Song of the day(Leash)

Ahhhhhhhhh, the eleventh song off of VS, get up and dance everyone, and get out of fuckin face;)
If only they played this live again, someday I hope:)
1/19/01 08:22 AM
El Conquistador
9/14/99 10:19 AM
Song of the day
Hey guys I am really busy today and not at my computer that I have the songbook on....could someone post the lyrics for today? Thanks...
9/14/99 12:15 PM
Here is the song of the day. Feel free to express yourself!
Troubled souls unite, we got ourselves tonight, oh
I am fuel, you are friends, we got the means to make amends
I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side
I'm right by your side
Young lover I stand
It was their idea, I proved to be a man
Take my fucking hand
It was their idea, I proved to be a man
Will myself to find a home, a home within myself
We will find a way, we will find our place
Drop the leash, drop the leash } (3X)
Get outta' my fuckin' face }
Drop the leash, we are young (2X)
Oh, get outta' my fuckin' face...
Drop the leash, drop the leash...
Get outta' my, my...
Delight, delight, delight in our youth....oww
Get outta' my fuckin' face...
9/14/99 1:09 PM
Okay...I'm really bad at interpretting lyrics so I'm gonna give you what this song means personally to mean. What I've gotten out of it. I'm probably way off but here goes...
I think it has to do with being young, inspired, and frustrated. And everyone telling you what you need to do, what you have to do, and how to do it. Ed is trying to convey that he is right there with us. Let us find ourselves, by ourselves. Culture is telling us their interpretation of being human and we need to figure it out for ourselves. Cut those damn umbilical cords and fly! Spread your wings, soar, and enjoy being young and inspired. Don't submit to someone else's beliefs, believe in yourself, and all will be yours. Speak your mind. Don't be a drone, part of the rat race. Sure we all have to have food and shelter, but just realize that it is forced on us in our culture. If we could only become a tribe again. Where we all take care of each other. That would be heavenly. Anyway...this is just what I've taken from the song, I might be way off. I might not.
Peace & Love!!
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars." -Oscar Wilde
9/14/99 8:13 PM
.That is Perfect! Very well said and right on the money!
....If this tune came out when I was a teenager, it probably would have been an anthem song, Like "My Generation" was.......
This is a great song when someone is pissing you off at work etc...
Good Job Lea!
9/14/99 10:11 PM
This is such a good song. It almost serves as an anthem to me sometimes. My brother is convinced that it's more of a plea to their fans to leave them alone, "drop the leash" directed at the kids and insisting that they leave them alone and live their own lives. But I disagree. I think of it more as how Lea put it. It was Lea right? Sorry, but I just now forgot who said it. Anyway, this song gives me a lot of confidence and it means a lot to me....
"I don't wanna think, I wanna feel..."
9/15/99 05:12 AM
And you say you're *really bad* at interpreting lyrics? That was perfect, it expressed my feelings perfectly... I can't possibly add anything to it. Will you marry me? :-)
Seriously, I will only point your attention to the liner notes. The version written there says "They told me to get her pregnant... I proved to be a man". Could this be another "pro choice" issue?
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel"
9/15/99 12:42 PM
Wasn't this song written as a quasi-sequel to Why Go, (I think he mentions this in RS or some other article) but written in a more universal sense to let kids be and to "drop the leash" so to speak. I never actually noticed those liner notes. Not to overspecualte or get into things that aren't my buisness, but you don't happen to think that there is something more to his relationship with the girl in Why Go?
9/15/99 9:30 PM
this is one of my fav PJ tunes and i know im late, but i wanna say, i love SCREAMING THIS SONG AS LOUD AS I FRICKING CAN!!! this is a total everybody stop telling me what the fuck to do and let me live my own damn life song. It's my rebellion against my parents song. It symbolizes my frustration with life. Everybody should just scream this song when they need a release. Sometimes parents need to drop hte leash....let their kid make some damn desicions, i might change my view when im older, but i feel im totally capable of decided how i want my like to go now and i dont need to be spoonfed the right choices...urgh...DROP THE leash, WE ARE YOUNG, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE!!!!!!
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/19/01 08:39 AM
umm...why are the dates from 1999?
"He who forgets will be destined to remember."
In Thin Air -
1/19/01 08:56 AM
Ahh,..Leash,..fucking love this song,..It's defenetly an anthem for rebelling youngsters.
In the liner notes it also says:"Get out of my lucky face"..hehe..glad he sings 'fucking' though,..get's the message across
"Kid's will still want to do that,..heck! Eddie still does that"
1/19/01 09:00 AM
These threads were originally from 1999.....I happened to save them.....Modx2 was saving them also, but lost them when the board crashed....since then, people have showed interest in these old threads, so I am bringing them back for people to read, and hopefully add to.....
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/19/01 09:05 AM
funny leash story..
one day me and my mum were driving somewhere so i put one of my tapes in it (thought id subject her to some pj..) and leash comes on..she hears the lyrics screws up her face and goes "get outta my fucking face?? those are horrible lyrics!" i go "no they arent they are awesome" and she goes "yeah maybe for an angry young man they are" i go "hey hey i love these lyrics" she goes i bet you do..i bet you listen to them when youre pissed at me" i go "i sure do!" LOL it was so funny how she goes "get outta my fucking face" ah shes a funny old bat:)
~turned to my nemesis....a fool not a fucking god~
1/19/01 09:21 AM
Aaahhh...if only we could blast this song in our co-workers' faces when they get on our nerves...
If only they played this live again, someday I hope:)
1/19/01 08:22 AM
El Conquistador
9/14/99 10:19 AM
Song of the day
Hey guys I am really busy today and not at my computer that I have the songbook on....could someone post the lyrics for today? Thanks...
9/14/99 12:15 PM
Here is the song of the day. Feel free to express yourself!
Troubled souls unite, we got ourselves tonight, oh
I am fuel, you are friends, we got the means to make amends
I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side
I'm right by your side
Young lover I stand
It was their idea, I proved to be a man
Take my fucking hand
It was their idea, I proved to be a man
Will myself to find a home, a home within myself
We will find a way, we will find our place
Drop the leash, drop the leash } (3X)
Get outta' my fuckin' face }
Drop the leash, we are young (2X)
Oh, get outta' my fuckin' face...
Drop the leash, drop the leash...
Get outta' my, my...
Delight, delight, delight in our youth....oww
Get outta' my fuckin' face...
9/14/99 1:09 PM
Okay...I'm really bad at interpretting lyrics so I'm gonna give you what this song means personally to mean. What I've gotten out of it. I'm probably way off but here goes...
I think it has to do with being young, inspired, and frustrated. And everyone telling you what you need to do, what you have to do, and how to do it. Ed is trying to convey that he is right there with us. Let us find ourselves, by ourselves. Culture is telling us their interpretation of being human and we need to figure it out for ourselves. Cut those damn umbilical cords and fly! Spread your wings, soar, and enjoy being young and inspired. Don't submit to someone else's beliefs, believe in yourself, and all will be yours. Speak your mind. Don't be a drone, part of the rat race. Sure we all have to have food and shelter, but just realize that it is forced on us in our culture. If we could only become a tribe again. Where we all take care of each other. That would be heavenly. Anyway...this is just what I've taken from the song, I might be way off. I might not.
Peace & Love!!
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars." -Oscar Wilde
9/14/99 8:13 PM
.That is Perfect! Very well said and right on the money!
....If this tune came out when I was a teenager, it probably would have been an anthem song, Like "My Generation" was.......
This is a great song when someone is pissing you off at work etc...
Good Job Lea!
9/14/99 10:11 PM
This is such a good song. It almost serves as an anthem to me sometimes. My brother is convinced that it's more of a plea to their fans to leave them alone, "drop the leash" directed at the kids and insisting that they leave them alone and live their own lives. But I disagree. I think of it more as how Lea put it. It was Lea right? Sorry, but I just now forgot who said it. Anyway, this song gives me a lot of confidence and it means a lot to me....
"I don't wanna think, I wanna feel..."
9/15/99 05:12 AM
And you say you're *really bad* at interpreting lyrics? That was perfect, it expressed my feelings perfectly... I can't possibly add anything to it. Will you marry me? :-)
Seriously, I will only point your attention to the liner notes. The version written there says "They told me to get her pregnant... I proved to be a man". Could this be another "pro choice" issue?
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel"
9/15/99 12:42 PM
Wasn't this song written as a quasi-sequel to Why Go, (I think he mentions this in RS or some other article) but written in a more universal sense to let kids be and to "drop the leash" so to speak. I never actually noticed those liner notes. Not to overspecualte or get into things that aren't my buisness, but you don't happen to think that there is something more to his relationship with the girl in Why Go?
9/15/99 9:30 PM
this is one of my fav PJ tunes and i know im late, but i wanna say, i love SCREAMING THIS SONG AS LOUD AS I FRICKING CAN!!! this is a total everybody stop telling me what the fuck to do and let me live my own damn life song. It's my rebellion against my parents song. It symbolizes my frustration with life. Everybody should just scream this song when they need a release. Sometimes parents need to drop hte leash....let their kid make some damn desicions, i might change my view when im older, but i feel im totally capable of decided how i want my like to go now and i dont need to be spoonfed the right choices...urgh...DROP THE leash, WE ARE YOUNG, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE!!!!!!
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/19/01 08:39 AM
umm...why are the dates from 1999?
"He who forgets will be destined to remember."
In Thin Air -
1/19/01 08:56 AM
Ahh,..Leash,..fucking love this song,..It's defenetly an anthem for rebelling youngsters.
In the liner notes it also says:"Get out of my lucky face"..hehe..glad he sings 'fucking' though,..get's the message across

"Kid's will still want to do that,..heck! Eddie still does that"
1/19/01 09:00 AM
These threads were originally from 1999.....I happened to save them.....Modx2 was saving them also, but lost them when the board crashed....since then, people have showed interest in these old threads, so I am bringing them back for people to read, and hopefully add to.....
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/19/01 09:05 AM
funny leash story..
one day me and my mum were driving somewhere so i put one of my tapes in it (thought id subject her to some pj..) and leash comes on..she hears the lyrics screws up her face and goes "get outta my fucking face?? those are horrible lyrics!" i go "no they arent they are awesome" and she goes "yeah maybe for an angry young man they are" i go "hey hey i love these lyrics" she goes i bet you do..i bet you listen to them when youre pissed at me" i go "i sure do!" LOL it was so funny how she goes "get outta my fucking face" ah shes a funny old bat:)
~turned to my nemesis....a fool not a fucking god~
1/19/01 09:21 AM
Aaahhh...if only we could blast this song in our co-workers' faces when they get on our nerves...
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
Don't let me know we're invisible
We could dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Dance, dance, dance thru' the fire
Charleston, SC 10/5/96
Virginia Beach 8/3/2000
Cleveland 4/25/03
Toledo 10/2/04
Cleveland 5/20/06