Release (Alive, Once and Footsteps)

My favourite songs from Ten are Alive, Release and Jeremy. Just looking at those first two, I read somewhere in an interview with Eddie that ALive Once and Footsteps are a trilogy (as they were the three songs he got on the demo.) They tell the story of a guy who has a troubled childhood (Alive), a violent adulthood (Once) and an early death (Footsteps). See if you can figure out the story and If u ewant more info ask or look for a website whose adress escapes me atm but is all about Eddie and his lyrics (under 'Eddie Vedder' search in google). If you have heard this idea before or have just looked it up or have an idea yourself, does anyone think release fits into this? basically, all three songs are about a guy and all his troubles go back to his mum. I wanna know if u think release is relevant. I think it it, but let me know (Only if all that makes sense)
‘‘If somebody said to me, in twelve years you’ll be in a band with your brother and two carrot munching geezers who don’t like football I would have said fuck off, I’m not joining the Bee Gees.’’
Noel Gallagher
Noel Gallagher
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh man i love that song. Hope that helps!