Raise the funds needed to put Our Veterans in the training and certification programs - closes 3.22

F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain Posts: 31,043
edited March 2017 in Vitalogy
Hi PJ Friends!
My company (Worldlink) is associated with the charitable organization called Working Wardrobes.
They are running an event in March called Walk In Their Shoes.
The goal is to walk 5k in boots in honor of our veterans and to raise money to assist Veterans in Orange County, CA.
Orange County has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation at 4.2%. With an abundance of jobs that often beg for talent, there is a strong need for well-trained candidates to fill these positions. At Working Wardrobes VetNet, our mission is to provide our veterans, service members, their spouses and caregivers with the tools they need to become gainfully employed in the civilian workforce.

We have many employees taking part and our company is trying to raise $500 (revised to) $2000. I told them that I know a group where there is MUCH generosity to Vets and that I was betting we could clear much more than $500 -- and, of course, I led with action, donating $100.
How much can we raise? Would love any help toward our goal and beyond. $5 -- $10, $25, more -- anything helps!!!!


I ask that if you choose to give to this, that you put PJ in your name -- you can enter your name (and put PJ after) or you can be anonymous, just entering PJ,
A great cause....and I know that many here love to support good causes.

Appreciate your support in advance!
This is an official organization and they will send you a receipt for your taxes if you are in position to donate.

If you want to check them out, go to their site:

Thanks -- you all rock!
The love he receives is the love that is saved
Post edited by F Me In The Brain on


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