n'mash
    269. Rise-Above
    270. amir
    271. Monkey_Wrench
    272. smile05
    273. marker_in_the_sand
    274. goldrush
    275. hard_sun
    276. wilmack88
    277. Mohab
    278. Dvoe
    279. yielder
    280. Dreamfire 2
    281. allforcarrie
    282. Washed
    283. jmst219
    284. crishine79
    285. V_V
    286. BrainofRobbieJ
    287. dontgimmenolip
    288. DiRtYyELLoWoCeAn
    289. landrybelle
    290. fanforlife
    291. Yellow_Ledbelly
    292. Robbie_C
    293. TouringFan2000
    294. LongRd.
    295. hiding103006
    296. failedpersephone
    297. Eternal_Jamnation
    298. tiklemynausea
    299. Pandaaka
    300. solution_pollution
    301. Pjfanslive
    302. jorgems
    303. Murderers
    304. Charlie_the_man
    305. kent_f

    And another big thanks to my partners in crime brainofPJ, Lizardjam, tradingstories, HeadlongRush, LauraPJ, Clau_yellowled, iluvcats, Y Davanita Y, Collin, nowayimfaithfull, Badmind, kenshunt, dane, and wilmack88.
    I welcome anyone else to jump on the "bump this bitch to the top" bandwagon.
    beggars can't be choosers.
    get over it. if you don't have it already, then you just aren't resouceful.

    if you want it for the extras...well, they'll eventually release extras when they want to. if they don't want 'extras' out there...then it won't be released.

    the whole *official* thing isn't going to inspire them to figure something out.

    just be happy you have it at all.
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    chikevin wrote:
    beggars can't be choosers.
    get over it. if you don't have it already, then you just aren't resouceful.

    if you want it for the extras...well, they'll eventually release extras when they want to. if they don't want 'extras' out there...then it won't be released.

    the whole *official* thing isn't going to inspire them to figure something out.

    just be happy you have it at all.

    What's this all about??
    Beggars can't be choosers?! Yes they can. We beg for an official release of this awesome show, because we choose NOT to settle for the shitty versions outthere.
    And what's this about not being resourceful? I guess your right, but this is the reason for the petition. Apparently you have it cause your're so resourceful and that's cool. My advice is, share or sign!
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • chikevinchikevin Posts: 421
    dane wrote:
    What's this all about??
    Beggars can't be choosers?! Yes they can. We beg for an official release of this awesome show, because we choose NOT to settle for the shitty versions outthere.
    And what's this about not being resourceful? I guess your right, but this is the reason for the petition. Apparently you have it cause your're so resourceful and that's cool. My advice is, share or sign!
    my guess is what i have to share, the entire show with the breaks included, is something more than 50% of the people who have signed this bogus petition already have.

    you want me to spread the jam? i have....and more.
    just b/c you confine yourself to 'this place' doesn't mean there's a lack of 'dvd or cd' shows out there.

    just ask.

    if you don't have this entire show, just ask.

    there's no doubt that someone would be willing to share it with you in a b&p.

    i'd offer it up, but i've already been somewhere that i've sent 5 copies, using my own money, to help 'spread the jam'.

    so quite bitching and be resourseful. there's no reason to spend $30 for an 'official' release if you already have every minute for free.
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    chikevin wrote:
    my guess is what i have to share, the entire show with the breaks included, is something more than 50% of the people who have signed this bogus petition already have.

    you want me to spread the jam? i have....and more.
    just b/c you confine yourself to 'this place' doesn't mean there's a lack of 'dvd or cd' shows out there.

    just ask.

    if you don't have this entire show, just ask.

    there's no doubt that someone would be willing to share it with you in a b&p.

    i'd offer it up, but i've already been somewhere that i've sent 5 copies, using my own money, to help 'spread the jam'.

    so quite bitching and be resourseful. there's no reason to spend $30 for an 'official' release if you already have every minute for free.

    Wow, you really resent all of us that "confine ourselves" to this place, huh?
    Don't really feel like arguing with you, so I'll take your advice and search for a proper copy of it outthere. Maybe I'll even get lucky enough, to find the copy that you have, and I'll finally be resourceful.
    But that won't stop me from asking people to sign this petition, bogus or not.
    I would be willing to cough up $30 to have an official release.

    So to all you lurkers: SIGN NOW!

    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    chikevin wrote:
    beggars can't be choosers.
    get over it. if you don't have it already, then you just aren't resouceful.

    if you want it for the extras...well, they'll eventually release extras when they want to. if they don't want 'extras' out there...then it won't be released.

    the whole *official* thing isn't going to inspire them to figure something out.

    just be happy you have it at all.
    To be honest, I'm collecting x amount of signatures, then going to propose the list and the online petition and request it be released by contacting the appropriate measures.

    Most of us die hards have the show. I have it, I won't lie, but it's crap. It's not up to my standards or 305 other Pit members. Computer illiterates/people with no computer, casual fans, even potential fans who love a good acoustic set, will benefit from this. All of us here will benefit if we choose to by having a great quality version of this. Not everyone cares for this show, but obviously I do so why the hell not? Is it wasting your time?

