Song of the day (Spin The Black Circle)

The second song off of Vitalogy, it picks off where Last Exit ended, and continues the rocking start to this album.
Spin The Black Circle
1/24/01 08:41 AM
9/21/99 5:08 PM
Let's try this ONE more time (is 5 times the charm?). I've typed the word "spin" so many times it doesn't look right to me anymore!
See this needle...a see my hand...
Drop, drop, dropping it down...oh, so gently...
Well here it comes...I touch the plane...
Turn me up...won't turn you away
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle, spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...whoa...
Pull it out...a paper sleeve
Oh my joy...only you deserve conceit...
I'm so big...a-my whole world...
I'd rather you, I'd rather you...rather her
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle...spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...whoa...
You're so warm...oh, the ritual...when I lay down your crooked arm
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle, spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin
spin the black (5X) circle
spin the black circle (4X)
spin, spin (6X)
9/21/99 6:12 PM
I always thought it was about Eddie playing a emotional he makes it first i thought it was about drug abuse, but then i read the lyrics...buts its a fav to go nuts with none-the-less
9/21/99 6:30 PM
Ahhh...the smell of new VINYL!!
Peace & Love!!
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars." -Oscar Wilde
9/21/99 6:32 PM
Oh... the wait!
As unbelieveable it is, I've been waiting for this one to 'roll around'.
Maybe it is just me, but I am old enough to remember when Records were the biggest medium for musicians to sell their work. And I can remember the days when I hunch by the Stereo put on a record, and just got lost in the artwork... the "paper sleeve".
This song not only shakes my walls everytime I play it, it makes me think of much simple'r times... So I love it!!!! (yes, along with every other PJ song)
9/21/99 6:52 PM
This is definately about an addiction.... to is very clever how it is meant to sound like a song about a drug addiction....anyone who is old enough to remember the old days of albums can appreciate how addicting they were....there was nothing like buying an album, all the artwork on the front, the back, inside (if it was a double), on the paper sleeve....CD's are definately more convenient, better sounding, more durable....but they just don't give you the same feeling as when you would open your new album, carefully put the needle down, so not to scratch it, then listen to the music as you enjoy the was almost as much fun as listening was....I have stacks of albums I just can't get rid of....and a turntable that is always hooked up, just for those times that I "need" to hear an old album! I love this song also, especially since I found out what it was about, for I spent many teen-age hours listening to albums over and over and was definately an addiction!
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
9/21/99 7:34 PM
Re: album art
I miss album covers. That used to be an artform in and of itself. Just off the top of my head I'm remembering the cover to Yes' Close to the Edge. I used to get lost in that painting (the drugs probably helped!).
As for this song, I don't really like it, always skip it. I think Jeff was the one who said he really didn't like this song, it was music he had done 10 years ago.
9/21/99 7:39 PM
Re: album art
Yeah, I miss LPs too, especially when the album was scratched and kept playing the same 2 seconds over and over and over, or would just skip certain parts altogether...still have all my old albums and a turntable too...ahhh, yes, I guess we didn't need that age question to tell who among us was around when records and 8-tracks were the thing...
9/22/99 07:39 AM
*Vinyl* is like BAD ACID...
Could not get a single message across yesterday... the blasted connection kept hanging up. By the way, Bastet, I only read your message yesterday, because I never log off and therefore never get the notices for private messages. Anyway, I see you took over and have the situation under control
This song illustrates what bugs me about most of Vitalogy (and do mind that I said *most*, not all): The music just doesn't *connect* with the message. Take "Last Exit": the melody suggests a celebration of life and of the senses; yet the song is about suicide and death. And this one: the music sounds like "smash everything" anarchist punk rock, and yet what is it about? Praise for vinyl LP's!! This never happened in previous albums, it was always like I described for I Got ID: you could feel what the song was about without even knowing the words...
Anyway, I don't share PJ's enthusiasm with vinyl. Yes, I used to have quite a few (I am also old enough!) and yes, the feeling of listening to a new record was special, but that was basically because I was just a kid and could only buy 1 or 2 each year, not 20 like nowadays. Yes, the sleeve art was something else, but the LP format and size was cumbersome, and the cardboard sleeves did not provide adequate protection - the great big Law Of Murphy of Vinyl stated that all your favorite records ended up invariably with big ugly scratches no matter what you did to prevent it, while CD packaging is more convenient and robust, and also offers room for creativity (just look at No Code or Vitalogy itself!). Yes, the sound dynamics of CD's are inferior, because of the large spectrum of inaudible frequencies recorded in vinyl, which change the perception of the audible ones - something that HDCD and DVD-Audio and Sony's new Super Audio CD try to address - but, if you don't hear that last iota of dynamics and detail, at least you don't hear anything else either, and here I mean background hiss. And the CD format just opened so many possibilities...
Sorry guys, but CD was one of the great inventions of the second half of the century. Vinyl is dead, viva la CD!!
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel"
9/22/99 09:21 AM
Vinyl.....I'm still addicted.....!
...Roger Dean was one of my favorite artists because of all of his album work. I have 2 books by him.....He also did some of Uriah Heeps' covers....
