Song of the day(Bugs)

Today's song off of Vitalogy, the 8th one on this album, is another strange tune the band came up with, enjoy and contribute if you like.
2/2/01 08:39 AM
El Conquistador
9/30/99 11:09 AM
this should be fun.....BUGS
Now I know a lot of you have something to sy about this one!
All these...
I got bugs
I got bugs in my room
bugs in my bed
bugs in my ears
Their eggs in my head
bugs in my pockets
bugs in my shoes
bugs in the way I feel about you
bugs on my window
Trying to get in
They don't go nowhere
Waiting, waiting...
bugs on my ceiling
Crowded the floor
Standing, sitting, kneeling...
A few block the door
And now the question's:
Do I kill them?
Become their friend?
Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?
Do I trick them?
I don't think they're that dumb
Do I join them?
Looks like that's the one
I got bugs on my skin
Tickle my nausea
I let it happen again
They're always takin' over
I see they surround me, I see...
See them deciding my fate
Oh, that which was once...was once up to me...
Now it's too late
I got bugs in my on one
That's when I had a chance
I'll just stop now
I'll become naked
And with the...I'll become one
9/30/99 11:43 AM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
did anyone ever see that old twlight zone or night gallery or whatever where the man was
obsessed with cleanliness and lived in a stark white apartment and at the end cockroaches
(those big african ones) started coming out of the drains and the walls and end up suffocating him??
well, i guess they became one
to me this song is like a thought we all had as a kid sitting in our room watching a spider or an ant on the
floor and wondering what their little ant/spider life would be like
can't wait to read everyone else's take on this
(oh i see ants and socities and man's survival through my romper room mirror)
9/30/99 2:00 PM
Twilight Zone ?
I remember that show not sure but I think it was the new Twilight Zone.
I hate bugs really hate them I am always the one who see's them and they freak me out especially when I am in my room I go on a search and destroy mission to eliminate all creatures in my room not human!
as for this song I love it's weirdness, my freind who likes all of their songs hates this song so I used to play it everytime we were in my car when this first came out!
Anytime PJ does something a little bit different on a song it is AOK with me!
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
9/30/99 2:02 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
I still remember hearing this song for the first time. i remember thinking"what the ......" But then i listened to it again. i love it. I also think it's really freakin' cool that Eddie is playing the accordian(sp). Any way, i'm not sure about how other people feel about this song, but i think it's cool. I'll bet if your really, really stoned when you listen to it, it could really really BUG you out(pardon the poor humor). i don't know, maybe i should try that.
9/30/99 2:14 PM
Green BUGS and ham....
This isn't really one of my favorites...but I noticed that if you look at the lyrics written down, it almost sounds like a demented Dr. Seuss book...
9/30/99 2:43 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
Maybe it's about insanity?
hearing voices, paranoia
9/30/99 2:57 PM
Re: buggin out...
What a fun, creepy song.
I'll just stop now...I'll become naked...and let them...I'll become one
But another difference in opinion on the lyrics.
"You know what it's like" EV
9/30/99 5:20 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
I love this song...Ed rocks on that accordian! It's great fun to listen to it and sing it to your kids as you pick the lice nits out of their hair!! I got bugs...MOM stop it!! My oldest daughter got really hooked on this last summer when they had to fumigate their house for cockroachs. I am sure there is a deep meaning to this one...then again maybe it was just for shits and giggles. Who knows. I prefer this discussion to the creed ones...they just BUG me...bye bye now
9/30/99 6:13 PM
Ed's on drugs!
I know ya'll are gonna cringe when I say this... but this is a beautiful song!
Instead of screaming or wispering through the song... Ed sings aloud! He uses his voice and the power of poetry to make your skin crawl.
He makes you laugh...
"Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?"
He make you think...
"And with them...I'll become one"
I love this song, and for those who say they don't care for it... I say listen again, and this time... sing along!!!
9/30/99 6:16 PM
ok,,,here goes
Not this just last summer, but the summer before it when i was seriously depressed and i was experiencing psychotic symptoms. well only 1. voices. anyway at one point i thought my neighbor who is female and about my age snuck up into my room while i was in the basement and was going to put a little video camera or something to spy on me and find out what a weird kid ("he's weird") i heard her say these words when i was "sleeping" under the stars on the backyard sidewalk. I think also ishmael and story of b and my ishmael and providence all made me depressed too. well except providence, it was sort of like reading about myself, at least thats how i looked at it and it made me feel betteer but sad too.
so alot happened in those crazy psychotic 2-3 weeks (no no drugs, and no i dont have schizophrenia, and no the voices that used to be in my head for only 2 or 3 weeks went away the 2nd day on meds and good nights of sleep. and im not on the anti-psychotic Xyprexa pill anymore. im only on an anti depressent and anti anxiety pill. and no the voices never told me to do anything, they just talked about me, like behind my back and stuff.
so anyway i was listening to vitalogy one night of several nights when i got absolutely no sleep thinking the voices (which strangely i thought were real) were watching me. i put on drop the leash real quick cause i wanted the voices to get out of my fukin face. then vitalogy. suicide might be my last exit. not for you, IM not for you, i want p-r-i-v-a-c-y, and bugs. bugs as beings little bugs like microphones and video cameras. im being planted with bugs. everyroom has a tiny video camera and a microphone was planted on me.
thats what i think the song bugs is about. not the 6 legged creatures, but the little electronic spying devices which pry into your privacy.