    And I don't bump this all day, once a day at best. New members join, some just to stick their name on this as they've told me. Some members don't hang out all day. This isn't really a begging thing but I'm sure most see it that way. Doesn't bother me. I certainly don't lose sleep over that.

    Take care.
  • nowayimfaithfullnowayimfaithfull Posts: 2,051
    chikevin wrote:
    beggars can't be choosers.
    get over it. if you don't have it already, then you just aren't resouceful.

    if you want it for the extras...well, they'll eventually release extras when they want to. if they don't want 'extras' out there...then it won't be released.

    the whole *official* thing isn't going to inspire them to figure something out.

    just be happy you have it at all.

    no need to call people out, This thread is one that is usually positive, except for the ocasional joke.
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • kenshuntkenshunt London, Ontario, Canada Posts: 2,863
    London 2005
    Toronto 2011 night 2
    Hamilton 2011
    London 2013
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    kenshunt wrote:

    Well said!!
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • happy2beherehappy2behere Posts: 148
    the 2 sides are talking. this could happen soon.
    very good bump.
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    the 2 sides are talking. this could happen soon.
    very good bump.

    Wait! What?
    Where have you heard this?

    oh, and bump btw
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    the 2 sides are talking. this could happen soon.
    very good bump.
    This is news! Well, for me anyway ;)
    May I ask where you got this snippet of info?
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    @ Happy2behere:

    You can't just blurt (sp?) things like that out. Where did you hear this? Do you have a link? Are you just fuckin' with us?
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • pearljim10pearljim10 AZ Posts: 404
    i just signed. let's get this released.
    The plural of VINYL is VINYL. slh

    1996 - Randalls Island 9/28 9/29, Buffalo 10/1
    1998 - Camden 8/28 8/29, East Rutherford 9/8, MSG 9/10, Hartford 9/13
    2000 - Letterman 4/12, Jones Beach 8/23 8/24 8/25, Saratoga Springs 8/27
    2003 - Long Island 4/30, Phoenix 6/7, MSG 7/8 7/9
    2006 - San Diego 7/7
    2009 - Philly IV 10/31
    2010 - MSG 5/20 5/21
    2011 - PJ20 Movie 9/23
    2012 - EV Phoenix 4/13
    2013 - Phoenix 11/19
    2016 - Telluride 7/10
    2018 - Boston/Fenway 9/4
    2019 - EV Tempe Innings Festival 3/3
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    It's mother's day, you little worm (no pm from you)

    AND NO PJ UNPLUGGED on MTV DVD gift from you either!
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    iluvcats wrote:
    It's mother's day, you little worm (no pm from you)

    AND NO PJ UNPLUGGED on MTV DVD gift from you either!
    Happy mom's day mom :)
    I got you Unplugged but I was mugged at the bus stop and it was the only copy. I'm sorry.
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    pearljim10 wrote:
    i just signed. let's get this released.
    Right on! I just got jacked the only copy ever! It did look a bit like Ed now that I think of it........
  • happy2beherehappy2behere Posts: 148
    dane wrote:
    @ Happy2behere:

    You can't just blurt (sp?) things like that out. Where did you hear this? Do you have a link? Are you just fuckin' with us?

    not fucking with anyone. the band and sony have been talking for years, it is closer than ever. everyone wants it out, it is on whose terms that have been holding it up.
    be positive.
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    not fucking with anyone. the band and sony have been talking for years, it is closer than ever. everyone wants it out, it is on whose terms that have been holding it up.
    be positive.
    Well I love being optimistic!
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    not fucking with anyone. the band and sony have been talking for years, it is closer than ever. everyone wants it out, it is on whose terms that have been holding it up.
    be positive.

    Oh, I am positive and I'm shure this will happen some day. I just didn't know that they have been speaking to Sony about it for years.

    That being said, I'm having a hard time being positive about Sony and what might come out of them having a say in the matter..........

    Nevermind; IT WILL BE RELEASED!!
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    danny72688 wrote:
    Happy mom's day mom :)
    I got you Unplugged but I was mugged at the bus stop and it was the only copy. I'm sorry.

    that's better!
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    it shall be released...

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    For my post #1500 I would like to encourage everybody to sign here:
    Let's get this baby released!!
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • King47King47 Posts: 23
    Just signed (#5764). We really need this to happen. Thanks to the initiator of the petition!! Keep in rollling.
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    King47 wrote:
    Just signed (#5764). We really need this to happen. Thanks to the initiator of the petition!! Keep in rollling.
    No problem.
  • danedane Posts: 1,062
    This thread is doing good! :)
    Don't have to bump it up from page 13 anymore and more ppl are signing. Nice!

    But the goal hasn't been reached yet. So sign now!
    Roskilde 30-06-00
    Berlin 23-09-06
    Copenhagen 26-06-07
    "This is not wine that I'm drinking tonight. This is Gatorade!" EV-Copenhagen 26-06-07
  • prytocorduroyprytocorduroy Posts: 4,355
    It's a good day today. A good day for Unplugged to be released.
  • RicsardRicsard Posts: 1,943
    let's just not forget about this petition!
    Eddie: Dublin & London
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