Sorry you feel that way Candle...I thought this tune was so clever...
A song about our love affair with records...I still can't shake it..
I have hundreds of albums and my Mom is going to give me all of her vinyl too!
Herb Albert and the Tiajuanna Brass...Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, TONY BENNET,
Cha-cha records like you wouldn't believe! Trini Lopez...Henry Friggin Mancini, Man I love his stuff! \
My latest addition is the Soundtrack from Peter Gunn by Henry Mancini...
Kicks Ass...So Slick.....I bought it for .25 cents at a yard sale and it's perfect...Not a scratch!
I love this song for it's simplicity.....Records...That's it!
Every dime I had as a teenager went into albums and posters.....
9/22/99 09:28 AM
OOhhh...I need to add the book from Quadrophenia..
...I'm posting to myself again...That's twice in one week...!
The book from "Quadrophenia" is amazing.....Kids who> purchase this as a CD will NEVER understand the intense beauty of the Black and White photography in this book....It's as large as the Album itself...
This has to be one of my favorite inserts of all time...
Anyone here remember "Cheech and Chongs" Big Bamboo album....????
It had the HUGE rolling paper in it?
How about Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" with the 2 posters...
one with the Pink Floyd logo and the other with the green pyramid shot..
"Wish you were here" with Postcards and stickers?
Albums were great! Can't put a poster in a CD....!
Or a GIANT book.....Quadrophenia......................
fROM me again!....Mum>
Spin The Black Circle
1/24/01 08:41 AM
9/21/99 5:08 PM
Let's try this ONE more time (is 5 times the charm?). I've typed the word "spin" so many times it doesn't look right to me anymore!
See this needle...a see my hand...
Drop, drop, dropping it down...oh, so gently...
Well here it comes...I touch the plane...
Turn me up...won't turn you away
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle, spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...whoa...
Pull it out...a paper sleeve
Oh my joy...only you deserve conceit...
I'm so big...a-my whole world...
I'd rather you, I'd rather you...rather her
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle...spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...whoa...
You're so warm...oh, the ritual...when I lay down your crooked arm
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin...spin the black circle, spin the black
spin, spin...spin the black circle
spin, spin
spin the black (5X) circle
spin the black circle (4X)
spin, spin (6X)
9/21/99 6:12 PM
I always thought it was about Eddie playing a emotional he makes it first i thought it was about drug abuse, but then i read the lyrics...buts its a fav to go nuts with none-the-less
9/21/99 6:30 PM
Ahhh...the smell of new VINYL!!
Peace & Love!!
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars." -Oscar Wilde
9/21/99 6:32 PM
Oh... the wait!
As unbelieveable it is, I've been waiting for this one to 'roll around'.
Maybe it is just me, but I am old enough to remember when Records were the biggest medium for musicians to sell their work. And I can remember the days when I hunch by the Stereo put on a record, and just got lost in the artwork... the "paper sleeve".
This song not only shakes my walls everytime I play it, it makes me think of much simple'r times... So I love it!!!! (yes, along with every other PJ song)
9/21/99 6:52 PM
This is definately about an addiction.... to is very clever how it is meant to sound like a song about a drug addiction....anyone who is old enough to remember the old days of albums can appreciate how addicting they were....there was nothing like buying an album, all the artwork on the front, the back, inside (if it was a double), on the paper sleeve....CD's are definately more convenient, better sounding, more durable....but they just don't give you the same feeling as when you would open your new album, carefully put the needle down, so not to scratch it, then listen to the music as you enjoy the was almost as much fun as listening was....I have stacks of albums I just can't get rid of....and a turntable that is always hooked up, just for those times that I "need" to hear an old album! I love this song also, especially since I found out what it was about, for I spent many teen-age hours listening to albums over and over and was definately an addiction!
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
9/21/99 7:34 PM
Re: album art
I miss album covers. That used to be an artform in and of itself. Just off the top of my head I'm remembering the cover to Yes' Close to the Edge. I used to get lost in that painting (the drugs probably helped!).
As for this song, I don't really like it, always skip it. I think Jeff was the one who said he really didn't like this song, it was music he had done 10 years ago.
9/21/99 7:39 PM
Re: album art
Yeah, I miss LPs too, especially when the album was scratched and kept playing the same 2 seconds over and over and over, or would just skip certain parts altogether...still have all my old albums and a turntable too...ahhh, yes, I guess we didn't need that age question to tell who among us was around when records and 8-tracks were the thing...
9/22/99 07:39 AM
*Vinyl* is like BAD ACID...
Could not get a single message across yesterday... the blasted connection kept hanging up. By the way, Bastet, I only read your message yesterday, because I never log off and therefore never get the notices for private messages. Anyway, I see you took over and have the situation under control

This song illustrates what bugs me about most of Vitalogy (and do mind that I said *most*, not all): The music just doesn't *connect* with the message. Take "Last Exit": the melody suggests a celebration of life and of the senses; yet the song is about suicide and death. And this one: the music sounds like "smash everything" anarchist punk rock, and yet what is it about? Praise for vinyl LP's!! This never happened in previous albums, it was always like I described for I Got ID: you could feel what the song was about without even knowing the words...
Anyway, I don't share PJ's enthusiasm with vinyl. Yes, I used to have quite a few (I am also old enough!) and yes, the feeling of listening to a new record was special, but that was basically because I was just a kid and could only buy 1 or 2 each year, not 20 like nowadays. Yes, the sleeve art was something else, but the LP format and size was cumbersome, and the cardboard sleeves did not provide adequate protection - the great big Law Of Murphy of Vinyl stated that all your favorite records ended up invariably with big ugly scratches no matter what you did to prevent it, while CD packaging is more convenient and robust, and also offers room for creativity (just look at No Code or Vitalogy itself!). Yes, the sound dynamics of CD's are inferior, because of the large spectrum of inaudible frequencies recorded in vinyl, which change the perception of the audible ones - something that HDCD and DVD-Audio and Sony's new Super Audio CD try to address - but, if you don't hear that last iota of dynamics and detail, at least you don't hear anything else either, and here I mean background hiss. And the CD format just opened so many possibilities...
Sorry guys, but CD was one of the great inventions of the second half of the century. Vinyl is dead, viva la CD!!
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel"
9/22/99 09:21 AM
Vinyl.....I'm still addicted.....!
...Roger Dean was one of my favorite artists because of all of his album work. I have 2 books by him.....He also did some of Uriah Heeps' covers....
Sorry you feel that way Candle...I thought this tune was so clever...
A song about our love affair with records...I still can't shake it..
I have hundreds of albums and my Mom is going to give me all of her vinyl too!
Herb Albert and the Tiajuanna Brass...Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, TONY BENNET,
Cha-cha records like you wouldn't believe! Trini Lopez...Henry Friggin Mancini, Man I love his stuff! \
My latest addition is the Soundtrack from Peter Gunn by Henry Mancini...
Kicks Ass...So Slick.....I bought it for .25 cents at a yard sale and it's perfect...Not a scratch!
I love this song for it's simplicity.....Records...That's it!
Every dime I had as a teenager went into albums and posters.....
9/22/99 09:28 AM
OOhhh...I need to add the book from Quadrophenia..
...I'm posting to myself again...That's twice in one week...!
The book from "Quadrophenia" is amazing.....Kids who> purchase this as a CD will NEVER understand the intense beauty of the Black and White photography in this book....It's as large as the Album itself...
This has to be one of my favorite inserts of all time...
Anyone here remember "Cheech and Chongs" Big Bamboo album....????
It had the HUGE rolling paper in it?
How about Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" with the 2 posters...
one with the Pink Floyd logo and the other with the green pyramid shot..
"Wish you were here" with Postcards and stickers?
Albums were great! Can't put a poster in a CD....!
Or a GIANT book.....Quadrophenia......................
fROM me again!....Mum>
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
9/22/99 7:03 PM
Candle...candle...candle...! This song is about simplier times... this song is about yours, mine and everyone else's childhood! There is no more setting the needle down on a black circle... It's all lasers and LCD readouts!
Some people believe that Technology will be the end of man... we shall create our own doom! I think those people have a very good point!
Anyway... you should sit down, and actually go through the motions someday, (you'll have to when the Christmas single comes out). We are the last generation that will ever experience it!
And I do believe there is some good CD Artwork out there like the ones you mention'd.... I'd add NIN, Tool and Iron Maiden to the list of my favorites, but I think with the smaller size, and less area to cover with art.... many bands are uninspired to put their money and time into the Artwork. Everytime I go into the store I'm amaze of the amount of pictures of (half nekkid) women on the covers of CD's. I like, but where is the originality, and creativity????
As far as last exit... who say's there is no celebration in that song? An exit is a way out... I think he is happy to be getting out, somewhat a celebration.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your comments. This is one of my favorite albums, and since you are determined to say it doesn't fit... I am determined to open your eyes to what I see. One of the greatest!!!
So... thanks!
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/24/01 08:45 AM
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
1/24/01 08:55 AM
I wasn't so lucky to see this one live...great song though...frenetic...and I loved everyone's comments.......
1/24/01 09:39 AM
yes, old enough to have a large and cumbersome collection of LPs - they are great, although CDs are much handier. CDs, however, also scratch and go wonky. SPIN THE BLACK CIRCLE is an outstanding song from a great album - i love it.
1/24/01 10:43 AM
Re: Ed makes his love of Vinyl known.
"You know what it's like?" EV
1/24/01 1:23 PM
great thread - how did i miss this one, vinyl sniffer that i am!!!
i'm with broken - all the little album accessories!
and remember that feeling just before you lowered the needle (either by hand or
using one of those little "auto" do-hicky things) - like a surgeon, little nervous that
you'll mess it up
i think roger dean did alot of yes albums as well - i bought some of them solely for
the artwork (sorry yes)
and how 'bout those 45's, trying to fit one of those little yellow things into the middle
(hey broken - my dad has all those herb alpert albums too - and mr lucky goes latin, right
next to his switched on bach and moog albums - lol)
"so glad to see you, i've missed you so much"
thiers still time so escape,,,,
auuuhhheehhh yaeeahh "
Spin! Spin!
such a kick ass please gimme another song!!!
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"