9/30/99 6:28 PM
Re: Ed's on drugs!
I was going to say it sounds like he's tripping! Personally, I like bugs in small numbers. I can't kill *one* bug. I even take them away from my cats and put them outside where they belong. But I don't have a problem with mass extermination. Hmmm. Maybe this is how genocidal dictators think.
9/30/99 6:43 PM
Re: ok,,,here goes
Hey 2010...thanks for sharing your story....I am so glad to hear you are doing so much better now! Depression and anxiety are not understood by alot of people, especially people who have never dealt with it. It is a very hard thing to explain to others, just wanted you to know I admire you for sharing your story!
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
9/30/99 7:10 PM
I agree with RrVwMIRROR, thanks a2010fire for sharing your story. And I'm also glad your doing better.
I think bugs could be looked at kind of like we did with Rats, it's a statement about people surrounding them and trying to get into all their business and shit like that. Or it's just pure silliness
"You know what it's like" EV
2/2/01 08:39 AM
El Conquistador
9/30/99 11:09 AM
this should be fun.....BUGS
Now I know a lot of you have something to sy about this one!
All these...
I got bugs
I got bugs in my room
bugs in my bed
bugs in my ears
Their eggs in my head
bugs in my pockets
bugs in my shoes
bugs in the way I feel about you
bugs on my window
Trying to get in
They don't go nowhere
Waiting, waiting...
bugs on my ceiling
Crowded the floor
Standing, sitting, kneeling...
A few block the door
And now the question's:
Do I kill them?
Become their friend?
Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?
Do I trick them?
I don't think they're that dumb
Do I join them?
Looks like that's the one
I got bugs on my skin
Tickle my nausea
I let it happen again
They're always takin' over
I see they surround me, I see...
See them deciding my fate
Oh, that which was once...was once up to me...
Now it's too late
I got bugs in my on one
That's when I had a chance
I'll just stop now
I'll become naked
And with the...I'll become one
9/30/99 11:43 AM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
did anyone ever see that old twlight zone or night gallery or whatever where the man was
obsessed with cleanliness and lived in a stark white apartment and at the end cockroaches
(those big african ones) started coming out of the drains and the walls and end up suffocating him??
well, i guess they became one
to me this song is like a thought we all had as a kid sitting in our room watching a spider or an ant on the
floor and wondering what their little ant/spider life would be like
can't wait to read everyone else's take on this
(oh i see ants and socities and man's survival through my romper room mirror)
9/30/99 2:00 PM
Twilight Zone ?
I remember that show not sure but I think it was the new Twilight Zone.
I hate bugs really hate them I am always the one who see's them and they freak me out especially when I am in my room I go on a search and destroy mission to eliminate all creatures in my room not human!
as for this song I love it's weirdness, my freind who likes all of their songs hates this song so I used to play it everytime we were in my car when this first came out!
Anytime PJ does something a little bit different on a song it is AOK with me!
I know someday you will have a beautiful life
9/30/99 2:02 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
I still remember hearing this song for the first time. i remember thinking"what the ......" But then i listened to it again. i love it. I also think it's really freakin' cool that Eddie is playing the accordian(sp). Any way, i'm not sure about how other people feel about this song, but i think it's cool. I'll bet if your really, really stoned when you listen to it, it could really really BUG you out(pardon the poor humor). i don't know, maybe i should try that.
9/30/99 2:14 PM
Green BUGS and ham....
This isn't really one of my favorites...but I noticed that if you look at the lyrics written down, it almost sounds like a demented Dr. Seuss book...
9/30/99 2:43 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
Maybe it's about insanity?
hearing voices, paranoia
9/30/99 2:57 PM
Re: buggin out...
What a fun, creepy song.
I'll just stop now...I'll become naked...and let them...I'll become one
But another difference in opinion on the lyrics.
"You know what it's like" EV
9/30/99 5:20 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
I love this song...Ed rocks on that accordian! It's great fun to listen to it and sing it to your kids as you pick the lice nits out of their hair!! I got bugs...MOM stop it!! My oldest daughter got really hooked on this last summer when they had to fumigate their house for cockroachs. I am sure there is a deep meaning to this one...then again maybe it was just for shits and giggles. Who knows. I prefer this discussion to the creed ones...they just BUG me...bye bye now
9/30/99 6:13 PM
Ed's on drugs!
I know ya'll are gonna cringe when I say this... but this is a beautiful song!
Instead of screaming or wispering through the song... Ed sings aloud! He uses his voice and the power of poetry to make your skin crawl.
He makes you laugh...
"Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?"
He make you think...
