Passion, Presence, Pouring Out

They are getting older
Eddie’s hair, dyed brown
to hide the gray
He still climbs around on stage
but with a few missteps
and a little less balance
Ed forgets the lyrics at one point mid song
“Help me out” he shouts
Turns to Jeff
who sings his lyrics back to him
Turns around
and turns it up
He’s right back in it
Shakes off the forgotten lyrics, missteps and decreased balance
Releases the powerful
Baritone ballad that reverberates
In the depth of my heart
Takes a little longer to summit the subwoofer
but not as high
but not from the same places as his youth
Yet he still finds himself standing on top
Pouring out his soul and sweat
To the thousands of people
shouting their lyrics back
in a catharsis
Mike Mccreedys
energy, spryness and agility
As he runs circles around the stage
Constantly jumping up and down
And playing guitar behind his head
As he enters another dimension
strong and steady on the drums
quiet, yet powerful
smiling and bringing it
having a blast playing huge and brilliant bass
Much has changed
But wasn’t changed is the way
They pour it out
Everything out
No show is canned
And you feel it
Feel the passion
Feel the energy
Feel the heart and soul
from which the music originates
It’s all real
from a place of depth
And raw emotion
Maybe not Eddie’s hair color
But that’s about it
They start slow
Nothing man
It’s intimate and beautiful
Toward the end they play Alive
What was once written as a curse
and from acute pain
Has now turned into a song of celebration, forgiveness and overcoming
This is my band
I first heard them when I was 16
They helped me process difficult emotions
I didn’t really know how to handle
Suffering, pain, deep sadness and anger
And when I didn’t have the words
Their lyrics, emotion and power
Expressed, honored and released
What I needed
Now I’m 40
They are not the only ones who have changed
I now have words, courage and authenticity to share the depth of my heart with others too
Though decades have passed
what drew me to them
What lit my fire
What stirred my soul
has not changed
And perhaps is even more beautiful
When it’s still being practiced over 30 years later
And though I don’t have Ed’s vocals, Matt’s drumming ability, Stone, Mike and Matt’s guitar skills or Boones piano talent
I can be like them
In the way I show up
With my whole heart
And pour everything into what I do
With great energy and passion
And let the spirit move me
Never a canned show
Raw, real, beautiful
Pouring out
Pearl Jam
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle