dude, set up a website. lets spread this across the interwebs and see what we can do.
great idea.
7 day world-wide ceasefire
Maybe a facebook group first, see how it takes off, then a website?
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, two Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board had the previously unthought-of idea of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
dude, set up a website. lets spread this across the interwebs and see what we can do.
great idea.
7 day world-wide ceasefire
Maybe a facebook group first, see how it takes off, then a website?
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, 2 Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board took the initiative of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
dude, set up a website. lets spread this across the interwebs and see what we can do.
great idea.
7 day world-wide ceasefire
Maybe a facebook group first, see how it takes off, then a website?
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, two Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board had the previously unthought-of idea of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
LOL way to shit on everyone's parade. thanks for the good chuckle. the bleeding heart liberal that you are, however , I'm sure you agree with the message.
which reminds me of Cookynich (Dennis). I really couldnn't care much for the guy but I really like his Dept of Peace idea. logically speaking, how can you disagree with that? no, fuck peace!
Maybe a facebook group first, see how it takes off, then a website?
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, 2 Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board took the initiative of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
the wave starts somewhere.
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, two Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board had the previously unthought-of idea of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
LOL way to shit on everyone's parade. thanks for the good chuckle. the bleeding heart liberal that you are, however , I'm sure you agree with the message.
which reminds me of Cookynich (Dennis). I really couldnn't care much for the guy but I really like his Dept of Peace idea. logically speaking, how can you disagree with that? no, fuck peace!
Yeah, I'm on board with a Dept of Peace. But I'm not that much of a bleeding heart. I consider myself a realist, with a keen grasp of the flawed and lesser traits of human behavior that those on both sides want to pretend aren't there. On the right, it's that business can be trusted to regulate itself, on the left, it's that military force is never the answer.
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
you're right.
Fuck it i'm just gonna go home, turn on the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
you're right.
Fuck it i'm just gonna go home, turn on the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
its an idea. you start somewhere.
Glad you're catching on to reality. You can't. You can't do a damn thing. You're powerless, like all the rest of us.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
you're right.
Fuck it i'm just gonna go home, turn on the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
its an idea. you start somewhere.
Glad you're catching on to reality. You can't. You can't do a damn thing. You're powerless, like all the rest of us.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
you're a tigers fan? quit your bitchin, the tigers took the first game today and lead the division by 4 games. I thought you were a sox fan? weak
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
you're right.
Fuck it i'm just gonna go home, turn on the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
its an idea. you start somewhere.
Glad you're catching on to reality. You can't. You can't do a damn thing. You're powerless, like all the rest of us.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
I'm glad not all people don't have your mentality. no offense, but if Martin Luthar king has said, ah fuck i'm watching the baseball game instead of giving a speech, imgine that world. and no i'm not comparing you to MLK, it a point about being helpless, We are not helpless. desmond tutu, MLK, zinn, vedder ,roy einstein, this world would be much darker if they shared your view.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
you're a tigers fan? quit your bitchin, the tigers took the first game today and lead the division by 4 games. I thought you were a sox fan? weak
Weak? I've been a Tigers fan since birth. I grew up in Toledo, home of their AAA team, the Mud Hens. Went to hundreds of games up through college, mainly in the years when they were settng records for number of games lost. I grew up worshiping Jack Morris, Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker, Cecil Fielder, etc. I live and die by this team Never was a Sox fan... when I came to Chicago for law school I just kept following the Tigers. No way was I going to pull for their divisional rival. So whenever I felt fondness for Chicago baseball, it was directed at the Cubs.
I'm glad not all people don't have your mentality. no offense, but if Martin Luthar king has said, ah fuck i'm watching the baseball game instead of giving a speech, imgine that world. and no i'm not comparing you to MLK, it a point about being helpless, We are not helpless. desmond tutu, MLK, zinn, vedder ,roy einstein, this world would be much darker if they shared your view.
I'm glad they don't.
MLK did a little bit more than sit comfortably at his computer all day reading internet news and having inane arguments with people that don't matter in a tiny corner of cyberspace. And when he took action, it was more than taking 10 seconds to set up a facebook group and then feel completely satisfied with his contribution to the movement. Classic pampered armchair liberal activism.
And the fact that you include Zinn and Vedder on that list is an absolute joke.
I'm glad not all people don't have your mentality. no offense, but if Martin Luthar king has said, ah fuck i'm watching the baseball game instead of giving a speech, imgine that world. and no i'm not comparing you to MLK, it a point about being helpless, We are not helpless. desmond tutu, MLK, zinn, vedder ,roy einstein, this world would be much darker if they shared your view.