"And with them...I'll become one"
I love this song, and for those who say they don't care for it... I say listen again, and this time... sing along!!!
9/30/99 6:16 PM
ok,,,here goes
Not this just last summer, but the summer before it when i was seriously depressed and i was experiencing psychotic symptoms. well only 1. voices. anyway at one point i thought my neighbor who is female and about my age snuck up into my room while i was in the basement and was going to put a little video camera or something to spy on me and find out what a weird kid ("he's weird") i heard her say these words when i was "sleeping" under the stars on the backyard sidewalk. I think also ishmael and story of b and my ishmael and providence all made me depressed too. well except providence, it was sort of like reading about myself, at least thats how i looked at it and it made me feel betteer but sad too.
so alot happened in those crazy psychotic 2-3 weeks (no no drugs, and no i dont have schizophrenia, and no the voices that used to be in my head for only 2 or 3 weeks went away the 2nd day on meds and good nights of sleep. and im not on the anti-psychotic Xyprexa pill anymore. im only on an anti depressent and anti anxiety pill. and no the voices never told me to do anything, they just talked about me, like behind my back and stuff.
so anyway i was listening to vitalogy one night of several nights when i got absolutely no sleep thinking the voices (which strangely i thought were real) were watching me. i put on drop the leash real quick cause i wanted the voices to get out of my fukin face. then vitalogy. suicide might be my last exit. not for you, IM not for you, i want p-r-i-v-a-c-y, and bugs. bugs as beings little bugs like microphones and video cameras. im being planted with bugs. everyroom has a tiny video camera and a microphone was planted on me.
thats what i think the song bugs is about. not the 6 legged creatures, but the little electronic spying devices which pry into your privacy.
9/30/99 6:28 PM
Re: Ed's on drugs!
I was going to say it sounds like he's tripping! Personally, I like bugs in small numbers. I can't kill *one* bug. I even take them away from my cats and put them outside where they belong. But I don't have a problem with mass extermination. Hmmm. Maybe this is how genocidal dictators think.
9/30/99 6:43 PM
Re: ok,,,here goes
Hey 2010...thanks for sharing your story....I am so glad to hear you are doing so much better now! Depression and anxiety are not understood by alot of people, especially people who have never dealt with it. It is a very hard thing to explain to others, just wanted you to know I admire you for sharing your story!
I Let My Music Take Me Where My Heart Wants To Go
~Cat Stevens
9/30/99 7:10 PM
I agree with RrVwMIRROR, thanks a2010fire for sharing your story. And I'm also glad your doing better.
I think bugs could be looked at kind of like we did with Rats, it's a statement about people surrounding them and trying to get into all their business and shit like that. Or it's just pure silliness
"You know what it's like" EV
I know someday you will have a beautiful Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
9/30/99 8:41 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
Okay, think about it this way. I had never thought of it until my friend pointed it out to me a little while ago. Obviously, bugs has to mean something right? It's not a bunch of cockroaches in his room. He wouldn't be that straightforward, I don't think. Think about Vitalogy, and the main theme. What does he hate, what was he trying to escape? Think along the lines of Pry, To, Corduroy, and Not For You. bugs is about his fame. That's what I think at least...
9/30/99 10:58 PM
thank you; both of you
you both made my day
(i still believe the bugs he is talking
about are the microphones and cameras `;)
10/1/99 04:40 AM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
a2010fire's interpretation (mikes and cameras) makes sense to me... it's actually fun to read the lyrics in this light... but that's just it. To me this is another of those Vitalogy-experiments that I find cute but don't touch me.
Besides, I can't even say it's creative... it sounds a bit too much like Stone Temple Pilots' "Wet My Bed" for that...
*** CandleOfThought ***
"Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel"
10/1/99 08:40 AM
This song obviously has a painful story to it. Everyone and everything is bugging our Mr Ed. Somehow these "bugs" are following him everywhere, distracting him from what's important. Imagine: Cockroaches on his face at night while he's sleeping... Ants in his pants... mosquitoes biting him whenever he goes outside... Very sad really.
Red mosquito could be the sequel.
By the way, I just made everything up...
"Escape is never the safest path"
10/1/99 1:45 PM
Re: this should be fun.....BUGS
hey man, sorry, this is a little late. bugs is about Vedder's struggle with his fame. Actually, there are quite a few songs about fame on Vitalogy. Just think of the bugs as being the media, fans, etc.
" I can only be as good as you let me..."
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go....
2/2/01 09:24 AM
Re: SOTD: .....BUGS
I love 'Bugs'.....not only is it a great commentary....
.......BUT........Ed plays a wicked assed accordian in it to boot!.....(of course he only plays about 10 notes on it, but HEY! who here doesn't dig a bit of accordian.....raise their hands!)
makes me want to polka!
2/2/01 09:54 AM
Re: SOTD: .....BUGS
I'll just get naked and let them...
I'll become one.
2/2/01 10:17 AM
Re: SOTD: .....BUGS
fnuny going back ane reading this
JT's take on it has stuck with me
"well i hate to ask, but are friends electric?"