You know, it really sucks to hear the hate and ignorance that so many people have projected on MJ.
He was an amazing artist, a beautiful soul, and despite all the crap the media put him through, he stayed
positive and hopeful.
Let me remind you that MJ was acquited for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecuter) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophelia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immidiatly call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinfromation and often simplified worldviews of the populair press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naievely.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.[/quote]Maybe you were typing fast in a fired-up frenzy of emotion but when you write about people being uneducated or the fact that you have a degree you should use your spellcheck or they will eat you ALIVE.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Let me remind you that MJ was acquited for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecuter) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophelia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immidiatly call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinfromation and often simplified worldviews of the populair press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naievely.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.
Maybe you were typing fast in a fired-up frenzy of emotion but when you write about people being uneducated or the fact that you have a degree you should use your spellcheck or they will eat you ALIVE.[/quote]
exactly. the ONLY thing that came out of the decade plus long investigation of the abuse allegations was that the second accusers mom was insane. She was a documented liar. Not about frivolous stuff like lying about her job to friends, but she lied about being assaulted by a security guard at Walmart, to try and get money. And again, she said she was worried, that Michael and his handlers would kidnap her and her son via a hot air balloon. Thats looney tunes folks.
The LAPD ripped apart Neverland, They searched everything and everywhere. They found NOT A DAMN THING.
And its odd. If michael was made out to be some pedophile, wouldnt he have shown a pattern? Michael had sleepovers and hung out with many kids. The majority never accused him of a damn thing. High profile people like Macauley Culkin, Wade Robson and Corey Feldman all had sleepovers. None of them said Michael did anything inappropriate. Maybe they said he never did anything, because, OH MY GOD...he didnt do anything ever to kids! What a shocker people!
Maybe you were typing fast in a fired-up frenzy of emotion but when you write about people being uneducated or the fact that you have a degree you should use your spellcheck or they will eat you ALIVE.
You're a completly right. I did write the message quickly (because I was kind if fed up with the childish behaviour on this board). Another reason that I didn't spell check is because it was 4 am in the morning when I wrote the message. I was veeerrrry tired. Besides, (but this is not really that important) I'm not a native speaker. I would love to debate for once in the Dutch language
All I wanted to make clear is that things aren't as black or white (no pun intended) as some make it out to be. I agree with your statements about the mother. The information I reffered to is also out there tho, so the information about the mother is not the ONLY information, but definitly important. I think that your comments about the "pattern" hits the nail on its head.
I'm off having breakfast now and dust off an Michael Jackson album I haven't listened to in ages. I would like to thank you for your constructive responses; it can still happen on this board. And that feels good.
My quick two cents on the child molestation thing….
If MJ did do anything questionable, I really don’t think he knew was doing anything bad. That’s how messed up he was. Not to make excuses for him, because it’s a terrible act. But that’s my opinion.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
My quick two cents on the child molestation thing….
If MJ did do anything questionable, I really don’t think he knew was doing anything bad. That’s how messed up he was. Not to make excuses for him, because it’s a terrible act. But that’s my opinion.
i cant say anything about him..i just see some stuff in the news then,,i dont know,,but his life was questionable anyway..not for me,,for him,,now he takes it with him,,and i respect your opinion,no matter what u say..
and we have a funny expresion in greece about opinion...
"opinions is like asses....everybody has one.."!!!!!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please just make sure the children of the world are safe. 5 minutes later Michael Jackson died.
That pic’s pretty recent. I think it’s in the same packet as the one with their faces pressed up against the glass. (so funny) and the b&w pic standing in an upside down V. Maybe press release pics for Avocado?
btw, what's the name of that album he's holding? off the wall? i mean i know it's MJ, just don't know which album it is.
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please just make sure the children of the world are safe. 5 minutes later Michael Jackson died.