I'm glad they don't.
MLK did a little bit more than sit comfortably at his computer all day reading internet news and having inane arguments with people that don't matter in a tiny corner of cyberspace. And when he took action, it was more than taking 10 seconds to set up a facebook group and then feel completely satisfied with his contribution to the movement. Classic pampered armchair liberal activism.
And the fact that you include Zinn and Vedder on that list is an absolute joke.
for MLK to even exist people like Zinn and Vedder had to have done the work ahead of him. they are all the same. eddie's working for tomorrow, so is zinn. MLK had his zinn's and vedder's in his time.
you can't get a million people marching in the streets if they don't know what's going on. with the civil rights movement, music had a part in that. as did intellectuals, people like Howard Zinn. you have to start somewhere, and right now we're spreading information.
Rage Against the Machine had a hand in shaping opinon and thought. I don't blindly follow them, but as a junior in highschool or whatever, not knowing a goddamn thing, i heard this band i liked and they had a picture of a bookshelf in one of their cd booklets. I read most of the books in that picture....and that got me started.
now if 10,000 people do that...or 2, that's progress. that's more people understanding there even IS a problem.
that was an issue with women's rights back in the day. they called it "the problem" because they didn't even know what the fuck was wrong with the world, but they knew something was wrong. that's where most people are now. and they need education. awareness.
talking shit about trying to make a positive impact on this planet is about as low as you can get. but given your choice of profession, not really a big surprise.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
you're a tigers fan? quit your bitchin, the tigers took the first game today and lead the division by 4 games. I thought you were a sox fan? weak
Weak? I've been a Tigers fan since birth. I grew up in Toledo, home of their AAA team, the Mud Hens. Went to hundreds of games up through college, mainly in the years when they were settng records for number of games lost. I grew up worshiping Jack Morris, Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker, Cecil Fielder, etc. I live and die by this team Never was a Sox fan... when I came to Chicago for law school I just kept following the Tigers. No way was I going to pull for their divisional rival. So whenever I felt fondness for Chicago baseball, it was directed at the Cubs.
just a little interdivisional ball busting. so yea your a tigers fan? weak
Glad you're catching on to reality. You can't. You can't do a damn thing. You're powerless, like all the rest of us.
Wrong. You begin by educating yourself. Then maybe one day your knowledge can be put to use to make an impact. If you only succeed in changing one other persons opinion about something then you've succeeded. Do you think Noam Chomsky began by writing books and giving lectures? No, he spent years studying and debating issues. It's a gradual process.
Jeez, even a fuckwit like me can have an impact of sorts:
From the Guardian's comments page during Israel's recent bombardment of Gaza:
04 Jan 09, 5:26am
HOORAY! for Byrnzie28, gingerwaster, Trueleft, rosross and others like them who've presented balanced, cogent opinions.
Skippyleb's profile picture Skippyleb
14 Jan 09, 11:20am (33 minutes ago)
Keep up the good work Byrnzie28.
I appreciate that yours is only one opinion among many, but you've contributed by far the most factual and documentary evidence to this debate, and disabled the more obvious GIYUS trolls.
mr. Freedland -thank you for a thought-provoking post.
Byrnzie28 thank you for such informative posts. I had NO IDEA that Israeli political and military leaders have said such things. Wow. It changes one's opinions.
'04 Jan 09, 11:23am Thanks to Byrnzie28 et al for the education, courage and dogged persistence needed to counter the co-ordinated efforts of the Israeli lobby on this site. This has been one of the most informed and spirited defenses of the human rights of the ordinary Palestinian I have read.
It is a measure of the task ahead that despite the power and eloquence of your arguments - little has shifted.'
dude, set up a website. lets spread this across the interwebs and see what we can do.
great idea.
7 day world-wide ceasefire
Maybe a facebook group first, see how it takes off, then a website?
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, two Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board had the previously unthought-of idea of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
That'd be something, wouldn't it?
I hear your cynicism loud and clear, and yes, I realize that using FACEBOOK of all things to do it sounds cheesey. However, I can't rule out that such an idea could go "viral," as I've seen other groups on that site gain close to 1 million members. To me, that's like having 1 million signatures, and something that could be brought to Barry boy's attention. Shit, you've seen Bob Basso, the guy who was calling for the Tea Parties dressed as Thomas Paine? He earned himself a visit to the white house for having a video with 2 million views on youtube (reportedly to STOP making them, ha ha).
And I know what you're going to tell me next-- "WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!" You're right, I will. I'd like to take a little time to craft my wording, and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know when it's done.
I hear your cynicism loud and clear, and yes, I realize that using FACEBOOK of all things to do it sounds cheesey. However, I can't rule out that such an idea could go "viral," as I've seen other groups on that site gain close to 1 million members. To me, that's like having 1 million signatures, and something that could be brought to Barry boy's attention. Shit, you've seen Bob Basso, the guy who was calling for the Tea Parties dressed as Thomas Paine? He earned himself a visit to the white house for having a video with 2 million views on youtube (reportedly to STOP making them, ha ha).
And I know what you're going to tell me next-- "WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!" You're right, I will. I'd like to take a little time to craft my wording, and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know when it's done.
I dont think Facebook should be your goal. if you are serious about this, you should buy a domain and create a website. im sure a domain, even if its long, is available. like www.7dayceasefire.com (or something) throw a little money at the design, with a guestbook or something. then hit the social networks.
I hear your cynicism loud and clear, and yes, I realize that using FACEBOOK of all things to do it sounds cheesey. However, I can't rule out that such an idea could go "viral," as I've seen other groups on that site gain close to 1 million members. To me, that's like having 1 million signatures, and something that could be brought to Barry boy's attention. Shit, you've seen Bob Basso, the guy who was calling for the Tea Parties dressed as Thomas Paine? He earned himself a visit to the white house for having a video with 2 million views on youtube (reportedly to STOP making them, ha ha).
And I know what you're going to tell me next-- "WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!" You're right, I will. I'd like to take a little time to craft my wording, and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know when it's done.
I dont think Facebook should be your goal. if you are serious about this, you should buy a domain and create a website. im sure a domain, even if its long, is available. like http://www.7dayceasefire.com (or something) throw a little money at the design, with a guestbook or something. then hit the social networks.
I did check out that exact domain name yesterday... It is available. Maybe a .org? Both?
Maybe the goal should be to do it in the future, 6 months notice for the site to make its rounds all over the world. Around Christmas time maybe-- all the major religions have something goin on during that time, what better time is there for people to lay down their arms (excluding right now).
I did check out that exact domain name yesterday... It is available. Maybe a .org? Both?
Maybe the goal should be to do it in the future, 6 months notice for the site to make its rounds all over the world. Around Christmas time maybe-- all the major religions have something goin on during that time, what better time is there for people to lay down their arms (excluding right now).
a .org might give it more credibility, sure. fire it up. now time better then the present.
you're a tigers fan? quit your bitchin, the tigers took the first game today and lead the division by 4 games. I thought you were a sox fan? weak
Weak? I've been a Tigers fan since birth. I grew up in Toledo, home of their AAA team, the Mud Hens. Went to hundreds of games up through college, mainly in the years when they were settng records for number of games lost. I grew up worshiping Jack Morris, Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker, Cecil Fielder, etc. I live and die by this team Never was a Sox fan... when I came to Chicago for law school I just kept following the Tigers. No way was I going to pull for their divisional rival. So whenever I felt fondness for Chicago baseball, it was directed at the Cubs.
just a little interdivisional ball busting. so yea your a tigers fan? weak
Ah, thought you were calling my cred into question or labeling some sort of bandwagoner/Chicago traitor... my love for the Tigers runs deep! Sadly, they seem to be cursed against the Sox... the one team they consistently play like complete shit against, even when they're good.
Wrong. You begin by educating yourself. Then maybe one day your knowledge can be put to use to make an impact. If you only succeed in changing one other persons opinion about something then you've succeeded. Do you think Noam Chomsky began by writing books and giving lectures? No, he spent years studying and debating issues. It's a gradual process.
That delusion is always funny to me. Change one mind! Wahoo. Talk a bout a game changer. Doesn't amount to shit. Even Chomsky... has anything changed in the Middle East since he started writing about it... hmmm... Israel still there killing indiscriminately, Hamas still tossing rockets, US still turning a blind eye... nope, same old shit.
Jeez, even a fuckwit like me can have an impact of sorts:
From the Guardian's comments page during Israel's recent bombardment of Gaza:
04 Jan 09, 5:26am
HOORAY! for Byrnzie28, gingerwaster, Trueleft, rosross and others like them who've presented balanced, cogent opinions.
Skippyleb's profile picture Skippyleb
14 Jan 09, 11:20am (33 minutes ago)
Keep up the good work Byrnzie28.
I appreciate that yours is only one opinion among many, but you've contributed by far the most factual and documentary evidence to this debate, and disabled the more obvious GIYUS trolls.
mr. Freedland -thank you for a thought-provoking post.
Byrnzie28 thank you for such informative posts. I had NO IDEA that Israeli political and military leaders have said such things. Wow. It changes one's opinions.
'04 Jan 09, 11:23am Thanks to Byrnzie28 et al for the education, courage and dogged persistence needed to counter the co-ordinated efforts of the Israeli lobby on this site. This has been one of the most informed and spirited defenses of the human rights of the ordinary Palestinian I have read.
It is a measure of the task ahead that despite the power and eloquence of your arguments - little has shifted.'
You must be very pleased with yourself. I'm glad the Guardian posters validate your internet debate skills. Want a gold star or something? Meanwhile... the situation in Palestine... same as it ever was.
Ah, thought you were calling my cred into question or labeling some sort of bandwagoner/Chicago traitor... my love for the Tigers runs deep! Sadly, they seem to be cursed against the Sox... the one team they consistently play like complete shit against, even when they're good.
well I'm envious of your 4.5 game lead. big game tonight. (well as big as a early June game can be )
Ah, thought you were calling my cred into question or labeling some sort of bandwagoner/Chicago traitor... my love for the Tigers runs deep! Sadly, they seem to be cursed against the Sox... the one team they consistently play like complete shit against, even when they're good.
well I'm envious of your 4.5 game lead. big game tonight. (well as big as a early June game can be )
That delusion is always funny to me. Change one mind! Wahoo. Talk a bout a game changer. Doesn't amount to shit. Even Chomsky... has anything changed in the Middle East since he started writing about it... hmmm... Israel still there killing indiscriminately, Hamas still tossing rockets, US still turning a blind eye... nope, same old shit.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I wish you luck, but I can't really see history books in 100 years beginning with "luckily, after several thousand years of war, violence, and attempts at diplomacy, two Pearl Jam fans on an internet message board had the previously unthought-of idea of starting a facebook group, leading to a new and lasting era of peace and love across human civilization."
LOL way to shit on everyone's parade.
which reminds me of Cookynich (Dennis). I really couldnn't care much for the guy but I really like his Dept of Peace idea. logically speaking, how can you disagree with that? no, fuck peace!
Right. Like you're the first people in history to work for peace and try to start the wave... human history has been waiting for your facebook group all this time.
yer killin me
Yeah, I'm on board with a Dept of Peace. But I'm not that much of a bleeding heart. I consider myself a realist, with a keen grasp of the flawed and lesser traits of human behavior that those on both sides want to pretend aren't there. On the right, it's that business can be trusted to regulate itself, on the left, it's that military force is never the answer.
Fuck it i'm just gonna go home, turn on the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
its an idea. you start somewhere.
Glad you're catching on to reality. You can't. You can't do a damn thing. You're powerless, like all the rest of us.
So I'm going to watch my Tigers get their asses handed to them by the White Sox, as usual.
you're a tigers fan? quit your bitchin, the tigers took the first game today and lead the division by 4 games. I thought you were a sox fan? weak
I'm glad not all people don't have your mentality. no offense, but if Martin Luthar king has said, ah fuck i'm watching the baseball game instead of giving a speech, imgine that world. and no i'm not comparing you to MLK, it a point about being helpless, We are not helpless. desmond tutu, MLK, zinn, vedder ,roy einstein, this world would be much darker if they shared your view.
I'm glad they don't.
Weak? I've been a Tigers fan since birth. I grew up in Toledo, home of their AAA team, the Mud Hens. Went to hundreds of games up through college, mainly in the years when they were settng records for number of games lost. I grew up worshiping Jack Morris, Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker, Cecil Fielder, etc. I live and die by this team
MLK did a little bit more than sit comfortably at his computer all day reading internet news and having inane arguments with people that don't matter in a tiny corner of cyberspace. And when he took action, it was more than taking 10 seconds to set up a facebook group and then feel completely satisfied with his contribution to the movement. Classic pampered armchair liberal activism.
And the fact that you include Zinn and Vedder on that list is an absolute joke.
you can't get a million people marching in the streets if they don't know what's going on. with the civil rights movement, music had a part in that. as did intellectuals, people like Howard Zinn. you have to start somewhere, and right now we're spreading information.
Rage Against the Machine had a hand in shaping opinon and thought. I don't blindly follow them, but as a junior in highschool or whatever, not knowing a goddamn thing, i heard this band i liked and they had a picture of a bookshelf in one of their cd booklets. I read most of the books in that picture....and that got me started.
now if 10,000 people do that...or 2, that's progress. that's more people understanding there even IS a problem.
that was an issue with women's rights back in the day. they called it "the problem" because they didn't even know what the fuck was wrong with the world, but they knew something was wrong. that's where most people are now. and they need education. awareness.
talking shit about trying to make a positive impact on this planet is about as low as you can get. but given your choice of profession, not really a big surprise.
just a little interdivisional ball busting.
Wrong. You begin by educating yourself. Then maybe one day your knowledge can be put to use to make an impact. If you only succeed in changing one other persons opinion about something then you've succeeded. Do you think Noam Chomsky began by writing books and giving lectures? No, he spent years studying and debating issues. It's a gradual process.
Jeez, even a fuckwit like me can have an impact of sorts:
From the Guardian's comments page during Israel's recent bombardment of Gaza:
04 Jan 09, 5:26am
HOORAY! for Byrnzie28, gingerwaster, Trueleft, rosross and others like them who've presented balanced, cogent opinions.
Skippyleb's profile picture Skippyleb
14 Jan 09, 11:20am (33 minutes ago)
Keep up the good work Byrnzie28.
I appreciate that yours is only one opinion among many, but you've contributed by far the most factual and documentary evidence to this debate, and disabled the more obvious GIYUS trolls.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... gaza-peace
04 Jan 09, 10:22am
mr. Freedland -thank you for a thought-provoking post.
Byrnzie28 thank you for such informative posts. I had NO IDEA that Israeli political and military leaders have said such things. Wow. It changes one's opinions.
'04 Jan 09, 11:23am
Thanks to Byrnzie28 et al for the education, courage and dogged persistence needed to counter the co-ordinated efforts of the Israeli lobby on this site. This has been one of the most informed and spirited defenses of the human rights of the ordinary Palestinian I have read.
It is a measure of the task ahead that despite the power and eloquence of your arguments - little has shifted.'
That'd be something, wouldn't it?
I hear your cynicism loud and clear, and yes, I realize that using FACEBOOK of all things to do it sounds cheesey. However, I can't rule out that such an idea could go "viral," as I've seen other groups on that site gain close to 1 million members. To me, that's like having 1 million signatures, and something that could be brought to Barry boy's attention. Shit, you've seen Bob Basso, the guy who was calling for the Tea Parties dressed as Thomas Paine? He earned himself a visit to the white house for having a video with 2 million views on youtube (reportedly to STOP making them, ha ha).
And I know what you're going to tell me next-- "WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT!" You're right, I will. I'd like to take a little time to craft my wording, and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know when it's done.
I dont think Facebook should be your goal. if you are serious about this, you should buy a domain and create a website. im sure a domain, even if its long, is available. like www.7dayceasefire.com (or something) throw a little money at the design, with a guestbook or something. then hit the social networks.
I did check out that exact domain name yesterday... It is available. Maybe a .org? Both?
Maybe the goal should be to do it in the future, 6 months notice for the site to make its rounds all over the world. Around Christmas time maybe-- all the major religions have something goin on during that time, what better time is there for people to lay down their arms (excluding right now).
a .org might give it more credibility, sure. fire it up. now time better then the present.
Ah, thought you were calling my cred into question or labeling some sort of bandwagoner/Chicago traitor... my love for the Tigers runs deep! Sadly, they seem to be cursed against the Sox... the one team they consistently play like complete shit against, even when they're good.
That delusion is always funny to me. Change one mind! Wahoo. Talk a bout a game changer. Doesn't amount to shit. Even Chomsky... has anything changed in the Middle East since he started writing about it... hmmm... Israel still there killing indiscriminately, Hamas still tossing rockets, US still turning a blind eye... nope, same old shit.
You must be very pleased with yourself. I'm glad the Guardian posters validate your internet debate skills. Want a gold star or something? Meanwhile... the situation in Palestine... same as it ever was.
well I'm envious of your 4.5 game lead. big game tonight. (well as big as a early June game can be
Last night damn near killed me.
this mindset would have us all in the dark ages.
to think nothing can change ignores history.