RE:Nugs CD's/ Digital Downloads

I haven't used any of my download codes for a while. I remember it wasn't the most user friendly process. Has this improved recently as far as transferring to iTunes. Is it worth paying for ALAC or ALAC-HD? Can your burn CD's with the ALAC files? Alternatively do the CD's come with some artwork. Thank you in advance for any replies!


  • DJ253147DJ253147 Posts: 690
  • darthvedderdarthvedder Posts: 2,606
    The process is still the same.
    Only you can answer if you can hear the difference between lossless formats and aac or mp3. Personally, getting a product with stuff stripped out (regardless if I can hear it or not) bothers me, so I always go for lossless even though it costs more.
    Yes, you can burn CDs with ALAC if you have a Mac. It might be easier to burn CDs with FLAC if you have a PC.
    Yes, the CDs have artwork. But you should know that the CDs sold here and on nugs are burned onto CD-Rs.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,271
    Yes it's worth paying for Alac or Alac-HD, if you are an Apple user.
  • DJ253147DJ253147 Posts: 690
    edited December 2024
    Thanks very much to both you guys. I've got a 2020 MacBook Pro so I should be good. Last time I tried this was on an 2013 iMac so that could be part of the reason I had a few issues. 
    Post edited by DJ253147 on
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,271
    Also check out for more info. 
  • DJ253147DJ253147 Posts: 690
    edited December 2024
    DJ253147 said:
    Thanks very much to both you guys. I've got a 2020 MacBook Pro so I should be good. Last time I tried this was on an 2013 iMac so that could be part of the reason I had a few issues. 
    Well I thought I should be good but apparently that was a mistake. I've got the playlist in my iTunes library but the option to burn a CD is greyed out. 
    Again this is an ALAC file using the 2020 M1 MBP. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
    Post edited by DJ253147 on
  • DJ253147DJ253147 Posts: 690
    Please disregard I think I got it worked out. The Seattle 2018 boot had downloaded ok and I could see in Apple Music so I thought I coild burn it from there however I realized  had to create a new setlist before burning. 
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