That's so funny! It's only been told about 10 million times now. :roll:
That pic’s pretty recent. I think it’s in the same packet as the one with their faces pressed up against the glass. (so funny) and the b&w pic standing in an upside down V. Maybe press release pics for Avocado?
btw, what's the name of that album he's holding? off the wall? i mean i know it's MJ, just don't know which album it is.
Not a MJ expert but I believe that is the album "In The Closet"
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please just make sure the children of the world are safe. 5 minutes later Michael Jackson died.
That's so funny! It's only been told about 10 million times now. :roll:
it wasn't even funny the first time. Vert sad people pick on a mentally ill person.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
That pic’s pretty recent. I think it’s in the same packet as the one with their faces pressed up against the glass. (so funny) and the b&w pic standing in an upside down V. Maybe press release pics for Avocado?
btw, what's the name of that album he's holding? off the wall? i mean i know it's MJ, just don't know which album it is.
Not a MJ expert but I believe that is the album "In The Closet"
Yes, In The Closet is the title
It is a 12" single from the Dangerous Album, released in 1991
It is a song he released to attempt to silence critics who questioned his sexual orientation...
"No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
Let me remind you that MJ was acquitted for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecutor) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophilia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immediately call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinformation and often simplified world views of the popular press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naively.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.
I really cannot believe you'd go through so much trouble to defend Michael Jackson. I understand you like his music but even talented people are sometimes bad. I didn't make a tasteless joke about him;
I simple think it is sick that everyone is glorifying this man. It's not my place to judge him. If your believe in God then God will judge him. But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead. You know a lot of psychological terminology but that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids. And people like that are worthless to this world.
I really cannot believe you'd go through so much trouble to defend Michael Jackson. I understand you like his music but even talented people are sometimes bad. I didn't make a tasteless joke about him;
I simple think it is sick that everyone is glorifying this man. It's not my place to judge him. If your believe in God then God will judge him. But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead. You know a lot of psychological terminology but that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids. And people like that are worthless to this world.
You're overlooking the fact that most people believe he's INNOCENT, and a court of law agreed. You're talking as though he has been proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your comments are uninformed, ignorant and out of line. It has nothing to do with liking his music or not. It's about being an informed, intelligent person.
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,636
Let me remind you that MJ was acquitted for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecutor) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophilia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immediately call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinformation and often simplified world views of the popular press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naively.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.
I really cannot believe you'd go through so much trouble to defend Michael Jackson. I understand you like his music but even talented people are sometimes bad. I didn't make a tasteless joke about him;
I simple think it is sick that everyone is glorifying this man. It's not my place to judge him. If your believe in God then God will judge him. But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead. You know a lot of psychological terminology but that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids. And people like that are worthless to this world.
So "the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead." Please explain this sentence. He was never found guilty so it is impossible for you to back this up. The world would be a better place without dumb motherfuckers making remarks like this one. You say "that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids", can you prove that he did? I'm sure the authorities would have loved to hear your evidence a few years ago Detective. You can't prove that he did what you are accusing him of and in the eyes of the law he was an innocent, but troubled, man.
People are "glorifying this man" because a true musical visionary who inspired millions of people has now passed. In terms of the impact he made on the music scene he was one of the absolute greatest, no matter what you think of his music, and nobody else will ever make that kind of impact again. The simple fact is that his 3 children will now grow up without a father and the music world will be a poorer place.
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
So "the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead." Please explain this sentence. He was never found guilty so it is impossible for you to back this up. The world would be a better place without dumb motherfuckers making remarks like this one. You say "that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids", can you prove that he did? I'm sure the authorities would have loved to hear your evidence a few years ago Detective. You can't prove that he did what you are accusing him of and in the eyes of the law he was an innocent, but troubled, man.
People are "glorifying this man" because a true musical visionary who inspired millions of people has now passed. In terms of the impact he made on the music scene he was one of the absolute greatest, no matter what you think of his music, and nobody else will ever make that kind of impact again. The simple fact is that his 3 children will now grow up without a father and the music world will be a poorer place.
These people don't understand that their comments are rude, classless, uninformed and unnccessary. It has nothing to do with believeing he's innocent or not. It's about having an open mind and respecting the people who DO believe he is innocent, in their time of mourning.
My quick two cents on the child molestation thing….
If MJ did do anything questionable, I really don’t think he knew was doing anything bad. That’s how messed up he was. Not to make excuses for him, because it’s a terrible act. But that’s my opinion.
I've actually always believed that he did actually sleep with a lot of those kids. But I mean that literally, as in had a sleepover and they shared the bed. I honestly don't think he ever did anything sexual with any children. Not that what he did is ok, but it hardly makes him a criminal pedophile. I just suspect that he had so many issues that he didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing and it was totally innocent and harmless. He was a very troubled man, but not in the dangerous in frightening sense.
My quick two cents on the child molestation thing….
If MJ did do anything questionable, I really don’t think he knew was doing anything bad. That’s how messed up he was. Not to make excuses for him, because it’s a terrible act. But that’s my opinion.
I've actually always believed that he did actually sleep with a lot of those kids. But I mean that literally, as in had a sleepover and they shared the bed. I honestly don't think he ever did anything sexual with any children. Not that what he did is ok, but it hardly makes him a criminal pedophile. I just suspect that he had so many issues that he didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing and it was totally innocent and harmless. He was a very troubled man, but not in the dangerous in frightening sense.
I agree 100%
We'll never really know the truth, but this is how I see it and I give Michael the benefit of the doubt just because he is so unusual.
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please just make sure the children of the world are safe. 5 minutes later Michael Jackson died.
Oh my god. That is so funny. I have never heard or read that before. Did you just make that up? You should write jokes for a living. Again, very funny and original.
Let me remind you that MJ was acquitted for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecutor) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophilia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immediately call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinformation and often simplified world views of the popular press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naively.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.
I really cannot believe you'd go through so much trouble to defend Michael Jackson. I understand you like his music but even talented people are sometimes bad. I didn't make a tasteless joke about him;
I simple think it is sick that everyone is glorifying this man. It's not my place to judge him. If your believe in God then God will judge him. But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead. You know a lot of psychological terminology but that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids. And people like that are worthless to this world.
Dear Thecorey,
I didn't once state in my message that I liked his music. My opinion of his music is of no importance. What I reacted to is the enormous amount of prejudice and uninformed statements thrown on this forum. I think that some people will think it's humorous and "cool". I think it's childish, prejudiced, ignorant, disrespectful and even more than that distasteful. It brings the whole value of this board down and is an insult to the intellect of many fans. These aren't statements in my opinion that mature people will make, only people with little or no life experience.
More importantly, in the end, these messages says more about the writer than the subject.
Just take a look at two sentences in your mail:
"But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead." and "And people like that are worthless to this world."
These are bold statements. Indicating you believe you can be your own judge and jury deciding about life and death, pass your own verdict based on rumors and hearesay, and have the right to decide whose allowed to live and who isn't. Even more: which person has the worth to live and who has not. Very scary in my opinion. And very sad. This symbolises everything from my POV what Pearl Jam (in their ideology and philosophy) does not stand for; as a matter of fact what they always rebelled against: ignorance.
You may wish people to their grave. This is something I am not able to do.
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please just make sure the children of the world are safe. 5 minutes later Michael Jackson died.
Here is another one:
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please let the ignorant show their ignorance.
HE MOLESTED LITTLE BOYS ...END OF STORY>>> i hope he gets rapped by the devil him self when he gets there..................................
THIS JUST IN.................MJ DIDNT DIE OF cardiac arrest,,,,,,,,,,,HE DIED OF FOOD POISONING........ he ate 12 year old nuggets
This pretty sums up the category that is the ten clubs fucking idiot members.
Get a grip. The guys just died. Is this really the best you can come up with? For fucks sake you comment like you knew him, and you witnessed first hand. Sure of course though you want to believe a 14 year old who saw the $ signs and then took the money rather than go for the justice he claimed to really want.
Go on keep believing what the news/papers tell you. Or keep reading your comics. Whatever keeps that simple mind ticking.
i don't know if he'll do a song but i'm sure he will talk about it...and i'm also sure he won't crack tasteless jokes or act like a fucking disrespectful douche like some of the people around here.
just because michael jackson was a celebrity doesn't make him different from all of the other pedophiles and predators of innocent children
Let me remind you that MJ was acquitted for all seven accounts in the court of law by an independent jury. Let me also emphasise - not generally known - that a psychiatrist (who was in the first instance actually hired by the prosecutor) testified that MJ didn't show signs of pedophilia or could be profiled as such. But I guess you know better, because you have a degree in ... what? Know-it-all? Or is it the often I-can-make-uneducated-statements-cause-I-read-some-newspapers degree?
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immediately call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinformation and often simplified world views of the popular press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naively.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.
couple of comments on the above:
1) being found not guilty doesn't mean you didn't do it, it just means it wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt (see OJ)
2) if you had a neighbor who wasn't an international star who admittedly slept in same bed with little boys would you have the same opinion and/or let your children near him? you are flat out lying if you say you would - you would think your neighbor was a creepy pedophile like most rational people feel MJ was.
couple of comments on the above:
1) being found not guilty doesn't mean you didn't do it, it just means it wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt (see OJ)
2) if you had a neighbor who wasn't an international star who admittedly slept in same bed with little boys would you have the same opinion and/or let your children near him? you are flat out lying if you say you would - you would think your neighbor was a creepy pedophile like most rational people feel MJ was.
"not proven beyond a reasonable doubt" seems to me very important in this case...
And regarding your second point: he was an "international" star. There is no point of comparing him with Joe on the street. His stardom could have been (partly) the source of his problem(s) and his eccentric behaviour. There is no way of going around that. Or in other words: you can't compare "normal" behaviour with someone who had no "normal life"; his behaviour per definition will be shaped and formed by his background.
Now, before I'm misunderstood, I'm not advocating his innocence. For I don't know. All I'm saying is that you should keep an open mind before passing judgement and take a close look at his pathology. From everything I read I'm not convinced he was a pedophile. I do think he had severe identity issues however, which translated itself in his drugabuse and also in the way he perceived himself. (The so called BDD I mentiond earlier.) I see him therefore more as a tragic figure instead of a predator. But that's my personal POV and not one you have to share with me.
Now, this is the last thing I will write on this subject, for I slowly feel that I'm on a MJ forum instead of a PJ forum. All I will say is: do not immediatly pass judgement, get informed (there are very interesting articles out there) and last, for Christ sake, keep some respect. For we don't know. (That's the bottom line.) And there is enough people here that are mourning and/or are touched by this tragic loss of life.
You know, it really sucks to hear the hate and ignorance that so many people have projected on MJ.
He was an amazing artist, a beautiful soul, and despite all the crap the media put him through, he stayed
positive and hopeful.
Thank you for sticking up for him!
The reality is often a bit more complicated than that.
Don't get me wrong: I think MJ was troubled (there are even scientific articles out there that state that he may have suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and that he had severe identity issues. (Especially concerning his age.) But to immidiatly call him a pedophile tells me a) you know nothing about this (specific) sexual disorder and b) that you, like many others, believe the disinfromation and often simplified worldviews of the populair press. And that's too bad. We're a fanbased oriented community for Christ's sake; of all people we should know how distorted the general media can be.
Now this is probably a bit of a too complicated response and the last thing I'm going to be part of is a silly debate of yes/no. Or "but he stated he slept with boys" arguments etc. (Which is btw a statement a pedophile will not make, for his purpose is sexual. A person who is confused re his age however will make this statement openly and naievely.) A very talented man has passed away who has influenced the music industry, thousands of artists and crossed boundaries, artistically and geographically, that most artists can only dream off. He was a troubled genius, undoubtedly. A misunderstood man. And the least you can do is show some respect and get informed.
And yes I do have a degree.[/quote]Maybe you were typing fast in a fired-up frenzy of emotion but when you write about people being uneducated or the fact that you have a degree you should use your spellcheck or they will eat you ALIVE.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
exactly. the ONLY thing that came out of the decade plus long investigation of the abuse allegations was that the second accusers mom was insane. She was a documented liar. Not about frivolous stuff like lying about her job to friends, but she lied about being assaulted by a security guard at Walmart, to try and get money. And again, she said she was worried, that Michael and his handlers would kidnap her and her son via a hot air balloon. Thats looney tunes folks.
The LAPD ripped apart Neverland, They searched everything and everywhere. They found NOT A DAMN THING.
Tom Sneddon was out to get Michael.
You're a completly right. I did write the message quickly (because I was kind if fed up with the childish behaviour on this board). Another reason that I didn't spell check is because it was 4 am in the morning when I wrote the message. I was veeerrrry tired. Besides, (but this is not really that important) I'm not a native speaker. I would love to debate for once in the Dutch language
All I wanted to make clear is that things aren't as black or white (no pun intended) as some make it out to be. I agree with your statements about the mother. The information I reffered to is also out there tho, so the information about the mother is not the ONLY information, but definitly important. I think that your comments about the "pattern" hits the nail on its head.
I'm off having breakfast now and dust off an Michael Jackson album I haven't listened to in ages. I would like to thank you for your constructive responses; it can still happen on this board. And that feels good.
My quick two cents on the child molestation thing….
If MJ did do anything questionable, I really don’t think he knew was doing anything bad. That’s how messed up he was. Not to make excuses for him, because it’s a terrible act. But that’s my opinion.
and we have a funny expresion in greece about opinion...
"opinions is like asses....everybody has one.."!!!!!!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
How recent is this pic?
8/7/08, 6/9/09
That pic’s pretty recent. I think it’s in the same packet as the one with their faces pressed up against the glass. (so funny) and the b&w pic standing in an upside down V. Maybe press release pics for Avocado?
btw, what's the name of that album he's holding? off the wall? i mean i know it's MJ, just don't know which album it is.
That's so funny! It's only been told about 10 million times now. :roll:
Not a MJ expert but I believe that is the album "In The Closet"
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Yes, In The Closet is the title
It is a 12" single from the Dangerous Album, released in 1991
It is a song he released to attempt to silence critics who questioned his sexual orientation...
I really cannot believe you'd go through so much trouble to defend Michael Jackson. I understand you like his music but even talented people are sometimes bad. I didn't make a tasteless joke about him;
I simple think it is sick that everyone is glorifying this man. It's not my place to judge him. If your believe in God then God will judge him. But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead. You know a lot of psychological terminology but that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids. And people like that are worthless to this world.
You're overlooking the fact that most people believe he's INNOCENT, and a court of law agreed. You're talking as though he has been proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your comments are uninformed, ignorant and out of line. It has nothing to do with liking his music or not. It's about being an informed, intelligent person.
So "the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead." Please explain this sentence. He was never found guilty so it is impossible for you to back this up. The world would be a better place without dumb motherfuckers making remarks like this one. You say "that doesn't mean he didn't jerk off kids", can you prove that he did? I'm sure the authorities would have loved to hear your evidence a few years ago Detective. You can't prove that he did what you are accusing him of and in the eyes of the law he was an innocent, but troubled, man.
People are "glorifying this man" because a true musical visionary who inspired millions of people has now passed. In terms of the impact he made on the music scene he was one of the absolute greatest, no matter what you think of his music, and nobody else will ever make that kind of impact again. The simple fact is that his 3 children will now grow up without a father and the music world will be a poorer place.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
These people don't understand that their comments are rude, classless, uninformed and unnccessary. It has nothing to do with believeing he's innocent or not. It's about having an open mind and respecting the people who DO believe he is innocent, in their time of mourning.
I've actually always believed that he did actually sleep with a lot of those kids. But I mean that literally, as in had a sleepover and they shared the bed. I honestly don't think he ever did anything sexual with any children. Not that what he did is ok, but it hardly makes him a criminal pedophile. I just suspect that he had so many issues that he didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing and it was totally innocent and harmless. He was a very troubled man, but not in the dangerous in frightening sense.
We'll never really know the truth, but this is how I see it and I give Michael the benefit of the doubt just because he is so unusual.
Dear Thecorey,
I didn't once state in my message that I liked his music. My opinion of his music is of no importance. What I reacted to is the enormous amount of prejudice and uninformed statements thrown on this forum. I think that some people will think it's humorous and "cool". I think it's childish, prejudiced, ignorant, disrespectful and even more than that distasteful. It brings the whole value of this board down and is an insult to the intellect of many fans. These aren't statements in my opinion that mature people will make, only people with little or no life experience.
More importantly, in the end, these messages says more about the writer than the subject.
Just take a look at two sentences in your mail:
"But the world is without a doubt safer for kids with people like him dead." and "And people like that are worthless to this world."
These are bold statements. Indicating you believe you can be your own judge and jury deciding about life and death, pass your own verdict based on rumors and hearesay, and have the right to decide whose allowed to live and who isn't. Even more: which person has the worth to live and who has not. Very scary in my opinion. And very sad. This symbolises everything from my POV what Pearl Jam (in their ideology and philosophy) does not stand for; as a matter of fact what they always rebelled against: ignorance.
You may wish people to their grave. This is something I am not able to do.
Here is another one:
Farrah Fawcet arrived at the Pearl Gates and God asked her if there was anything he could do for her, after living such an honest life? Farrah replied, yes just one thing, please let the ignorant show their ignorance.
And so He did.
This pretty sums up the category that is the ten clubs fucking idiot members.
Get a grip. The guys just died. Is this really the best you can come up with? For fucks sake you comment like you knew him, and you witnessed first hand. Sure of course though you want to believe a 14 year old who saw the $ signs and then took the money rather than go for the justice he claimed to really want.
Go on keep believing what the news/papers tell you. Or keep reading your comics. Whatever keeps that simple mind ticking.
couple of comments on the above:
1) being found not guilty doesn't mean you didn't do it, it just means it wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt (see OJ)
2) if you had a neighbor who wasn't an international star who admittedly slept in same bed with little boys would you have the same opinion and/or let your children near him? you are flat out lying if you say you would - you would think your neighbor was a creepy pedophile like most rational people feel MJ was.
"not proven beyond a reasonable doubt" seems to me very important in this case...
And regarding your second point: he was an "international" star. There is no point of comparing him with Joe on the street. His stardom could have been (partly) the source of his problem(s) and his eccentric behaviour. There is no way of going around that. Or in other words: you can't compare "normal" behaviour with someone who had no "normal life"; his behaviour per definition will be shaped and formed by his background.
Now, before I'm misunderstood, I'm not advocating his innocence. For I don't know. All I'm saying is that you should keep an open mind before passing judgement and take a close look at his pathology. From everything I read I'm not convinced he was a pedophile. I do think he had severe identity issues however, which translated itself in his drugabuse and also in the way he perceived himself. (The so called BDD I mentiond earlier.) I see him therefore more as a tragic figure instead of a predator. But that's my personal POV and not one you have to share with me.
Now, this is the last thing I will write on this subject, for I slowly feel that I'm on a MJ forum instead of a PJ forum. All I will say is: do not immediatly pass judgement, get informed (there are very interesting articles out there) and last, for Christ sake, keep some respect. For we don't know. (That's the bottom line.) And there is enough people here that are mourning and/or are touched by this tragic loss of life.