Ed Ineligible!??!

Jonny Greenwood’s score for There Will Be Blood was shut out of Oscar consideration after the Academy ruled it fell under the heading of “scores diluted by the use of tracked themes or other pre-existing music,” Variety reports. Into the Wild was also ruled ineligible due to “predominant use of songs.” Check back later today for more on the Oscar nominations.
Jonny Greenwood’s score for There Will Be Blood was shut out of Oscar consideration after the Academy ruled it fell under the heading of “scores diluted by the use of tracked themes or other pre-existing music,” Variety reports. Into the Wild was also ruled ineligible due to “predominant use of songs.” Check back later today for more on the Oscar nominations.
From Tim Bierman's interview for 10c job: "what about computers, how are you with computers?" And I was like, "well, you know what, I don't have a computer. I've never had one and I really suck at it." And they were like, "ok, well, you can get a book."
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Male, 34
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1998 Brisbane 2
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2008 LA 2, San Diego 1 (EV)
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky
All of a sudden Ed's take on award presentations makes sense, huh?
It's the same every year - some asshole host does hack, vaudeville jokes. at least 85% of the awards go to movies the general public deems undeserving. Some fashion show dope dissects the evening wear, and every one complains the next day.
I'd rather watch cartoons.
You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?
"Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
personally i'd take great pride in that.. i'd also throw dead hamsters at the person who made that decision.. but what a great reason not to be nominated for an Arselick Award... predominant use of songs... its the funniest thing i've read on here since 2.43pm
Violin squalls, cello farts, honking brass. All bits arranged into a chord structure with a melody - almost like a song, but not quite. I think they call them "pieces".
You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?
"Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Yeah, they should use that phrase to advertise the record. It has a "Predominant Use of Songs!"
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Dances With Wolves? Please.....
and that dude who presents it is a prick.....is Billy Crystal his name?
I don't think Into the Wild was excluded literally because of "predominant use of songs." I think Rolling Stone was making a joke to illustrate how flawed the nomination process is.
That's my interpretation.
I'm not so much bothered by Ed not getting an Oscar nod as I am about the reasons for disqualification for both, Into the Wild, and Jonny Greenwood's There Will Be Blood score. The people in charge of nominations have some real mind-fuck requirements.
You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?
"Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
billy crystal is a prick? ha! that's fucking funny! i've never heard anyone say anything negative about that guy.
I think they just have something against Eddie Vedder no nomination for Big Fish or Singles and now nothing for Into the Wild...But Enchanted got 3 nods this is kind of like Jethro Tull winning the best Heavy metal album over Metallica.
agreed. it doesn't fit into their little box so you don't get acknowledged.
Not this year. This time around, the prick is some douchebag named...
Jon Stewart.
You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?
"Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
Cant stand him, he's just so embarrasing to watch.....maybe its because Im english, just dont get that sort of hyperactivity, grates on me.....
For example: Best Foreign Language film. Not only does the film have to be non-English but it has to be PRODUCED* outside the U.S. as well.
*Meaning that even if an American production company help financed the film outside the States, it will be ineligible as well.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Not to mention that there is almost no baseball/Yankee related documentary without his presense in it. You would think he's the only man left alive that saw Mickey Mantle play.
Exactly... since when do awards or nominations dictate what is good and what isn't???
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
lol, english sport goes over my head, nevermind American lol
that's for the score, and that makes sense to me, but what about the individual song category, no excuse there.
Stop by:
I just submitted my complaint, viva La Vedder!
if you want to be upset, then be upset that Eddie was shut out of the original song category, not SCORE. A film score is the entire music backdrop of the film, generally written by one composer.
I agree that the Into the Wild soundtrack is NOT a score, but a group of songs. Plus, Eddie was not the sole songwriter on the soundtrack. If you look at the credits, at least a couple songs were not conceived by Eddie even though he performed them.
No... Jon is a Michael Bolton fan. He celebrates his entire collection.
Rule Sixteen
Special Rules for the Music Awards
I. Original Score:
An original score is a substantial body of music in the form of original dramatic underscoring written specifically for the film by the submitting composer.
II. Original Song:
An original song consists of words and music, both of which are original and written specifically for the film. There must be a clearly audible, intelligible, substantive rendition (not necessarily visually presented) of both lyric and melody, used in the body of the film or as the first music cue in the end credits.
III. Original Musical:
An original musical consists of not fewer than five original songs (as defined in A.II above) by the same writer or team of writers either used as voice-overs or visually performed. Each of these songs must be substantively rendered, clearly audible, intelligible, and must further the storyline. What is simply an arbitrary group of songs unessential to the storyline of the film will not be considered eligible. The adapter (if any) or the composer of the instrumental score may be considered eligible — in this category only — if his or her contribution is deemed relevant and substantial.
1. The work must be specifically created for the eligible feature-length motion picture.
2. The work must be the result of a creative interaction between the film maker(s) and the composer(s) or songwriter(s) who have been engaged to work directly on the film.
3. The measure of the work's qualification shall be its effectiveness, craftsmanship, creative substance and relevance to the dramatic whole.
4. The work must be recorded for use in the film prior to any other usage including public performance or exploitation through any of the media whatsoever.
5. Only the principal composer(s) or song writer(s) responsible for the conception and execution of the work as a whole shall be eligible for an award. This expressly excludes from eligibility all of the following:
(a) supervisors
(b) partial contributors (e.g., any writer not responsible for the over-all design of the work)
(c) contributors working on speculation
(d) scores diluted by the use of themes tracked or other pre-existing music
(e) scores diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs
(f) scores assembled from the music of more than one composer.
6. No more than two statuettes will normally be given in the Original Song category. A third statuette may be awarded when there are three essentially equal contributors to a song.
7. The Executive Committee shall resolve all rules interpretations and all questions of eligibility.
8. It is within the sole and confidential discretion of the Board of Governors to determine what awards, if any, shall be given.
1. For an achievement to be eligible for nomination in any of the three music categories, an OFFICIAL SUBMISSION FORM, obtainable from the Academy, must be requested personally by the principal writer(s) who alone may make the submission.
2. The submission form must be signed by all submitting writers and must be accompanied by a complete Music Cue Sheet (listing all music cues), Vocal Lead Sheets (in the Original Song and Original Musical categories), and in the Original Song category, a DVD clip of each song showing how each song is used in the film.
3. Submissions may be made prior to the qualifying Los Angeles release opening, but must be made no later than sixty days after such opening, or Thursday, December 1, 2005, whichever comes first.
4. The Executive Committee has the right, but not the obligation, to initiate submissions in all three categories, but must do so no later than noon of December 31, 2005.
1. A reminder list of works submitted in the Original Score and Original Musical categories shall be sent with a nominations ballot to all members of the Academy Music Branch who shall vote in the order of their preference for not more than five achievements in each category.
2. In the Original Score category (and Original Musical category, if activated), the five achievements in each category receiving the highest number of votes on mail ballots will become the nominations for final voting for the award.
3. In the Original Song category, Music Branch members shall meet to screen clips of the eligible songs and vote on the achievements. Following the screening of the clips, voting shall be conducted as follows:
Nominations will be determined by an averaged point system of voting using 10, 9.5, 9, 8.5, 8, 7.5, 7, 6.5 or 6. Only those songs receiving an average score of 8.25 or more shall be eligible for nomination. There may not be more than five nor fewer than three nominations.
4. If there are 25 or fewer qualified works submitted in any category, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Board of Governors that nominations be limited to three. If there are nine or fewer qualifying works submitted in any category, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Board of Governors that no award be given in that category for the current year.
5. The category of Original Musical (III) may be activated only by special request of the Music Branch Executive Committee to the Board of Governors in a year when the field of eligible submissions is determined to be of sufficient quantity and quality to justify award competition .
6. The entire active and life Academy membership shall vote for final selections in each category: ORIGINAL SCORE, ORIGINAL SONG and ORIGINAL MUSICAL.