
I don't want to beat a dead horse...

Human TideHuman Tide Posts: 322
edited August 2008 in Given To Fly (live)
...but there seemed to be even more douchebags in the audience tonight. Do those people really think the things they yell are funny? Is it some kind of weird psychological disorder in which they can't resist the opportunity to get 3 seconds of attention from a crowd? Maybe they are so anonymous and unremarkable in their everyday lives that being an idiot at a concert is their only chance to stand out? I just don't get it.
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    58823005882300 Posts: 813
    They just want to hear themselves on a boot if one should surface. It will never stop, just pray you don't have one next to you.

    I will have to admitt there was one hilarious drunk guy at one of the LA shows who screamed some crazy ass shit. It was something to effect of Eddie you play whatever you want and rock on with your bad self. That is probably way off but he was loud and you could barley understand him. I peed my pants at that one.
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    Human Tide wrote:
    ...but there seemed to be even more douchebags in the audience tonight. Do those people really think the things they yell are funny? Is it some kind of weird psychological disorder in which they can't resist the opportunity to get 3 seconds of attention from a crowd? Maybe they are so anonymous and unremarkable in their everyday lives that being an idiot at a concert is their only chance to stand out? I just don't get it.

    The thing that got me about it was, I'd never heard a crowd that large go COMPLETELY silent waiting for a performer to start his next song/intro/whatever. It was totally quiet in there...awesome, right?! And then some white-hat frat boy who wasn't weaned properly as an infant or I-don't-know-what-the-hell has to go and yell something incomprehensible that sounds like MWAAAAAHUNNNNNNNNDEEEERRRRUUUHHHHHHH!!!!

    That said, I think the yelling depended on where you were sitting. Wasn't too bad Mezz Left (and I mean WAY left!).
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